18+ only! spam posting blog: hahaillmurderyouHi! I’m Caitlin, I’m 23, intp-t, She/herI’m a hopeless romantic with terrible commitment issues but a massive whore for Changbin, Namjoon, DK and Mingi 🫠
158 posts
So So Excited To Be A Part Of This!
So so excited to be a part of this!
~acceptance round 2~

It’s time for our second round of acceptances! We’ve got a big round this time, with a total of 12 new creators! I’m so excited for you to meet them all, and for all of them to be a part of the network! Welcome everyone, and I can’t wait to get to know you all!

@cremepuffingwaldio @galaktikisses @satis-fulminare @amalthea-000 @itsthe-grim-reaper @nachotrash @koushisbabie @sisterofsomeone @coophi @haikyuutothetop @smolmo @mmilkbreadd

Now that you’ve been accepted:
1 - please reblog this post
2 - please make sure you are following the network if you haven’t already and I’ll follow you back
3 - link the network somewhere visible on your blog
4 - if you’ve expressed interest in the discord server, I will message you shortly with details
5 - start tracking the tag #hqcafenet to get official updates from the network
6 - start tracking the tag #haikyuucafe if you’d like to get updates on when your fellow creators post pieces

Again, thank you so much for applying, and I am so excited to get to spread your amazing works with the rest of our community. I can’t wait to start working with you all!
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More Posts from Sisterofsomeone
shout out to all the people who identify with gifted kid burnout syndrome who are probably just neurodivergent but werent diagnosed as a child, who used to devour books like it was nothing and never really understood why the protagonist would leave their cool fantasy world behind to go back home at the end of the story, and who are now extremely disappointed in reality and use escapism as their primary coping mechanism. how’s that bisexuality and deep-rooted anger at the school system going for you?
花吐き病 – Flower Vomiting Disease
- Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader
- Warnings: Bodily harm, blood, angst, death, pain description, swearing,
- Summary: You knew the end was coming, had been for a while now. If only you meant as much to him as he did to you then maybe it wouldn’t end this way. If only he loved you. Or maybe, you could cut this flower out and be free of this.
- Part 1 – The Beginnings of Cherry Blossom
- Part 2 – The Clawing of Branches
- Part 3 –
- Part 4 –
- Part 5 –
- Tags: @haikyuu-cafe @sassyglassesbunny @cuddlesslut @daphnxy @bakugouswh0r3 @playboygeniusphilanthropist
Happy Birthday Noya
- Yu Nishinoya x fem reader, no warnings, fluffy and cute! Small references to making babies but nothing detailed, enjoy!
“Noya?” You said tugging on the older boy’s shirt.
“Yeah y/n?”
“Do you really mean it? Like, pinky promise mean it?” He laughed and ruffled your hair.
“Of course I mean it! I’ll marry you when we’re all grown up and we’ll have a proper family together. We’ll have a big house and loads of animals and we can travel together and laugh and dance all the time!” He clasped your smaller hands in his and locked your gaze. His eyes sparkled and your heart sped up in your chest.
“I’ll be with you forever y/n!”
That was ten years ago now and you hadn’t spoken to the libero in almost three years. He was a year your senior in school, and when he’d moved from junior high to high school his devotion to volleyball and his beloved Kiyoko drew his attention away from you for long enough that you just dissolved from his view. You weren’t close anymore, and he’d stopped proposing marriage to you when he’d turned twelve and learnt how babies were made, suddenly the promise of having children with you one day was a bit too much for his brain to handle. You’d promised yourself that you would move on too like he had, but no one could ever hold a candle to your Noya.
“Y/n!” Your best friend Yachi was waving her hand in your face as you gazed out of the window in a day dream. You were abruptly brought back to reality as she giggled softly.
“God you are all over the place today! What’s up?” She seemed concerned but masked it with a friendly smile.
“Nothing really, it’s just...” you sighed placing your chin in your hand and leaning on the table in front of you.
“I didn’t realise Nishinoya’s birthday affected you this much y/n.” Just hearing his name sent tears to your eyes, and you tried to blink them away before Yachi saw but it was no use.
“Oh y/n, you really miss him don’t you?” That’s all it took for you to break down at your desk. You really did miss that boy. Yachi pulled you to the girls toilet by your classroom and helped wipe your tears away and blot away the redness from your cheeks. You were thankful to have her in your life. She was the only one who knew about your past with him and the only one who’d you’d felt comfortable enough with to confide in about your love for Noya.
