wiltedsunflowr - oranges

this blog is like a butterfly catcher, but for thoughts // student // whatever pronouns // 19

26 posts

When You Have To Understand In 10 Minutes What Took People Centuries To Come Up With. It Indeed Was "quite

When You Have To Understand In 10 Minutes What Took People Centuries To Come Up With. It Indeed Was "quite

When you have to understand in 10 minutes what took people centuries to come up with. It indeed was "quite difficult to grasp"

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More Posts from Wiltedsunflowr

2 years ago

I was trying to look for student looks or college looks yesterday. And EVERYTHNING is just <insert picture of a tall, pretty white girl> AND <insert picture of something you can only wear in peak winter cause higher edu is equivalent to Dark Academia which is equivalent to coats and mufflers and sweaters>. 

Like I am sorry?? I am dark and these colors that look good on fair people will not suit me. And I know I am an adult but I am short. And I go to college in a place where the climate is like the long winter in Narnia, but exchange that with summer. 

Maybe I am just looking at the wrong places, but I felt VERY disappointed. 

3 years ago
Sometimes My Brain Be Like....

Sometimes my brain be like....

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1 year ago

I was sort of dozing off in math class today. I could hear wisps of what the professor was saying, as I fought with my body to stay awake. But then I was shocked into wakefulness, when I heard the professor say, " so we have proved that 5 is equal to 1. Okay everyone? Everyone got that? 5 is equal to 1! "

For a brief second, I was more confused and lost than I ever remember being in my life.

The professor was already moving on to the next proof. Everybody was nodding in agreement and hurrying to note it down. I looked at the blackboard and everything looked like normal stuff that we were doing before. But it felt like I had crossed over to another universe. My brain could not find any other sensible solution for the situation.

And then I finally found the statement of the proof and realized that the professor meant that we had proven that statement number 5 and statement number 1, were equivalent.

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1 year ago
"Will You Fake-marry Me, So I Can Continue Studying Math?"

"Will you fake-marry me, so I can continue studying math?"

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4 years ago

Things that made me study science and maths (mostly good books)

·       A picture in yuval noah harari’s book, ‘Homo Deus’

·       A picture in the ‘Brief History of Time’

·       The word ‘epoch’

·       The book, ‘A Brief History of Everything’

·       A superb book called Number devil

·       A college level physics textbook called, ‘Conceptual physics’

·       A book called ‘We have no idea’

·       My school maths textbook(s)

·       The software Desmos

·       My poetic disposition

 Things that still dissuade me from studying science and maths (in no particular order)

·       The essay ‘A mathematician’s apology’

·       The competition

·       The hype about this place <insert name of popular institution/college>

·       My physics and maths TEACHERS

·       My school physics textbook

·       Guys who pretend they know everything

·       Guys who know everything

·       Biographies of genius mathematicians and physicists

·       Imposter syndrome

·       My inability to crunch big numbers

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