299 posts
James, Smirking: Excuse Me, Sir, What Time Do You Have To Be Back In Heaven?
James, smirking: excuse me, sir, what time do you have to be back in heaven?
Pandora: oh no
Evan: it was nice knowing you, Potter
Dorcas: Reg is going to tear him to shreds!
Barty: oh I can’t lose the show
Regulus: *giggles*
Barty, with horror: he broke him
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More Posts from Thefandomlifechoseus
Most insane underrated line in Supernatural is "the angels, they don't care. I think maybe they just don't have the equipment to care. Seems like when they try, it just breaks them apart". We are in season 7 episode 21!! Cas and Dean haven't repaired their relationship yet!! Dean is fresh from Cas' betrayal and loss, he has barely started processing the entire thing - and this line has everything, there's the acknowlegment that whatever bad Cas did was from a place of caring, of trying, there's the dose of guilt because Dean blames himself for breaking Cas, there's the other side of the blame coin because as far as Dean is concerned "breaking" Cas is an improvement from the default angel uncaring condition, but is it, isn't it, is it, isn't it? Is giving an uncaring creature the equipment to care an improvement or a downgrade? Is the pain worth it? Is turning Pinocchio into a real boy a gift or a punishment? The very touch of your corrupts. You turned him into the same rotten, twisted thing as you are. Humanity is a virtue. Humanity is a curse. The humanity in you is a value. The humanity in you is a perversion. You are hell incarnate, turning an innocent thing into a monster. But is the monster a monster when the monstrosity you gave him was the ability to care? Where's the line between defilement and mercy? Who traces the line? Depravity and goodness are sides of the same coin called humanity and you're so full of humanity it's bursting at your seams. You're a plague inflicting the ones around you with your sickness but the sickness is being a person. You installed the personhood software into the robot and it's not perfect anymore. Is it broken? Or is it really perfect now? Who decides that? Do you get to decide? Is the one you affected able to decide?
*grabs Ben Edlund by the shoulders and shakes him, all while screeching*
Arthur: On a scale of Leon to Lancelot, how impulsive are you feeling right now?
Merlin: *thinking*
Lancelot: I commit identity fraud one time, and suddenly I’m the bad example?
Gwaine: Sorry, you did what?!
Arthur: Would you like a list of the crimes you committed while keeping Merlin’s magic a secret?
Lancelot: …
Merlin: It’s not his fault!
Arthur: And the original question, Merlin?
Merlin: … Lancelot…
Lancelot: Merlin!
Merlin: Sorry.
Arthur: There’s my point. Someone go get Leon to keep an eye on him.
Merlin: I don’t need a babysitter!
Lancelot: I’ll keep Merlin out of trouble, sire.
Merlin: Lancelot can do it.
Arthur: No! The point is to keep you both from being stupid and impulsive!
Gwaine: I am learning so much today.
Dean watching Cas talk about something overcome with how smitten he is, fully not processing anything Cas is saying just going mmhm yeah yes totally, his head repeating cas kissing cas mouth mouth pink cas love him kiss Cas. So he doesn't even really notice himself leaning in and doing it until Cas pulls away and goes "um. ?" and Dean's brain clicks back on at 100 miles per hour. He says "I um. I didn't..." he looks around and sees Sam's bug eyed surprised face bc he was there this whole time bc it was just a normal conversation. Dean says "I just gotta. Um. I'll see you around." And fucking legs it.
Cas and Sam are left in awkward, confused silence. Cas puts his hand up to his mouth and, after a beat, asks "is the formation of rock pools really so stimulating?" (Bc that's what he'd been talking about) and Sam's halfway through saying "I have no clue, man," when Dean bursts back into the room, grabs Cas’s face and kisses him thoroughly because, fuck it, if he's going to have to deal with how awkward he's just made things he may as well have a kiss he can remember out of it.
Obviously, Cas gives as good as he gets, and Sam's like (amused) "okay I guess we'll talk later" as he makes his escape. Dean, with his hand already making its way up under Cas’s shirt, calls "much later. Next year, Sammy" (Cas kisses his neck) "next DECADE."

Sterek Week 2017 » Day 2: Scene Stealer » Inspired by LoVe, Veronica Mars
I love you, Derek Hale. Do you love me?
Arthur thinks Merlin was raped (but he wasn't)
This is kind of a prequel to this post, click here if you want more context -> LINK
Tagging @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @odinjm , @hssmaureader , @daniella0 , @stressed-but-chill , @smileytrinity
When Arthur finds Merlin in the woods after being lost for 3 weeks, he feels so much joy. He doesn't remember feeling so much joy in his life. Merlin is dirty, his clothes riped and with dry blood, but alive. And that’s all he cares right now.