“You could always come to practise tonight and see him again?” She kept trying to get you to go to practise with her after school ever since she became the club manager. You’d met some of the first years, namely Kageyama and Hinata, but you would just feel way too awkward.
“No that’s such a bad idea. One, I have no reason to be there, and two he wouldn’t even remember me.” She scoffed at you and rolled her eyes.
“I can say you’re waiting for me because we have a project or we’re walking home together, and he’ll totally remember you. You’re gonna get married remember?” She teased, poking you in the sides until you let a giggle escape your lips. You tried pushing her hands away but it was no use, she’d gotten you to laugh so loudly that a teacher had to come in and tell you two to shut it and get back to class. You did as you were told, and both hurried back to class, but not before Yachi got you to promise to go to practise with her after school.
You knew this was a bad idea, and that was only reinforced when Yachi pulled you into the gym and had all the players greet you. You smiled and said hi back but it was obvious you were uncomfortable. In the end though they didn’t even ask why you were there and the coach didn’t seem to mind so you just took a seat on the edge of the bench and watched.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Noya, you hadn’t even been able to say hi to him when you’d walked in behind Yachi, not that he’d even came over to say hi anyway. You were fiddling with your hands when you heard a familiar voice shouting your name.
“Y/n! Hey!” You looked to see Hinata waving at you as he rushed in late to practise.
“What are you doing here?” He offered you a smile and you gave him one right back.
“O-oh, I’m just waiting for Yachi. I’m staying at hers tonight.” He nodded and waved to Yachi.
“That’s cool! You said hey to Noya yet? I’m sure-“ He was interrupted by a volleyball to the back of the head and an icy glare from Asahi, silently telling him to back off. You went a little pale when he said Noya’s name but tried to act as calmly as possible. He ran off, throwing an apology Noya’s way and just shrugged at Kageyama when he asked him how he was so stupid. Yachi nudged you and smiled.
“Nishinoya is blushing right now.” You dared a peak over at the boy and sure enough he was. Kiyoko was slightly giggling beside you and there was an air of nervousness flowing through the boys. You felt as though just being there was making things way too tense, so you made an excuse and left despite Yachi begging you not to.
Stepping outside into the cold fresh air of October was relaxing. You’d always liked the colder months, being able to wrap yourself in layer upon layer. It was also an excuse to bring out the old scarf Noya gave you as a present when you two were younger.
“You still have that old thing?”
You were frozen in place, your hand reaching up to the scarf around your neck.
“Wow, I’m impressed. Thought you would have thrown that out years ago.” He chuckled next to you, the sound sending you hurtling back to your childhood together.
“Hey Noya.” It came out as barely a whisper, but he heard you.
“Been a while, hasn’t it?” He was fidgeting next to you, obviously uncomfortable with your presence.
“Look I’m so sorry for coming I-“ you stopped talking when you turned to face him and saw the rosey blush dusting his cheeks and the smile playing on his lips.
“Happy birthday.” He looked startled for a second, but his eyes softened into your gaze.
“You remembered?” Nodding eagerly you smiled back at him.
“I always remember, every year.” He let out a sigh and dropped his gaze to the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust.
“I’m really sorry for disappearing on you y/n. I shouldn’t have left you like that.”
“Oh, thanks. I mean, you were growing up and needed space. I get that.”
“But I didn’t want space from you. I still don’t. I just thought...” he sighed and kicked the ground again, his voice shaken.
“I thought you’d be happier with your friends in your own year. That I wasn’t fun for you anymore, that you didn’t enjoy my company.” In that moment you realised he hadn’t dropped you because he’d moved on, but the opposite. He’d felt that he wasn’t good enough for you.
“Noya.” Your voice was louder this time, but soft and warm. He raised his eyes back up to meet yours. The soft hazel seemingly melting under your gaze.
“How could I hate the company of the man I’m gonna marry?” You smiled at this, a playful lilt in your words. He blushed at you and a smile broke out across his whole face.
“To be honest y/n, when I found out how babies were made I kind of freaked out.” He playfully joked back, but there was a sense of vulnerability to him.
“Oh god, don’t remind me! When I found out my dad wouldn’t stop going on about how ‘Noya will never do that to his baby girl’” you laughed placing a hand on his arm for support. This was nice.
“Your dad actually asked me to stop talking about marrying you, you know? Said I was gonna stop you from living your life.” Your laughter stopped and you looked up at the libero. “He said I wouldn’t let you meet new people if I kept telling you that we were gonna get married, that you would get too attached and wouldn’t make choices for yourself.”
