Ttte Headcanon - Tumblr Posts
TTTE headcanons
some might be sad, some might be sweet, some straight up random. And bad spelling cause English ain’t my first language.
Humanized! TTTE AU ___________ -Toad can never sleep without Oliver. He thinks that someone will kidnaped him, it will always end up with him awoken from a nightmare. This makes Oliver concerned when someone is looking after him( i humanized him as a child-)
-Marion was already weird from the beginning before coming to sodor. She never had any reliable friends with her, the only one who has been on her side is her driver. Let’s call them Ben. Ben and Marion are inseperable, until hard times came and Ben died, leaving Marion in tears. Ben’s last words are, “we’ll meet together sooner or later, Marion! But for now, goodbye...”. Until a few day a similar looking person came in to take in Ben’s spot, after that incident, she believed it was magic.
-Spiteful Brakevan soul is still lingering around Douglas. And it makes him wonder why no one wants to be around them for too long, except for Donald, he thinks that the aura near his brother is always like that.
-on though days, Millie would insist Luke to rest on her lap, despite this, Luke felt weird about it.
Human Steam Team headcanons
Go check out part one lmao it's cringe
Will also be including Duck, Oliver (and Toad), and the Scottish twins.
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If the modern world took place in TTTE, then Thomas will really take a liking to Disney Channel movies.
Edward likes to write more than reading. In fact, he only reads when he has nothing better to do. And what does Edward writes? A story between a prince and a peasent.
Henry takes a disliking to kids because he thinks that they're annoying and likes to mess everyone minds around.
Gordon has taken a new liking to gossip. His gossip buddies are: James, Henry, and apparently Edward. Since Gordon thinks he's old and he needs to get a hold of the world Nowadays.
James likes to cross dressing from time to time.
Percy often uses informal greetings no matter the person.
Toby spends his day off's going to a field of flowers and help Edward write whatever he is writing.
While Toby likes to go to a field of flowers on his day off's, he prefers to spend time at the mainland. A feeling where it's quite nostalgic, according to him.
If Donald is in the modern world, then his favourite music artist is probably Mitski and Cavetown.
Douglas favourite feeling is the feeling when it's raining and he's doing a job. Gives him a soothing feeling.
Oliver favourite food are sandwiches because according to him they are "easy to make and share memories with you. "
Emily has taken a liking to a few engines. But she won't talk about it.
Toad loves to collect whatever he finds in the sand at the beach with Skiff
Ok so,back then while chatting on Mr.Ryan's server (Which i don't chat in anymore because of sum embarassing i did that got me suspended to the point that is stuck in my head), something popped up in my head and that's the fact that i made a (probably) cute headcanon of Percy! If he were human, he probably cook. And then i made the AU about 5 months later. Gotta do a refference sheet tomorrow ig🏃♀️💨💨💨
Okay tumblr, time for an update!
I finally decided it is time to start posting more often and share my infinity fantasy with the world.
Two things I will be working on:
After much thinking I’m going to make a side blog for art specific for an TTTE au I had in my mind for years. Ideas, art and story will be posted there and reblogged here (I give an update once I decided to reveal it to the world).
On this blog I will be posting an original project (named the Ten Towers), fan art and reblog stuff I like.
So that’s basically it.
Wish me luck and see ya soon!
Awesome writing 😱🤩
Diesel 10 Head Cannon - Revenge
Man, Day of the Diesels was a underwhelming story with so much potential. Keep in mind, my D10 is not a friendly! Not at all! He is a villain in my AU and he is out for revenge! “Betrayal”, the song that I have selected, is basically him talking down Diesel (or the Sodorian Diesels). Diesel 10 is dead set on revenge thanks to his past.
One - He was actually born Shining Time side, not Sodor side which is very particular! Lady brought him to life to save him from being scrapped and over the years, had him put back together piece by piece. He went by the name Alexander (Alex for short). His fellow siblings were also named after famous generals - Napoleon, Patton, etc. His claw is what he got on Sodor side, a engineer being fascinated by the more advanced tech he was.
