Haikyuucafe - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Happy Birthday Noya

- Yu Nishinoya x fem reader, no warnings, fluffy and cute! Small references to making babies but nothing detailed, enjoy!


“Noya?” You said tugging on the older boy’s shirt.

“Yeah y/n?”

“Do you really mean it? Like, pinky promise mean it?” He laughed and ruffled your hair.

“Of course I mean it! I’ll marry you when we’re all grown up and we’ll have a proper family together. We’ll have a big house and loads of animals and we can travel together and laugh and dance all the time!” He clasped your smaller hands in his and locked your gaze. His eyes sparkled and your heart sped up in your chest.

“I’ll be with you forever y/n!”


That was ten years ago now and you hadn’t spoken to the libero in almost three years. He was a year your senior in school, and when he’d moved from junior high to high school his devotion to volleyball and his beloved Kiyoko drew his attention away from you for long enough that you just dissolved from his view. You weren’t close anymore, and he’d stopped proposing marriage to you when he’d turned twelve and learnt how babies were made, suddenly the promise of having children with you one day was a bit too much for his brain to handle. You’d promised yourself that you would move on too like he had, but no one could ever hold a candle to your Noya.

“Y/n!” Your best friend Yachi was waving her hand in your face as you gazed out of the window in a day dream. You were abruptly brought back to reality as she giggled softly.

“God you are all over the place today! What’s up?” She seemed concerned but masked it with a friendly smile.

“Nothing really, it’s just...” you sighed placing your chin in your hand and leaning on the table in front of you.

“I didn’t realise Nishinoya’s birthday affected you this much y/n.” Just hearing his name sent tears to your eyes, and you tried to blink them away before Yachi saw but it was no use.

“Oh y/n, you really miss him don’t you?” That’s all it took for you to break down at your desk. You really did miss that boy. Yachi pulled you to the girls toilet by your classroom and helped wipe your tears away and blot away the redness from your cheeks. You were thankful to have her in your life. She was the only one who knew about your past with him and the only one who’d you’d felt comfortable enough with to confide in about your love for Noya.

“You could always come to practise tonight and see him again?” She kept trying to get you to go to practise with her after school ever since she became the club manager. You’d met some of the first years, namely Kageyama and Hinata, but you would just feel way too awkward.

“No that’s such a bad idea. One, I have no reason to be there, and two he wouldn’t even remember me.” She scoffed at you and rolled her eyes.

“I can say you’re waiting for me because we have a project or we’re walking home together, and he’ll totally remember you. You’re gonna get married remember?” She teased, poking you in the sides until you let a giggle escape your lips. You tried pushing her hands away but it was no use, she’d gotten you to laugh so loudly that a teacher had to come in and tell you two to shut it and get back to class. You did as you were told, and both hurried back to class, but not before Yachi got you to promise to go to practise with her after school.


You knew this was a bad idea, and that was only reinforced when Yachi pulled you into the gym and had all the players greet you. You smiled and said hi back but it was obvious you were uncomfortable. In the end though they didn’t even ask why you were there and the coach didn’t seem to mind so you just took a seat on the edge of the bench and watched.

You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Noya, you hadn’t even been able to say hi to him when you’d walked in behind Yachi, not that he’d even came over to say hi anyway. You were fiddling with your hands when you heard a familiar voice shouting your name.

“Y/n! Hey!” You looked to see Hinata waving at you as he rushed in late to practise.

“What are you doing here?” He offered you a smile and you gave him one right back.

“O-oh, I’m just waiting for Yachi. I’m staying at hers tonight.” He nodded and waved to Yachi.

“That’s cool! You said hey to Noya yet? I’m sure-“ He was interrupted by a volleyball to the back of the head and an icy glare from Asahi, silently telling him to back off. You went a little pale when he said Noya’s name but tried to act as calmly as possible. He ran off, throwing an apology Noya’s way and just shrugged at Kageyama when he asked him how he was so stupid. Yachi nudged you and smiled.

“Nishinoya is blushing right now.” You dared a peak over at the boy and sure enough he was. Kiyoko was slightly giggling beside you and there was an air of nervousness flowing through the boys. You felt as though just being there was making things way too tense, so you made an excuse and left despite Yachi begging you not to.

