yakuly - Yakully

Ansiosa | 23 y | Caprica

718 posts



The Non-natives Know

The non-natives know

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More Posts from Yakuly

2 years ago

⍉ 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉

⍉ Masterlist ⍉ Crime passional (pt)

⍉ Passional Crime (eng.)

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2 years ago

⍉𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉

❤️ (G)I-dle (ot6) x Male Readers

❤️ Gênero: criminal!Gidle, universo criminal, basicamente inspirado pelo filme/musical "Chicago". Menores não interagir!

❤️ Avisos: xingamentos, menção ao sexo, menção a relacionamentos abusivos (por favor não leia, se te faz mal!) Assassinato!

❤️ Capítulos: 7

❤ Postagens: Toda Terça-feira, após 18:00 p.m (horário de Brasília, Br)

❤ Sinopses: Os anos 20 na cidade de Chicago foram incrivelmente prósperos para os cidadãos. Todos pareciam viver sob uma névoa de luxúria, os fazendo gastar e ostentar todas as suas riquezas. Bares repletos de Jazz, Whisky, cigarros. Mulheres indecentes com suas meias calças rastão faziam homens de bem pecarem, e esquecerem de suas esposas. Ao mesmo tempo, uma onde de crimes se alastrou pela cidade.

Todos que liam os jornais as conheciam, e mesmo aqueles que fingiam não, pois acreditavam ser "cultos" de mais, sabiam seus nomes, rostos, e os crimes que as levaram para a tão temida "Cook County Jail" ( 'Cadeia do Condado de Cook').

Mas será mesmo que todos sabem de fato quem elas são? Será que a velha Chicago de 1920, onde todos escondiam seus pecados nas sombras dos holofotes, são mais puros e santos que essas seis mulheres? A verdade é que todas as mulheres da época eram muito mais do que se deixavam ver... em especial seis belas damas, que tiveram suas vidas mudadas viradas de cabeça pra baixo por conta de um sentimento: a paixão.

Dizem, que "os fins justificam os meios", e seus destinos já estão velados: inocentes. As boas moças provaram para o júri que foram obrigadas a agir como agiram... mas e você? Acredita?

Então talvez conhecendo sua história de verdade, possa ter seu próprio entendimento sobre seus casos. E talvez quem sabe, as absolver seus pecados.

❤️ » Essas personagens do filme/musical foram inspiradas em histórias verdadeiras de criminosas dos anos 20 em Chicago. Porém esse livro é apenas uma obra fictícia das personagens criadas, e não inspiradas nas verdadeiras mulheres (apesar da história delas serem incríveis também!);

» Os nomes são das personagens do filme/musical, mas a fisionomia delas serão das membros do girl group "(G)-Idle";

» Como a história é baseada em pessoas nativas dos estados unidos, mas as membros são asiáticas, a base das idols, mas elas nesse livro, elas farão parte de uma pequena comunidade asiática em Chicago (assim, a essência da história se mantém a mesma);

» A classificação é de +16/+18, por tanto, se for menor de idade, por favor não interagir com esse livro.

Chapters !

♡ Pop! ♡ Six! ♡ Squish...

♡ Cicero. ♡ Lipschitz!

♡ Judgements

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2 years ago

⍉𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉

❤️ (G)I-dle (ot6) x Male Readers

❤️ Gênero: criminal!Gidle, universo criminal, basicamente inspirado pelo filme/musical "Chicago". Menores não interagir!

❤️ Avisos: xingamentos, menção ao sexo, menção a relacionamentos abusivos (por favor não leia, se te faz mal!) Assassinato!

❤️ Capítulos: 7

❤ Postagens: Toda Terça-feira, após 18:00 p.m (horário de Brasília, Br)

❤ Sinopses: Os anos 20 na cidade de Chicago foram incrivelmente prósperos para os cidadãos. Todos pareciam viver sob uma névoa de luxúria, os fazendo gastar e ostentar todas as suas riquezas. Bares repletos de Jazz, Whisky, cigarros. Mulheres indecentes com suas meias calças rastão faziam homens de bem pecarem, e esquecerem de suas esposas. Ao mesmo tempo, uma onde de crimes se alastrou pela cidade.