Two - His beef is with Edward. You see, Alex fell in love with Lady. Lady did too but was too scared to admit her feelings to him because- she fell in love with Edward too - and she has been lying to him. Lady is basically a goddess and has huge amounts of power. She is able to make herself look like a human (skin tone and all). Edward fell in love with HumanLady and she knows this but it grew into a guilty pleasure and tries to live the double life until….until Brandon happened. Brandon is Edward’s brother and his is furious over the fact that both of his siblings (Clyde and Ed) are falling for a human. He finds out the truth about Lady and hatches a plan. He goes Shining Side and finds Alex and takes him over to Sodor. There, he shows him what Lady is up to and witnesses her kissing Edward, breaking his heart. (I am drawing huge inspiration from Squirrelflight’s triangle from Warriors. If yall read the books, you know it does not end well). Sadly, Veronica, who was the NWR 2, was killed by Brandon (Alex was sworn to secrecy and was originally blamed for her death). Alex, already furious, goes on a rampage and fights to take Lady back by force. However, he loses the fight (and his arm) and is kicked off the island and escapes to the mainland. “AS LONG AS I AM ON THIS ISLAND, YOU WILL NOT RETURN!”
Three - He does return and he is mad as all hell! Like the film (and its original plot), he is trying to find the buffers so he can return home and find Lady. Edward is off island, taking TFC on holiday. Things pan out as normal until the climax. Thomas and Lady make it across but Diesel 10 doesn’t fall into the ravine yet. He stops and taunts them. This is when Edward is racing down the line, confronting Diesel 10. D10 taunts him while Edward tries to talk him down. The two brawl and Edward was thrown on to the collapsing bridge. D10 was about to finish him off until the bridge falls apart - both falling into the ravine. Lady’s power returns (Lily and the conductors found the secret and brought the gold dust back at the same time) and saves Edward but Diesel 10 falls into the barge. Edward explains to the three (Thomas, Percy and James) about his past.
Four - Diesel 10 is a petty bitch and desires revenge. DotD is indeed the climax to this arch. What happens is that over the years, he slowly takes over the minds of the Sodorian Diesels (well, the few he can. He has a posse of his own). He learns that there is a engine that is VERY close to Edward and decides to use her to his advantage. That engine is Annabelle Lee. She was tricked into thinking he is harmless and beings Edward. D10 executes his plan and wounds Edward. He would’ve killed him if Anna wasn’t there (military training). She takes a huge amounts of guilt while everyone tells her its not her fault. Word gets out that Diesel 10 has captives and Ginger Snap leads a charge with Thomas and Gordon (and everyone else cause this is Warriors Darkest Hour here!) but she gets hurt in the process trying to take D10 on herself. Edward and Anna learn about the attack and make there way there just to see the Diesel Works up in smoke. When Edward learns that Thomas is still inside, he rushes in to save him before Diesel 10 strikes him with the claw. Ed does his best but he two gets bested until he found the strength to fight back. Gordon races in and clocks D10 square in the jaw. Thomas and Gordon book it as the place was up in flames. Edward stays behind and carries D10 out. He was of course confused over Edward’s kindness.
Below are the songs that I take inspiration from to write D10 and his cause.
Henry the Green Engine
“I know I have problems- a lot of them. I have fought them alone. Im used to it…being alone…can I ever be…open again?”
Henry, Henry, Henry…you poor boy. If any character that has gone through the most shit, its definitely him. My take on Hen is a bit different. I do love the gentle giant and overly worried persona, but I also love his cynical and his mean/savage side. Henry has a sense of pride for his strength but his confidence is so fragile. I went with a more chilled, calm and gentle Henry. He can get worried like his latest persona but he can be quippy and cynical like his previous persona. He isn’t much of a jerk like he was in the Railway Series, well, he used to but he absolutely hates himself for it since poor Edward was the target majority of the time. But he is still a spin of his many different forms.
Like many young engines, Henry was a bit confident but he wasn’t very boastful. He was mostly nervous the whole time. He had no idea what to call himself. Gordon was a Pacific, Edward was a Seagull, Henry was…Atlantic? Pacific? What is he? You can say the then controller was not pleased when he arrived on the island. But, he wasn’t turned away since the controller needed any help he can get. Henry tried but failed to match the controller’s requirements, Gordon was then brought on with another on the way. Henry was then put on freight duty. Soon, Edward was put into steam again and joined Henry in freight duties, and eventually James. Henry and Edward got along well. Too well. Then, the day when Henry got locked up in the tunnel. James’ first day was to get Henry out of the tunnel but it was of course to no avail. Henry was both terrified of the rain and was concerned if it would spoil his paint. After the event, he slowly lost that fear, but a good storm can indeed spook him. He can tolerate it but he always packs a umbrella just in case.
