genderfluid new to witchcraft
9 posts
Witchy03 - Just A Witchy Creature - Tumblr Blog
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Dionysian Stuff
Hello! I thought i'd share some dionysian shit for you guys (all based off of my personal experiences with him, worship and relations with deities can vary between practices/practitioner) - Dionysus/Bacchus • God of Wine, Madness, Theatre, Religious Ecstasy, Festivity, Passion - Stuff I Associate him with • Mental Health • Self confidence • LGBT (he helped me come out to my parents/helped me realize I was agender) • That feeling when someone mentions a special interest of yours - Symbolism • Thyrsus, Grape vine, Ivy, Masks (the comedy and tragedy ones specifically), Pine cones/Pine trees • Serpents, Leopards, Panthers (Wild cats in general he seems to take a liking to, likes Leopards specifically tho) _ Colour Symbolism • Red, Purple, Dark red (like wine red, burgundy ig?), Gold - Personality (? this is just how he's communicated with me) • He's really big on confidence and gets kinda pissed at you when you talk bad about yourself • Really chaotic, kinda impulsive. (communicated that I was bored, he communicated back to go swimming in the lake by my neighbourhood) • Flirtatious but in a casual way? Like he'll compliment you and be generally 'flirty' ish but if you're uncomfy he stops • He loves talking about Ariadne (simp much?) like he loves her sm and its really cute. sometimes it ends up with him getting pissed about how Theseus left her and how she didn't deserve that tho. _ Offerings that he's liked • Poetry/Writing things for him • Wine (he's asked for it but since I'm a minor and cant get any I just give him some grape juice/sparkling ciders and that shit) • Fruit (especially the ones that are commonly made into wine) • Honey • Theatre stuff (He's liked it when I leave playbills from any shows I go to see on his altar) • I made him a playlist (since music is a big part of how my brain works) and he really liked that, so music stuff • Pine cones or pine needles (I live in a place where hurricanes and storms knock the pine branches off the trees so I give him a lot of those) • Stuff related to Ariadne (mazes, thread(maybe not red thread, he doesn't like Theseus very much)) _ Tarot that shows up a lot when I do readings for him • Temperance • Three of cups • Nine of pentacles Hope you liked reading my lil Dionysian post. If you have any experiences that you'd like to add, or questions you have, please send an ask, or ask/add in the replies! I'd really like to hear about your experiences with him, and I'm happy to answer anything.
St. John's Wort is something I have personal experience with. When I was 13-14, my parents gave it to me as a daily supplement, telling me it would prevent depression. Months later I was in a behavioral health facility for severe depression and suicidal ideation. It got to the point I nearly hung myself. Please, for the love of all that's good, BE CAREFUL WITH THINGS LIKE THAT! Just because it's a 'natural supplement' doesn't mean it's safe.
This is your friendly reminder that herbs aren't inherently safe.
Natural doesn't mean Safe.
Lightning is natural. Opium, therefore heroin and opiate drugs are derived from poppies. Cinnamon oil will burn your skin. Lilies are toxic to cats and will cause organ failure. Activated charcoal will neutralize your prescription medications and literally anything else in your system. St. John's Wort will destroy your serotonin production and mess with your happiness threshold if it DOESNT KILL YOU FIRST.
So anyway.
Do some damn good research every time you go to eat, breathe, bring around your pets, bathe in, or smoke something. Be safe please.
Thank you for the help!

Hello, friend! I'm really new to the world of witchcraft and deity stuff, but my research has led me to believe that Dionysus has reached out to me. For example, I've been craving grapes like never before. Two of my kintypes are animals that are associated with him, soon after I decided to look into witchcraft, my partner found a random cluster of wild grapes next to our house. Songs associated with him fill me with an overwhelming positive feeling. This, among other things, has led me to believe that he is reaching out to me. I guess my question is, how does one know if Dionysus is really reaching out? I'm hesitant to reach out, but I don't want to ignore him if he is. That just seems rude. I just want to know for sure.
Sorry, I know I'm rambling, hope you're doing well!
Hi! that actually sounds a lot like how he reached out to me. I'd suggest some kind of pendulum work, meditate on it, tarot maybe? some kind of divination to make sure. a lot of witchcraft is intuition based, so if you have a strong feeling then it's likely he is! Best of luck friend!
Saving for future reference

