This Is My Alter To Dionysus
This is my alter to Dionysus

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More Posts from Thatgaynewsies
E offering to Apollo

Oh lord Apollo god of the sun
Oh lord Apollo god of music
Ok lord Apollo I thank you for your gifts
Oh lord Apollo please except this offering
reblog this if your account is a safe space for polyamorous and non-monag people or is owned by someone who is polyamorous or non-monogamous
op is a monogamous person who felt they haven't seen enough posts acknowledging this part of the queer community outside of non-monogamous circles and blogs
Ok I have too many of these types of stories one is that my great grandmother helped take down the mob so if anyone want to here that story in more detail please tell me but here’s the one so im related to a murder my great aunt father killed her mother and sister and then just kind sat down at the dinner table and then dropped her off at his wife’s sister’s house and and that sister is my grandma’s mother on my dads side a different one from the one who took down the mob oh and I had a gay relative how was killed and they waited to hold the funeral until my grandfathers aunt also died
fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation
It should be called ‘The untold stories of modern demigods’
U know what we'd need in the riordanverse? An entire book dedicated to chill scenes from both the pjo and hoo series, as how the seven bonded together, how they accepted each other and how they imagined them before they met, etc. or how Percy was friend with the Stolls and Beckendorf, how everything was after the war (the losses, the grief...), or just this cool evening when Percy showed up in a dress because he lost a bet. I don't know, just the chill and cool scenes from chb, CJ, the Argo II...
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