Edward and Henry became more close, especially when Henry’s ego took a hit. They did indeed start to date but it was hush-hush, for a bit anyway. The others learned of this- when the strike happened. Henry was fed up too, not having Thomas here to help with the work. He and Edward would argue about it. Edward obviously finds Henry being unreasonable while Henry saw Edward the same way Gordon did: a traitor to tender engines alike. When Henry blew up on him for this, calling him names and insulting him, Edward cuts it off and keeps to his branchline. Henry was fuming for months, even treating Edward harshly, hissing and scowling at him. Eventually, when locked up, he realizes that what he has done was horrible. He wasn’t sure if Edward would ever accept his apology. Well, he didn’t, not at first. This did indeed put Henry down, realizing that what he has done is quite irreversible. This is when he started to feel ill. Due to his mish-mash build, mechanical problems were bound to happen. He had a few tinkers here and there but the big one was his firebox being too small to heat up his boiler to create steam. He was constantly teased by the others (except Edward). Edward, even though he was angry with him, knew of his pain and wanted to help him the best he could. Henry was excited when he got to try the Welsh Coal and was working well until - well, you know, The Flying Kipper Accident. He didn’t lose limbs but he received massive damage that reflect in his scars today.
Victor: I just want to quickly explain how scars work - these scars are mental scars. Strange I know. These scars are formed from traumatic events, forever bound to us. Thus, this is why our scars do not show on our engine shapes. No amount of repairs will make them fade. They are for life.
Thanks Victor. We’ll visit soon! Anyway, Henry was rebuilt into a Black 5 base and is better than before! Sometimes. Its not uncommon for a hiccup now and again to creep up on him. He tries his best.
Character interactions:
He gets along with the steam team very well, especially Edward. He has a mini rivalry with Gordon when it comes to the Express and likes to gossip with James from time to time. He has a strong sibling relationship with Emily who constantly looks out for him, especially when Gordon and James get cheeky and start poking fun at him (but they NEVER bring up the kipper accident. Period.)
When the girls came, he got along well with Ginger Snap and shares her views in valuing one’s strength. He likes Annabelle Lee’s company due to her quiet and gentle nature.
When Annabelle Lee was kidnapped, he was one of four engines to go and rescue her, when Edward couldn’t contact them by the chosen time. He was absolutely terrified! But he braved it on to help Edward and Anna. Thank god Duck did most of the talking.
When Diesel 10 returned and theatens the island with a war (he did set Vicarstown a blaze), Hen originally didn’t want any part of the fighting. In his mind, he had enough. But his mind was changed when Philip pleaded to him about saving the humans who were trapped. Its thanks to these two that many lives were saved in the onslaught.
Then, he met Sapphire. Oh boy- their first meeting was when he was taking the local while Annabelle Lee was showing her around. They literally bumped into each other! Sapphire grew a crush on him immediately and they both went on a date the same day. Thus seeing his nature loving side when they visited a garden (The bee! The BEE!) Henry wasn’t too for sure but he did find her appealing. The biggest thing was that she didn’t find him “boring.” Which was his greatest fear. He wasn’t as energy filled like James or Thomas, nor interesting like Gordon or Edward. He was relived that she loved him for who he is. They are now in a strong, steady relationship, taking things in a gentle pace. (Sapphire is a OC owned by @robotic-railways )
In general, Henry is very passive, he does not like to start fights, even in his jerk years. He is a gentle giant that can be easily spooked or worry too much. But he won’t hesitate to put himself in risk just to help out someone he cares about.
Relationship Note for Sapphire:
💚 He is a touch starved bean
💚 Loves nature and will take you out on dates on days of good weather
💚 Gives best hugs
💚 Will hold your hand and lock arms
💚 He is very steady
💚 He loves to take in the moment - even better when you are with him
💚 He is easy to get blushing
💚 He loves it when you get protective - wishes you wouldn’t get into fights though
💚 Gentle Giant - will be sweet and gentle on you
💚 Will not hesitate to drop everything to help you
Character Notes:
💚 Will hesitate to say whats wrong with him since he fears he’ll stay over night in the steamworks.
💚 A “Yes Man.” He’ll do as he is told
💚 He enjoys the quiet
💚 In his off time, he’ll read, be in his garden or roaming the forest that is named after him.