Stepping outside into the cold fresh air of October was relaxing. You’d always liked the colder months, being able to wrap yourself in layer upon layer. It was also an excuse to bring out the old scarf Noya gave you as a present when you two were younger.

“You still have that old thing?”

You were frozen in place, your hand reaching up to the scarf around your neck.

“Wow, I’m impressed. Thought you would have thrown that out years ago.” He chuckled next to you, the sound sending you hurtling back to your childhood together.

“Hey Noya.” It came out as barely a whisper, but he heard you.

“Been a while, hasn’t it?” He was fidgeting next to you, obviously uncomfortable with your presence.

“Look I’m so sorry for coming I-“ you stopped talking when you turned to face him and saw the rosey blush dusting his cheeks and the smile playing on his lips.

“Happy birthday.” He looked startled for a second, but his eyes softened into your gaze.

“You remembered?” Nodding eagerly you smiled back at him.

“I always remember, every year.” He let out a sigh and dropped his gaze to the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust.

“I’m really sorry for disappearing on you y/n. I shouldn’t have left you like that.”

“Oh, thanks. I mean, you were growing up and needed space. I get that.”

“But I didn’t want space from you. I still don’t. I just thought...” he sighed and kicked the ground again, his voice shaken.

“I thought you’d be happier with your friends in your own year. That I wasn’t fun for you anymore, that you didn’t enjoy my company.” In that moment you realised he hadn’t dropped you because he’d moved on, but the opposite. He’d felt that he wasn’t good enough for you.

“Noya.” Your voice was louder this time, but soft and warm. He raised his eyes back up to meet yours. The soft hazel seemingly melting under your gaze.

“How could I hate the company of the man I’m gonna marry?” You smiled at this, a playful lilt in your words. He blushed at you and a smile broke out across his whole face.

“To be honest y/n, when I found out how babies were made I kind of freaked out.” He playfully joked back, but there was a sense of vulnerability to him.

“Oh god, don’t remind me! When I found out my dad wouldn’t stop going on about how ‘Noya will never do that to his baby girl’” you laughed placing a hand on his arm for support. This was nice.

“Your dad actually asked me to stop talking about marrying you, you know? Said I was gonna stop you from living your life.” Your laughter stopped and you looked up at the libero. “He said I wouldn’t let you meet new people if I kept telling you that we were gonna get married, that you would get too attached and wouldn’t make choices for yourself.”

“He what?” Your voice was harsher now, the anger prevalent in your tone.

“He was just trying to protect you y/n, that’s all.” He raised an eyebrow at your sudden outburst and you felt silly all of a sudden.

“But, if he hadn’t of told me to back off, I’m sure I would have brought you a ring by now.” This caught you totally off guard. Noya had always joked about buying you an engagement ring, but the way he was saying it now you could tell there was no way he was joking.

“I really miss you y/n. I’m still up for marrying you, if you’ll have me?” You blinked at him, his cheeks now burning red and his ears turning a deep shade of pink. This was really happening.

You let out a soft hum and pretended to be lost in thought for a moment before placing a swift kiss on his cheek. His hand flew up to the spot and he stared at you with a mix of bewilderment and pure joy.

“Maybe we should go on a date first before we start picking out the baby names?” He smiled at this and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.

“I’m so okay with that y/n.” He leant in, his nose brushing against yours, silently asking for your permission. You nodded and his lips met yours. He was much softer and calmer than you’d imagined, but it still set fireworks off in your brain. He pulled back after a few moments, his smile wide and eyes sparkling like they did all those years ago.

“You promise you want me? Like pinky promise mean it?” He pulled you impossibly closer to his chest and kissed you again, and that’s exactly the response you needed to calm your nerves.

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3 years ago

Leaving Again

- Shoyo Hinata x gender neutral!reader

- Warnings: angst

- Summary: Hinata says a tear filled goodbye to you at the airport


He was holding on to you so tightly, as if this was the last time he’d ever get to feel you against his chest. He tried to hide his tears in your hair, covering the top of your head in rushed kisses as the final call for his flight rung out through the airport.

“I love you y/n, and it’s only a few months.” You nodded, knowing nothing you could say would make this moment any less painful.

“It’s only a few months in Brazil. Only a little while apart. We’ll be okay.” He chanted into your hair, laying kiss after kiss down. He was trying to calm himself down, convince himself that you wouldn’t get bored of waiting and leave him. He was so scared of losing you.

