totally-a-lemon - Just Your Local Lemon
Just Your Local Lemon

BIG OL’ NERD 16I post about my nerdy little thoughts

26 posts

Totally-a-lemon - Just Your Local Lemon - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

The order we’re covering the units in my apartment art history class is so funny lol, like we started with unit one (global pre-history) then we went to unit ten (global contemporary) then now we’re on unit 5 (indigenous Americas)

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5 months ago

I swear this is going to just turn into a blog about my ap art history class lmfao, but we went from unit one (global pre-history) to unit 10 (global contemporary) and its really intresting how much of a persons life and experiences translate into their art prices when talking about contemporary art, which is a big jump from unit one where everything but the art piece itself was a big unknown

Anyway I used to not like contemporary art until I took art history and got to understand a lot about it and about famous artists within it, like basquiat and faith ringgold, who I never heard of before this class, and how their life experiences shape their artworks to the point that after learning about them you can see their very soul within their work

Anyway I love art history and my art history class

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6 months ago

My ap art history class is funny bc the amount of notes I have to to take for different pieces is hilarious, like the Apollo 11 stones vs Stonehenge, one page has like 10 sentences on it vs one that covers the entire page in cramped handwriting

It’s also funny bc all of the global pre-history pieces are just full of descriptions like “who made this? We have no fucking clue. Why was it made? Eh who knows.”

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7 months ago

I always forget I’m actually able to post on social media and not just like… scroll

7 months ago

I LOVE loving cringey things. Like. You go girl!!!! Be a weirdo piece of media!!!

1 year ago

I drew a little something for the Hiveworks micro comic summer~

I Drew A Little Something For The Hiveworks Micro Comic Summer~
I Drew A Little Something For The Hiveworks Micro Comic Summer~
I Drew A Little Something For The Hiveworks Micro Comic Summer~
I Drew A Little Something For The Hiveworks Micro Comic Summer~
Hiveworks Comics
It's time! Today is the day. Share the comic you've been working on all summer with the tag #MicroComicSummer
1 year ago
[image Id: A Four-page Comic. It Is Titled Immortality After The Poem By Clare Harner (more Popularly
[image Id: A Four-page Comic. It Is Titled Immortality After The Poem By Clare Harner (more Popularly
[image Id: A Four-page Comic. It Is Titled Immortality After The Poem By Clare Harner (more Popularly
[image Id: A Four-page Comic. It Is Titled Immortality After The Poem By Clare Harner (more Popularly

[image id: a four-page comic. it is titled “immortality” after the poem by clare harner (more popularly known as “do not stand at my grave and weep”). the first page shows paleontologists digging up fossils at a dig. it reads, “do not stand at my grave and weep. i am not there. i do not sleep.” page two features several prehistoric creatures living in the wild. not featured but notable, each have modern descendants: horses, cetaceans, horsetail plants, and crocodilians. it reads, “i am a thousand winds that blow. i am the diamond glints on snow. i am the sunlight on ripened grain. i am the gentle autumn rain.” the third page shows archaeopteryx in the treetops and the skies, then a modern museum-goer reading the placard on a fossil display. it reads, “when you awaken in the morning’s hush, i am the swift uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circled flight. i am the soft stars that shine at night. do not stand at my grave and cry.” the fourth page shows a chicken in a field. it reads, “i am not there. i did not die” / end id]

a comic i made in about 15 hours for my school’s comic anthology. the theme was “evolution”

2 years ago
"I Have No Sense Of Myself Anymore Besides The Fact That I Am Not What I Once Was. I'm Too Tired To See

"I have no sense of myself anymore besides the fact that I am not what I once was. I'm too tired to see my body from the eyes of others, in the terrible way trans-ness demands—always existing both inside and outside of myself, judging as an observer." Andrew Joseph White.

Please read Hell Followed with Us!!! It's a new favorite of mine.

2 years ago

I got a drawing tablet for Christmas, and now I’m addicted to designing swords and lightsabers

2 years ago

Why would I want one anyway, the marriage was free, i officiated it myself???

Welcome; enjoy more Kish-chaos than before

If that’s even possible

Welcome? I’ve been here hun. your chaos is what I love abt you <3

2 years ago

There is no death, only the force

There Is No Death, Only The Force
There Is No Death, Only The Force
There Is No Death, Only The Force
There Is No Death, Only The Force
There Is No Death, Only The Force
There Is No Death, Only The Force

There’s something very precious about their bond. The way Quinlan teaches Aayla. It’s so wholesome.

I feel like this comic is such a beautiful illustration of the Jedi’s teaching on death.

2 years ago

Yes you did, when you married me for the fourth time.