“He what?” Your voice was harsher now, the anger prevalent in your tone.
“He was just trying to protect you y/n, that’s all.” He raised an eyebrow at your sudden outburst and you felt silly all of a sudden.
“But, if he hadn’t of told me to back off, I’m sure I would have brought you a ring by now.” This caught you totally off guard. Noya had always joked about buying you an engagement ring, but the way he was saying it now you could tell there was no way he was joking.
“I really miss you y/n. I’m still up for marrying you, if you’ll have me?” You blinked at him, his cheeks now burning red and his ears turning a deep shade of pink. This was really happening.
You let out a soft hum and pretended to be lost in thought for a moment before placing a swift kiss on his cheek. His hand flew up to the spot and he stared at you with a mix of bewilderment and pure joy.
“Maybe we should go on a date first before we start picking out the baby names?” He smiled at this and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“I’m so okay with that y/n.” He leant in, his nose brushing against yours, silently asking for your permission. You nodded and his lips met yours. He was much softer and calmer than you’d imagined, but it still set fireworks off in your brain. He pulled back after a few moments, his smile wide and eyes sparkling like they did all those years ago.
“You promise you want me? Like pinky promise mean it?” He pulled you impossibly closer to his chest and kissed you again, and that’s exactly the response you needed to calm your nerves.
-acceptance round 2-

We’ve gotten off to a great start here at HQ In the Club, but the time has come to add even more new members! We have 20 new members to introduce, and I can’t wait for you to meet them. Here they are!

@sinfulcries @sisterofsomeone @meowstea @tsumue @bubbleteaimagines @read-between-the-legs @obarnes @nanengko @bunbyy @goldenshoyo @fishstyx @siren-writings @kshira @kiyoo-omi @oikawasmommy @sunatooru @kechiwrites @mianavs @marleyterians @bokuroskitten @daddyjima

Now that you’ve been accepted:
1 - please reblog this post
2 - please make sure you are following the network if you haven’t already
3 - link the network somewhere visible on your blog
4 - if you’ve expressed interest in the discord server, I will message you shortly with details
5 - don’t forget to start tagging your nsfw works with #hqintheclub so we can reblog all your works

Creators, thank you so much for applying and showing interest in this network. Like I said, I’m so excited to welcome you all to the Club, and I can’t wait for everyone to get to read your works!
花吐き病 - Part 1 – The Beginnings of Cherry Blossom
- Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader
- Masterlist
- Warnings: Angst, minor character death, swearing,
- Summary: Iwaizumi and Oikawa had been your friends since childhood. Sure you had feelings for Iwa-chan, but they wouldn't be the death of you, right?
I'm not her. I wish I were, maybe then it wouldn't be so painful.
The sky was grey, overcast, and dreary as you stared across the courtyard. You saw some of your friends huddled under the bike shed to avoid the rain, but you were already caught right in the middle of the downpour. It was cold, a chill running through you as you trudged towards the entrance of your school, white shirt almost completely transparent now. This is exactly what you needed on your first day of senior year.
"Oi y/n, you're gonna get sick." He said throwing his jacket over your shaking shoulders and pulling you under his umbrella. "You're an idiot, you know that right?" You nodded silently. Words were always hard when it came to him. You dared to look up at him, his eyes cold and jaw tight. You thought he was mad until a smirk crawled across his face. "Enjoying the view?" You flushed, darting your eyes back to the ground while he chuckled softly above you. His hand guided you forwards as your legs grew still next to him. “Hurry it or I’ll leave you out here in the rain.” He barked out, causing you to rush to be beside him again. He was warm and smelled of cinnamon and birthday cake. All your friends would snicker whenever you said something like that, but it was true to you, the only way to describe Iwaizumi correctly, as abstract as it was. His hair was dark like the bark of an oak tree, hands calloused but firm against your back, pushing you ever forwards. You had kissed him once at a party in middle school. His lips were soft, movements strong at first before the boys started to poke fun at the two of you. He grew hesitant and eventually pulled away, leaving you stunned and flustered. It was a stupid dare he said as he wiped his mouth and smiled at the boys, but to you it meant everything. He tasted of sunlight and summer; a warm, buzzing feeling spreading through your chest, intoxicating you. Now you know, that was when it took root.