💚 He is related to Gordon, Alistair, Spencer and Mallard; distantly
💚 He is very hard to piss off. But if one does, he’ll default into the “quiet treatment.” Its rare to see his “jerky mood,” thus, this happens when his really can’t let go to what happened. Watch it! It will surprise you and he has a sharp tongue!
💚 It should go without saying: he loves nature. You all know why!
Well, this is rare when a character claims a entire album! I do see this one with Henry: his depression, anxiety, and the stresses of the job. I don’t have one for “Current Henry” but it would be a more upbeat one!
![[insert genre here]](
-Toby and Gordon were both crying when they heard their own songs.
Thomas: *Is looking at Toby and Gordon* Should we comfort them? I feel like it's a bit too emotional.
Edward: Nah, Thomas my boy. You know how these two function. Let them show their emotions properly for once.
Toby and Gordon: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Multiple characters had to redo their lines because their voices kept on cracking.
-Somebody told the forbidden Gorilla joke to Edward 10 times and Edward started rolling on the ground and banging on the floor. In fact, he banged on the floor so hard that he actually broke his wrist.
-Everybody spent the day laughing at James when he wore the bee costume. Especially Thomas, who was on the ground and actually peed his pants.
-Toby and Edward were kissing on a set once and Percy noticed. The end result was comedy gold.
Percy: Hey dad? Where's Phillip? The production crew said that they needed him to- What the?.....
Toby: *Is covered with kisses on his face* Uh, this is awkward. Percy, it's-
Edward: It's exactly what it looks like.
Toby: EDWARD!!!!
-There were too many times where Edward kept on swearing whenever he messed up. There was even a whole ass video about it on YouTube. Charlie Sand posted that one as a joke and he almost got put on a tombstone by an angry and grumpy Edward.
-Henrietta lost it when she heard Toby screaming in "Hasty Hannah" when he was going down the hill.
-Toby: Henrietta, I thought that you weren't going to laugh at me while I was going down the hill with Hannah.....Why?...... I feel betrayed.....
Henrietta: Sorry my dear, but it was too hilarious to not to.
-Henry falling into the lake headfirst wasn't supposed to happen in the episode but the writers kept it anyways because Henry spitting out the water was funny.
-In the scene of TATMR, where Toby is giggling at Diesel 10 and Splodge when they got stuck, Edward came out of nowhere and picked Toby onto his shoulder and started running off the set.
- Thomas straight up said "FUCK YOU" to Diesel 10 when he fell off of the bridge and into the barge.
-Edward slapped James in the face when James was supposed to give Edward his iconic smug expression.
-Toby literally messed up his lines 15 times when Phillip accidently called him "Dad" on set.
I am thinking about actor au where the engines themselves are filming the Thomas & Friends tv show. Specifically the blooper reel of engines messing up or forgetting their lines, coming to a stop too late and completely passing through the shot, giggling uncontrollably at something it takes about 11 tries before they can finish the scene, pulling faces in the background, Stanley popping up in scenes he's not meant to,
I chose Freebie question
Toby and Henrietta dating Edward. What is the best dating spot on the island? And how would everyone react?
Probably the beach lol. The sand is symbolic of Toby's down-to-earth nature and water symbolizes Edward either being represented as a calm mentor, an in between serious and wise and assertive but prone to being grumpy since water can be portrayed as either calm and soothing or dangerous and ruthless like a tsunami.
Also, Toby is married to Edward and Henrietta but Henrietta and Edward aren't dating each other since Edward is gay. Although, I do think the idea of Edward, Toby and Henrietta being in a polycule is pretty interesting. With that being said, the relationships are probably more like a love triangle.
Everybody's reactions would probably range from "Awww, that's so romantic" to "Make sure you guys don't drown or else we have to call the Search and Rescue Team for you old geezers."
But yeah, that's probably it.
My Ttte Human Designs (Thomas):
Hey guys, what's up? So, after downloading Gacha Life 2. I think went crazy with the designs for the Ttte characters. Because, I have like fucking 32 slots now (Update, there's MORE). Anyways, here's my human design for Thomas:

A super cheeky, loves to play pranks on anybody that he knows, an extremely impatient and impulsive engine.
Despite being the main character, he gets clapped by the story so much that people have joked that he has "bad plot armor". However Pluto (My human oc) has worse luck than him.
