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He actually felt a mix between feeling like things were tearing apart as well as an almost….wild adrenaline rush. No…something was definitely not right. There was a bloodlust in him. Something he shouldn’t ever feel but, it felt oh so familiar at the same time. An old corruption starting to burn further and further.
But a concerned voice did catch the his ears. A smile forming on his face.

“No...I’m not there yet, don’t worry about it,” he added, trying to add innocence into his lying tone.

Lunarre knew a liar when he saw one. There was a serpent under the rose, and he was baring his fangs. Malevolence was thick in the air, and Lunarre knew it was only a matter of time until...
Lunarre knew he could leave the seraph behind, let the darkness consume him. At one time that would have been a spectacle he would have been happily privy to, but not now. The hellion clenched his fists.
With Kimuri like this it was unlikely he would let himself be led anywhere.
“Sorry, Gramps. Wherever ‘there’ is, I’m not lettin’ you go!”
Before Kimuri could answer, Lunarre delivered a swift uppercut to the seraph’s jaw. The seraph was out before he even hit the ground.
Gazing down at Kimuri’s unconscious body, Lunarre sighed before picking the seraph up and slinging him over his shoulder. Without further delay, Lunarre raced into the woods.
He wouldn’t stop until the air had cleared of malevolence.
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Trying to grasp the situation Kimuri moved a hand to his jaw wincing on the pain as he tried to grasp just what was going on. Lunarre’s words barely registering for him. The air was getting less heavy meaning…they were moving away from the malevolence. But…
That wasn’t the right way. He needed to go further, a place with that much malevolence must have something related to what he’s looking for!
...Maybe...it was a risk he was willing to take.
Breathing deeper he looked to the ground as it moved.
“…You’re going….the wrong way,” he muttered as he tried to steady is groggy mind. Internally wishing he had an arte to help himself right now. But healing wasn’t fully on his side.

It took Lunarre a moment to realise what the seraph’s words meant, and when he did, he exploded.
“You want to go back to the dragon?!” he shouted. “Are you fucking insane? No way in hell!”
Righteous anger. Lunarre knew the feeling well, but it was tinged with unease. He didn’t know if he could restrain Kimuri if the seraph got his strength back and decided to fight back. Right now his control over the situation was balanced on Kimuri remaining out of commission until they were far, far away.
Fuck. He hated this. Why was he going so far for one crazy old half-blind seraph? Since when had he lost sight of his vengeance? He hadn’t felt like this since...
“Just... shut up and let me concentrate!”
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This scene bothers me for a number of reasons, but this line really clinches it.
Rose loves to go on about how much research she does on the people she’s contracted to take out. By that we can presume she did her homework on Alisha and her skill as a fighter. Rose knew she would have guards, so she brought more guild members to tackle them while others take on Alisha. All fine so far, but then...
Why the hell did she have Lunarre take on Alisha (alone) instead of herself, like she does later, knowing he is no match for her? She would surely have known in advance that Lunarre’s skills were not up to scratch like hers in order to fight the princess and beat her? Unless Lunarre threw himself in there against her orders - though there’s no evidence to suggest this happened - what was he doing?
He was clearly having trouble even when the fight starts, which goes to show he was not the man for the job. No, Rose doesn’t exactly finish it later, but she at least is in control and doesn’t get beat down like Lunarre does here. She is much more of a threat than Lunarre is, that’s for sure. Yet for reasons I can either put down to DUH PLOT or Rose’s fuck up, Lunarre is thrown into the front lines and given a job he’s not ready for.
While we’re on the subject, why did she not back him up - why didn’t the others back him up? They all leave him completely alone at Alisha’s mercy. Rose even asks why she didn’t kill Lunarre when she had the chance. UM?
Oh, and telling him he’s no match just adds insult to injury, doesn’t it? We can only assume this isn’t the first time Rose has said something along these lines to him, otherwise him turning into a hellion just because of one comment would just reek of pettiness, not to mention stupidity.
It would seem that Rose’s capacity for tactlessness caused one of her own comrades to become a hellion. (Again). Hooray!
The kicker? She never mentions him again. She never mentions him, never goes looking for him, doesn’t seem to give a shit that one of her own turned into a hellion before her eyes (she noticed!).
So much for ‘family’!