Welcome; enjoy more Kish-chaos than before

If that’s even possible

Welcome? I’ve been here hun. your chaos is what I love abt you <3

2 years ago

I do like <3, and eh I’ve dabbled enough in it. Besides it’s you so I know it’s good


Welcome; enjoy more Kish-chaos than before

If that’s even possible

Welcome? I’ve been here hun. your chaos is what I love abt you <3

2 years ago

Welcome; enjoy more Kish-chaos than before

If that’s even possible

Welcome? I’ve been here hun. your chaos is what I love abt you <3

2 years ago

(To anyone not kish I was never here, you just imagined this convo)

Anyone else go through “food phases”

Where all you want to eat for a month or two is one specific food. Currently I like sandwiches. For the last three months it was potatoes

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2 years ago


Anyone else go through “food phases”

Where all you want to eat for a month or two is one specific food. Currently I like sandwiches. For the last three months it was potatoes

2 years ago

I forgot how much I love reading, I love the words just coming to life in my mind while reading. I love imagining the venom in a characters voice as they yell and scream about how they deserve happiness, I love imagining the soft glances between lovers, and I love the little flowers in windowsills that the author mentioned offhandedly.

Anyway I’ve been getting back into reading lately.

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2 years ago

(If so send them my way plz!! I needed to clean my knives anyway)

Do Kish haters genuinely exist? Is there like genuine posts out there that hate me?

If so please send them to me I wanna laugh at them

2 years ago

(It’s called a food hyperfixation, super common in nd ppl)

Anyone else go through “food phases”

Where all you want to eat for a month or two is one specific food. Currently I like sandwiches. For the last three months it was potatoes

2 years ago

Psst you spelt totally wrong in your irl lol :}

It’s on purpose so people know how much of a mess I am :)

2 years ago


i. hereditary (2018) / ii. ophelia / iii. the oresteia / iv. wolf in white van / v. antigone / vi. romeo + juliet (1996) by @rocktheholygrail / vii. rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead / viii. hereditary (2018) / iv. hadestown (2019)

2 years ago

increasingly obscure historical(ish) musicals that have modern(ish) music and i love them:

les miserables




spring awakening

natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812

finding neverland


prince of egypt

the hunchback of notre dame

jekyll and hyde

alice by heart

in the light

the secret garden

a little princess


in the green

cleopatra: the musical experience




gun and powder

beowulf: a thousand years of baggage

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2 years ago


i. hereditary (2018) / ii. ophelia / iii. the oresteia / iv. wolf in white van / v. antigone / vi. romeo + juliet (1996) by @rocktheholygrail / vii. rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead / viii. hereditary (2018) / iv. hadestown (2019)

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2 years ago

The Life and Death of Oedipus.

Oedipus...what a prick.

So anyway, Oedipus (pronounced Ee-dip-us btw) was abandoned by his irl mummy and daddy, the king and queen of Thebes, bc there was this mad curse on him where the Oracle of Delphi said ‘you’re gonna mash up your dad and pound your mum xoxoxo’ and the parents were like ‘ew wtf’ so they left him with a shepherd to put him on a mountain when Oedipus was just a wee little baby. (Fun fact Oedipus got his name because his feet were pinned together when he was abandoned and forever walked with a limp, his name in Ancient Greek literally means ‘Swollen-Foot’).

The Life And Death Of Oedipus.

Turns out this shepherd had a huge hero complex and was all like ‘nah this baby cute af let’s give it to someone else to save it’ and gave it to the king and queen of another city state. The ‘distant city of Corinth’ to be exact. Oedipus grew up in Corinth with his adopted parents fully believing they were his real mummy and dada and they didn’t have the heart to tell the poor lad, he was already battling his foot fungus or whatever was going on with his feet since they unpinned them.

So Chinese whispers comes round, y’know the good ol gossip train, and Oedipus is like ‘what do you mean there’s a curse on me?’ And he runs to his parents like ‘wtf, a curse???’

Parents are all like: ‘yes, totally legit son of our, basically you’re supposedly gonna fuck your mother and kill your father’ and Oedipus is like ‘who tf are you to tell me what to do? I’m Oedipus Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, and I do whatever tf I want’ and struts off. He’s kinda gone mad about it and before his adopted parents can actually tell him he’s adopted he runs off to avoid fulfilling the curse. Oopsidaisy.

Oedipus, while on his travels round the block, sees some absolute Chad in a chariot run past him and get mud on his clothes. Oedipus is all like ‘uh wtf who the hell are you?’ and is like, omg what if I kill this guy for shits and giggles?? Stop I’m such a crackhead. In his crackhead energy he kills the mega Chad and carries on with his life— now remember this the mega Chad comes up later.

So, on mandem's travels he comes across Thebes and he's all like 'wow this place is so cool', but the people that actually live in Thebes are like 'no it's not lmao'.

Turns out some milf Sphinx with mad mummy milkers is sucking Thebes dry because no one can solve her riddle. If you can solve her riddle she would let you go, but since no one can think over the sound of her cacophonous cheek claps no one can come up with the answer. Instead if you can't answer it she literally eats you. Gobbles you up. So far no one had cracked the case, or were too pussy to try.

The Life And Death Of Oedipus.

Oedipus is like I'm super smart and funny and clever I could work out her riddle. He goes up to her and is all acting hard but she isn't having it and is like are you gonna solve the riddle or what? I'm trying to girlboss rn and you're kind of in the way.' He's kind of miffed and he's like 'well your pussy stink anyways soooo', and starts to try to think of an answer to her riddle. She constantly makes fun of Oedipus the clown by repeating her riddle, 'What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?' Eventually our egghead Oedipus comes up with the answer: A human being. A person as a baby in the morning of their life crawls on 'four feet' (hands and knees), then as an adult in the noon of their life, they walk on two feet, but when they are old, in the evening of their life, they walk with a cane, on 'three feet'.

