An advice column run by Bobby Fulbright! inspired by my love of ace attorney and my passing interest in the sims. Personal side blog @blackquillchillin
196 posts
Prosecutor Blackquill,
Prosecutor Blackquill,
I hear you're quite fond of birds. Plenty make their homes in bushes or trees nearby, and I do appreciate their presence.
I have my worries though; cats, mid-flight mishaps, and even larger birds run the risk of injury or even disabling their flight. Sometimes to the point of needing human intervention to ensure their survival. Any advice for looking after such unfortunate avians if the need arises?
Sparrows (not sparrow hawks like your plumed partner!) and crows are most common here, if it helps.
-A Fellow Feather Friend
Fine Feather Friend,
unfortunately, means to reduce such injury are limited. Cats in the area may be dealt with, but injury is sadly inevitable. My own feathered friend has caused injury and death to smaller birds near her on occasion, in her generosity she attempted to feed one to me once. it is the cycle of life, and the larger birds need not be scolded for such a thing. Cats, on the other hand...
But I am getting away from myself. once you find an injured avian, what are you to do?
Firstly, ensure they are not likely to hurt themselves further. wear gloves if you must handle them, and be careful. Remember, they are afraid of you, and will try to escape. they care not if you are injured while they avoid what is, to them, certain death. Approach from behind, and be gentle. a butterfly net may be helpful, but only if you ensure you do not injure it. have a box or a bag ready for it, something they are unlikely to injure themselves on. place a towel in the box prior to placing them, so they have something to grasp. make sure air can enter, place a towel or something similar over the top so they can not escape. place in a dark, safe, quiet place while you take further steps. Do not handle them more then absolutely necessary, they do not know you, and for songbirds, intense stress can be fatal.
For your next step, I would call the nearest wildlife rehabilitation center. For birds common to the area they may not intervene, I remember calling animal care and control for a robin when I was a boy, and was told there was nothing to be done, but perhaps with more effort I would have found the proper channels. I did not yet understand there was more then one group to call for such things, and my parents were unaware as well. Finding a rehabilitator would have been the next step, and there are resources for such things.
Another time a young hawk was downed. poor mite had been hopping all over the neighborhood, and had not fully come into its adult feathers. watched it for hours, then helped the lady catch the fellow. He was taken to the local rescue, and I hope was able to live full life.
If you are, unfortunately, unable to find one, assess the injuries. a bird who was only stunned may be able to be released. If there is a vet in your area who specializes in birds, they may have advice, and you may even have spoken to them already whilst looking for rehabilitation.
I can not recommend you attempt to treat injury yourself, as I've no idea what your home looks like, nor your education. I was able to successfully treat Taka from an injury whilst in Prison, but it would be wrong of me to recommend recreating those conditions. I'm lucky she ever forgave me for the indignity, and even more lucky she recovered...
Had I been less fortunate, I would have had to bury her.
Even if everything is done correctly, a burial is sometimes the best you can do. If they pass in your care, lay them to rest, and be done.
-Simon Blackquill
(out of character, a lot of the information shared is from https://abcbirds.org/i-found-an-injured-bird-what-should-i-do/ but I would recommend looking at this site as well! they also have some good information, and if its not an emergency, looking up rehabilitation in your area first may be better then the other way around. both the robin and the hawk stories Simon shared are things that happened to me, but unlike Simon my experience more or less ends there. If you get injured, see a doctor! you don't know if the bird was healthy or not!)
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More Posts from Twistedsamuraiadvice
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
ZVARRI! It appears I’ve encountered the Twisted Samurai himself, in the flesh! You’ve quite the bold appearance, it’s hard not to see you. But of course, while I am used to being gawked at by anyone and everyone who gazes upon me, perhaps you are not quite accustomed to the sensation of being seen.
Ah, where are my manners? My name is Luke Atmey, Ace Detective. I believe we were in prison at the same time. Fortunately, I managed to attain freedom from that horrid place long ago.
How did I do that, you may ask? Hah! That’s a secret.
Are you well?
-Luke Atmey, Ace Detective
Atmey, Atmey......
Ah, that's right. Pinocchio himself. Yes, I remember you. I'd wagered your stay would dim your self-importance, I suppose I owe Gant a pack of cigs.
I remember hearing about your case in connection with Mask☆DeMasque, it was an interesting one. By the time I went in you had been there awhile, if memory serves.
I am well. as you may or may not have heard, I was released following new evidence in my case, and not a moment too soon. was almost bloody hanged for that.
How is it that you walk free? should the detective I share my apartment with be watching for you, or are you free from the mutton-shunters all together?
Or do you still suppose all of us too daft to be worth talking to?
-Simon Blackquill
I’m considering another sword, any recommendations Simon?
Cykes-sama, I did not believe I would speak with you again. Indeed, I am filled with questions.
To answer yours, I must suggest another Katana, I know a sword smith I could recommend.
Are you being channeled? It seems unlikely, but I haven't been seeing your visage as often since being released...
Nay, Nay forgive me. I am seeing things again. Should anyone see this, disregard it. I must go and ground myself.
-Simon Blackquill
Dear bobby fulbright what do you think of owl city
Ooh, a city of owls? what charming idea!
Didn't they write fireflies?
That was fun.
-Bobby Fulbright
Simon, mind if I talk about some things I learnt in forensics that a little strange. It relates to psychology if it helps interest you.
If you have a question regarding psychology, I would be happy to discuss it with you. Likewise, if you have questions regarding forensics, I would be less invested then detective Skye, certainly, but not opposed to speaking with you regardless.
Is this a question? your candor makes it seem as though you wish merely to speak, and I've no capability to halt you in your efforts. wither or not I will reply will depend on if it is something I feel the need to speak on, besides being joined by other unanswered letters in the postbox, some of whom I do indeed intend to reply to, though life in its frustrating complexity has halted the effort for now.
Regardless, you are welcome to send your queries, if queries you have.
Mildly interested,
-Simon Blackquill