Iwaizumi ushered you to the nurse’s office, telling her you had been caught in the dreadful rain and she took you in without hesitation. Iwaizumi left with a silent nod in your direction as the nurse instructed you to undress and swap into some dry clothes, she had some spare and laid them on the bed for you before pulling the curtains shut. You did as you were told, undressing, and handing her your wet clothes. His jacket hung loosely across the back of the chair you had placed it on, but you enjoyed it being there. Iwaizumi always looked after you, and had done so ever since your mother passed three years ago, but he was a good friend to you even before all that. Your father had told you about your mother’s death over dinner, rather callously, saying that she had not been strong enough to survive the operation. You excused yourself from the table and ran all the way to Iwaizumi's house without shedding a single tear. His father opened the door, welcoming you in with a smile and shouting for Iwaizumi to come down and say hello. You silently followed him up the stairs, the news hadn’t reached them yet, so he was absentmindedly mumbling about some new move he learnt at practise that day. He kicked his bedroom door open and motioned for you to sit down. His room was messy, clothes scattered around the floor and dirty plates stacked on his desk. He caught your eyes and pulled you into his chest. “What’s wrong? You’re not okay.” That’s when you broke down, allowing yourself to finally cry for your loss. You felt all that pain, and he was right there with you through it all.
“Hey? You okay darling?” You blinked, not realising you’d been staring at the jacket.
“Y-yeah, just cold.” The nurse nodded and closed the curtain again to give you your privacy back while she went to turn up the radiator. You pulled the scratchy grey jumper over your head and shimmied into the black skirt she’d left on the bed for you before finally putting his jacket back on your shoulders. It was warm, Iwaizumi had brought it when you two went shopping a year ago, saying he looked like a shoujo-romance-manga-guy. You’d scoffed at the time, but you couldn’t help the fluttering of your heart. Your chest was aching as you watched him observe himself in the changing room mirrors, seeing him fix his hair and smile stupidly at his reflection. He was beaming when you shot him a weak smile back, exclaiming that this was the jacket he was gonna buy. You’d tried to remind him that it was more than he had said he’d wanted to spend but he dismissed you by saying that if you liked it, it was worth the extra money.
“Thank you for the spare uniform, I’m gonna head to class now. I’ll be back for my clothes at the end of the day if they’re not dry beforehand.”
“Okay darling, just be careful now, and don’t go back out into the rain without an umbrella!” She was smiling at you, but her tone was laced with worry as you rushed out of the little office.
The class had begun as you pulled back the door.
“Nice to finally see you today.”
“Sorry I’m late-“
“Miss, Iwa-chan did tell you that he took y/n to the nurse’s office.” Oikawa said as he waved at you. You smiled softly at him, and the teacher muttered something about rudeness or tardiness. You took no mind as you rushed to your seat beside the setter.
“So, see-through shirt trick hey?” He nudged you with his elbow and you flicked his forehead.
“More like I didn’t look at the weather forecast and left my umbrella and coat at home today. No trick. I don’t even think there is a trick that would get him to notice me.” You dropped your head onto your desk and heard a sigh leave the boy next to you.
“You never know until you try!” His sing-song lilt always annoyed the hell out of you.
“I can’t even speak to him, let alone pull off flirting with him.” You sneered back as Oikawa chuckled softly beside you.
“Well, you better figure it out fast. I hear she’s gonna confess to him today under the cherry blossom tree in the school garden.” The emphasis was apparent, and the word dripped with disdain as it left his lips. Oikawa hated Aoi almost as much as you did, but the two of you seemed to be the only one’s immune to her charms – sadly, that included Iwaizumi.
“It’s only a rumour, so you may be lucky. But I wouldn’t count on it sadly.” You lifted your head to meet his gaze. He was staring at you so intently, looking for any sign of distress in your face, but he didn’t find any. You were good at hiding your feelings.
“Good for her, I just hope she’s good to him.” You forced a smile, sitting up and finally paying attention to the teacher and the grammar lesson she was attempting to teach.
Oikawa continued to try to get your attention all morning, but you ignored him, opting to throw yourself into boring lesson after boring lesson, pretending to be okay with the idea of Iwaizumi falling for anyone but you. Your chest ached, lungs burnt, but you just pushed all the pain down and faked a smile, answering any questions thrown your way easily. He threw paper at you; pens poked your sides making you yelp and have to fake sneezes to cover the sounds.
“Fucking stop it Toru.”
“Oh, first name? I must be in trouble.” He smirked, throwing more paper your way while the teacher’s back was turned.
“You are. I’m so gonna kill you for this.”
