thatonegaybrit - myles﹒🍉🇵🇸

; pfp cred = ﹫lillycrew on Picrew ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ; pfp id: a picrew of a white person with short dark brown hair and headphones, he's smiling brightly and flapping his hands. The background is patterned purple wallpaper, right behind him is a white spiky circle shape framing him. :id end

745 posts

; The Phrase " No One Can Bully My Sibling(s) But ME !! " And Others Like That Js .. Like I'm Sorry ??

; the phrase " no one can bully my sibling(s) but ME !! " and others like that js .. Like I'm sorry ?? what ?? Like I have siblings, I know what it's MEANT to mean and that it's MEANT to be light hearted and ungenuine. But I've seen FAR too many cases where someone will genuinely bully their sibling(s) and instead of anyone saying " excuse me wtf ?? " It's js people being like:

; " that's siblings for you lol !! "

; or if anyone does object it's all " found the only child !! " like !?? UHHH ??? No, that's js bullying !! That's js fucking mean and fucked up and in some cases straight up abuse !! Like fuck that, that's not very sibling of you. That's not very decent being of you. What the fuck go apologise and then take the cactus that's apparently in your ass out and fucking eat it. ( pt: eat it :end pt )

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    weissichnetirgendeinnamehaltpls liked this · 7 months ago
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More Posts from Thatonegaybrit

8 months ago

The three mental illnesses are

Terminal child syndrome lol sorry you'll be infantilized forever and never get any basic respect we have the right to not treat you like an adult and make life worse for you in the name of helping, or shun you completely :)

Just stop doing that you useless cunt go the fuck outside and stop being a burden to society get the fuck up and stop having this illness. Have this list of pop psychology bullshit and get your shit together. We can still romanticize your struggle if you're hot and manage it just well enough to not be a useless cunt

Irredeemable piece of shit disorder uh sorry but your vibe is off and you should go to jail for it I fucking hate you and you deserve nothing you vile piece of human garbage you need to be avoided at all costs everyone should cut you off immediately no one should have to put up with you you manipulative asshole

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8 months ago


OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!!! [Omigosh omigosh omigosh]

I JUST FOUND OUT WHAT QUIOSEXUAL MEANS!!! [I just found out what quiosexual means]

IT'S ME IT'S ME ITS ME!!!! [It's me it's me it's me]

I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE'S A WORD FOR ME YAY!!!! [I can't believe there's a word for me yay]

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8 months ago

; you can't escape it. It's already set in stone.

im losing my mind what ghe fuck happened while i was asleep my dash is COVERED in destiel confession memes

trump got shot at???????

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8 months ago



(say it back)

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