Loz Majoras Mask - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

My brain won't be quiet so have a part two to the "skeleton dad au" as I am now calling it until I can think of an actual name for it.

As the hero's shade, Link can transform into the golden wolf. He didn't know this at first, but once he realized he could he started using his wolf form quite often. Interestingly, after the curse is lifted and link is "revived", he is still able to transform into the golden wolf.

Malon is just as much of a gremlin as her husband. Case in point: at one point Malon decided it would be funny to try and squeeze herself into Link's ribcage. She didn't consult Link on if this plan was a good idea at any point. She of course gets stuck, and in the end Talon has to help the couple get out of the mess. Malon was -and still is- completely unrepentant. Link was horrified by the experience and refused to leave his wolf form for 2 weeks.

Link got cursed into the form of the hero's shade while protecting lon lon ranch from a demon. During the fight link lost an eye. When Link landed the final blow on the demon, a surge of dark magic knocked him to the ground and surrounded him. When the magic dispersed, Link's transformation was complete.

When Link woke up after getting cursed he had a full blown crisis. It took some time, but with Malon's help he learned how to cope with his curse, eventually embracing it. After the curse is lifted, it takes Link some time to get used to being a hylian again.

Link honestly has no clue where the armor he wears as the hero's shade came from. He never owned a set of armor like the shade's before getting cursed. It just kinda appeared on him when he got cursed. Furthermore, the armor can't be removed by Link or by anyone else.

Link is very guilty of skeleton puns. A rather infamous one of his is "humerus" jokes. He becomes known for pulling out his humerus while making a horrible pun like "well I think my jokes are pretty humerus." Everyone groans and tells him to stop but they all secretly love his puns and he knows it.

Once, when Link got truely upset with something someone said, he chucked one of his bones at the person's head. When the person in question asked what was that for, Link looked them dead in the eye and said "because that wasn't very humerus of you." He had indeed thrown his humerus. This becomes a reacuring event.

After the curse is broken, someone says something that would have normally earned them a humerus to the head. Link on instinct goes to grab his humerus, but instead finds his now fully reformed arm. Link can now only glare at his intended victim as he informs them that they are so unbelievably lucky that he can no longer chuck his bones at them.

Once, An unwanted suitor of Malon heard rumors of how her husband turned into a skeleton, and assumes that they mean Link died. He sees this as a chance to try and win Malon's heart, and sets out for the ranch. The man immediately starts showering Malon in "condolences for her loss" without giving her any room to correct him. The suitor is both oblivious to Malon's obvious displeasure aswell as the figure that had entered the ranch house. He doesn't notice that anything is amiss until a shadow falls over him and a cold, sharp hand digs into his shoulder. Moments later the man is running for his life from the ranch, a golden wolf nipping at his heels, and Malon leaning against the doorframe as she laughs uncontrollably.

Link at some point brings home a stalhorse and declares that they're keeping it. He names the stalhorse Stal-lion, much to Malon's glee and Talon's disbelief. Epona becames the best of friends with Stal-lion, and will kick you if you ever say anything mean about her friend.

If you just found this, here's a link to part 1

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4 years ago

Majora has deemed that it is bath time for their kit. The kit is not amused about bath time.

Poor Link. First he gets in a fight with some monsters, and now he's getting covered in demon/possibly god slobber.

This is a continuation of some previous posts. You can find them here : [X] [X] [X]

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4 years ago

Look, I know we all love Time being a dad/mentor to Twilight, but consider: Time being a dad to Wind. Time mentoring Wind. Heck, just give me an AU where the hero of time wakes up on outset island and becomes the hero of Wind's father figure.

Image when Aryel got kidnapped the hero of time dragging out all of his old gear and setting out with the hero of winds. Imagine the hero of time seeing Ganondorf and just groaning "oh not this sh*t again".

Imagine the hero of time telling Ganondorf and the king of red lions that they're both idiots.

Imagine the hero of time using the feirce diety's mask while defending the hero of winds.

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3 years ago

Me: I really really shouldn't make AUs for final fantasy 7, I haven't played or even watched playthroughs of any of the games yet.

Also me: *already has over 15 AU ideas*

Me: I Really Really Shouldn't Make AUs For Final Fantasy 7, I Haven't Played Or Even Watched Playthroughs

Goddamnit, why do I do this.

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1 year ago
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You?

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

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3 years ago
Hi Tumblr How Have You Been, Found This Old Drawing Lost In My Files And Finished It

Hi tumblr how have you been, found this old drawing lost in my files and finished it

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11 months ago
Tatl And Tael (LoZ)

Tatl and Tael (LoZ)

Tael is a little bitch, you can't convince me otherwise.

Also, art has been a bit hard these last couple of days. Just going through a slow period is all. I just like doing what I want, you know. If I do challenges and not finish them, I need to be okay with that. Finishing them is for my own self satisfaction. Frankly, I tend to disappoint those around me with that kind of stuff.

Anyways! Enjoy some LoZ fan art! Like I said before, I do what I want.

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