zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!
427 posts
Why Is This Literally Freaking Me
why is this literally freaking me
help i’ve fallen in the produce x 101 hole and i can’t get out
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More Posts from Sweetdejun
This elimination round really left me depressed, I am so upset. I really wanted to root for specifically Kookheon, Jinwoo, Hyunbin, and Hyeop. I wanted them to make it to the next round. Nevertheless, here’s my new list:
kim yohan (oui)
cho seungyoun (yuehua)
kim wooseok (top)
lee jinhyuk (top)
han seungwoo (plan a)
keum donghyun (c9)
lee hangyul (mbk)
nam dohyun (mbk)
song hyungjun (starship)
kim minkyu (jellyfish)
hwang yunseong (woollim)
p.s. hope you feel better soon, byungchan~
10. "just making sure you've eaten" + yunsol but make it really angsty
here it is! i’m sorry for the delay, I had an exam this week but now that it’s over, I will make up for them this weekend! I hope you like it!
[7:42 p.m.] yunsol has been your rock throughout your relationship. from your highest of highs to your lowest of lows, he’s been there, at your side. recently, yunsol has been going through a lot; you were keeping up with the broadcasts of produce, and that’s when you saw that he was eliminated after the position evaluation. you saw how he and hyeonsu had worked through that choreography, he even told you about how much time they spent, perfecting every twist and turn so that it could complement the team’s image flawlessly. so naturally, when he was going through a rough time, you decided to be with him, just as he would.
you came to his house in the evening, with a bag of chicken and some cans of beer. you knocked on the door once. twice. and third time, you heard the door unlock and yunsol grumbling, “who is it now?” he opens the door and you take in his appearance: hair messy, eyes tired, clothes disheveled. “hey, yunsol.” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, catching you off guard. he replied and opened the door for you. you set the food down on the nearby coffee table. he plops down on the couch, and you go and sit next to him. he’s breathing, you’re breathing. that’s the only form of communication happening in the room. you open your mouth to speak when yunsol stops you. “listen, y/n, if you’re here to tell me that I did a great job on the show, save it. the show’s the last thing I need to hear about.” scoffing lightly, you reply, “but that’s the elephant in the room, isn’t it? I want to talk to you about it because you’re having a hard time with it. I want to help you as much as I can.” you rested your hand on his knee, to which his reaction was fierce. he pushed your hand off and stood up from the couch.
“GOD, y/n why can’t you understand that if I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to talk about it? you’re so freaking annoying! I don’t even know why you’re here, just leave!” suddenly feeling suffocated, you feel the headache begin as you suppress the tears in your eyes, and you shakily grab your bag, and stress the presence of the chicken and beer you brought with you, catching yunsol’s attention. “this,” motioning to the food, “is why I came. just making sure you’ve eaten. but clearly, it was my mistake coming here. call me when you want to talk.” and the last thing you see before you leave yunsol’s apartment is melancholy in yunsol’s eyes, cast downward with his chest heaving and his hands, clutching and relaxing.
wooseok: 보스
eunsang: 보기

you know what to caption
what is this that i’m hearing about.... #바이나인_데뷔해
if this comes true, then i’d be over the moon, i’ll cry again, but instead of tears of sadness, they’ll be tears of happiness.
because think about it: if it includes all the nine members that couldn’t debut, they would make a great team, in my opinion.
what are y’all’s thoughts on this?
aHHHH i cry a little inside every time i read your writing???? you're one of the few rare gems who write quality content for pdx101 and i couldn't be more grateful. could i please request for something fluffy with seungyoun and "is that a challenge?"
my heart, I’m so touched. I’m sincerely thankful for the wonderful feedback, and I’m really glad you liked it! and the seungyoun request: I just finished that one, sweetums! check it out, https://sweetdejun.tumblr.com/post/186432782898/7-with-seungyoun-pls