Arthur: (more than happy and relieved) Merlin! I thought we lost you (goes to him to give him a hug, thinking) That I lost you.
Merlin: (Backs away quickly before Arthur can hug him, wide eye and terrified)
Arthur: (confused) Merlin?
Gwain: Merls, it's us, relax (extends a hand)
Merlin: (shakes his head, frantic, and goes limping to hide behind a tree)
Lancelot: (worried) Merlin... (aproaches carefully) Merlin, it's okay. You're safe know (extends his hand, gently, with a reassuring smile).
Merlin: (shakes his head again and tries to say something but he can't, so he whimpers quietly)
Lancelot: No touching, alright. (Lifts his hands in surrender) No one is going to touch you.
Arthur: (approaches as carefully as Lancelot did) Do you recognise us? (Thinking, begging) Please, say you do.
Merlin: (Nods and tries to speak again, but closes his mouth, frustrated)
Arthur: (realises, heartbroken) You can't speak.
Arthur and the knights can only imagine the horrors Merlin endured. It's obvious he was tortured but they didn't know how much of his new behaviour is result of physical damage or trauma. For example, is Merlin too traumatized to speak or is he physically unable? Did his tortures cut his tonge? Damaged his vocal chords? And what the hell have they done to Merlin to make him so afraid of human touch?
With a lot of reassuring and patience, they manage to bring Merlin back to Camelot. It was difficult not to touch him when he kept limping and falling. And Merlin refused to use a horse for some reason, no matter how much they insisted, so they had to get a cart to transport him. When they finally arrive, they bring him to Gaius immediately so the physician can check him, but Merlin doesn't let him touch him either and he locks himself in his room. It takes days for Gaius to have a formal diagnosis for the prince.
Gaius: (reports painfully) He was starved, beaten, cut, whiped and burned several times for what I could see.
Arthur: For what you could see?
Gaius: He wouldn't let me see all the wounds (sighs). He was also immobilized with chains by the wrists, ankles and neck. He must have struggled a lot because the marks of the chains are actually worse than the torture itself.
Arthur: (his heart aching for Merlin and burning in fury for the bastards who did this, composes himself just enough to ask again) His voice... did they...did they cut his-
Gaius: No, sire. He's physically able to talk He's just too traumatized to do it. It might take a while for him to talk again.
Arthur: (sighs releaved, but still fill with sorrow) Why? Why would they do this to him? Merlin never hurt anyone, who would want to- (stops when he sees Gaius apprehensive expression) You know something.
Gaius: (hesitantly) Merlin can't speak but he can still write, sire. He... he managed to write me some things.
Arthur: (raises his voice, angry) And you tell me this now?! What did he write?
Gaius: ...
Arthur: (demands) Gaius, I order you to tell me.
Gaius: (sighs) Apparently the bandits that captured him wanted... information sire. To know all the weak spots of the castle... and everything related to you.
Arthur: (open his eyes wide, horrified and devastated, and sinks in a nearby chair) No...
Gaius: He didn't say a thing, sire. You don't have anything to wo-
Arthur: (explodes) I know he didn't! That idiot! He should have told them everything! I wouldn't have blamed him, but of course he didn't. I whish he had (breaks down and cries) This is all my fault.
Gaius: (comforting him, a hand on Arthur's shoulder) This is no one's fault but theirs. You can't prevent every conspiration, attack or attemp murder directed at you. You're the king. It's expected.
Arthur: I should have protected him better, found him sooner. I should-
Gaius: Dwelling on what if scenarios won't help you. And it definitely won't help Merlin. What he needs now is for you to be there for him, be strong for him
So Arthur does just that. When Merlin keeps locking himself in his room and refuses to leave, Arthur visits him at the door and slide pieces of paper through the door crack so Merlin can write the words he can't speak and they can have a small talk at least once a day. Arthur can hear things being thrown and broken constantly and, the first days, Merlin doesn't even pick up the paper. When Merlin finally does, the paper is returned with a short messages along the lines of "Go away", "Leave me alone" to which Arthur reponds firmly he won't, he never will, every single time. Then Merlin's messages turn longer little by little and Arthur's one sided conversations with the door are over.
The day Merlin finally leaves his room and resumes his duties is a blessing as much as it is a curse. Arthur is glad and greatful at Merlin's progress, but seeing him doing his chores silently, just noding or shaking his head when asked something, and without sharing a single smile is painful. Merlin still doesn't let anyone touch him, which everyone respects, but is specially difficult for Arthur since, he realises, he used to manhandle his manservant a lot. They still comunicate through papers when necessary, but is just not the same.