His human age is 18 while his actual age is 110.
Loves skateboarding more than anything. In fact, the skateboard that he has on his back was a gift send by Edward.
The adopted son of Edward, he can sometimes be a pain to him but can also be very brave and daring in certain situations.
Is Aromantic and Asexual.
He first came to Sodor and Edward mentors him how to be Really Useful™️. (Although in this AU, Edward gets fed up with Thomas' bullshit and is trying his hardest not to yell at him.)
Loves desserts and Jolly Ranchers candy. Especially the blue ones. (Hide the candy, he'll go crazy.)
A massive fan of pop music and sometimes drags his friends into random karaokes.
Is extremely loyal to the Steam Team and is genuinely a great bud to be around. He can also be a pain in the ass for you.
Hates wearing snowplows and thinks they're really annoying. Even after the accidents that he had without it, he still refuses to wear it.
This little gremlin is the shortest member out of the Steam Team.
And here's the first post about my Ttte humanizations! Next time, I'll do Edward, have a good evening! 👍🏻
My Ttte Human Designs (Edward):

Kind, helpful, loyal and wise. Is willing to give good advice to anybody who needs it. (If they deserve it of course)
Is actually pretty young, even younger than Gordon. (Hey, being wise doesn't mean you're a grandpa)
His human age is 43 while his actual age is 128.
His personality is way more assertive and serious. On top of that, he's a lot more sarcastic and he's now the burnt out mentor™️.
Do NOT call him "Old Iron", it triggers him so much that he will thrown you out of a window if you do. The nickname gives him bad memories when he was working at his old railway and had to deal with a nasty crane called Rick. Rick constantly harassed him and called him names which ties in with Edward's weird bias of cranes.
He needs COFFEE.
Has really bad insomnia and it gives him horrifying nightmares as a result.
Gay asf.
He and Toby are married for 10 years. Had a thing with James but broke up with him. Their relationship now are more like brothers.
When he was red, he was a fucking gremlin. Didn't listen to anybody and just did his own thing. He eventually calmed down and become a functioning member of society.
Tired dad of Thomas and taught him all of the pranks he knew. (Toby didn't approve of that)
Is a pretty honest guy in general. But, that also leads him being unintentionally savage with his wording. He ended many people's careers on accident (Or on purpose).
He does smoke but only in rare situations.
He's pretty tall if you compare him with other characters. Only James is taller than him by a couple inches.
Is really good at playing the drums. Maybe, a bit TOO good.
Loves heavy metal and rock music and literally has hundreds of metal and rock music albums stored in his closet.
He HATES mullets and having his hair down. He doesn't why he hates them so much but maybe the pandemic has something to do with this... (Although to be fair, him having his hair down looks more like a wolf cut than a mullet)
My Ttte Human Designs (Henry):

Is super gentle, kind, caring and loves animals and plants.
More smug and confident in this AU. (At least he ain't a SCAREDY CAT IN CANON)
Human age is 44 while his actual age is 90.
Has thousands and thousands of exotic plants somewhere in his room. He's also friends with the forest animals. (Henry please stop bringing forest creatures to Tidmouth Sheds, you brought a massive deer last time and you're going to make me bankrupt- Sir Topham Hatt)
In the past, he used to be gray and was pessimistic, snarky and very mean, he was also very sick and feared the rain.
His sexuality is gay. (Although not as gay as Edward)
His boyfriend is Hiro and they spent time together by hanging out in Henry's Forest. (Unfortunately Hiro permanently moved back to Japan at some part of the AU)
Is the third wheel in the trio of him, Edward and Toby.
His snarkness does show through blunt words.
Sometimes, he's very weird and has a strange liking to eating fish. Just fish, no other sea critter. His favorite food is tuna sandwiches and it makes his friends question of about him....
Sees Emily as his daughter and loves her dearly.
Tunnels make him a bit uneasy considering how Sir Topham Hatt bricked him inside one in the past.
He tried to play the French Horn and it went horribly wrong.
Is the second tallest in the Steam Team. Only Gordon is the tallest.
Random Music Ttte Headcanons (Because I Have Nothing To Do):
Thomas: It's a miracle if he can even play the kazoo even....Is bad at every single instrument and breaks them on accident. His singing isn't bad as Henry's but, his high notes suck...
