Ocean Saga - Tumblr Posts
your honor, they have matching necklaces

I love Poseidon's voice in Epic. He sounds furious and ecstatic at the same time. He sounds feral, which fits so much his whole character in mythology. Poseidon was the creator of horses, the storm bringer, the earth shaker. He was meant to represent the wild, dangerous side of the ocean and nature. This is the god that gets innocent men killed at sea four times a week minimum. So him sounding wild makes a lot of sense.
Also with how he says "Odysseus of Ithaca!" he sounds like a sports commenter. 10/10.
Since they made Aeolus have a femenine voice but still refer to him as a god leads me to two possibilities in my head: trans man or non binary. No matter what, he slays and is my favorite part of the song.
The line "Everything changed since Polites" makes me think Polites was not just Odysseus' best friend, but the heart of the crew.
Polites was the one who asked anyone who looked down how they were feeling. He was the one to give his portion of food and wine if it was scarce. He was the one to stick by the sick, the wounded and the dying during the war. He was the one everyone could vent to and receive complete understanding. He was the one who mourned every death, even if he didn't know the person very well.
Odysseus was not the only one to mourn him and his loss made a big difference.
So today I FINALLY found someone who is into EPIC THE MUSICAL AAAAHHHHH!!!! (He's my classmate lol)
The whole room was filled with our noise of excitement and we were having MATHS LMAO 😭😭😭
Literally just a mini rant about epic the musical
the new saga of epic the musical dropped today (technically yesterday but yesterday was 40 minutes ago) and I’m listening to the whole thing that has already been released including the new saga and I’m so excited like gycisakhkvohovywef so excited! For anyone who doesn’t know epic is based off the Odessey and it’s so goood you need to listen to it if you haven’t! Basic I just wanted to put in the void how I’m so excited to listen this this and I’m just chilling here and drawing
I posted this on tiktok for that one trend
Im so sorry for this video
Aelous design by @littlepissbabee
I just finished listening to the ocean saga for epic. The ending of ruthlessness is so fucking funny
Poseidon: I just killed your entire crew and friends, die you little shit
Odysseus with a bag full of wind:

Hermes: are ya winning grandson?
Odysseus: she's my everything my Penelopeeeeeee!!!
Circe: I pity him
Hermes: You know he killed so many Troyans
Circe points at *him*: Yeah....Ha.....tell me that again!
Hermes: Ody I tell you to sleep with her
Ody and Circe: WHAT????!!!
Circe: Uhm... (looking more closely) for a greasy Nobody, you do have good bone structure
Nymphs: and a symetrical face, if we took a cleaver down the middle of your face, We'll have same portions!.
Circe: and you know, you know, you know this could be beautiful... (getting closer to Ody)
Hermes: Shut Up Heather Circe (pulls away traumatized Ody)
Circe: fine...
*The crew returns to normal*
Odysseus fully awake: We're up, and off and away we go!. Bye! Thanks for the info!
Nymphs: is that man fine, mistress?
Circe: I don't know. He said he ate some molly and now he has been sitting there without blinking for three hours.
Odysseus: begonewiiiitchh
Nymphs: will you turn him?
Circe: I've never eaten a pig intoxicated like this, it might be dangerous. Call Hermes to take him away.
Nymphs: where... where do we find him?
Circe: you're right, it's useless. I'll turn his crew back into men so they'll take him.
I won't be settling for anything less than an Odysseus level of obsession from my future husband thank you very much

In all my years of livin', it isn't very often that I get pissed off🎶🌊