LITG fanfic writer | Brown girl | US mid-westerner who says soda instead of pop | she/her/hers on ao3/wattpad: christy_sparkle
471 posts
Writing Tips With Professor Sparx
Writing Tips with Professor Sparx
Whilst writing, please note that there is a world of difference between "mimicking their flapping hands," and "mimicking their fapping hands." Beware the missing L.
And in case you were wondering who made such a ridiculous mistake? It's me. Hi.

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More Posts from Sparxaf
For the ask game: X, Y, and Z please!
Thank you for the ask @queen-of-boops! These ones are super fun!
X: A character you enjoy making suffer
Noah. His pain gives me such joy.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Hope. I adore her and I want only love and happiness for her. Seb and Arjun also. My sweet, snarky boys deserve all things that are good.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I will read it upon occasion. I like angst and pain. Hmm, I can't think of a character whose death I couldn't tolerate. I killed off Bobby AND Chelsea AND Seb in my spookyfic, so clearly I have no soul. Wait, maybe Thabi? There's something so gentle about her, I'd be crushed if I read a story where she died. Huh. I did not know that about myself.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to The Sun In My Eyes.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? (this is a call-out)
Thank you for the ask (I think) @longbobmckenzie!
J: Holy shit. Um.... hmmm. You really went for it huh? Okay, so... Bobby returns from CA and friend zones Lili just like in the game. Only Lili is pissed off. She finds out that he did what he did and she's like, well fuck this noise. She tells Noah not to choose her under any circumstances, knowing Bobby won't choose her. He doesn't. She gets eliminated. He's shocked. She's fine with it. She leaves without any fanfare or tears. Just silent, condemning acceptance that Bobby's an asshole. Then she goes home and licks her wounds and after a solid year of self-pity and hiding, Hope drags her to a show at the Liverpool Comedy Center where she meets a brand new, slightly terrible comedian named Bruno. When the NY Eve party occurs, Lili does indeed attend and she's about four months pregnant with a baby, that will have terrible taste in hairstyles, but will be delightfully snarky. Bobby is shocked and when he tries to talk to her, she has nothing to say because she's getting the D from someone who doesn't have a ton of baggage and she's happy. Bobby is sad and... I don't know. He fucks Priya in a broom closet and that's his low point to realizing he needs help. He doesn't get a happy, romantic ending. Just a hopeful, he'll be okay ending. Or maybe he'll bump into Emily and they'll fall in love. Yeah let's go with that 😆
K: Haha, oh mannnnnn. Honestly nothing is angstier than Lili's backstory. Jesus, I made myself cry with that one. Other than TSIME, I think it's the werewolf fic I've been noodling for ages, which would involve forced marriages and a TWENTY-FIVE YEAR SLOW BURN.

L: You are going for blood tonight 😂 I revise chapters at least four to five times. Let's see, first I write a ton of word vomit/nonsense. Then I go through and do a rough edit to make it make sense. Once it makes sense, I go back and fill in things. Then I pass it off to my beta Sam-- @throughthejunobush--hoping for validation that I'm not as bad of a writer as I believe I am. She gives me amazing notes. I agonize over every decision but eventually clean up the draft, stare at it for two weeks, while I eat candy and weep, obsessing over every detail and all the scene endings I hate. Then I sent it back to Sam and beg her to save me from myself and tell me it's ready to post. And she does. Then I still go back and edit it one more time, because of who I am inside.
It's not a PERFECT process, but it IS a sign of my mental instability 🤣
As we're about to get some Suresh fuckery very soon, I want to say, that I really hate him as a character, BUT I get why other people love him. I too have loved a toxic king (Levi *swooooon*). I will say though, my dislike of Suresh is so intense that I keep finding inspiration for fanfics where I get to write him suffer as MC moves on 😆 I seriously have at least three raw ideas in files on my computer... and one story that I've actually started where Suresh is the villain and ex-boyfriend of one of the guys.
Point is, my loathing of him is very motivating. And I keep finding songs that sort of reflect my view of how MC feels about him. Or at least felt. I have a long list of Suresh songs, but I was re-listening to my favorite Taylor album today and this sad little gem screams MC who has just been betrayed.
My only one My smoking gun My eclipsed sun This has broken me down My twisted knife My sleepless night My win-less fight This has frozen my ground
Stood on the cliffside Screaming, "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do
My best laid plan Your sleight of hand My barren land I am ash from your fire...
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 different people, who in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out. ✨
I wasn't sure about Tumblr manners so these have been sitting in my inbox for a while. Thank you @richdesire, @aislinnstanaka, @luckyqueenreign, @brasister and the two lovely anons who sent this my way! 💖💖💖

Thank you to @luckyqueenreign for putting this in my line of sight. This feels so very Bobby/Bruno to me and it made me smile like an idiot. @throughthejunobush and @mrsbsmooth, I think you'll love this.