Idea For A Soldier Poet King AMV
Idea for a Soldier Poet King AMV
This AMV will use Super Mario Logan charectrers
Soldier is Joseph, though it's more in the sense that he soldier on through life as it did deal him a unfortunate hand.
The poet is Cody, I would refer to him as a poet More into how he can be able to dismantle and and analyze others actions through words.
The king/ruler would be Bowser Junior ( I'm accounting for the originals, not the puppets), not only is he technically a prince (a form of royalty and a ruler, so for the sake of the video and the song he is refers to as a ruler) due to being the son of the king Bowser, he does seem to posses some qualities of royalty (for better or worse).
This is just an idea I had, If you use it credit me, and please, if you do not like it, you can be polite and disagree politely.
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More Posts from Theforty7thgamer
Hey, I don't know if I made it clear, but I really like the show Bobs Burgers (it's my favorite TV show in fact) and I want it to be in Kingdom Hearts.
But with that in mind, it got me thinking about what would a Bobs Burgers stand alone Video Game would be, personally, I would like a platformer in the vein of Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom, the Simpsons Game/Hit and Run, or the Lego games, but with a story based on a continuous goal (like a competition for the best Restaurant in town that Bob wants to get the title to drum up business, but each of the family and maybe a few other characters have their own sub plots along the way, like Louise has to get revenge on a family in an RV or Teddy ends up loosing something very important and it turns out to be a busted up appliance with a lot of sentimental value which is why Teddy wanted to fix it, ect) and the game focuses on that concept.
Any way, I would like to hear you guys thoughts and ideas.
Mario characters super forms (Part 3): Bowser Junior
All right, today we are going to be creating a super form for Bowser Jr.
The beaches are going to be using for this is a mech, specifically one based off Of the Koopa Clown Car.
I imagine since the Clown Car is such an integral part of Junior's charecter he will manifest one regardless if he is using it or not.
The after manifesting the Clown Car I would imagine that it would form a mech suit based off of junior.
But it'll also use the help of another tool.
The paintbrush.
The paint brush will help by not only acting as a weapon (akin to a sword), it is also fortifies the mech by coating it in powerful paint.
That is pretty much about it, If you want to use this concept make sure to credit me, also please try to give me a suggestion.
There's one more thing I want to do before I post, I'm not going to give a super form based off of Bowser. The reason why is he already has a super form, Giga Bowser. So don't try to suggest it.
Good day
the funniest thing about zim is that in many ways, hes exactly what irkens idealize: hes driven by the mission, worshipful of the tallest, unable to accept failure, and an absolutely ruthless and vengeful little dude. hes exactly what they want from a soldier and its probably why he made invader at all in impending doom 1.
and yet... hes so goddamn incompetent, and almost entirely because hes so eager to please and unwilling to accept failure (and dont forget that petty streak). he has to lie and reframe his failures, because the irken empire doesnt fail. he has to take revenge on those who hurt him because the irken empire does not let insolence go unpunished and is quick to make an example of those who do not perfectly fall in line (remember when the tallest threw the wrong guy out an airlock for saying he didnt remember what a fuck-up zim was? and then theyre just like ehhh you all get the message)
hes like gods funny little joke on the irken empire for their massive hubris and war crimes. he internalized alllllll their ideals perfectly, and then he went and fucking set his own planet on fire. even sending him off to earth on a fruitless "invasion" couldnt save them from the empire's most loyal servant
irk absolutely deserves all the chaos zim brings them, and i hope one day he serves them to death
My Top Four Fox Based Worlds For Kingdom Hearts
This list Is based off of Fox properties that I think should be in Kingdom Hearts. Remember these can technically happen since Disney owns Fox.
Spoilers Ahead.
# 4 Raising Hope/Natesville
This is a world to show how even the littlest of towns can contribute to the upcoming Keyblade War. I love to shop at Howdys or a boss fight with Lucy. For a story, I would pick one of the wedding episodes, that or an original story taking place after the series.
Partners: probably none, though though if it had to be somebody it had to be at least one of the Chances or a family friend.
Keyblade: "Here we go (Oh Oh Oh)" (turns into a baby rattle and mobile (with references to the show.))
Bosses: heartless reference of something from the show & Lucy.
(Note: it would not be a bad idea to incorporate a My Name Is Earl reference)
#3 Diary of a wimpy kid/Plainview...Kind of:
I'm not the first one to come up with this, I'll just say that.
My idea for this world is that instead of having is being based off of the movies actual events, If you want to take place within the journal of Greg Heffley.
Heartless are threatening to take over by making the events of the journal (which is from Greg's perspective) into a real version so that it can be prime real estate for a takeover.
I would really like to see a concept like this used for an actual world.
Partners: Greg(either the doodle version of him, or The real Greg acts like a fourth dimensional being and has influence using a pencil) and also Rowley (he is a gold belt in karate last time I checked).
Keyblade: Twisted Wizard™ Blade of Unlocking (transforms into a staff and then a pencil or pen based of The diary of a wimpy kid mythos).
Boss: Twisted Wizard strategy guide come to life, amalgamation of heartless in a form of all the things Greg fears, some third boss based of off heartless.
#2 Bobs Burgers/ Wonder Warf:
Bobs Burgers is my favorite show so of course I would like this to be a world in Kingdom Hearts
The main concept for this world is that what would happen if a world based on realistic fiction, the only forms of fantasy is what if and stories told by the characters, (the most unreal thing is a two-butted goat, and a sea monster and you could chalk it up to a mutation and some superstition.)
Imagine the city that Bobs Burgers takes place in (I only called her Wonder Wharf because it was a well-known name from the show) finding out that the supernatural exists.
I love to see the town adapt to that.
It would also be fun to see the Belchers and the unique story created for this game world.
Partners: If possible, all of the Belchers, but most likely just Bob and Louise.
Keyblade: Good for your heartless (turns into a spatula, and then a Bobs Burgers theme spatula themed spatula.
Bosses: A fake boss fight with either Hugo Jimmy Pesto or Mr Fisheoder, (you get arrested after you land the first hit), and and a boss fight consisting of a heartless based around a concept from the show, like a burger heartless.
# 1 Free Guy/Free City:
At the time of writing this, I just saw the movie Free Guy, and it was really great. I want A world based around the movie or the events after it.
Spoilers ahead
If it takes place during the movie, it should be during the montage of Guy doing good things and go from there.
If it takes place afterward, you can have it be that Antwane Is working with the Heartless to gain back the game so he can get back his money and the heartless can use it to spread misery from the NPCs
With the focus on its being a video game, you can do something along the lines of Tron from the first Kingdom Hearts game.
Partners: Guy, Molotov girl/Millie, and maybe Buddy (he didn't do much combatively but I will be willing to see a change in the script for him).
Keyblade: Free Blade (can transform into a blaster, and then a keyboard)
Bosses: Glitched Dude, Antwan in some shape or form, Reboot,Error, or deletion Heartless.
So that's pretty much about it. I hope one day we will have one of these worlds in Kingdom Hearts, and I hope that day is soon.
If you want to use these ideas in fanfics or in fan art, or want to build upon these ideas, make sure to credit me.
Good day
Who would you think would win a fight, both with or without their pirate ships and pirate crews.
Kaptain Skurvy (Middle)

Captain Syrup