Edward: Very talented at playing the drums, so good in fact that he turns any concert that he's a part of into a deathcore concert. His singing voice is on the level of Shawn Mendes. LOVES heavy metal and rock music. Also, this is probably him:
Henry: Sounds like a dying chicken that inhaled crack when he sings. Doesn't play an instrument but he's giving brass instruments a try, specifically the French Horn.
Gordon: Plays the piano and is a literal god at it. You can ask him to play Rush E and he'll do it with flying colors. Is uninterested in singing and only does it if you ask politely. (Unless you're Henry or Thomas).
James: He LOVES singing and is a massive Lady Gaga fan. His favorites are Bloody Mary, Poker Face and Just Dance. You better NOT interrupt him when he's screaming on the top of his lungs singing to "Just Dance" while he's in his room. Emily has walked on him way too many times.
Percy: Isn't really interested in singing or playing instruments, but loves weirdcore music. They vibe to it whenever random shit is happening. Jack Stauber is his fucking idol.
Toby: Loves classical music but he won't admit it that electro swing is his favorite too. (He gets embarrassed when his kids ask him about liking modern music). Sounds like an sweet angel while singing but is too shy.
Emily: Doesn't have a specific genre of music she likes and thinks all music is interesting. This also applies to singers as well. (She's kinda like me)
My Ttte Human Designs (Gordon):

Proud, arrogant, boastful and strong. But he's secretly a softie and is extremely loyal to his friends. Over time, his soft side really began to show.
Loves pulling the Express and being competitive.
His human age is 47 while his actual age is 102.
He is an Asexual Gay man.
Kinda hates to admit his mistakes but he's working on being more humble.
Since Edward is a lot more chaotic in this AU, Gordon is really the only one keeping the Steam Team together.
Jesus Christ, how many siblings did Gordon used to have?!?!
Gordon was very close with Pretty Polly and Scotsman when he was young and so hearing about all of his siblings die except for Scotsman was very heartbreaking.
"I am an Express Engine, I don't go slow!"
Scot likes to call Gordon "Little brother" just to piss him off because Gordon is actually Scotsman's older brother.
Has a massive crush on BoCo and they managed to become fiancés. Unfortunately, that also means he has to take care of the bastards-I mean bees.
Loves classical music and plays the piano. Is a God at it.
Likes anything that tastes like blueberry.
Is the tallest in the Steam Team.
When he came to Sodor, he was quiet since he had a speech impediment, was very shy, curious and liked to stay out of trouble. And like he said, he also used to be green. Redward was the complete opposite, leading to some really funny interactions with the two.
Knows ASL because he used it as a way of communicating when he was green.
Toby is his best friend and they're always seen together. They're so close to each other that they both became each other's wingman when they went out to their first date with their partners.
Will kill and die for his adopted daughter, Emily.
He is Henry's half-brother.
An massive Ace Attorney fan. Has played all of the games and watched the animated series. His favorite character is probably Miles Edgeworth.
Does not know the meaning of "casual wear" He will show up on a date WEARING A FANCY ASS SUIT.
The "Toby doesn't wear one" sounds so funny like:
Thomas: But sir, Toby doesn't wear a snowplow!
Toby, in the background: What are you ratting me out for Thomas?????
Gosh I love this headcanon.
List of excuses that Thomas gave to get out of wearing a snowplow
There’s barely any snow
It doesn’t fit
It’s too small
It’s too big
The fat controller said that I didn’t need one
Toby doesn’t wear one
Someone stole it
It’s too hot
Edward didn’t say I needed one
The twins just plowed the tracks
It makes me look fat
I can’t see with it on
It causes the snow to blow up into my face
The trucks stole it
I don’t feel like wearing it
I accidentally threw it in a tree
It fell into the harbor somehow
It got run over
It fell into the turntable well
I forgot
We won’t be needing snowplows when global warming hits
Someone stole it
I rammed it into a set of buffers
It’s too old
Nobody else back on the LB&SC had to wear one
I’m only pulling passengers
It’s just snow
It’s too heavy
I can barely move with it on
It’s summer in Australia
Can I just not wear it for this one time?
It keeps on scrapping against the tracks
Fight me
I gave it to Bill and Ben
I left it at the quarry
Diesel was jealous that us steamies got snowplows so I gave him mine
I broke it
The snow is melting
It rained last night
It accidentally broke off somewhere along the branchline
It was making funny rattling noises
My buffers ache
We’re not even going that far
I’m not even the one plowing the tracks
Over my dead body!
