✨️she/her✨️fangirl✨️greek myth nerd✨️Jewish✡️🇮🇱✨️

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We're Greek Mythology Fans

we're greek mythology fans

we're not apologize we're apollogize

More Posts from Sophiejanefostersilver

In All My Years Of Livin', It Isn't Very Often That I Get Pissed Off

In all my years of livin', it isn't very often that I get pissed off🎶🌊

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because this is better than learning language i know (like im listening in the other lessons🙄 im learning 3 languages in this school and know 1.75 or something)

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Me, who doesn't celebrate Christmas, and was only excited for the ocean saga:

Who else is more excited for the ocean saga than Christmas??

A Quick Sketch Of Poseidon That I Drew A Moment Ago (sorry For The Weird Hand, I Wasn't Sure What To

A quick sketch of Poseidon that I drew a moment ago (sorry for the weird hand, I wasn't sure what to do with it)

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Dear gods, I want to cry😭

My personal take on Patrochilles is that they are both lovers AND friends. You know how a relationship often starts with a friendship first??? Well they never grew out of the friendship part of their relationship. But their relationship is neither romantic nor platonic. They just,,, are. There was never strictly a time where they stopped being platonic and started being romantic - the lines of the nature of their relationship are really blurry - as they grew older they just started displaying affection in different ways. There was never a need to put a label on their relationship. Because like,, why have Achilles lose just a friend or just a lover - when he could lose a lover, a friend, a best friend, a brother, a comrade, a partner-in-crime ALL in one??? Really drives home the idea of Achilles' grief and rage - he literally lost the man who was everything to him.

Long story short: qpp patrochilles (in a way)