Todos que liam os jornais as conheciam, e mesmo aqueles que fingiam não, pois acreditavam ser "cultos" de mais, sabiam seus nomes, rostos, e os crimes que as levaram para a tão temida "Cook County Jail" ( 'Cadeia do Condado de Cook').

Mas será mesmo que todos sabem de fato quem elas são? Será que a velha Chicago de 1920, onde todos escondiam seus pecados nas sombras dos holofotes, são mais puros e santos que essas seis mulheres? A verdade é que todas as mulheres da época eram muito mais do que se deixavam ver... em especial seis belas damas, que tiveram suas vidas mudadas viradas de cabeça pra baixo por conta de um sentimento: a paixão.

Dizem, que "os fins justificam os meios", e seus destinos já estão velados: inocentes. As boas moças provaram para o júri que foram obrigadas a agir como agiram... mas e você? Acredita?

Então talvez conhecendo sua história de verdade, possa ter seu próprio entendimento sobre seus casos. E talvez quem sabe, as absolver seus pecados.

❤️ » Essas personagens do filme/musical foram inspiradas em histórias verdadeiras de criminosas dos anos 20 em Chicago. Porém esse livro é apenas uma obra fictícia das personagens criadas, e não inspiradas nas verdadeiras mulheres (apesar da história delas serem incríveis também!);

» Os nomes são das personagens do filme/musical, mas a fisionomia delas serão das membros do girl group "(G)-Idle";

» Como a história é baseada em pessoas nativas dos estados unidos, mas as membros são asiáticas, a base das idols, mas elas nesse livro, elas farão parte de uma pequena comunidade asiática em Chicago (assim, a essência da história se mantém a mesma);

» A classificação é de +16/+18, por tanto, se for menor de idade, por favor não interagir com esse livro.

Chapters !

♡ Pop! ♡ Six! ♡ Squish...

♡ Uh uh... ♡ Cicero. ♡ Lipschitz!

♡ Judgements

Tags :
2 years ago

For Science

For Science

A/N: My second fic in less than a month, I am proud of my achievement. I'll be honest, there were times when I thought this fic was turning into a big pile of disgusting garbage and almost gave up on it a couple of times. But alas, I persevered and I think sometimes I have to trust the process, or in my case the chaotic horny mess that is my brain. Again, English is not my first language so if you see any mistakes, please be patient and kind, I can only wish to improve. Please enjoy!! Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: SMUT (Obviously). Soft!Loki, Sex pollen trope, oral, penetration…just your regular filthy smut fic with a hint of plot. Avengers IW never happened. Words: 6.8k.

When you started working at the Avengers compound you could never have guessed what your life there would be like. And indeed every day was a surprise. You were hired as part of the medical staff after Tony read your thesis about modern medicine applied to metahumans. From day one you have been part of Dr. Banner's team and you were over the moon. Your work consisted in finding new ways of healing wounds inflicted by non-conventional weapons on enhanced humans. It was a challenging job that kept you on your feet and you loved it. And being so close to the almighty heroes almost made you feel one as well. One could dream.

In the span of a month you met most of the Avengers. They were nice and always grateful of your assistance. Captain America was polite and stoic, trying to be helpful in any way he could. Peter Parker always stammered and fidgeted while you looked at his wounds, something you found endearing. Bucky Burnes flirted with everyone. The Falcon told terrible jokes that made you cry from laughter and Thor was so gallant in an old-fashion way that you almost felt as a maiden healing a White Knight.

And then there was Loki.

The first time you met the Asgardian prince you felt intimidated. Even though you already met the great earth protectors, Loki was something else.

He was tall. But that was not it. Thor was a big guy, for sure, but there was something about Loki that made you feel small. Maybe it was his gaze, cold and curious. Maybe how long and lean his limbs were. Maybe it was the asgardian outfit that made him look so regal. Maybe that voice, deep and seductive that made your knees quiver. Not that he talked much, he mostly kept to himself and never stayed in the lab much. Something about being a magical entity from another planet; he never got badly injured and was in and out without much fuss. And he really seemed to dislike you in some way, because when you tried to patch his wounds he always looked bothered. When you tried to get a closer look to one of his cuts, he always backed up uncomfortable. You tried to make conversation, to make things less awkward, but he merely responded with monosyllables and walked away as fast as he could.

He was a creature of mystery and he certainly intrigued you. You made your utmost effort to make Loki open a little bit. But he was incredibly guarded.