It had a scratch on it
It’s too wide
I will blow steam at you if you try
Make me
What are you going to do if I choose not to wear it? Scrap me?
What do you think the main steam teams (Not rebecca and nia) Favorite music genres are?
I kinda showed them in the random ttte music headcanon page. But, I'll explain them in detail:
Thomas: Loves pop and electronic music. He listens to a lot of very popular pop/ electronic songs like "Stiches" by Shawn Menades, "On & On" by Cartoon, Daniel Levi and Jeja, "Here" by Alessia Cara specifically the Lucian remix, just to name a few.
Edward: Heavy metal and rock music are his number one genre. Listens to a lot of songs that have lots of screaming in them. (His friends probably don't understand the lyrics very well). His favorite bands are "The Score", "Led Zeppelin", "Kiss" and "Metallica"
Henry: I imagine that Henry would like songs that are acoustic or are more traditional (Songs that have actual instruments in them). "Soldier, Poet, King" is Henry's favorite since it's so peaceful and poetic to him.
Gordon: Classical music. He loves songs performed by orchestras and he plays a ton of repertoire piano songs. "Fur Elise" comes to mind because it's very graceful and elegant.
James: Also loves pop but is a massive Lady Gaga fan. He absolutely admires Lady Gaga's voice performance and most of her songs are bangers to listen to for him. He will scream every song that he's heard from her on the top of his lungs.
Percy: Originally, it was just weirdcore but I decided that they would like rap music as well. Thinks that Eminem's songs meet the requirements of a good rap song. Jack Stauber is his favorite weirdcore artist due to his songs having a certain old-homey vibe to them.
Toby: Loves jazz, romantic music and electro swing. Hides the fact that he loves electro swing because most people thinks that he's old-timey and gets embarrassed when people mention it to him. (He has been caught tap-dancing to "Posin" by Peggy Suave multiple times by Henrietta and begs her not to tell it to his kids)
Emily: She just listens to random music genres since she doesn't have a preference to a specific one that she likes. Basically, she just listens to random shit that plays on the radio.
Do you have headcanons on how much do steam team characters swear
You know what. I am going to make them right now:
Thomas: Doesn't swear that much when he's around older engines (Like Edward, Toby or Gordon) but every once in a while he will drop a huge f-bomb whenever he feels like it. Basically he's the dude to say "Toodles" but then says "SHIT" when he's panicking.
Edward: Oh boy.... I don't even know how to put this into words... His mouth is as dirty as a wastewater facility. Constantly swears whenever he's stressed or pissed (Which happens a lot). Unintentionally teaches younger engines swear words more than the engines that purposefully do. If it wasn't for Toby or Gordon constantly keeping an eye on him, he would be cussing 24/7.
Henry: Nobody has heard him swear in his life. The closest thing that would count as him saying swears are mild swear words like "Heck" or "Crap".
Gordon: Thinks swearing is absolutely disgraceful and calls out engines who do swear. Is Sodor's swear police no #1. Doesn't swear except for the time Bill and Ben were about to push him into the sea. Dropped a MASSIVE "Shitheads" bomb and the twins know better to not push on his buttons too much.
James: Usually swears when he's throwing insults at someone. Quite creative too. She can come up with roasts that nobody else can. Her language is as red as her coat of paint. The only time that they aren't swearing while insulting was the time their brakes caught on fire and they were yelling "Shit" repeatedly.
Percy: Sometimes he swears and sometimes he doesn't. It's 50/50 with them considering that they have to watch their language when they're around their younger brothers, Phillip and Pluto. Somehow he manages to make the most offensive curse words sound so casual.
Toby: Also doesn't swear that much. The only times that he swears is when he's angry and even in that situation, he always mumbles them under his breath so that nobody can hear him. Swear police no #2.
Emily: Pretty much the same of Percy. The only difference between them is that she manages to make curse words 1000x worse. Like she would turn them into the most offensive things to ever be uttered from her mouth.
(Also side note if you're confused with James' and Percy's pronouns: James is genderqueer and uses any pronouns while Percy is a demiboy and uses they/them/he/him with no preference at all)
Basic Engine Headcanons:
Engines, coaches, trucks, etc are products that are made by Lady, the sole goddess and creator of Sodor and its living machinery. Their life source is a special kind of dust called "Gold Dust" which can turn any inanimate machine into a living and breathing entity.