When Oedipus answered the riddle correctly, the Sphinx was so upset that she fainted, like that Karen that had a meltdown in the Victoria Secret.

So, crisis averted, Oedipus went back into Thebes. And he was so annoying. Like all the parties people were throwing because the Sphinx is dead, people were whispering like 'bro don't invite Oedipus, nah man because he won't stfu about the fact he solved the riddle when no one else could. Dick.' After an absolute mashup, everyone was steaming and they made Oedipus their new king.

How could they do this if they already had a king and queen? King Laius and queen Jocasta, to be precise. Well, King Laius was killed recently so Jocasta was a 'hot widowed milf (literally but that comes later) in your area' kinda deal and she got married to Oedipus. They also banged, and you're sat there thinking 'wtf why would you add that', but it's important just wait.

Everyone started to love Oedipus and he was like 'life doesn't get much sweeter fam, kill your dad and fuck your mum my arse. I'm living my best life while my parents are still in Corinth.' Little did the poor bastard know...

So y'know that mega Chad I was telling you to remember. Yeah, that was King Laius. And to make matters worse a fucking plague came over Thebes and the Oracle of Delphi said it would only stop when king Laius' killer was found. Oedipus, unaware it was literally him, puts all his best men and loads of money into finding the killer. This is where Oedipus' arrogance comes into play. He is so metaphorically blind to his own prophecy (that he will shag his mum and kill his dad) that he brings about his own downfall and literal blindness.

Eventually dummy Oedipus, our own hubristic boi, realises that man he killed was Laius, Jocasta's ex-husband. Coincidentally, Jocasta tells Oedipus about her baby son that same night. She tells him 'how weird it is you have pin shaped marks on your feet because my baby's feet were pinned together. And the exact same birthday as my dead baby! Plus your name is Oedipus, and that's what me and Laius called our kid too! Actually you have the same eye colour as my baby too... small world isn't it ahaha! You can't be him though because we abandoned him to a shepherd since there was a prophecy he would kill Laius and fuck me.'

Oedipus, trembling and shitting himself, 'ahaha yeah that's so weird. Imagine if you were my mum lol uhm, would you excuse me?'

Finally our arsehole Oedipussy realises that even though after all this time he was running from his prophecy, he was really fulfilling it. So not only has he pumped his mum (see why I included the fact they banged? yeah) but also killed his dad, and not even just his dad, but the previous king. Who's killer has a bounty on their head. This is a classic case of peripeteia, the Ancient Greek word for “reversal”, it simply means the reversal of the protagonist's fortunes from good to bad, often because of his own arrogance (hubris: the pride that goes before the fall).

((tw mentions of Jocasta's offing herself and Oedipus' specsavers incident. Just gross stuff lol, but it's Ancient Greece what do you expect?))

Obviously Oedipus gives himself up and the people are like 'ew mandem, we thought you were cool. Kind of a stuck up arsehole, but a fair king nonetheless. That's super gross man.' Jocasta, so distraught that she has had sex with her own son and that he killed her husband, actually kills herself rather than deal with the shame. Oedipus, though, the self interested bastard is like 'omg guys I just lost my mum and my wife and lover in the same day, you can't kill me'.

The Life And Death Of Oedipus.

Fr though, he's actually really distressed by the news, but the people need him to answer for his crimes (killing Laius) so they can end the plague (by bringing him to justice as the Oracle predicted they should do). So, Oedipus bargains that living a life suffering in exile is ten times worse than just a simple death. So, being subtle, he fucking physically blinded himself by poking out his eyes with the long gold pins from his dead wife's brooches.

(Fun fact time, it's said he did this because of his shame of seeing Jocasta naked and the brooches were used to keep the gown on the woman's body.) (Also, coming back to that point of symbolism, especially in Sophocles' retelling of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus blinds himself as a symbol of self-realisation and insight. It is an irony because he chooses to be physically blind after seeing everything he has done. He realises that he was figuratively blind throughout the play, therefore he punishes himself by literally blinding himself.)

Now there's no happy ending for our boy Oedipus. He went from zero to hero to mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? literally in about three minutes. What a whiplash. In the end he does fulfil his exile, leaving his brother-in-law Creon as king of Thebes. Bare in mind in Ancient Greece if you have been exiled then you have all your human rights stripped from you-- not even being dramatic, they're literally taken away and you have less rights then a slave or a prisoner.

So he dies, like all must. His final resting place is Colonus near Athens, where he was swallowed into the earth and became a guardian hero of the land.

'Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud chose the term Oedipus complex to designate a son’s feeling of love toward his mother and of jealousy and hate toward his father, although those were not emotions that motivated Oedipus’s actions or determined his character in any ancient version of the story.' -- Britannica. So you have Oedipus to thank when your therapists suggests you secretly want to fuck your mum.

And there you have it. The life, exile, and death of Oedipus. The king.

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