I presume by ‘back then’ Mikleo is referring to when Lunarre first joined the Sparrowfeathers.
This brings up two problems - a smaller one about the logic of this theory vs the bigger one about malevolence.
1. The Smaller. Lunarre’s ‘Lie’
Mikleo wonders if Lunarre was a hellion from the beginning (joining the Sparrowfeathers two years prior) and had been lying his arse off to explain away his past and whatever strange occurrence that may have cropped up in the next two years as a result of him being a hellion.
There are several problems with this logic.
Firstly, we find out a little earlier from Rosh that when Lunarre, then a thief, tried to steal from the Sparrowfeathers, they responded by giving him a beating.
Would a hellion take that? Would a hellion like Lunarre not retaliate upon being attacked? Would a hellion anything like the one that ATE A MAN WHOLE continue to peaceably follow around the very people who beat him up?
Secondly, at the point Lunarre encounters/joins the Sparrowfeathers, Dezel has been with them for three years. He has been solo, bent on vengeance, and capable of using Rose’s body as well as acting on his own to suit his purposes. He is ruthless, uncompromising and will tolerate no threat to Rose or the guild, and certainly not a hellion. And because he is using the ‘pure’ Rose as his vessel, he can do literally anything and get off scot free.
Dezel would have known Lunarre was lying to the Sparrowfeathers and that he was a hellion (Dezel may be blind, but he could still sense these things!) right from the off.
Mikleo’s theory suggests that Dezel allowed Lunarre, a HELLION, to join the guild and STAY THERE for two years under his watch. Dezel let a dangerous threat like that just hang and hope he wouldn’t try anything funny?
No. Sorry. Dezel would have killed him first. He would never have allowed Lunarre near the guild if he had been a hellion at the time.
Thirdly, if Lunarre had been lying about being happy to be part of the guild, having been alone practically all his life prior, a lowly thief, then all of his actions as a hellion in the story make absolutely no sense.
His obsession with killing Alisha alone, his fear of Rose, his attempts to explain himself, his rage at Rose’s references to him as part of the family, his rage towards Rose in general and so on. Being set off by the mentions of family, and his comments towards Rose when she stabs him, also entirely lose their meaning. Unless Lunarre was so far gone that he began to believe his own lies after having just made them up on the spot.
Nope. Not buying that either.
2. The Bigger. Malevolence.
We know from an early scene in the game in which Sorey and Mikleo encounter a child thief in Ladylake. Said child has become a hellion. The child even expresses interest in eating the two of them, a sentiment often expressed (and acted upon) by Lunarre.
From this we can see it is possible for Lunarre to have already been a hellion when he joined the Sparrowfeathers prior to the events of the story. Like the boy he had also been a thief since childhood, alone.
From what I gather from playing the game, malevolence gathers from the darkness/negative emotions in a person - anger, guilt, grief, etc.
There is also the factor of inner conflict, or lack thereof. If you believe yourself to be vindicated and right in what you’re doing then you accumulate no malevolence, as happened with Rose (even though she stated that murder is a ‘sin’ ... nevermind).
But by this logic, shouldn’t both Lunarre and the thief boy have been vindicated and thus pure? Presumably both were thieving because they had no-one else (Lunarre definitely had nobody else to depend on) and believed that was their only means of survival. Yet the thief boy and, at some point Lunarre, became hellions and someone like Maltran - who chose her path to darkness and felt vindicated - kept her human form?
Later on in the final confrontation with him, Lunarre cannot be purified because he feels so damn strongly that he is right to feel the way he does. If that was the case, why did he even become a hellion in the first place, regardless of whether here that he only became on after joining the Sparrowfeathers or before? He felt absolutely justified, yet unlike Maltran he became a monster with no hint of internal conflict whatever.
The whole thing just makes the concept of malevolence, the particulars, so much more confusing than it already is. You can plot the end of the world and still be pure as long as you believe in yourself/your actions (same goes if you commit mass murder *cough* Rose *cough*), but you steal a purse and you’re a monster regardless of whether you’re vindicated.
sentence prompts ➝ poetry starters
‘ life— the thing that happens to us. ’
‘ you owe no one your forgiveness. ’
‘ how’s that for a happily ever after? ’
‘ silence has always been my loudest scream. ’
‘ when I die, do not waste a minute mouring me. ’
‘ “no” is short for “fuck off.” ’
‘ you shine brighter than all the starlight there has ever been or ever will be. ’
‘ i bet you regret making an enemy out of me. ’
‘ we cannot control what we remember ’
‘ i don’t even believe in people. ’
‘ it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are ’
‘ i am a world of uncertainties disguised as a girl. ’
‘ whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. everything else is just noise. ’
‘ i like the disaster of the night sky, stars spilling this way and that as if they were upturned from a glass. ’
‘ resist much, obey little. ’
‘ be patient and tough; one day this pain will be useful to you. ’
‘ i am a dreamer with empty hands and I like the chill. ’
‘ i deserved someone who was willing to stay ’
‘ you’re everywhere except right here and it hurts ’
‘ time doesn’t obey our commands ’
‘ girls like her were born in a storm. ’
‘ only the brave and the broken are kind in this world. ’
‘ people aren’t born sad; we make them that way. ’
‘ some people are born with tornados in their lives ’
‘ there is nothing scarier in their minds than a girl who knows the power of her flames. ’
‘ tell them to be proud of every bit of themselves— ’
‘ some are made of witchcraft and wolf and a little bit of vice. ’
‘ these scars have never diminished your worth, they are the stories that make you whole. ’
‘ and you say you are broken, but broken mirrors like you create the most beautiful patterns of light. ’
‘ but what could you possibly see in her? ’
‘ everything, I see everything in her, because the stardust that makes her is the same stardust that makes me. ’
‘ did you really think she was a tender flower you could trample upon, and damage her very soul? ’
‘ you clutter my mind ’
‘ i close my eyes and see infinite galaxies ’
‘ i long for a life i have control of ’
‘ and all i have now are memories that feel like dreams ’
‘ don’t be afraid of getting hurt ’
‘ you have to fight to be alright ’