thatdreamyfangirlyyy - Just some fangirl
Just some fangirl

Too many fandoms//edits//pics//writings//reblogs//🇨🇭//💗💜💙//About me: Bisexual disaster// 🇨🇭

67 posts

Thatdreamyfangirlyyy - Just Some Fangirl - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

This totally made my day🔥🔥🔥

Best news!!! See you in 2021!  🤘🤘🤘


4 years ago

Precious boys💕😍

Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)
Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)
Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)
Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)
Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)

Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)

4 years ago
Idiots In Love.
Idiots In Love.
Idiots In Love.
Idiots In Love.

idiots in love.

4 years ago

If anyone needed a pick-me-up, here's a video of Schneider kissing a puppy 💖

4 years ago

Happy Birthday to my favorite drummer!

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Drummer!

I hope you have an amazing day❤️

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Drummer!

All the best for you

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Drummer!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Christoph Schneider

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Drummer!

Bonus: Frau Schneider

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Drummer!

Tags :
4 years ago

F a c t s.

Richard Z Kruspe is so hot and just like adorably cute at the same time...

Richard Z Kruspe Is So Hot And Just Like Adorably Cute At The Same Time...
Richard Z Kruspe Is So Hot And Just Like Adorably Cute At The Same Time...

Get you a musician crush who can do both.

4 years ago

Sign: Gemini

Main thirst: Richard

Secondary thirst: Till

Alright, I need to confirm a theory, please reblog this with your zodiac sign* and your main Rammstein member who you thirst over. If you have a close second, mention him too, but please specify.

Feel free to tag others.

Sign: Virgo

Main thirst: Paul

Secondarily thirsting on: Richard

*for those more into astrology, just the sun!

@tinnike & @vapor-stein I already know, you’re my virgo sisters, but I’d still like to tag you for this 💕

@one-air-ghoul @mechanicalbride16 @krankes-gehirn @notafraidofredyellowandblue @ankeszklanke @flakelli @riechortkrospe @riverdalerandomness @ofmemesandbands @schneewitchn @babypaulchen

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4 years ago
Berlin In Police Uniform
Berlin In Police Uniform
Berlin In Police Uniform

Berlin in police uniform

4 years ago

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Oliver!

Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Oliver!
Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Oliver!

look at how cute he is

Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Oliver!

So happy Birthday to my favorite bass player out there

Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Oliver!

I wish you all the best Oli cause you deserve it❤️

Tags :
5 years ago

No one:

Not a single soul:


No One:
5 years ago
Richard Laughing And Smiling Reblog If You Agree
Richard Laughing And Smiling Reblog If You Agree

Richard laughing and smiling reblog if you agree

5 years ago
thatdreamyfangirlyyy - Just some fangirl
thatdreamyfangirlyyy - Just some fangirl
5 years ago

-Heirate Mich, Richard


5 years ago

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

To this beautiful man!!

Happy Birthday

Look at this cutie🥰

Happy Birthday

Alles Gute Till!

Happy Birthday

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5 years ago

Okay, so if you are into any of these fandoms we have to be friends!


- Rammstein

- (I actually listen to a lot of different music but have never been that much of a Band person... but Rammstein are just so perfect 😍)


- The 100

- The Society

- Stranger Things

- Shadowhunters

- la Casa de Papel

- lie to me

- Game of Thrones

- Elite

- Brooklyn 99

- Arrow

- Riverdale

- Vampire Diaries

- Sherlock


- Six of Crows

- Throne of Glass

- Harry Potter

- The fault in our stars

- Divergent

- Hunger Games

- Maze Runner

- the mortal instruments

- Jurassic Park

- Terminator

- It

- Pirates of the Caribbean

- Frozen

- anything Marvel

- Suicide Squad

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5 years ago

Till 😆

📽 from Till Instagram Story 18-10-2019

5 years ago

I need good news as much as I need this dog so let’s do it!

thatdreamyfangirlyyy - Just some fangirl
5 years ago

me: *re-watches every concert,official video,making of,interview,documentary*

me: *re-listens every album,single,demo*

me: *continuously crushes on my favorite band member*

me: *loves Rammstein für immer*

me: *is proud*