So when you arrived first thing in the morning to the medical floor and found Loki there, to say you were shocked was the understatement of the century. He was leaning against one of the shelves, hands in his pockets and tapping his feet as if he was growing impatient. When he looked up and found you there, you saw something even more shocking.

He smiled at you.

-Hello- You said tentatively, as if you weren't sure he was standing there, in the middle of the lab. More specifically, in your side of the lab. -Hello… Dr y/n l/n Right? - He bowed his head almost imperceptibly as he kept smiling at you. A small, soft smile that you'd have never expected coming from him.

-Call me y/n, please. Besides, it's not like we are strangers. - You were sure to see a slight hint of a blush on his cheeks before turning away from you, looking at some of the papers you had on your desk. -Yes, well… we were never properly introduced and it never seemed like the right moment when you were working. - He fidgeted with the documents and tossed them back against the cold surface of your desk.

-Well then, nice to meet you again Loki. - You realized that it was your first time adressing him in a first name basis. He turned around and looked at you lost for words, but he regained his composure in a blink of an eye.

-Bruce was talking the other day on the jet about some of your research, about new methods of healing metahumans. I thought then that I could be of assistance.

This was by far the first time you've heard Loki talk that much to anyone. He usually looked at you in what seemed annoyance. So now you were lost for a moment in what was happening. The God of Mischief talking to you? Offering help? Were you high on something?.

You looked at the cup of coffee in your hand, as it contained all those answers, then back at him in what you were sure was the most skeptical glare you've ever given to anyone. Ever. Loki's little smile faded and he tilted his head, as if he was trying to convey that it was your turn to talk. After a silence that lasted two seconds too long you snapped out of your musings.

-Em… Sure. How exactly? - You walked towards him and again, you felt a little out of place. At your own lab. What was about his presence that was so menacing and enticing at the same time?.

-While Thor trained with my father, I spent most of the time learning from my mother. Magic, enchantments… but also different ways of healing different ailments. Botany, herbalism, potions… You name it, I've studied it. I think I could make myself useful to you.- There was pride in his tone, boast… But also joy and endearment in that memory.

-Why are you offering your help? -That might have sounded a bit severe because that little smile that you were starting to like, really like, disappeared from his features and he looked down, all that confidence he exuded evaporating in less than a second. -I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh. Is just that your offer first thing in the morning was the last thing I expected for today. Or ever. -As he sensed humor in your voice he straightened up, a little less confident this time.

-My brother and I had a talk… he advised me to present myself to be more useful for the team. -That sounded very noble and you didn't notice any trace of sarcasm in his words. But you had the feeling that that was a half-truth at best. But he was offering thousands of years of otherworldly advice and who was the idiot to refuse that kind of knowledge?

Turns out you were the idiot. The biggest idiot in the galaxy.

Loki's help turned out to be extremely valuable. He really had knowledge not only about earth modern medicine or Asgard medicine, but all you could ever imagine and more. And he really seemed eager to be in the lab and help.

It started with some briefings about your research, and Loki was blithely filling some of the blanks. His explanations were educational and very entertaining. It totally re-shaped some of your theories and you were really grateful for all the input he was sharing with you. After a couple of days you told him that you had enough information and that you didn't want to waste more of his time, but he then had the brilliant idea of retrieving samples of medicinal plants and other biological material that could help from missions and some of his travels. And by the second week you found yourself in a unique routine with Loki: Early in the morning, most of the time a bit before your shift started, Loki was already in the lab next to your desk coffee in hand. How did he know how you liked your coffee you never dared to ask. At first you just had to repress your laugh because it was so funny to see the very important royal prince of Asgard in just casual attire and a lab coat. Or it would have been funny if he didn't look so cute in it.

The white coat really suited his tall frame. There were times were concentrating was a hard task in itself because, how dare he look so good? That would not matter if it wasn't for the fact that you just discovered that you had a thing for big, strong, elegant hands like the ones Loki brushed constantly against your arm every time he wanted to show you something. Or how he sometimes leaned in a little too close to say something to your ear and that voice, that accent made you almost purr.

All of this would definitely be funny, but it really, really wasn't. Because turns out the taciturn, arrogant and secretive prince you met weeks ago was a sweet, charming, a little bit too cocky and extremely attractive man you enjoyed way too much working with.