A particular day Merlin almost falls down the stairs and Arthur, forgetting his manservant boundaries for a second, catches him in reflex.
Merlin: (separates from Arthur in full panic mode, screaming) NO!
Arthur: I'm so sorry, Merlin! I didn't mean-wait (open his eyes wide in surprise) You talked?
Merlin: (unsure, repeats) No? (brings a hand to his mouth in surprise and repeats, fearful) No? (his hand goes to his neck, nervous, as if expecting something bad to happen, but then he smiles brightly and shouts, very excited) No!😃 NO!😄
Arthur: (laughs in excitment, so happy he might cry) Your voice is back! You can talk again! (about to go for a hug)
Merlin: (lifts his hands, warnly) No!😠
Arthur: (lifts his hands too, quickly) Right, sorry. (They both lower their hands at the same time) Ahm... Is 'no' the only word you can say?
Merlin: (shrugs)
Arthur: Come one, try something else.
Merlin: (hesitanly) Ar...thur?
Arthur: See? You can talk.
Merlin: (smiles softly, and says fondly) Arthur. (tries to say something more elaborated, but in the end only manages to say again) Arthur. (Purses his lips, frustrated)
Arthur: (smiles at him fondly) One word at a time, don't force yourself. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's good to hear your annoying voice again. (thinking) And hearing you saying my name and smiling. How much I missed that smile.
After that, Merlin is able to give short answers. First from 1 to 3 words and later one sentence or two. He's also more expressive now with his features, not as much as he was before, but he makes small frowns and gives small smiles from time to time. Arthur craves those moments. Even if Merlin's face contorts in fury because Arthur tried to exclude him from going on trips with him to protect him, or because Arthur doesn't do things like throwing things at him anymore because he believes Merlin's made of cristal. Arthur can’t help feeling happy because Merlin's face is finally wearing some emotion.
Then comes the day Arthur sees Merlin having a nightmare.
Arthur finds Merlin fallen asleep in his bed. Before Arthur would have get mad, but he knows through Gaius that Merlin hasn’t been sleeping well so he lets him. He starts checking his informs when suddenly he hears Merlin crying for help. Arthur runs to him inmediatly.
Merlin: (begs in his sleep, moving and crying desperatly) No! Anything but that, please.
Arthur: (tries to wake him up without touching him) Merlin, it's just a nightmare. Wake up.
Merlin: (doesn’t wake up and cries more painfully) Please! Hurts too much! Please! Stop!
Arthur: Merlin-
Merlin: Arthur! Arthur, I'm here! Please! Arthur!
Arthur: (shouts) Merlin!
Merlin: (wakes up abruptly and checks desperatly his wrists and neck)
Arthur: (comforting him) You are safe. You are in Camelot. You are safe.
Merlin: (wipes his tears and looks around) I fell asleep in your bed. I'm sorry.
Arthur: (smiles) It’s okay. (Wants to put a comforting hand on his shoulder but restrains himself) You were having a nightmare.
Merlin: I... I don't want to talk about it.
Arthur: Alright. But if you ever want to. Just know that I'm here to listen.
Merlin: (Nods in understanding and sighs) I'll get back to work. (Stands up)
Arthur: (complains, but not really) As you should. Those chores aren’t going to make theirselfs, you know?
Merlin: (smiles a little, cause he knows what Arthur is doing) Right away, sire. (Leaves)
After that, Arthur asks Gaius if he knows what Merlin's dream are about exactly, because it seemed there was a especific type of torture Merlin dreaded the most, but while Gaius seems to know, he refuses to tell him, even when he commands him. "It's not my place to tell" It's all physician says. It bugs Arthur the rest of the day. It's not until Arthur leads a trial of a rape victim that devasting realisation hits him.
That girl, that poor girl acts just like Merlin. Not letting anyone touch her, barely speaking. There are marks on her wrists of ropes the inmobilized her while she was... Just like Merlin's chains. "He must have struggled a lot because the marks of the chains are actually worse than the torture itself" Gaius had said. Merlin's nightmares. Merlin limping when they found him in the wood. Merlin not wanting to ride on a horse.
Arthur's world crushes all over again. His Merlin, his best friend was raped. Arthur can see his knights came to the same conclusion, because of the devasted expression they have when he meets them in private.
Elyan: (still in denial) It can't be... not Merlin.
Leon: It does make sense though. If none other torture seemed to work...
Percival: And Merlin has always had... very delicate features for a man.
Gwaine: Those sick bastards!
