Left Wing - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

who said u had to be liberal or conservative? Just be u and let the crumbs land where they fall.

I believe in trans rights but I just want to be a housewife. I don't think that a house caretaker is what every woman should be nor do I think that every man has to be rich and working. That's just what I want for myself. And I let everyone else worry about what they want. #actually happy with my life and proud

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9 months ago

Porn and prostitution being claimed by the left is sickening. As a leftie, the narrative around porn and prostitution bans from others on the left rejecting it is so strange. Porn is sexist and racist. But these people are either in on it (watching it or making it) or stupid. The sex trade industry is misogyny on its face, it has been rebranded as “liberating” by lefties and pornographers.

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6 months ago

M.ostly S.ocialist N.ews B.roadcasting C.ompany. They're a Credit to their profession. NOT.

Democrat Propaganda Network MSNBC Receives $30 Million Dollar Lawsuit From Dr. Mahendra Amin Over False 2019 "Womb Collector" Report.

Broad-strokes of the case -Theres a medical facility that works for ICE -A nurse, Dawn Wooten, made allegations that she was told by migrant women that they received hysterectomies that were medically unnecessary -Dr. Amin was libeled as "The Womb Collector" by the migrant women at the ICE facility -Turns out that Nurse Wooten has no direct knowledge of what she claims -Also also turns out, there is no documentation of anymore than 2 hysterectomies being performed by Dr, Amin - Also also also turns out that both hysterectomies were performed due to cancer diagnosis -Also also turns out that MSNBC knew that was the case according to E-Mail correspondents -MSNBC even acknowledges in E-mails that the story couldn't be verified and that there was a malicious political bias in the story and ran it anyways because they wanted another scandal to attack, then president, Trump over. MSNBC are actually lying scum, but thats par for the course for Democrat mouthpieces.

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1 year ago

ngl i feel like a lot of the 'online left'™ is less focused on actually fighting for socialism, and more focused on adopting the radical aesthetic without engaging in any real world activities that would further leftist causes.

like, prices of everyday goods are at an all time high, we are on the brink of ecological collapse, fascism is on the rise across the globe, and marginalised people are being stripped of their rights every single day.

and yet, while a lot of people are actually getting out there and taking direct action, organising, etc., some of us are too busy just ranting about how the world's going to shit, or arguing amongst ourselves on twitter, or just reading theory without applying said theory to the real world.

don't get me wrong, social media is an important vehicle for the spread of leftist ideas, theory is absolutely vital for understanding how the current systems operate, and our anger is completely justified. but none of these things can change anything without mass movements across the globe taking direct, revolutionary action.

basically, theory is nothing without praxis, and vice versa.

anyways, unhinged rant over lmao.

gonna go grab some breakfast :)

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11 months ago

Hundreds of people are about to board a flotilla and deliver urgent humanitarian relief to Gaza. Please share this video and follow Gaza Freedom Flotilla. The more people watching, the safer the participants.

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1 year ago

You know, I think it’s so ironic (and fucking sickening) that the same so called “leftists” and “progressives” who were criticizing the Nazi being invited into the Canadian Parliament and given a standing ovation, are the same people spreading absolutely horrible antisemitic dogma during these times. And they say it SO unflinchingly, things like “Jews control the media that’s why no ones reporting more fairly for Palestine” or “Why are Israeli Jewish people scared, they can just go to their second home in New York hahaha”. Do they just not see how disturbing and antisemitic that actually is???? If you have the balls to spread such harmful conspiracy theories, than maybe you never gave a shit about the Nazi in Parliament, maybe you just care more about what supports your ideology and feelings than actual, living people.

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1 year ago

You know, I used to believe that the leftist… fixation, shall we say, on Israel/Palestine was in good faith. Like, I figured the reason they talked about it so much was because they saw Israel’s lopsided military power, and how they were using it (to commit war crimes), and were rightfully horrified. It descended into antisemitism for them at times, not because they truly hated Israelis or Jews, but because they had bad rhetorical habits built into them and just didn’t realize. So of course, I was of the very firm belief that in the event of an attack like the one on Israel, leftists would condemn it as horrific, since their problem wasn’t Israelis themselves, but how Israel was perpetuating the conflict with their disproportionate military power and committing human rights violations. I truly believed they would never cheer on those doing the same to Israeli civilians—because the war crimes were their problem, not the Jews.

And, um, yeah. I was wrong.

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1 year ago

sorry but i want to hit every american talking about not wanting to vote democrat anymore with hammers. lol

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1 year ago

“This is difficult for the US left, I think, because it's not something we can burn down... if they have decided that the way forward that they want to take is one of peace and reconciliation, I don't care how bad of a taste that might leave in my mouth.”

this person means well but what on earth is wrong with the US Left if that would leave a bad taste in your mouth?

