The Evil Inside - Tumblr Posts


When you listen to this one song on repeat and it just makes you wanna rp Kimuri on the violent side more and more-
[Continued from here - x]

The hellion was paralysed, unable to make sense of the dark apparition before him. It looked like Kimuri, but there was evil in that smile. Lunarre never thought he’d ever describe such a thing like that, and certainly not of the one he called ‘gramps’.
Has he been corrupted by the dragons’ malevolence?!
“Hey - snap out of it! Have you lost your mind?!”
He actually felt a mix between feeling like things were tearing apart as well as an almost….wild adrenaline rush. No…something was definitely not right. There was a bloodlust in him. Something he shouldn’t ever feel but, it felt oh so familiar at the same time. An old corruption starting to burn further and further.
But a concerned voice did catch the his ears. A smile forming on his face.

“No...I’m not there yet, don’t worry about it,” he added, trying to add innocence into his lying tone.

Lunarre knew a liar when he saw one. There was a serpent under the rose, and he was baring his fangs. Malevolence was thick in the air, and Lunarre knew it was only a matter of time until...
Lunarre knew he could leave the seraph behind, let the darkness consume him. At one time that would have been a spectacle he would have been happily privy to, but not now. The hellion clenched his fists.
With Kimuri like this it was unlikely he would let himself be led anywhere.
“Sorry, Gramps. Wherever ‘there’ is, I’m not lettin’ you go!”
Before Kimuri could answer, Lunarre delivered a swift uppercut to the seraph’s jaw. The seraph was out before he even hit the ground.
Gazing down at Kimuri’s unconscious body, Lunarre sighed before picking the seraph up and slinging him over his shoulder. Without further delay, Lunarre raced into the woods.
He wouldn’t stop until the air had cleared of malevolence.