“Final call. Will Mr Hinata Shoyo please come to gate 14. That’s Mr Hinata Shoyo to gate 14.” He tensed up around you, pulling you closer and laying a kiss on your head one last time. He usually littered your face and neck with kisses, but they were happy and full of love, these were rushed, trembling, and full of sorrow.

“I promise you I’ll be back soon. I’m sorry I have to go.” You smiled as he pulled away, both of your faces covered in tears.

“Don’t be sorry, one day you’ll come home to me for good and we can have a proper family. Little red headed kids screaming our home down, me and you outnumbered in the middle.” You laid a soft kiss on his nose and some smaller ones on his cheeks.

“I really have to go now baby.” You stood back, holding onto your car keys for dear life. This never got easier.

“I love you y/n.”

“I love you too Sho. Come home safely.”

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3 years ago

So so excited to be a part of this!


~acceptance round 2~


It’s time for our second round of acceptances! We’ve got a big round this time, with a total of 12 new creators! I’m so excited for you to meet them all, and for all of them to be a part of the network! Welcome everyone, and I can’t wait to get to know you all!


@cremepuffingwaldio @galaktikisses @satis-fulminare @amalthea-000 @itsthe-grim-reaper @nachotrash @koushisbabie @sisterofsomeone @coophi @haikyuutothetop @smolmo @mmilkbreadd​ 


Now that you’ve been accepted:

1 - please reblog this post

2 - please make sure you are following the network if you haven’t already and I’ll follow you back

3 - link the network somewhere visible on your blog

4 - if you’ve expressed interest in the discord server, I will message you shortly with details

5 - start tracking the tag #hqcafenet to get official updates from the network

6 - start tracking the tag #haikyuucafe if you’d like to get updates on when your fellow creators post pieces


Again, thank you so much for applying, and I am so excited to get to spread your amazing works with the rest of our community. I can’t wait to start working with you all!

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3 years ago

Just Us Against The World

Hq Hangout x Haikyuu-Cafe collab!

- Tetsurō Kuroo x fem!reader

- Prompt: Established Relationships

- Warnings: angst, talking about late stage pregnancy, arguments, insults, swearing, mentions of cheating

- Summary: you and Kuroo have been dating for years, but upon finding out that you’re unexpectedly pregnant while he’s away preparing for an important international match, you decide to keep it all a secret, that is until he turns up at your doorstep with the national newspaper in his hands

- Author Note: I’m so excited to be writing as a part of a collective now! So to celebrate I’m writing a little angst-filled one shot I’ve been thinking about for ages for the hq hangout x haikyuu-cafe collab! I apologise for this entry being so bloody late though! Tags at the end!


The little angel inside of you kicked and wiggled almost every minute now. You could barely get any sleep; your eating schedule was totally out of whack and you didn’t even know feet could swell up that big. Your chest was heavy and sore, your back felt as if you laid in a bed of nails every night and your head was almost always pounding. You were now seven months pregnant, sore and achy everywhere but glowing according to your mother. But you were doing it all for your little boy. Your tiny Tetsu.

You were still thinking of a way to break it to him, to let him know that while he’s been helping the boys train for their national games for the past five months, you’ve been growing and carrying his first child. Your first child. It was scary, you were terrified every day, but you knew he had to focus, and this was something you could take care of yourself. He was due home any day now anyway, so he’d still get to see how swollen and cranky you’d become, he’d still get the excitement and the awe you got every day when you realised you were closer to holding your little bundle of joy in your arms. You wanted to kiss him already, to look into his eyes and swear to protect him. You knew his dad would always be there for him, you always said Tetsu would make the most doting father. Your little boy wasn’t planned though which is why you were so scared. You hadn’t really spoken seriously about children but he knew it was something you wouldn’t budge on and whenever you two did joke about the subject he seemed deep down to like the idea of having little mini-me’s running around the place.

