You Fucking Suck - Tumblr Posts
Still thinking about that one high school senior who legit blocked me on WhatsApp because I had ghosted her for a while. Like, she used to do that to me, too. But did I ever act like a snowflake about it? No.
People don't owe you their time. You have to grow up & realize you are not everyone's first priority.
And you actually mattered to me. Which is why I sent you SMSs begging you to unblock me & be friends again. Because unlike someone, I'm actually a decent human being. But clearly, you don't deserve my politeness. Because even after unblocking me, you left me on read. All you do now is watch my status updates. Like a creepy, rotten stalker.
I wish I could block you now. But no. I want you to see that I'm better off without you. I want you to know you're worthless in my life. Also, I refuse to stoop to your standards.

; the phrase " no one can bully my sibling(s) but ME !! " and others like that js .. Like I'm sorry ?? what ?? Like I have siblings, I know what it's MEANT to mean and that it's MEANT to be light hearted and ungenuine. But I've seen FAR too many cases where someone will genuinely bully their sibling(s) and instead of anyone saying " excuse me wtf ?? " It's js people being like:
; " that's siblings for you lol !! "
; or if anyone does object it's all " found the only child !! " like !?? UHHH ??? No, that's js bullying !! That's js fucking mean and fucked up and in some cases straight up abuse !! Like fuck that, that's not very sibling of you. That's not very decent being of you. What the fuck go apologise and then take the cactus that's apparently in your ass out and fucking eat it. ( pt: eat it :end pt )