Dionysian Stuff
Hello! I thought i'd share some dionysian shit for you guys (all based off of my personal experiences with him, worship and relations with deities can vary between practices/practitioner) - Dionysus/Bacchus • God of Wine, Madness, Theatre, Religious Ecstasy, Festivity, Passion - Stuff I Associate him with • Mental Health • Self confidence • LGBT (he helped me come out to my parents/helped me realize I was agender) • That feeling when someone mentions a special interest of yours - Symbolism • Thyrsus, Grape vine, Ivy, Masks (the comedy and tragedy ones specifically), Pine cones/Pine trees • Serpents, Leopards, Panthers (Wild cats in general he seems to take a liking to, likes Leopards specifically tho) _ Colour Symbolism • Red, Purple, Dark red (like wine red, burgundy ig?), Gold - Personality (? this is just how he's communicated with me) • He's really big on confidence and gets kinda pissed at you when you talk bad about yourself • Really chaotic, kinda impulsive. (communicated that I was bored, he communicated back to go swimming in the lake by my neighbourhood) • Flirtatious but in a casual way? Like he'll compliment you and be generally 'flirty' ish but if you're uncomfy he stops • He loves talking about Ariadne (simp much?) like he loves her sm and its really cute. sometimes it ends up with him getting pissed about how Theseus left her and how she didn't deserve that tho. _ Offerings that he's liked • Poetry/Writing things for him • Wine (he's asked for it but since I'm a minor and cant get any I just give him some grape juice/sparkling ciders and that shit) • Fruit (especially the ones that are commonly made into wine) • Honey • Theatre stuff (He's liked it when I leave playbills from any shows I go to see on his altar) • I made him a playlist (since music is a big part of how my brain works) and he really liked that, so music stuff • Pine cones or pine needles (I live in a place where hurricanes and storms knock the pine branches off the trees so I give him a lot of those) • Stuff related to Ariadne (mazes, thread(maybe not red thread, he doesn't like Theseus very much)) _ Tarot that shows up a lot when I do readings for him • Temperance • Three of cups • Nine of pentacles Hope you liked reading my lil Dionysian post. If you have any experiences that you'd like to add, or questions you have, please send an ask, or ask/add in the replies! I'd really like to hear about your experiences with him, and I'm happy to answer anything.
As a little with a lot of self consciousness, I needed this...

me: i don't want to be a regressor i hate it
Dionysus: well, good that we love your little self then
me: i just wanna be normal :(
Loki: define normality
me: like when you tell people about it and they accept you
Hermanubis: people don't even accept someone's a leftist you think it's worth hating your coping mechanism because of some losers opinion?
me: it makes a lot of sense but I don't wanna think about it right now i just wanna be sad for now
Dionysus: and we're gonna be sad with you. just remember that we love you and don't give up
✨️🪞Glamour Magick🪞✨️
Glamour magick is a spell that you cast on yourself to change how others perceive you.
The key to this working is to manifest your intent. It's a placebo effect. If you believe it is real, it will become real (in a sense).
Normally glamour magick is preformed while getting ready for the day, night, or an event (school, date, outing exc. exc.) Which means it blends into the mundane.
You can create oils and blends anything your heart desires, even magickly infused foods and drinks, or you can use what you already have: shampoo, hair brush, makeup, moisturizer, toothpaste exc exc.
A good place to start is with:
color magick/correspondences
♡Red- confidence, romantic love, strength
♡Pink- self love, kindness, platonic love, softness
♡Orange- creativity, energy, sucess
♡Yellow- happiness, joy, positivity
♡Green- luck, healing, money manifestation
♡Blue- peace, calm, clairity, communication
♡Purple- imagination, intuition, peace
♡Brown- friendship, security, stability
♡Black- protection, banishing
♡White- clensing, peace, truth
♡Silver- healing
♡Gold- sucess, wealth
Moving on, we will get into more correspondences/enchantments in glamour magick.
Bath/Body 🛁
• Shampoo- clenses negativity
• Conditioner- restores positivity
• Body scrub- removes negative energy
• Lotion- (varies by scent), softness
• Hair oil/ leave in conditioner- protection
• Deep conditioner- restores positive energy
Skincare 🪞
• Facial cleanser- removes negative energy
• Facial scrub- clenses negativity
• Moisturizer- protection, restores positive energy
• Serums- (varies by ingredient), locks in good energy
• Spot treatments- conceals what you do not wish to be seen
• Eye masks- clairity
• Lip masks- sweetens your words
• Suncreen- protection
Makeup 💄
• Mascara/eyeliner- see through lies, enhance your eyes beauty
• Lip products- people will listen when you speak, sweeten your words/influence
• Eyeshadow- (varies by color)
• Concealer- to hide what others should not know
• Highlighter- to apear more radiant/glowing
• Blush- to appear innocent and soft
Other 🐚
• Toothpaste/Toothbrush- clense negativity
• Hairbrush- remove negative energy
• Nail polish- (varies by color)
• Glasses- to see what others cannot
• Hair- Braid your hair with your intentions
• Perfume- (varies by scent)
• Clothing- (varies by color)
• Jewelry- (varies by intent)
Remember, affirmations and enchantments are key to glamours
• say or think corresponding affirmations while doing your skincare or makup
• enchant everything you use with intentions, you could even put sigils on them
• enchant your jewelry for a specific purpose
This is from my personal grimoire, thus my own opinions on glamours.
you can reblog with other glamour related tips and tricks 💕
Herb's Properties