Your phone went off beside you on the sofa and you smiled softly when you saw it was Shoyo. You two had dated all throughout high school and through part of your college career. You only split up when Shoyo decided that he would never want a family, the one thing you wanted more than anything in the world. He didn’t want to be the reason you were miserable for the rest of your life, so he let you go. Sure it hurt more than anything you’d ever felt before, but it allowed you to stretch your wings and meet the true love of your life. Remaining friends with Shoyo after your breakup allowed you to mingle with more of his friends outside of Karasuno, and that’s what led you to Tetsu. He always knew about your past with Shoyo and never held it against you. He got jealous occasionally, but you reassured him that you wanted him and no one else. It was true, you only had eyes for Tetsu, even if you did occasionally daydream about what a life with Shoyo would be like, but he was happily dating Kageyama now and even you had to admit they were the perfect couple.

Shoyo: Hey y/n! How’s the baby?

y/n: He’s not stopped moving all day, he’s gonna be such a little ball of energy!

You hadn’t intended to tell anyone about your pregnancy apart from your parents and older brother, but you had accidently sent your twelve-week ultrasound photo to Shoyo and captioned it “my baby BOY!” intending it to be a gender reveal for your mum. But when you grabbed your phone to see her reply, you saw a selfie of Shoyo smiling and giving you a thumbs up. You begged him not to say anything and to definitely not tell Tetsu and he agreed, understanding that you never intended on telling him in the first place. He wasn’t upset by it, in fact he was thrilled for you.

Shoyo: I’m so happy for you y/n, I know you’ve wanted a family since you could walk. I’m glad it all worked out for you in the end x

He was so sweet about this, always there to talk to if you were having a particularly rough day and he always sent you random sweet messages encouraging you or filling you in on Tetsu’s day. He recalled this particularly embarrassing time when Tetsu joined them for practice and got a bloody nose after teasing Bokuto and saying his spikes had weakened in his old age… Oh how he regretted that when Bokuto aimed a spike directly for him at full pelt. Shoyo was such a good friend to you, and that’s all you needed him to be.

But Tetsu had noticed the stolen glances from Hinata to his phone all practice today, and how his eyes lit up when texting whoever he was texting. He was curious so sauntered over.

“Hey Hinata, you texting Kageyama?” The ginger shook his head and stuck out his tongue as if lost in thought. He glanced over the ginger’s shoulder and saw your name at the top of the conversation. This caught Tetsu off guard, he didn’t feel totally comfortable with your ex smiling like an idiot while you two texted.

“You’re texting y/n?” Hinata nodded, angling the phone away slightly so Tetsu couldn’t see the messages.

“Just planning a get together for when me and Tobio are back in Japan!” He smiled brightly at Tetsu and, as much as Tetsu hated to admit it, he was scared this energetic, funny, loud, and annoying ginger man could steal you away from him.

You were sitting at home folding some new baby clothes you’d brought into neat piles when you heard your phone buzz.

Shoyo: Hey

y/n: Hey Sho! You texted at just the right time, I needed a rant haha

Shoyo: Why?

Y/n: coz this baby is kicking me right in the ribs! At least we know he’ll have his father’s jumping down to a t haha

Shoyo: yeah, takes after his dad doesn’t he?

Y/n: oh totally, but I could handle you and the boys during school and college and when we meet up now, so it’ll get through it! it’s gonna be a challenge though don’t get me wrong, a little ball of energy running around the house to keep track of

Shoyo: but I’ll be there for you princess

Y/n: Princess? You haven’t called me that in years, you okay over there? Heat getting to your head?

Shoyo: yh I’m good

You didn’t reply, worried Shoyo was acting a little funny. He hadn’t called you Princess since you two broke up in college, what was he thinking? You put it to the back of your mind. It didn’t matter now, and if he did try to make a move, you’d remind him that you love Tetsu and this baby, and you’re not fucking that up for anything.

Tetsu hadn’t replied to any of your calls lately, rather shooting you apologetic texts saying he was busy with promotional interviews and training camp, and the time difference didn’t help either of you. You were worried he was getting bored of you, or finding your calls annoying so you always ended up apologising right back at him. That’s basically all your conversations were now, him apologising for being busy and you apologising for being annoying. You smiled to yourself as you scrolled through the national volleyball team’s Instagram, seeing Tetsu grinning widely with all the boys and feeling a sense of pride swell within your chest. You wished you could kiss that dopey smile of his, run your hands through his hair and just be together. The distance was getting to be too much, but you only had to hold on for a few more days, he would be coming home any day now. You stretched across your double bed, feeling your way down his side of your bed, holding his pillow close to your chest with your other hand. It still smelt of him somehow, the scent still there after five months away. Your boy wriggled around, feeling the kick to your bladder sending you running to the bathroom before you had an accident and had to change the sheets… again. This whole pregnancy thing was hard.

