Ghost Boy - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Anyone Please Ask Your Crush Out Like This
Anyone Please Ask Your Crush Out Like This

anyone please ask your crush out like this

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1 year ago
Drew My Favorite Ghost Boy! And Tried Out A New Rendering Style

Drew my favorite ghost boy! And tried out a new rendering style

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11 months ago

When Bright Eyes Dim
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

All Coraline knew him as was the "Ghost Boy" but before that he was a boy with a life, a family, and a story. Now, it's finally time to let it be known.

A pre-canon Coraline story that focuses on the ghost boy and how he got into the hands of the Beldam. A story of how easily the light in his eyes could fade.

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7 years ago

Come back ghost boy Shadow of a man That left no prints in sand He did Come back ghost boy This time I'll play your games Because they kept me sane They did Come back ghost boy And love me with that touch That was just never enough It was Come back ghost boy Give me back my soul Put it in the hole you left You left Come back ghost boy Im missing all the lies The lies that made me cry They did Come back ghost boy Listen to my song You haunt me when you're gone You do

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7 years ago

Despite all of this. I did not fall in love with her because she was broken. I did not fall in love with her because I found it captivating how the light refracted of her broken pieces casting shadows and blinding colourful light dazzling those around her. No. Yes I loved her for her broken too. Because when you love someone with depression you love their monsters too. But no. I fell in love with her because she owned her broken. She did.not push it away. Try to drown it in her own tears. I fell in love with her because she knew that she was not broken. That she was fractured over and over again everyday and she knew that humans we're capable of amazing things. Like healing, and defying odds and learning to love again. I fell in love with her because she made the most of the time when she could breath. She talked. So much. She laughed. So loud. She smiled and ranted and dazzled those around her. And she did not need the light to refract off her to captivate people. Her jagged edges and smooth surface and her existence did that. She did that all on her own. When she spoke people rolled their eyes and smiled and listened. When she wrote. My god when she wrote. Their are no words to express the masterpieces she spinned with her thoughts fingers weaving unforgiving sentences that would hold you captive and you would love in every  gripping moment and sometimes you want to stop. You don't want to read  this anymore. Feelings  spilling over this dam you have built around your  soul and yet you cannot let go until they said you could. She wrote unimaginable joy and heart shattering grief, she wrote excruciating  pain with metaphors that made you gasp for air. On the bad days. On the bad days she is still broken glass. Fragile and breakable and jagged. Except their is no light. She lives in a box that removed her from the world blocks the light out. Everything seems dimmer un important not worth it. She feels dimmer un important not worth it. She stares at the pane of glass that is her heart. The serrated edges. The cracks that are still healing the chips in the glass that will take longer than forever to heal. She looks in the mirror and says how.ugly. what an awful sight. And so she cuts herself on her sharp edges trying to pull them off...but she applied to.much pressure all she does is bleed and break the glass even more. I don't understand but sometimes when all you have left is yourself self-destruction is such a sweet saviour.

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5 months ago

Ghost Puberty

Ghost Puberty

As much as Danny didn’t want to admit it, he was changing, for better or for worse.

After Danny’s kind of death, he still looked relatively human for a ghost, something the other ghosts loved to remind of him of. Despite his blush changing from red to green due to his blood now being ectoplasm, his skin tone remained relatively human, albeit more tan than he is as a human. But as the months passed, Danny noticed things about him.. changing.

His skin began to turn a sickly colour, going from green to blue. His nails and teeth sharpened, forming claws and fangs. His ears lengthened and stretched, and they could move, voluntarily or involuntarily. His hair began to wisp around, as if he were perpetually underwater. He favoured his tail more in his ghost form when relaxing or flying. His skin was always cold to the touch, even in his human form. Most fascinating to Danny though, was that his HAZMAT suit slowly shifted, mirroring the darkest of night skies.

He didn’t know what was going on, but he was going to figure it out.

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3 years ago
Adam Ignis
Just a little concept that came to my mind: Glatt...but nobody sees or hears him. At first he was annoyed, this felt as if everyone was jus

Remember that post of mine? About Glatt being totally invisible for everyone? Yeah...I actually like that idea, so I am thinking of a name for that...AU?...can we call that an AU?...I thought about something like "Ghosting". Does anyone here have ideas? I am very bad at naming stuff haha.

Thinking about writing some short stuff about that. Would love to hear some of your thoughts!

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1 year ago

When I was painting my first picture, I came up with this moment with Evan. I just thought Evan would be drawn correctly because he's a ghost boy. And as for me, ghosts are a small symbol of the Halloween holiday

When I Was Painting My First Picture, I Came Up With This Moment With Evan. I Just Thought Evan Would
Happy Halloween

🎃Happy Halloween🎃

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3 years ago
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

Did you know that I love Invader Zim? Well, I reconnected with the series recently and was inspired enough to create these Ocs. I did not resist. XP

This is Calvin the vampire, Buddy the traumatic boy, and Mar the cute alien.

I hope you like it!

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3 years ago
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

We have sequel \(owo)/

“A few seconds before the disaster. Part 2." Now with the new and not so new children XP

I wanted to post this at the beginning of the week, but I couldn't… although… ¡look how beautiful it was! \(QvQ)/

¡Merry Christmas to all!

P.D: This was posted in the coolest way here -> c(UwO)/

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1 year ago
Some Doodles Of A Ghost Boy For Spooky Season!
Some Doodles Of A Ghost Boy For Spooky Season!
Some Doodles Of A Ghost Boy For Spooky Season!

Some doodles of a ghost boy for spooky season!


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6 years ago
Another Card Deisgn But This Time Of Danny Phantom And Fenton. Im Super Happy With The Final Design Especially

Another card deisgn but this time of Danny Phantom and Fenton. I’m super happy with the final design especially the mini ghosts between the roses. Next up I’m gonna do some Young Justice characters. 

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2 years ago

Plot twist!

He is staring into a camera. It's one of Vlad's.

Maddie: Danny be a dear and clean the dishes please?

Danny playing non-specific beast capture and battle N*nt*ndo game: Sure thing mom!

Maddie picking up his game and seeing his team: hmm...

Maddie to Jack: Danny fights with all ghost types should we be worried he's sympathizing with them?

Jack: You miss the point Mads, he is battling ghosts with ghosts and capturing them to do his bidding. If anything we should be proud.

Maddie: I suppose. Do you think the fighting ghosts with ghosts is perhaps a sign of something though?

Jack: Yeah that our kid is gonna be a kick as ghost hunter. What else could it possibly mean?

Danny staring into space like a character from the office at a camera: It's terrifying how close they get to hitting the target while simultaneously how far they miss.

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