Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Woke College Student (They Have Gay Sex)
Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Woke College Student (They have gay sex)
More Posts from Thealiveshadow
see the rest of this gorgeous photo essay on the jewish community of mumbai here.
It is infinitely less harmful to admit you don't know the answers to the world's problems and to keep your opinions to yourself rather than being ignorant, but spreading misinformation because you feel like you should be saying something, no matter how ill-informed, or else you'll look bad to your internet peers.
sorry but i want to hit every american talking about not wanting to vote democrat anymore with hammers. lol
A woman is joined in her early-morning meditation in Varanasi, India. Steve McCurry.
people now try sooo hard to paint the situation as if ukraine got every bit of help just by virtue of being ukraine and so fucking funny because i, unfortunately, remember too well what was going on in the beginning of 2022. and it was like that
ukrainians in february 2022: thank you all dear partners for these three javelins, sanctions against russian banks, a piece of chocolate and your heartfelt condolences
ukrainians when they repelled russians from kyiv with god's help and realized what was going on: ...