If You Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind And Wants To Kill Someone Its Because Personal Planets Has Shifted
If you feel like you're losing your mind and wants to kill someone its because personal planets has shifted into aries...
Also new moon's blasmic energy is in aries too πi'm gonna throw hands and choke myself seriously...

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Hail Apollo;
God before whom princes and poets kneel.
I have no words to describe how beautiful you are and how beautiful my life is because of you. Every day, I am blessed by you. Thank you for gifting me with your patronage and your love, and I pray that my love for you is known in return.

Solar return observations-3
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All work of @notanastrologer.

Virgo ascendant on SR, you will focus more on health of areas related to house Virgo rules in your natal chart.
SR Ascendant falls in 12th house of natal you will feel lack of freedom and independence.
SR cancer moon will dwell on past mistakes or have nostalgia.
Sometimes, If 7th house lord of your natal chart is in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) your love life will probably stay steady as last year.
Same is Venus of solar return is in fixed signs.
Neptune in 3rd house of solar return, you will probably learn a new instrument.
Neptune in 12th/5th of solar return, you might dance a lot.
Uranus in 5th might go an vacation unexpectedly.
Uranus conjunct Venus in 6th might go to a vacation unexpectedly or through work.
If your Venus/Jupiter/Mars in SR conjunct your Sun-moon midpoint of natal, you are likely to meet a new love partner in the year. This can be your long term partner or spouse even.
Wherever Aries in your SR chart, check which sign originally rules this house in your natal chart, you will start a new journey in these area. Example- You are a Libra rising in SR, and Aries rules your 7th house. And in your natal chart you are Scorpio rising with Taurus in your 7th house. So in that that SR, you will begin either a new job, first job, take a step towards financial freedom, it can be starting new education or starting a new business, starting new traditions with family or there is someone new in the family.
24Β°, 26Β°, 22Β° MC means waiting patiently for a job that makes you wait.
Neptune and Pluto in 6th/10th house or aspects on 10th house shows corrupt practices at work place or with co-workers. Someone might take credit for your work or you get passed over for a promotion.
Pluto in 3rd/6th/12th/8th/11th house SR will think about sex a lot during this year.
Uranus in 8th house of SR, will probably find out something new this year.
Saturn in 7th in SR can indicate a little lonely year, as you may have to do a lot of things on your own, your contact with people on general might be cut off.
3rd house stellium in SR means a busy year for you, you may be doing a lot and taking on additional responsibilities especially if Saturn is there. This can mean for SR asc lord in 3rd house of solar return as well.
Leo rising SR shows that you will have a lot of alone time, you can also be just doing you, a lot of me-time.
If your natal 6th house sign is your SR Ascendant, you will be humbled this year, you will be more grounded.
Part of fortune in your SR, can show easy areas of life which might bring you more happiness and fulfillment.
Part of fortune square Pluto or Uranus, might bring uncomfortable changes that you will have to get used to.
If you have Moon square Venus in SR, year might not be as peaceful as you want. There can be emotional instability and possibly lack of support from people around you which can be a cause of sadness.
If your natal MC is square your solar return MC, one possibility is that you might not be doing the kind of work you want to be doing.
If your moon of natal house conjunct Mars, you will possibly have aggression or dissatisfaction from prevailing situations. You may fight a lot with family or loved ones.
Pallas square Chiron shows that you will think that you didn't gain much last year or think it was a waste.
Also goes for Natal Pallas conjunct SR Chiron, you will question your knowledge and thete can be self doubt. Another indication is that you will gain wisdom from the healing you will do.
Pluto of natal conjunct Venus/Neptune, you may obsess over someone. This can also indicate breakups or a hidden crush that you have on someone.
Solar return Pluto conjunct or transit over natal Neptune shows big spiritual glow up. Great time to improve intuition.
If your SR Venus conjuncts your Uranus of natal chart, expect a change in relationship status.
Pallas conjunct juno in SR shows a lot of learning through commitment and relationships, but if it's in 3rd,9th house this can also show commitment towards conventional learning and education.
Uranus square Midheaven or Saturn or sun in SR may bring new jobs but the timing isn't right, or a new job but not the one you want.
ππIt's highly important to read your solar return together with your natal chart. ππ
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