Lancelot: (no quiet believing this theory yet because he knows Merlin has magic to defend himself, but he can't share that so he just stays silent) ...
Arthur: (with deadly and serious expression) As soon as we find them, we'll make them pay. For now I want you to keep taking turns in watching over Merlin.
All knights: Yes, sire!
By month 3, Merlin talks almost as frequently as he did before, maybe with less jokes and smiles, but he's getting there. Arthur is glad some of their usual banter is back.
Merlin: (asks, shyly) Arthur? Could you... it's just I want to try something, but... you don't have to if-
Arthur: (throwing whatever he's doing inmediatly) Of course, anything. Just ask.
Merlin: (blushes a little) Could you... give me your hand?
Arthur: (his heart stops with emotion for a moment, but composes himself) Sure (he extends his hand)
Merlin: (slowly but surely joins their palms and smiles. After a moment, he says relieved to himself) Nothing happened.
Arthur: (joyful at feeling Merlin's touch again, but his heart breaking at Merlin's words) Of course nothing happened. I would never hurt you, Merlin.
Merlin: (smiles a little) I know. (Lets go of Arthur’s hand)
Arthur: (missing his touch already) If you need to... you can ask me to help you again, you know? With the whole touching thing.
Merlin: (surprised) Really?
Arthur: (nods) Whenever you want.
Merlin: (smiles a little) Thank you.
And Arthur finds himself craving those moments too. He always waits for Merlin to initiate the touch. Arthur doesn't risk doing it, fearing he could scare Merlin. So he waits. First Merlin just asks to join their hands from time to time. Then, one blessful day, Merlin tell him is okay to touch his arm or his shoulder like Arthur used to do. Arthur does it gently though, enjoying and appreciating it as he never did before. Arthur feels sense of achievement when Merlin stops tensing at his touch completly, at easy with him again.
Gwaine: (while training, sighs) I miss Merlin's hugs.
Lancelot: (sad) Me too. He's making a great progress with thouch though. And he smiles more.
Percival: Remember when he asked me if I could carry him in my back?
Elyan: And you said "I could carry you with a single finger!" And then you picked him up (All the knights except for Arthur, laugh)
Arthur: (suddenly very sternly) stop chatting and get back to training.
Gwaine: Relax, princess. We were just talking about all the times Merlin-
Arthur: (raises his voice, mad) I said get back to training!
Leon: (worried) Are you alright, sire?
Arthur: (harshly) I'm fine.
Gwaine: (realising) Wait... you've never hugged Merlin before?
Arthur: ...
Gwaine: (laughing) Oh, gods! That's what it is. You're jealous!
Lancelot: (warns) Gwaine.
Gwaine: What? Is not my fault mister I'm-too-great-to-show-affection didn't get to hug Merlin before.
Leon: (seeing Arthur's increasinly furious face, warns too) Gwaine, stop.
Gwaine: And he doesn't get to be mad at us just because he'll never get to hug him now.
Arthur: (shouts and launches himself at Gwaine and they start fighting)
The rest of the knights: (try to stop them but is useless).
Arthur: (about to throw the finale punch)
Merlin: (enters the training ground and aproaches, confused) Arthur? Gwaine? What's happening?
Arthur: (gets distracted at Merlin's appearance)
Gwaine: (takes advantage and makes Arthur trip)
Arthur: (Ends with his face in a puddle of mud)
Gwaine:... 😨
Elyan:... 😧
Percival: ...😰
Leon: ...🤦♂️
Merlin: (burst out laughing) OMG! Your face! I can't! 🤣😂
All the knights, specially Arthur: (stunned but mostly mesmerised cause Merlin hasn’t laugh, properly laugh since they found him in the woods and they have missed his beautiful laugh so damn much)
Merlin: (wipes his tears of hapiness) Sorry. I'm done now.
Arthur: (Thinking, almost in panic) No, you aren't! (Turns to Gwaine and orders) Gwaine, give me your face.
Gwaine: What-
Arthur: (smashes mud in his face)
Merlin: (starts laughing again, but not as hard as before)
Lancelot: (understanding what Arthur is doing, thinks) Is not enough. (Makes a ball of mud and throws it at Elyan's face)
Elyan: Hey! 😠
Lancelot: (pointing at Merlin) Look!
Merlin: (is laughing harder)
Percival: (shouts) Mud fight! (And everyone starts throwing mud at each other)
Merlin: (still laughing) What are you doing, you idiots! Now I'll have to wash all your armors!
Arthur: Don't be dull, Merlin! Join us!
Merlin: (giggles) You're worst than children, I swear. (shakes his head but joins the fight)
Arthur's finally got his Merlin back and he'll never lose him again.