Basil: money, luck, prosperity, happiness
Bay Leaf: energy, cleansing, can be charged with almost any intention
Camomile: Caring, kindness, luck, growth, self-love growth, confidence, avoiding negativity, happiness
Cinnamon: passion, quick success, fire magick
Chia seeds: Growth, health, kindness, Property
Chilli flakes: Pride, confidence, power, strength, Passion
Cumin: Courage, bravery, protection, loyalty
Dandelion: wishes, charisma, success, good luck
Dill: sexual love, luck, protection
Eucalyptus: cleansing, healing, purifying, relaxing, comfort
Fennel: hate, anger
Flax seeds: Prosperity, growth, new beginnings
Ginger: fiery passion, success, and personal power
Jasmine: love, dreams, sensuality, luxury and kindness
Lavender: love and attraction, purification, relaxation, restful sleep
Nutmeg: luck, Health, Fidelity, Love, Prosperity, comfort, loyalty
Oregano: comfort, love, warmth
Paprika: Pride, confidence, power, strength
Parsley: Cleansing. purification
Peppermint: healing, purification, love and energy, cleansing, prosperity
Poppy seeds: protection, intuition, self-assurance, hexing and cursing
Rose: love, beauty, harmony, romance, attraction
Rosemary: cleansing, purification, wisdom, protection
Sesame seeds: Prosperity, growth, health, nurturing
Spearmint: love, cleansing, renewal, blessing
Sunflower seeds: happiness, growth, joy
Thyme: beauty, strength, courage
Turmeric: confidence, creativity, energy
Vanilla: love and sexuality
tip jar
Reblogging for future reference

Fruit Correspondences

Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
Tip Jar
Hello, Tumblr! You can call me Asriel; I'm looking into witchcraft, as my current religion isn't...really doing me much good. I have a lot of religious trauma that I'm working through, and I get good enough vibes from witchy stuff that I'm interested in trying it. This Tumblr is basically to help me connect with the community, and learn more about it to see if this path is the one for me.
I also have an otherkin/alterhuman blog, for those interested, @feathereddragonkin . Just read the dni before interacting. If I ever have a wrong idea about something, feel free to correct me. All I ask is that you're kind about it. I grew up in a strict Christian household, so all of this is very new to me. And if any seasoned witches have some starting advice for me I'd greatly appreciate it!
I'm a huge Greek mythology nerd, and in my research I feel a strong connection to Dionysus. Still deciding what to do with this information, and I'm hoping to figure it out here.

DNI List!
Nazi, pro-Israel, misogynists, anti furry/otherkin/agere/Petre blogs, hate blogs, terfs, NSFW blogs, religious fanatics, homophobes, transphobes, ped0s, political, ableists, anti-witchcraft, ect.