As the weeks went on the pattern continued: he would explain how the last mission went, some of the details you could need and then you two would spend most of the day examining samples under the microscope or running some simulations on the computer. Loki would always stay near, which was reasonable because you spend all this time sharing information and hypothesis. But sometimes you feared it was too near, especially after a long day where you would be tired and the temptation to lean in and get lost in how well he smelled was getting out of your control. By the end of the fourth week you were finishing your days with cold showers and it was starting to become embarrassing. You just wish Loki didn't notice anything.

Because boy you had it bad.

The next week started with the Avengers going to some remote location to fight a small army of very dangerous aliens. So you knew you'd spend the day alone and you felt relief, because any day now you were sure you'll combust at his mere presence and today at least you were going to be able to work unbothered. But on the other hand, you missed him because you really enjoyed his sense of humor, or how he looked at you, eyes full of wonder, as you tried to explain something you had realized that day.

Again, you had it really, really bad.

Good thing you loved your work and the high-tech lab Stark provided. You spent the day taking test after test, which usually kept your mind focused. Before you could finish the last one of the day it was already dark outside and you planned to end your shift soon.

As you were writing down the lasts results and making some notes, Thor stormed in the lab making you jump out of your chair. He seemed out of breath, something you deemed impossible for the God of Thunder, and before you could ask what he was doing there he was grabbing you by the shoulders telling you that Loki was extremely ill and in need of your assistance.

-Thor, calm down. What happened? - He was scaring you looking so worried, grasping at your lab coat a bit too hard. -Loki was explaining that he knew about a very exotic medicinal flower he insisted you could use for your research. We found a big field full of them and as he was about to grab some there was an explosion. -Oh God, is he ok? Is he bleeding?- Millions of scenarios flooded your mind as you felt a heaviness forming on your chest. -The explosion is not the issue. It nocked him out momentarily, but he was fine. The blast destroyed most of the flower field and there was pollen everywhere. Loki was covered head to toe and he seemed to react badly to it. -Thor you're scaring me. An allergic reaction? Is that it? I'm sure a strong asgardian god as your brother can overcome something that benign.- You exhaled in relief. Loki was alive. He only needed antihistamine, at most.

Or so you thought.

Thor insisted he needed your help and led you to the other wing on the medical floor. You were taken aback when you noticed Thor was leading you passed the main hall and took you to the isolation rooms, where quarantines were conducted. The rooms were all white, with one of the walls clear so you could see the inside without stepping in. There, you found Loki sitting on the bed as you've never seen him. Disheveled, his alabaster skin blushing red and looking damp. His always pristine asgardian suit was wrinkled and the top completely opened, showing his chest and abs glistening with sweat. He looked feverish and you started to worry as he looked at you and panic took over his features.

-Thor, what is she doing here!? - Was he mad? You came here to help. You were dragged here to help. -I was told you needed my help. That you had a terrible allergic reaction? - If looks could kill Thor would have been exterminated in a blast of fury. Loki stood up and walk across the room. He then hit his fist against the translucent wall, making you take a step back. Thanks for Stark and his technology that could stand the rage of an alien God. -I told you I didn't want her here. Get. Her. OUT. NOW.- Now you knew something was wrong. You've never seen Loki so angry. So out of his mind.

And so afraid.

-Ok. What is happening here. What is that no one is telling me?.- You were looking at the both of them. Thor was chewing his lower lip as he tried to prevent something coming out of his mouth and Loki looked like he was planning both of your murders. -The reaction Loki is having… in not a common allergic reaction.- Thor was whispering at you, as if Loki wasn't clearly able to hear the both of you. -Thor shut up.- Loki kept pacing the room like a predator in a cage.

-Loki she could help you, you know what could happen if you don't… -Thor sounded worried as he tried to appeal to his brother. Your head was spinning with their interaction and the hundreds of scenarios. Was Loki poisoned in some way? Was it a biological weapon in disguise that attacked him? -I'd rather die than get help FROM HER.- And that made your racing mind go blank.

All this time spending time together, falling for his smiles, his light touches and the way his musical voice asked for your advice… And now the only thing he seemed to want was to get rid of you, as if your presence caused him disgust. He kept avoiding your eyes and after that outburst, he walked back to the bed, sitting with his hands covering his face.

You started to walk out back to the hall, but you didn't get far before Thor caught up with you and grabbed your arm.