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1 year ago

Liberals actually stole my dog, ate my kids, released 10 plagues onto the globe, and polluted my water supply. Leftists? Leftists can do no wrong! They all have the Correct Opinons and they all have shields around them that protect them for propaganda, bad decisions, and stupidity! It’s those Damn Libs that you have to watch out for, they can’t think critically at all!

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1 year ago

Here’s some context:

Heres Some Context:

Not everything in this world should be blamed on liberals I think. If you don’t give a shit about other people and don’t really care about antisemitism, then you too can fall for the rhetoric that Osama Bin Laden had written in his letter. Or maybe you just have horrible reading comprehension skills.

Liberals actually stole my dog, ate my kids, released 10 plagues onto the globe, and polluted my water supply. Leftists? Leftists can do no wrong! They all have the Correct Opinons and they all have shields around them that protect them for propaganda, bad decisions, and stupidity! It’s those Damn Libs that you have to watch out for, they can’t think critically at all!

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1 year ago

My biggest frustration with the left has always been the inability/unwillingness to work on making progress inside of the system while advocating for greater change.

I remember the first time I came to this realization.

I was nineteen, pregnant. We couldn’t afford to heat the house because we couldn’t afford the deposit to turn the gas on. It was miserably cold. The duplex we were renting was old and rickety and drafty. The window frames were messed up and there were cracks you could stick your finger through that were open to the elements.

Just, like, to give you an idea where we were financially. And this was better than we’d been doing before!

Anyway, I had recently started going to DSA meetings. And that month, they were talking about how a moderate democrat had successfully gotten a small increase in WIC benefits monthly. It came out to, like, $10 a month.

The members talking—mostly male, almost all doing decent—were scornful. The democrat should have pushed harder and gotten more, refused to accept anything until everyone else caved to their demands. I remember sitting there, quietly drinking the latte in the smallest size they had that I had bought with scrounged quarters, listening. Wishing it wasn’t held in an indie coffee shop because it was a luxury I really couldn’t afford, but it would be rude not to. Enjoying the coffee anyway.

I was one of the lucky ones who was getting that additional $10 a month through WIC. Even more exciting, we were now getting a voucher for the farmers’ market. I casually mentioned that WIC recipients would now be getting farmers’ market vouchers, too.

The guy who organized the meetings was a hard worker, passionate guy. Did something in tech.

He was like, “That’s the thing! These people don’t want farmers market vouchers. They want—” and he went on to describe a bunch of pie in the sky desires. That, yeah, sounded good.

But one. I was one of those people! A lot if the tamiles were super excited about it, myself included.

I had never been to a farmers’ market before. I tried arugula for the first time, a piece pulled from a bunch by the grower as he explained the flavor difference. I hadn’t known before then that different lettuce greens had different flavors, that it was more than just the texture and shape. I tried pesto, which delighted me. Goat cheese. I got three full pounds of strawberries for two dollars, since they were closing soon and the old man selling the berries got a kick out of me.

Anyway. It was like, you have a decent life. Not great but decent! The things that are life changing for me, for us… you already have.

The ten dollars at the grocery store made the difference between a meal of broken-noodles-with-some-half-horrible-pantry-scraps and a meal. It kept me full and healthy! And the additional farmers’ market voucher was world changing for me.

The democrat who worked for those things barely got them through. And it was means tested to hell and back. They weren’t able to get everything they wanted. But what they got made such a huge difference for me, for people like me.

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8 months ago

I don’t agree with your politics but I 100% agree that censoring anyone just for having different political stances and beliefs is a transgression on liberty. It’s a part of our constitution that we are given free speech and it makes your own stance seem weak if you must suppress any opposition. It’s not a right wing behavior to suppress free speech it is the behavior of dictators.

I don't know how to explain this to a lot of you but acting like any and all criticism is dangerous and the same book burning or governmental censorship is not owning the right-wingers, it's acting like one.

Being unable to accept criticism is not "fighting purity culture" or "owning the pruiteens." It's right-wing behavior. You are all just acting like the dudebros who think feminists are going to take their games away because they heard some anti-feminism claim it so. Or those who cry about cancel culture while their favorite celebrities get even more attention after their crimes have been brought to light.

And even if you have a point buried somewhere in your crying, acting like some "puritanical" children have the power to oppress you just shows how much of a whiny edge lord you are.

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1 year ago

I did NOT steal a bar of soap from Safeway because I absolutely do NOT believe that chain grocery stores are a plague. I absolutely DID pay seven fucking dollars for a bar of soap and did NOT just grab it with the razors and scan only the razors before putting them in my backpack. I am NOT poor in the slightest and I DO own a car. People who steal from mega corporations ARE criminals. Money DID pay for soap and it did NOT buy nectarines and apples instead.

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