🌙OC friendly-pisces-lawful neutral🌙Second profile to divine-buni, so make sure to check that out!Fanfics, headcanons, and that type of stuff. Requests are closed
114 posts
Somewhat Correct Quotes #18
Somewhat Correct Quotes #18
Buni: Oh, fiddlesticks!
Leo: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let’s watch the fucking language
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More Posts from Spectral-buni
Villainous Requests are Open

You can request headcanons for the characters, reader inserts are accepted. For example, you can request what would the villains would be like to an S/O that is (insert specific trait). I also accept AUs. I will not make any romantic headcanons for 5.0.5.
Please no NSFW.
Somewhat Correct Quotes #17
Alice: *trips over air*
Black Hat: Haha! You’re so clumsy
*Later, when Alice isn’t around*
Black Hat, punching air: Who do you think you are?! Who tHE FUCK DO YOU THINK-
Somewhat Correct Quotes #13
*In the middle of collecting a ghost*
*which is dangerous, by the way*
Alice: LEO!! LEO!!!
Leo: What?!
Alice: *points calmly* This is where I saw the really tall pigeon
Villainous Requests are Open

You can request headcanons for the characters, reader inserts are accepted. For example, you can request what would the villains would be like to an S/O that is (insert specific trait). I also accept AUs. I will not make any romantic headcanons for 5.0.5.
Please no NSFW.
Somewhat Correct Quotes #12
Black Hat: In light of how you managed to keep a orientation video run relatively smooth, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Alice: Forty five seconds???!
Black Hat: No! Four to-!
Alice: *already hugging him* No take backs!