Living machinery are called "Gold Dust Lifeforms" and they can switch between two forms: The Gold Dust Form and The Human Form.
The Gold Dust Form refers to a Gold Dust Lifeform's original form like a steam engine, express coach, rolling stock.
The Human Form refers to a Gold Dust Lifeform humanoid appearance. Usually in the Human Form, their skin are grey and are much taller than a regular sized human.
In addition, Gold Dust Lifeforms don't need to eat anything in order to survive, they just do it for pleasure. However steam engines in particular, feel full of energy whenever they drink water. The engines' strength are 75% of their Gold Dust Form but are still extremely strong. Like, breaking limbs or throwing somebody into the sky is very easy for them. They're also super fast and their senses are more advanced than the average human.
However the Gold Dust Lifeforms' sense of taste is very interesting.
Steam engines for instance can taste sweetness, saltiness, bitterness, savoriness and especially sourness. They can't taste spiciness though and can't tell the difference between normal foods and spicy foods.
Diesels can taste sweetness, saltiness, savoriness and spiciness. But they can't taste sourness or bitterness. Unfortunately they can't eat sugar because it can cause them to break down and feel sick. Some diesels like Phillip and Diesel insist on eating them though. (That is literally a death wish you two are having)
Electric engines' sense of taste is extremely concentrated for some reason so they have to be careful about what they're putting in their food. They can taste all five tastes.
Coaches, rolling stock, trucks, etc's sense of taste is extremely diluted and when they eat food, it tastes bland or unappetizing. So they have to put lots of condiments to combat their poor taste buds.
Any bad coal, water, fuel, etc can make engines extremely ill and sick. They may start puking, feeling nauseous or dizzy or feel fatigued. This can affect both forms so it's important to check your engine's source of energy.
I dunno what to put here
So I had this idea where MC Edward, @sketalya's Edward and @yurishica's Edward were all roommates and they have to with each other's bullshit. One of them being the sleeping situation.
@yurishica's Edward and MC Edward share one bed (Which is pretty awkward since they're different versions of the same character) while @sketalya's Edward has his own room. However, @sketalya's Edward's room's walls are paper-thin so you can basically hear anything that comes out of that room.
Here's an stupid meme that I made that I poorly made in Google Slides:

Hope ya guys like this shitty thought that I brought to life.
Random thought but why do I see Duck as this fish-out-of-water nerd rather than a cowboy or a regular ass dude? My design of him even has the nerd glasses. I dunno. Maybe it's because of how Duck has a hard time making friends and how his personality is very unlikable to certain engines.
Gold Dust Lifeforms Headcanons: Types of Teeth:
Basic Lore: Gold Dust Lifeforms have bigger and sharper teeth than regular humans. In the past, Gold Dust Lifeforms have sharp teeth to intimidate others in order to protect themselves from being hijacked to being unfairly scrapped. Over time however, as newer and newer engines, coaches, rolling stock, etc were being developed. There was really no need for scary looking teeth because they become a lot more stronger. And so Gold Dust Lifeforms' teeth began to become less sharp and more smaller.
Steam Engines: Their teeth are shaped similarly to a carnivore's teeth. More specifically teeth that resemble wolves and big cats. Their canines are long with sharp tips and edges. Unlike humans, they actually have carnassial teeth that are adapted for eating coal. (Yes, they eat coal like apples in their human forms. Not often but they do it) Their teeth are by far the largest.
Diesel Engines: Teeth are shaped like reptiles. Especially large ass lizards like alligators. They have the legendary ability of being able to regrow teeth no matter how many times they lose them. Their teeth are the second largest. Their top teeth sometimes pokes out of their mouth like actual alligators.
Here's an image if you have a hard time imagining it:

Coaches, Rolling Stock, Etc: Teeth resembles small monkeys like tamarins. The rest of their teeth are flat and smooth while their canines are the longest. Oh and, they have short incisor teeth.
Electric Engines: Welp, now THIS is where we get to the weird territory. 😅 Their teeth is a weird fusion between seal and mongoose teeth. They have the pointy fangs of a mongoose while having the weird back teeth of a seal. Nobody knows why their teeth are like this, some say it's an aesthetic choice. Others say it's because of where they're from. Their teeth are teeny weeny small.