-He really needs your help y/n.- Thor implored you as you tried to walk pass him. -He doesn't think the same Thor, and his botanical knowledge is vast. I'll bring Dr. Banner and the technicians to run tests on him. I'm sure he'll be fine.- As you tried to walk away, Thor stood in your way. -I know what kind of plant Loki was looking at. Is a common flower in Asgard an Norns knows how it got here on earth. -You could have started there! We could draw some blood and try to synthesize an antidote or… -But from Thor expression you knew that something was amiss. -Thor, please. What are you not telling me? -The flower in question is called Pāravaśyam. In small doses, it helps increase blood flow, which helps in some healing processes. It also can help steady heart rate. But… -…But Loki didn't get a small dose. -No, he didn't. The dose he absorbed was extremely high, and the effects are dangerous if not taken the correct course.

-In that amount, what would happen to him?

-In big doses Pāravaśyam is used as an… how you call it here on earth… Viagra?

-Beg your pardon?- Sure you didn't hear him right. Besides Thor was so new to Earth sure he was confused. In no way he meant…

-Viagra? The blue pills that get manhoods engorged and full of lust for hours?- Ok. Wow. You had so many questions. First, how on earth did Thor know so much about Viagra? But second, and most importantly… All of this was because Loki was, for a lack of a better term… horny? -Are you telling me that Loki is… -Engorged and full of lust? Yes. -I don't know if asgardians know about this, but here on earth we do a thing called "masturbation". Maybe I should bring a book full of instructions for your brother.- You really tried your best not to laugh. But then you thought about Thor's fearful expression and Loki's reaction after he saw you. And by Thor's unamused reaction you knew there was something else. -Y/n I'm afraid that won't suffice. Some asgardians plants have some sort of magic in them, and Pāravaśyam is no exception. Sexual release might relieve the symptoms, but the only thing that can cure the… condition is to breed with a beloved person.

After that you went silent. Your head full of white noise. Thor looked at you as he expected some kind of reaction, but you didn't know what to think. You tried to push the images the word "breed" elicited to your mind. Loki was nice to you, he saw you as a colleague, as a lab partner. But did he care about you? In any sense that matter?

-Thor, Loki is only helping me with research.- Your voice was so small, like you were talking only to yourself. -You mortals can be as thick as a Kronan. Why do you think Loki asked to help you in the lab?- Thor looked exasperated now, like this conversation was taking a toll on him. -You asked him to. -Thor's chuckle was not completely humorless, but it didn't reach his eyes as his laugh usually did. -¿So that's what he told you huh?. Please y/n. Just go and try to talk to him. His condition will only get worse and it could be fatal. If it's not you, somebody has to help him.

"Help him". That's a way to put it.

With that, Thor walked away, leaving you with so many thoughts and so many questions. You looked back, and in what you perceived as slow motion you went back to Loki's room.

He was still sitting on the bed, elbows on his knees and head down his hands. You saw his shoulders twitch and you knew he was aware of your presence. But he kept his head down.

-I told you to leave.- Her voice was low and threatening, catching you off guard for a second. -Thor told me about the flower. About the pollen.- You started to close your distance, closing the space between you and the clear wall of Loki's room. -Thor doesn't know what he is talking about. -Well, he told me about your… your situation.

Thor words echoed in your head: "Engorged and full of lust". You closed your eyes as if it could erase the painfully explicit image that formed in your mind. Damn the God of Thunder.

Your hand instinctively reached to touch the wall, as if somewhat you could appease Loki through the thick crystal. Lokis hands gripped the mattress as if the gesture pained him.

-Please, don't come any closer. -He still didn't look up, and you could see now up close that his hands were trembling. -Loki I just want to help. Thor asked me to help you. - The palm of your hand touched the cold surface, and Loki finally looked at you.

His jaw clenched, forehead full of droplets of sweat. His shoulders were up to his ears and his knuckles white gripping the sheets with so much force it was a miracle they hadn't shredded. His pupils were almost completely blown out, barely showing the blue in his eyes. If you could decipher the way he looked at you it would be with hunger. So much hunger.

