writerfromthestars - writerfromthestars

| They/Them | current obsessions: DP X DC, Harry Potter | is there a rhyme or reason to what I post? not really, no, but it's mainly fanfic stuff. AO3:: writerfromthestars

61 posts



It is dark when Jon holds him for the last time.

The dusk is deepening into twilit night, sky bruising purple like his love’s skin, darkness snuffing out the light in his emerald eyes, the ones that always mesmerized Jon to no end. 

He would stare at them for hours if he could, hands clasped together and time frozen at a standstill, infinity in perfect, flawless viridian.

He never realized how much emotion was in Damian’s eyes until it was gone, a spark destroyed, overtaken by too much shadow, not enough life left. The crystal clarity, sharp and cutting, analyzing him, is gone, a glazed expression to move no more.

Jon raises a hand to Damian’s face. He sweeps back a lock of hair that has fallen across his cheek, a brushstroke of ebony so similar to the ones he uses to shape faces on canvas. It’s soft, he realizes. Soft, and Jon leans down, burying his face in the space between his best friend’s neck and shoulder. Damian smells like dirt and blood and smoke and fire, but underneath there is an undercurrent of the shampoo he used this morning before they suited up and left for this mission. It’s Jon’s shampoo that Damian had taken a liking to. 

He wants to cry. To rage and scream and destroy, because what is the point of living if his love is dead, if the only one he’s ever truly needed, the only one who’d never leave him, is gone, gone to the one place Jon cannot reach, no matter how far or fast he flies.

His ears are ringing. He doesn’t know why. He’s invulnerable, after all.

Jon holds him close, like he did when they were young, Robin and Superboy, like he did when they were teenagers, Damian and Jon, like he does now, Batman and Superman, two halves of a whole, teammates and partners and best friends and lovers. Colleagues and roommates and supporters of each other. Sweethearts and admirers, paramours and beloveds. 

He holds him tight, a hug like the ones they give each other before they leave for patrol and an embrace like the ones when they reunite again. Like the ones he gave at sleepovers and on long stakeouts, beach days and picnics in the Metropolis Parks because Gotham was too dangerous for a date as civilians.

Jon kisses bloodstained lips and watches emerald fade, and then he stands up. 

He leaves his beloved’s side and he runs towards the enemy, a war cry to rival his father’s falling from his lips as tears carve tracks on bloody, muddy cheeks. 

The enemy falls. 

A green spear is thrown as he does, finding its target just a little off,  in a stomach instead of a heart. 

Jon goes back to Damian. The green of the glowing Kryptonite looks like his love’s eyes, and he smiles, a broken, ugly, beautiful thing. 

He pulls it out of his stomach and tosses it aside with human strength. He holds Damian as twilight fades to midnight, and the light is taken from electric, unnatural blue. 

Their families will find them, in the wee hours of the morning, and they will cry and scream and wail. 

It is of no avail, Fate and Death long run their course.

Before they leave, as Fate calls to her partner of eons, Death will raise their hand to their face and place something in the palm of the lover’s hands, an apology of sorts for two lives, two souls so perfect for each other, cut short.

None of their families will see the pearl, hidden in their intertwined hands. None but an Amazon. She will pluck the pearl from the pair and place it somewhere hidden, somewhere safe. Death does not cry for just anyone, after all.

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More Posts from Writerfromthestars

9 months ago

Harry Potter drabble.

Wolfstar pining.

Cross-posted on AO3

Remus Lupin sat in the Gryffindor common room, a book in his hands but his mind far away. He couldn't concentrate on the words on the page, his thoughts consumed by a certain messy-haired boy with twinkling eyes and a mischievous smile.

Sirius Black.

They had been friends since their first year at Hogwarts, but lately Remus had been feeling something more than friendship towards Sirius. He couldn't deny the way his heart raced whenever Sirius was near, or the way his stomach fluttered when Sirius flashed him a grin.

But Remus knew he couldn't act on his feelings. He was a werewolf, an outcast, and he didn't want to burden Sirius. After all, he and James and Peter had already done so much for him. asking for more would be selfish. So he kept his feelings hidden, buried deep inside where no one could see them.

"Hey, Moony," Sirius said, plopping down on the couch next to Remus. "What are you reading?"

Remus glanced down at the book in his hands, realizing he hadn't even turned a page since Sirius had sat down. "Oh, just some Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook," he mumbled.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You know, you don't have to pretend to be studying all the time. We're in our seventh year, Moony. Live a little."

Remus couldn't help but smile at Sirius's easygoing nature. He was always so carefree, so full of life. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him.

"Maybe you're right," Remus said, closing the book and setting it aside. "What do you suggest we do instead?"

Sirius grinned mischievously. "I have an idea. Follow me."

Remus followed Sirius out of the common room and down the winding corridors of Hogwarts, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls. They finally came to a stop in front of a tapestry depicting a group of dancing trolls.

"Watch this," Sirius said, pulling out his wand and tapping the tapestry. The trolls suddenly came to life, dancing and twirling around in a lively jig.

Remus couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Sirius always knew how to make him smile, even in the darkest of times, like after a particularly bad moon.

As the trolls continued their dance, Sirius turned to Remus with a twinkle in his eye. "You know, Moony, I've been meaning to tell you something."

Remus's heart skipped a beat. Was this it? Was Sirius finally going to confess his feelings?

"I... I think you're the best friend I've ever had," Sirius said, his voice soft and sincere. "I don't know what I would do without you, Moony."

Remus felt a pang of disappointment at Sirius's words, then immediately felt guilty. Sirius hadn't done anything wrong. He had hoped for something more, something deeper. But he pushed those feelings aside, plastering a smile on his face. It was selfish to want anything else.

"I feel the same way, Padfoot," Remus said, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. "You're my best friend too."

Sirius grinned, pulling Remus into a tight hug. "I'm glad we're on the same page, Moony. Now, let's go cause some more mischief, shall we?"

And as they walked back to the Gryffindor common room, Remus couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship he shared with Sirius. Maybe one day, he would find the courage to tell Sirius how he truly felt. But for now, he was content to bask in the warmth of their friendship, knowing that Sirius would always be by his side, no matter what.

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9 months ago
Yay Part Four The Silence Of The Robin's.

Yay part four the Silence of the Robin's.

Pretty angsty NGL

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9 months ago

So I know I'm a little late but



Let me just say that no matter who you are, who you love, or how you identify, you are awesome and the world is a better place with you in it!

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8 months ago

when ao3 is down for maintenance so you sigh and trudge dejectedly over to wattpad because you still need fanfic

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9 months ago
writerfromthestars - writerfromthestars

writerfromthestars - writerfromthestars

So basically I wrote an angsty dc one shot. Now here we are, and I have created a series.

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