The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
If There Is A Will, There's A Way.Lego Needs To Make A Figure Of Fierce Deity Link! All They Need To
If There Is A Will, There's A Way.Lego Needs To Make A Figure Of Fierce Deity Link! All They Need To

If there is a will, there's a way. Lego needs to make a figure of Fierce Deity Link! All they need to do is make headpiece in blue and white colors, borrow face tattoos from Lego Ninjago Dragons Rising Sora figure, add and make few things here and there and Done. I tried my best to replicate the design as much as possible. The second one is based on one of the Link's skins in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

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4 years ago
I For One Think It's An Absolute Crime That There Isn't More Art And Stories About These Two Together.
I For One Think It's An Absolute Crime That There Isn't More Art And Stories About These Two Together.

I for one think it's an absolute crime that there isn't more art and stories about these two together.

I started this a while ago, so I'm not 100% happy with some of the line work in it, But overall I'm happy with how it came out.

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4 years ago

So I was looking through my art I made before I joined tumblr and remembered my ultimate masterpiece:

So I Was Looking Through My Art I Made Before I Joined Tumblr And Remembered My Ultimate Masterpiece:

"You've met with a terrible goose, haven't you?"


"It's a lovely morning in Termina, and you are a horrible mask."

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4 years ago

Hi so I've fallen into mandalorian hell there's no saving me. I'm also having a crisis because episodes 7 and 8 stole my spine and there isn't a second season yet.

So anyways I was struck by a thought. So like mandalorians just up and adopt orphans and if a kid happens to impress them they have the kiddo become a mandalorian.

So let's assume a post majora's mask young hero of time Link ends up in the star wars universe.

...How fast would Link get adopted by mandalorians?

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4 years ago

Dumb AU idea #2: Demise is a separate being from Ganondorf in ocarina of time, but is possessing Ganondorf. Demise can be removed from Ganondorf via the song of healing. Demise is turned into a mask and Ganondorf is reverted to how he was when demise possessed him: a child. Insert Link and Ganondorf going on adventures together and generally giving the royal guards nightmares and headaches here.

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4 years ago

Another dumb AU idea, probably.

So the hero of time looks like the first hero from that one skyward sword manga right? So here's the dumb idea: the hero of time, years after his adventures and an adult once again, wakes up to the song of time ringing in his ears, in a place he doesn't recognize, and wearing a green tunic and red scarf that is definitely not his. That's when some people show up, see the hero of time in the first hero's garb, and immediately assume that he is in fact the first hero. They then drag him back to whatever strong hold they are holed up at or whatever. This leads the hero of time being force to pretend to be the first hero while figuring out what the hell is going on. Also the hero of time needing to restrain his burning desire to punch the goddesses hylia in the face.

Random notes:

Hylia doesn't recognize that the hero of time isn't the first hero, she identifies mortals by their souls and the hero of time does in fact have the soul of the first hero.

Hylia does notice the sudden "personally shift", especially how he keeps avoiding her and tenses up whenever she's around. She's worried for her hero and vows to figure out what's wrong and make it right. She's doing this with the best intentions, not realizing that it's only making the hero of time more stressed.

Link has all of his gear from his adventures and is not afraid to use them. He avoided using them at first out of fear of being found out, but eventually ends up realizing that saving people is way more important and just either deflects questions about his "new" gear or bullshits his way out of the situation.

The fierce diety isn't evil, and link using the mask could be used as the "identity reaveal"

Another option: the hero of time became the feirce diety after the fight with majora, and low key works with the goddess of time now. The goddess of time was pissed off when she finds out what the hero of time had been through, and decides that hylia obviously is NOT responsible enough to have a chosen hero and yoinks link. This of course opens up the possibility for the goddess of time showing up and giving hylia a stern lecture. Hijinks ensues.

This entire concept is perfect for angst and drama and yet here I am wanting to use it almost exclusively for hyjinx and Tomfoolery.

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4 years ago


So I have a drawing of a possible sword spirit for the feirce diety's sword I recently finished and I'm planning on doing more for various other magical swords throughout the loz series, and I suddenly got a possibly super shitpost-y idea.

Me: Majora's weapons are whips, maybe I can draw a spirit for those (probably) magic whips?

My brain: ok cool, but consider: majora is their whip's spirit

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4 years ago

I just had a weird dream that could be a dumb au idea, probably.

So, the hero of time after his adventures gets transformed into the hero's shade. Not because he died or anything, he just got cursed or something and now is a stalfos. He spends his time at lonlon ranch helping out with stuff, and malon and her dad are used to his presence. One day link gets thrown through time to the future and now has to save hyrule once again. Que everyone being confused by why a snarky stalfos who is full to the brim with dad jokes is now saving the day.

Bonus points from the dream:

Malon and link are married. They got married pre link becoming the hero's shade, and she still loves her skelly husband.

Link is Zelda's cousin, I know this was important in the dream but I can't remember why.

The hero's shade becomes everyone's dad.

The vilan summons undead, and is trying to revive a dead god. After some time, the villain comes to believe that Link is the god they're trying to revive, and uses their magic on link. This breaks Link's curse, and link returns to being a hylian. After the ensuing battle, a newly "revived" Link finds himself trying to calm down his frantic allies and explain to them that he is actually their skeleton dad, but with organs.

Edit: there is now a part 2 of this nonsense.

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4 years ago
Keaton Majora, But Horror.

Keaton majora, but horror.

(Part 1 and part 2 for context)

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4 years ago

Yet another dumb au idea because it's 3 am where I am:

So, let's say the fierce deity is actually the goddess of time. And the goddess of time is actually gender fluid. So, after the events of majora's mask, the hero of time becomes the diety of time's avatar. Then the two of them end up in hyrule warriors. The fierce deity catches wind of how it was the guardian of time who started this mess. The fierce diety immediately take control of Link's body - transforming the hero as if he had put on the god's mask - and makes a B line for the temple of seers.

Meanwhile, Lana and Cia are arguing. That is until the door is quiet literally disintegrated, revealing a very pissed off time god.

The feirce diety fixes the two sorceresses with the most terrifying disappointed dad glare as he informs them that "you're both grounded."

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4 years ago

Majora has deemed that it is bath time for their kit. The kit is not amused about bath time.

Poor Link. First he gets in a fight with some monsters, and now he's getting covered in demon/possibly god slobber.

This is a continuation of some previous posts. You can find them here : [X] [X] [X]

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3 years ago


Nothing Bad Ever Happens To The Hero Of Time!

“Nothing bad ever happens to the Hero of Time!”

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