You were terrified. Your eyes wide and mouth agape. You hoped he hadn’t read the newspapers. It was all over the front pages –

 High school Volleyball Star turned National Volleyball Promoter expecting First Child with Girlfriend

 - this was the worst way for him to find out. You begged whatever higher power there was to stop him from seeing this before you got to tell him, he had caught his flight before you saw the headlines yourself and you hadn’t been able to contact him since. He should be landing soon, then I can call him. I can still be the first to tell him. You repeated to yourself, not sure if you actually believed in it. You were panicking, the doctor said you needed to take everything easy, that stressing yourself out would stress the baby and neither of you wanted that. You just had to make it until Tetsu got home, then you could welcome him with a smile and a kiss, finally getting the missing piece of your family back.

 You froze, the heaviness of the steps outside your front door echoing into your home. Tetsu was back. Your skin burned and cheeks flushed, your stomach turning and doing flips hearing his footsteps approach your front door, hearing him miss the keyhole the first few times before shakily unlocking the door into your home. You stood before him, a beaming smile etched across your face and a handmade sign that read “welcome home daddy!” But the sight that welcomed you made your lips falter and give way. Tetsu was crying.

“H-how could you keep this from me?” He hiccupped, and that’s when you noticed the newspaper in his hand. You scrambled towards him, trying to pull him close to you but he just stepped backwards, unsure of your intentions.

“Tetsu-“ he cut you off with another loud sob, shutting the door behind him and crumbling to the floor. You tried your best to hold him, but he shoved you away, curling into a small ball on the floor in front of you.

“But you told him.” His voice was dripping with a mix of distain and anguish. He was hurting so badly.

“What are you talking about-“

“Hinata! You told him but left me in the dark this whole time!” His voice broke and more tears fell from his face. He was shaking and shivering, his air damp on his forehead from the rain outside.

“Is…” His voice trailed off, eyes lifting from the floor to meet yours.

“Is it Hinata’s baby?”

You recoiled at this, grabbing the side table next to you for stability. He thought it wasn’t his baby.

“I –“ He paused, a shaky breath leaving his body. “-I saw the messages. He was smiling like an idiot, blushing like he used to do when you were dating. He was so happy, talking about your baby… How could you do this to us?” You stared into his eyes, seeing nothing but pain looking back. His calm demeanor thrown out in favour of this crumpled mess upon the hallway floor.

“Is... is the baby not mine?” He looked up at you and in that moment, you knew what pure heartbreak felt like. His hazel eyes shaking and fat tears rolling freely down his face. He clutched the newspaper so tightly to his chest, his balled-up fist shaking ever so slightly. You had never seen him so broken before.

“Of course he’s yours Tetsu!”

“Then why tell Hinata before me? Am I not good enough? Did you just want to hurt me?” You were taken aback by his shouting, him suddenly raising to his full height and pushing past you into the house. You followed aimlessly, arms limp by your side and eyes wild with worry. You scanned the living room, seeing him reaching into the alcohol cabinet to grab a bottle of whiskey. He unscrewed the lid, watching you intensely, before taking a massive gulp of the brown liquid.

“Do you even love me?” His voice was harsher now as he took another swig.

“Of course I do Tetsu.”

“Then why? I can’t think of any other reason not to tell me you were pregnant unless it wasn’t mine. I bet it’s not, is it? I know you’ve been shagging Hinata behind my back you fucking whore!” He screeched smashing the bottle onto the floor sending glass flying everywhere.

“You fucking whore! I bet every time I went to work you had some cunt fucking you in our bed didn’t you!” He was manic now, his arms flailing wildly and pacing across the living room.

“Tetsuro, stop this, you know I haven’t-“

“Do I? Do I really?” He screamed, stopping his pacing, and looking at you. His eyes were wide and wild, his breath heavy and face red with rage.

“Because it sure seems like you enjoy keeping secrets from me. But Hinata? Oooh no, you just love telling him all about your life, don’t you? And what have we been talking about lately, hm? You accusing me of ignoring you! How fucking pathetic.” He spat the words out at you, you flinching under his gaze.