-I said, don't come any closer. I…I can feel you through the wall. Please y/n… leave. -Why did you offer to help me in the lab? - Loki blinked several times, taken aback by your question. Lips pressed together, it doesn't take long before his eyes dart to the floor again. He realized that you have talked to Thor, and norns only knew what he had told you. -I told you about that my knowledge… that I wanted… -Loki stammered, unable to read your expression because he could only think of one thing.

And is all the things he wants to do to you.

-Thor didn't ask you to, did he?. - Looking at him, seeing Thor's reaction earlier, remembering the first time you saw Loki in the lab… You knew in that moment that Loki's motivation to help you wasn't the selfless reasoning he gave you that first day. You just saw that so clearly now. -I wanted to help you.- His hands stopped grabbing the fabric to end again covering his face. And that bothered you so much because all you wanted was to see his reaction. To see what he was feeling.

To see him look at you with so much desire again.

-Why did you tell me that the first day? Why lie?. -You would have asked about my reasons. And lying was the preferable option. -Loki, what was the reason… -Because I wanted to spend time with you. Because every time I ended in your table examining my injuries, asking me questions all I could think about was how soft and small your hands were, and how good it would feel having them all over me. How sweet your voice sounded or how you always smelled like orange blossom and that drove me insane. So I offered you my help under false pretense. I thought spending time with you would alleviate my infatuation, but I was so wrong. The way you smiled when you explained some detail about your work, or how you bit your lip when you were frustrated. It was the most delicious, beautiful torture I've ever endured in my long life.- He looked up, his pained expression, making a knot in the pit of your stomach. -This is humiliating. This is not how you were supposed to find out. I wanted to ask you out, court you properly… and now… please y/n. Just leave.

And there you were, all this time thinking you were alone in your feelings. You felt elated to know Loki felt this way about you, but you knew that this confession, it was all wrong. He didn't want you to know about this. He felt exposed and vulnerable. He wasn't himself, he was under the influence of some cosmic toxin and he was suffering. And you didn't know how you could, or if you could. But you really wanted to offer some comfort.

So you walked towards the door, slowly turning the knob.

When you entered the room the first thing to hit you was the smell. It smelled like Loki: fresh peppermint, sweet spices and leather… but so much more intense. It was intoxicating. You felt the immediate need to press your thighs together, but you ignored it. Loki jumped out of the bed, walking backwards until his body was pressed against the furthest wall from you. He kept his hands in his back, as if he was afraid he could reach you from there. His breathing turned more elaborate and all you wanted was to end his misery.

-Y/n, please just… - He looks so concerned, so contrite.

Is he afraid of you… or for you?

You stepped closer, slowly. You knew what he needed. And your body ached to touch him, to hug him, to make him feel better. You feared that your intentions weren't selfless, you have been attracted to him for weeks and now he needed you, your body, and even though you saw him at the brink of hyperventilation, trying his best to remain in control… you just wanted him. You craved for him. Knowing that you were the only cure, for him to consume you, to satiate his lust for you was making your core ache.

-Please y/n, don't come any closer. I…I can smell your skin, I can almost taste it from here. I don't know what is going to happen if you touch me. I don't want to hurt you. I… -But his voice died in his throat as you cupped his cheek with your hand, your thumb feeling the soft skin under his eye. -You won't hurt me. Let me help you Loki.

Your voice was merely a whisper as you close the distance, pressing your chest against his. You felt his erection against your belly, his length pulsating against you even through all the layers of clothing. You stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his, barely touching them. You were waiting for his reaction, for him to push you away.

But in a swift movement your back was against the wall and Loki was pining your wrists above your head. Before you could wrap your head about what just happened his mouth was on yours kissing you hard, his tongue demanding and his teeth pulling your lower lip making you gasp. His mouth was divine, his tongue moving expertly like he could not get enough of your taste. Before you could catch your breath, his hand found the hem of your t-shirt. It rested flat against your stomach and stayed there, his fingers flexing slightly. His lips started a trail its way from your mouth to your ear. He then sucked, hard, against the skin below. His breath was hot and you could hear a lump in his throat, his voice struggling to come out.

-Y/N… tell me you are sure. Tell me you want this… because I'm afraid I won't be able to stop If I keep touching you like this.- His voice was so soft but so full with need it made your core clench, feeling empty and desperate. Even in his state he still cared about you, enough to make you feel safe. He still needed your consent. He needed to know you wanted this. Him.

That somehow made you dizzy with desire.

-Yes, Loki. Take me… please.

