wisp-of-thought - ♡ it aches softer here ♡
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Why Are Some Things Easier To Write Then Say?

Why are some things easier to write then say?

Matched- Allie Condie

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7 years ago

Short but accurate summaries of popular books/series: part 2

Lunar Chronicles: The Earth finally gets its shit together. Unfortunately, the moon has other ideas.

39 Clues: Worst. Treasure hunt. Ever.

The Selection: Rich man thinks The Bachelor is a valid way to choose a monarch. Degree of success varies between attempts.

Shatter Me: The tales of Cinnamon Bun Girl and Problematic Fave Boy.

These Broken Stars: Heterosexuals in space. People die and things explode.

Legend: Literally the entire plot would've been avoided had the male lead waited another week to do the Stupid Thing™

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: Every day is Throwback Tuesday.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone: Magic and infinite knowledge at the cost of eternal pain. Choice is yours.

The Song of Achilles: This story is over 3000 years old, yet the ending still takes us by surprise.

Mara Dyer: The choice between mental stability and evil superpowers is somehow supposed to be hard.

A Darker Shade of Magic: Taking the ring to Mordor, except with less history lectures.

H.I.V.E.: Adults continuously fail to realize that when it comes to being clever sadistic little shits, teenagers have them beat by a mile.

Artemis Fowl: Teenage Irish Mycroft Holmes discovers Fairies are real. What happens next is fun for the whole family.

Good Omens: An angel and a demon decide they can make a better plan than God. Whether they were right is up to debate.

Divergent: A world in which having an actual well-rounded personality is a crime by birth and punishable by death.

The Magisterium: The wonderful misadventures of preteen Voldemort, Human Labrador, Hermione, and their pet demon puppy.

7 years ago

My favourite book in a long time. I honestly wished Stephanie Meyer had published this book first before twilight. It might have done her reputation better. The line between what is considered right and what is considered wrong was left up to the reader. The entire concept of what makes someone human was put up for debate and it was beautiful. 🖤

Ok, I Admit It. I Put Off Reading The Host For A Really Long Time. And Honestly I Was Probably Never

Ok, I admit it. I put off reading The Host for a really long time. And honestly I was probably never going to read it, but a good friend who has excellent taste in books recommended it. And you know what? I actually liked it more than I was expecting. 

Have any of you guys read The Host? What did you think of it? 

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7 years ago

Honestly the show took so much from Clary’s character development like I am so pissed and mad that ALL FEMALE characters are treated this way. But what can I expect when the freaking targeted audience are 18-35 year old males … hence all the technology and unneeded hook ups and whatnot. But the meeting. The downworlder meeting, they took a very important part of it. The red banners behind them? You remeber right? NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER ABOUT WHAT THEY MEAN AND WHO CREATED THEM.  NO CREDITS TO CLARY  NO EXPLANATION CLARY’S WORK HAS BEEN WRITTEN OFF AND GIVEN TO ALEC. Only book fans know what they mean and what they stand for. Now before I accidentally start a war, listen first. Alec is FUCKING GREAT, okay? He is amazing. But the one that made THE FIRST STEP into uniting Downworlders and Shadohunters was Clary. She was the one who stood up in Alicante, in front of the Clave and Consul and she held a speech and used her rune powers to make them see, make them believe, make them open their eyes. And later she sat down and thought carefully of the way she should draw the symbols for each and every Downworlder. She put a lot of thought and consideration.  Cassie has AMAZING CHARACTERS and the female ones are always so exceptional and inspirational. What the show did, was make Clary a cheater IN FRONT OF SIMON’S EYES. Make her the unfaithful, lying girlfriend … and it didn’t start there. It was the moment they decided to make her fall in love with Simon. Simon, who knew she didn’t love him the way he wished she did.  Isabelle is an addict and THAT IS THE ONLY THING that is being said about her ever since she took that drug (WHICH THEY ALSO GOT WRONG). And suddnely this badass need the help of NOTICE! male characters and their support in order to go through her addiction when it was them that got her into it in the first place. They took so much away from Izzy’s amazing fighting skills and her sass and her wit and her CAPABILITIES. She is super mega strong, but god forbid she gets too strong, because oh boy. And Maia? They only include her in episodes where is either trying to kill Jace or swooning over Simon being all so sad and regretful that she didn’t make a move on him sooner only to have her take this frustration on Jace and hook up with him. So Maia is suddenly only there when a potential ‘‘love interest’‘ is there. Honestly the show didn’t display much to her story other then that. We never talk about what actually happened to her, instead she is mad at Clary and Simon for being together. Maureen? Fucked Simon, got mad he called her Clary and disappeared forever. Camile? Got captured in 0.2 seconds … like dafuq. Lydia? Not even in the books, but even the show treated her like a pathetic weakling and shipped her back to Idris. Oh and the attempted rape scene? Didn’t bother Clary at all as it seems, because she never talks about it. Does anybody ever talk about the real problems on the show ever?  Dot is also kindo into Magnus hmm … I can recognize a pattern of ‘’ALL GIRLS HAVE BOY PROBLMES’’  Did you fucking even try reading the books and understand what the actual plot line was?  Oh wait, no they didn’t because they killed Jocelyn in the STUPPIDEST WAY POSSIBLE? say what? a demon? in the institute? IN A SHADOWHUNTER’S BODY … Seriously this is the worst fanfiction I have ever watched and the worst attempt at an adaptation. Thank the Angel for the books, every week I am proved that Cassie did an amazing job, so good that even a TV show can’t portray it in a proper way…

7 years ago

YES RE READ TWICE. When reading this book everyone needs to set aside their opinions on twilight because this book is beautifully written and leaves the decision of what is right and what is wrong up to the reader. It puts the concept of what is means to be human up for debate and how sometimes it’s okay to be selfish. By then end the waterfalls are flowing 🖤💙🖤

ok so “the host” by stephenie meyer is actually my favourite book of all time and you should all definitely read it

yes the twilight books were basically garbage but the host is actually well written and the characters are amazing and i just love it so much i cry every time

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