There Has Got To Be A Website Like Thesaurus Where You Can Input An Entire Sentence And It Dumbs It Down
There has got to be a website like thesaurus where you can input an entire sentence and it dumbs it down for you. Like please tell me. I understand all those words separately but the sentence isn't sentencing
More Posts from Sunray242
I need some Harry Potter accidentally adopting younger students in fan fictions and I need them now.
Any suggestions?
I'm not picky about ship's so don't worry about that. I really only read on AO3 but if you have some from other sites I'll figure it out. I just need some soft teenage almost parenting. It's all I desire
Why are people so worried about what their art looks like? It's art! It's supposed to be fun!
Who cares if the subject is a little off center or your lines aren't straight or you didn't mix that perfect shade of mint green?! It's still art!
You made that! With just your hands and a couple of tools! Look at you! You did something!
Even if you just throw paint on a canvas or write a sentence you made art! Someone out there is going to look at it and it's "imperfections" and ador it because of that!
That's why I love art. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Last night I had a dream that I was at a family gathering and for some reason Elon Musk showed up and someone asked him to choose the music to play and I was so offended, I woke up
Why why WHY do people who have no experience working in a popular sit-down restaurant feel the need to comment on EVERY. LITTLE. THING. when it comes to a restaurant?
Like I get it if you ordered 30 minutes ago and it hasn't come out yet or if the food was crappy or the waiter/waitress was rude right? But being all
"Why is there a 15-30 minute wait? I can see tables just over there that are free. This is terrible service and I'm leaving and never coming back"
like d u d e you don't know the situation. Those tables might be reserved for the group of 20 coming in later. Or a bunch of smaller groups. Or they're short staffed and can't seat people at all the spots because the person who is supposed to wait that table is a no call no show or no one picked up the shift????? You don't know??? So just shut up???? It's not like it's in the control of the 17 year old hostess that you're ranting loudly in front of, making her tear up and embarrassing your kids and your wife who has been a waITRESS FOR 10 + YEARS.
I admit, I've never worked in a restaurant. BUT that man is my stepdad and goddammit he just needs to shut up. I may not have officially worked at a restaurant but I've helped my mom around enough to know the inner workings of what goes on like jeez man be more considerate.
He also decides to criticize my mom's decisions when it comes to work. But that's another conversation
Disney's Robin Hood was definitely my bi beginning.
I didn't know it yet but I 100% had a crush on both Maid Marian AND Robin Hood himself