“I didn’t mean to tell him, I sent him a photo I meant to send to my mum.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, your gaze laying upon the broken bottle on the floor. In this moment, you felt broken too.

“Didn’t mean to? You didn’t mean to!” He was crazy, tugging at his hair as more fat tears fell to the floor.

“So what? Keep this a secret so you can try to say it’s mine? Trap me in this fucking mess you’ve made!”

“I haven’t done anything! He’s your fucking baby! I didn’t tell you because you were so far away, I didn’t want you to worry because you couldn’t do anything! I wanted you to focus on your fucking job and not stress out!” You couldn’t stop them now, hot tears falling down your face quicker than you could talk. Your voice was shaking, your hands knotting themselves into your hair as you pulled, trying to feel anything other than this burning ache in your chest.

“Bullshit! You didn’t want to tell me because he isn’t mine!” He screamed again swiping his hand across the shelf of plates, causing them to fall down to the ground, the shattering so loud.

“Stop it! Stop this please!”

“Why should I? Because I caught you out in your lie? You fucking-“ Dropping to your knees you choked out a cry, the tears falling freely and your heart breaking. He stopped in that moment, and you were so unsure of what he was going to do next. When he moved towards your frame you scurried backwards, scared of him.

You were scared of him. He hadn’t meant to let it all out like this, he wanted to be calm and rational. But it couldn’t be helped, he was hurting so badly and when he saw your stomach and that fucking sign he lost it. He was so insecure, so scared that you’d found solace in someone else’s arms because he was away so much and that this was the result. He couldn’t bare it. But seeing you run from him like that? Eyes filled with terror and face covered in tears he knew in that moment he’d gone too far.

“Kuroo, I’m so scared.” You managed to get out before he stepped backwards, face now contorted in horror.

“W-what did you just c-call me?” He staggered backwards, trying to grab onto anything he could hold. He couldn’t have heard that right, you wouldn’t use his family name… would you?

“Kuroo, I’m so scared of you right now. P-please just go away.” He was breaking all over again, seeing you so small and tiny, curled up into a ball like he himself was only a little while ago. He felt like you’d deserved this at first, but now the clarity had hit him. Of course you wouldn’t betray him like that, he loved you and you loved him. But he’d scared you and hurt you, calling you such disgusting things and accusing you of such shameful acts.

“Y/n, I-“

“P-please don’t hurt me Kuroo.” Your whole body felt like it was on fire, but you were cold and shaking. He stepped backwards again, tears falling even faster now. That night ended abruptly, him turning and running from the house and you curled up on the living room floor, crying yourself into a restless sleep.

You awoke the next morning in your bed, unsure how you got there. Kuroo was nowhere to be seen, you meekly called for him but there was no reply. Slipping out of the bed you found your slippers and traipsed into the kitchen. He was there, head bent awkwardly over the counter asleep on the bar stool. You tapped his shoulder and he mumbled to himself before his eyes fluttered open. They were filled with worry the second his gaze landed upon you. Your eyes were puffy and red, your hair sticking up at odd angles and all the colour washed from your face.

“Kuroo, did you really sleep here all night?” He nodded, dropping his forehead back onto the counter in an attempt to hide his tears.

“Shh baby, it’s okay I promise.” Your voice was still shaking, your hand placed softly on his back as his shoulders shook with his silent sobs.

“I’m so sorry. I was just hurting so much, and I let myself fester in it, let myself hate you.” He reached for you then, burying his head in the crook of your neck.

“I understand, to be honest after last night I’m not sure keeping it from you was the right idea, but I just didn’t want you to worry about me.” You carded your fingers through his hair as he sobbed into you, covering you in warm tears.

“Why did you call me Kuroo?”

“Because I was scared, and I couldn’t think of any other way to let you know.” He pulled you tighter and cried even heavier.

“It’s all my f-fault. I’m so, so sorry baby.” He hiccupped into your neck, placing chased kisses to your collarbone.

“It’s okay Tetsu, it’ll all be okay.” His head lifting from your neck at that moment, he caught your lips with his own. He tasted of tears and the kiss was harsh, but filled with so much passion, want, and pain. But it was a promise, a promise that everything would be okay again. And you both believed it. 


Tags- @sassyglassesbunny @haikyuu-cafe @hqhangout

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