“Then admit you’re upset.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m not upset. Iwa-chan isn’t mine to be possessive over.” Your chest ached at this admission, your body reacting to the idea of losing something that was never quite yours to begin with. Oikawa raised his eyebrow at you quizzically.
“That’s such a lie.”
“No, it’s not. He is free to date whoever he wants.” Your chest didn’t seem to agree, the tightness growing and your lungs burning. “And so am I.” You beamed at the setter, seemingly unfazed but he didn’t buy it.
“Like you would date anyone else.”
“I could!”
“Could not.”
“Could so!”
“Could-“ There was a loud bang as the board eraser collided with Oikawa’s shoulder, covering you both in a cloud of chalk dust. You recoiled, spluttering, and gasping for air.
“If you two are quite finished arguing in my lesson!” The teacher shouted. Oikawa protested for a moment, before the threat of another eraser being thrown at his head this time shut him up for good. Finally, some peace and quiet before lunch.
Oikawa’s girls had always hated you, but now they were easily planning your death, figuring out how to make it look like an accident. He had followed you at the start of lunch like a lost puppy. You headed to your usual area bento in hand, towards the bench beside the volleyball gym, and when you went to sit down he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap. That’s how you ended up like this, with Iwaizumi looking very uncomfortable sitting next to you two.
“So, this is new.”
“Oh, this? Nah, you just never see this side of y/n.” Oikawa teased, wiggling his eyebrows as he placed his hands on your hips. You yelped and glared at the brunette underneath you.
“O-Oikawa…” You stuttered out, obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. You turned to look at him, your face red and body shaking softly.
“Aww y/n! Don’t be like that! You love sitting on my lap, don’t you? You love it when we’re alone at least.” Oikawa purred into your ear, but obviously loud enough for Iwaizumi to hear.
“Okay shitty-kawa, leave the poor girl alone.” He said, wrapping his hand around your arm and pulling you off of the brunette and onto the bench beside him.
“Aw, you’re such a buzz kill.” Oikawa poked his tongue out, pulling his eyelid as well and Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes.
“Shut up dipshit.” He said laughing softly. It was a nice noise.
“You would think after ten years of us, she’d get bored you know?”
“Oh yeah, all your other girls ran off within a few months max.” Oikawa threw a bit of his omelette at Iwaizumi, narrowly missing his friend. They shared a laugh across you, the sounds already calming you.
“You’d think you’d stop getting handsy with y/n after she so obviously turned you down last year.” Iwaizumi teased.
“Hey! She didn’t turn me down. We agreed we would be better as friends – mutually!” Oikawa pouted as you stifled a giggle. Iwaizumi glanced down at you, a smile spreading across his face when he saw you fully relaxed again. This was how you loved spending time with the two of them, just joking around and having fun. It wasn’t long before you were all separated again and had to rush off to class for the afternoon. But soon you’d be able to watch them practise after school like always, and that was the highlight of your day.
He was late. Iwaizumi was never late, but here it was 20 minutes into practice, and he wasn’t there. You had checked the changing rooms, running field, even his classrooms, but he wasn’t anywhere. You walked slowly back to the gym through the gardens, thinking about calling him, when you heard it.
“I like you. I like like you, Iwaizumi.” Silence. You hid behind the stone wall in the garden, just out of sight of the pair.
“Aoi I-“
“You don’t need to answer me now, just tell me there’s no one else.”
“Look, I’ve told you I’m single-“
“But you haven’t told me if there’s anyone you like yet, Iwa-chan.” It sounded wrong coming from her, the nickname sickly sweet, almost heavy in your ears.
“Aoi, -“
“Tell me there’s a chance for me Iwa.” You could almost hear the pathetic fluttering of her eyelashes from your hiding place. He would never.
“There’s a chance. But I want to get to know you first, okay?”
That’s when you felt it for the first time. The clawing at the back of your throat. You rushed to the bathroom, gasping, and struggling for air as your chest tightened. Throwing open the bathroom stall you retched into the toilet bowl, eyes watering and body shivering. Then you saw them through the tears streaming down your cheeks. Cherry blossoms were lying in the toilet bowl. You coughed and spluttered, bringing up more of the pale pink petals. They fluttered momentarily, before hitting the water and settling. That’s when you knew you couldn’t ever love anyone else, and you couldn’t survive without Iwaizumi loving you back.
- Tags: @haikyuu-cafe @sassyglassesbunny @cuddlesslut @daphnxy @bakugouswh0r3 @playboygeniusphilanthropist