"I wish I could make crack post art, but I always end up putting way too much effort into my art." -"well then it's a well developed sh#t post."
305 posts
Wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, And Tomfoolery

Decided to combine the markings of the fierce diety's mask and majora's mask.
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More Posts from Wolf-pearl
Time is not afraid of cuccos, he actually has a soft spot for them. Sure, when he was young he was afraid of them, but after all the side quests he did revolving around caring for the birds (pocket cucco, cojiro, the quest to get the bunny hood in majora's mask) he came to love the small demon birds.

Look man, I have become enamored with the idea of Link finding and adopting a miniature deku baba.
Link: "time to clear this swamp of monsters!"
Smol deku baba: *is baby*
Link: "so this is my child-"

Yet more eternatus-sympathetic au content. Fun fact, I have already posted art about this AU before. Additionally, this au is actually related to another AU I have a post about. They both started with the same base concept but went in two different directions.
The short summary is basically eternatus escapes after being revived, ends up in the wild area and hangs out with a backpacker, gets befriended by Hop, eventually joining his team.
The full description is under the cut:
Anyways let's get to the AU. It starts off with eternatus reviving in a secure storage facility of macro cosmos. Eternatus has enough wishing stars to revive but not enough to rebuild itself at full size, resulting in eternatus becoming an unstable melty version of the skeleton it is in game. However before eternatus can reconfigure itself into a more stable form, chairman Rose and security guards arrive. Everyone freaks out and in the ensuing chaos eternatus escapes. Eventually eternatus ends up running to the wild area due to it being the place with the most wishing stars and pieces, something eternatus really wants to so it can grow/rebuild itself. At some point during all of that eternatus turns back into a blob due to not being able to maintain a large form with the current amount of wishing stars it possesses. So eternatus reconfigures itself into a form it can actually support in its current condition. That happens to be a much smaller, younger version of it's true form.
A problem that eternatus runs into quickly is that the legendary can get hungry. And eternatus doesn't really know how to get food. What eternatus does know is that the backpackers that hang around the wild area keep food in their bags. And that the backpackers will give food to other humans in exchange for stuff.
This leads to eternatus making nightly raids on one specific ingredient vender's bag. Some would say that's stealing. Eternatus would argue it's not stealing if you leave shiny rocks as presents.
So after about a month of the poor dude being confused about waking up to his bag rummaged through and freaking gold nuggets being left in his lap, he comes up with a plan to catch whoever or whatever has been doing this. He didn't know what he was expecting, but a glowing pokemon the size of a wooloo was not it. The dude's response to this realization is to cook a massive pot of curry for eternatus. He immediately wins eternatus over with his amazing curry, and over time he gives eternatus a nickname based on it's favorite food: Noodles.
Eventually backpacker discovers that OH BOY Noodles is actually really strong. This leads to him being really worried for Noodles' wellbeing because what if a trainer encounters Noodles and tries to catch him and Noodles freaks out and then people come after the lil noodle child? What if Noodles get caught by a mean trainer?? Etc etc etc. eventually the backpacker decides to call up the best person in the region when it comes to strong pokemon- the champion Leon- for advice on what to do to protect Noodles.
Leon: what? an incredibly strong pokemon? Count me in I wanna meet it!
Sonia, overhearing Leon: what? an unidentified unique pokemon of unknown origin? Count me in I wanna meet it!
Hop, oblivious to the entire previous conversation: what? Leon's going somewhere? Count me in I wanna go wherever Leon is going!
Leon: wait, no-
After convincing Hop to stay home and then arriving at the wild are, Leon and Sonia meet noodles. Noodles is at first weary, but warms up to them. Mostly because Leon is a living ray of sunshine. Part of the solution that the backpacker and Leon come to in regards to protecting Noodles is having Leon and Sonia routinely checking in on Noodles.
Over time Hop gets extremely curious as to why Leon is spending so much time in the wild area, and one day decides to sneak into Leon's baggage to go with him. Literally. This leads to hop meeting Noodles, and the two instantly bond while Leon is still processing the fact that his little brother snuck into his luggage. Leon decides to let Hop continue to come with him (officially, not hidden in a bag) to see Noodles whenever Leon is checking in with them.
Fast forward to Hop getting a starter. Hop, who is now very close with Noodles, decides that the first thing he needs to do is introduce his new partner to Noodles and tell them the good news about getting Leon's endorsement.
Noodles' response to finding out that Hop is going on a journey is to go with Hop. Noodles makes its intentions very clear. Hop asks the backpacker for permission to catch Noodles, which he does give after making Hop swear on his life to take amazing care of Noodles.
From here the au follows Hop and eternatus (who in renamed Victor) as they go through the gym challenge.
Victor/Gloria don't exist in this AU.
The Backpacker still calls eternatus Noodles after Hop catches them, and Hop calls them Noodles when the legendary is being a dork.
Rose is collecting wishing stars in hopes of finding eternatus. He isn't evil, he's just extremely concerned about the unidentified pokemon he accidentally unleashed on the world.
This AU does end with Hop becoming champion.
Bede calls Noodles a menace. Considering that noodles did in fact rip open his bag to get at the wishing stars he had in it, I can't really blame him...
I haven't come up with a name for the backpacker. I'm open to suggestions.

Don't feel like doing proper shading and lighting right now so have this concept of a guardian wolf.
So I learned that one of the concept art designs for the master cycle zero was based off of a wolf. I looked at that and thought to myself "but what if you had a mechanical guardian wolf companion?" So I drew that. Maybe someday I'll come back and finish this.
I am always wearing pants but I refuse to wear jeans on principle. I won't let society convince me that jeans are the most functional legwear when I can wear pajama pants with larger pockets, don't need a belt, and are comfy.
Bonus, pjs have awesome patterns on them, while jeans are boring.
anyone else keep their pants by the front door so they can leave them off until last minute? it cannot be just me