With that you kissed him again, relishing on how soft his lips were, on how good he tasted. His hands went up under your shirt grabbing your breast firmly, wasting no time in pulling down your bra and palming them until your nipples were hard. Your head was spinning feeling his body so pressed to yours, his touch everywhere and his mouth relentless. His lips travelled from your mouth to your neck, sucking and biting so hard that you were sure he was leaving all kinds of marks on your sensitive skin.

Once his mouth found the collar of your t-shirt, his hands ripped it in half in one swift movement, exposing the warm skin of your chest to the cold air of the room. He then buried his face against your breast, his tongue tasting your skin. You arched your back trying to feel more of him and he took the opportunity for his hands to find the hook of your bra and tearing it off. He started to lick long and slow strokes, first one breast and then the other over and over again. His tongue was adamant against your nipples, swirling and lapping every inch of you, making you roll your eyes back as pleasure invaded your senses. His hands descended to your waist, pinning you in place as you felt his body descend and falling to his knees.

Loki was on his knees, in front of you. That was a sight you'd treasure forever.

His hands were gripping your waist before his fingers found the button of your jeans. Without taking his eyes from you he undid your button and you heard the metallic clicking of the zipper. His mouth was on your navel, nibbling his way to your exposed hip bone while his hands tore off your trousers and the rest of your underwear, discarding them with the rest of your now destroyed outfit. You felt his gaze roaming all over your exposed body, taking you in, and you started to feel a little bit self-conscious, your hands instinctively trying to cover yourself before Loki stopped them.

-You are so fucking beautiful. - His eyes never left yours, his face so closed you could feel his breath against your belly button. -Your mind is full of toxins and I'm pretty sure your judgment is clouded.- How did you manage to speak a full sentence in that moment was a mystery, You guessed the logical part of your brain never slept. -I always thought you were stunning. So alluring and so sweet… And I always wondered if you tasted as sweet as you looked.

And without any warning his hands grabbed your hips and his mouth was on you. His lips parted your folds and his tongue started lapping fervently, flattened tasting everything in its path. You felt your knees quivering on the verge of giving up as your mouth fell open in a silent cry. Lucky for you Loki had superhuman strength and had you pinned to the wall keeping you at place. His tongue swirled rapidly around your clit and that feeling followed by the wet and obscene sounds he was making while eating you, were making your head spin and your hands grabbed his head for support. The moment his mouth started sucking, his tongued never leaving your clit, you felt the familiar knot forming inside you tensing fast. You were a panting mess, and every flick of Loki's expert tongue getting you closer to your release.

The moment his lips sucked hard on your swollen clit your body snapped, shaking uncontrollably, your orgasm so intense that you could only feel your core clenching, asking for more as the wave of pleasure travelled through your body like fire kissing your skin. And it lasted so long, too long, because Loki refused to stop his movements. Even when the sensation verged on overstimulation. Your mind went blank for one second, eyelids still full of fireworks when you felt your feet not touching the floor anymore, and your body being moved carefully.

You were still trying to steady your breathing when you felt your back touch something soft. When you opened your eyes you saw Loki, taking off his clothing harshly, almost ripping it off his skin before joining you in the bed. He positioned himself above you, his hands partying your legs, kneeling before you. That's when your eyes found his cock, big and dripping with precum. His head was dark pink and looked smooth to the touch. Your hand thought so too because it wasted no time in grabbing him and feeling it pulsate against your hand. The moan that escaped his throat was obscene and went directly to the apex of your thighs making you even more soaked.

Before you could move your hand so he'd make that sound again, he grabbed it and kissed your palm. You were almost sure you felt his smile against your skin before he lowered himself and kissed you, his lips devouring yours as you still tasted yourself on his tongue. You were giddy with lust, craving to feel his cock buried deep inside you. His tip found your wet lips and you whined, longing to feel more of him. He stopped kissing you and you felt his mouth descend to your shoulder, peppering kisses everywhere in its path. Your hands started to caress his back and that's when you noticed he was trembling. His whole body was shaking.

Loki was holding back.

-Loki… -You felt him tensing at the sound of your voice, his cock twitching against you. His face still hidden in your neck. -Tell me this is ok y/n. Please… tell me you want to be mine.- His voice was merely a whisper struggling to come out and your heart expanded almost bursting your chest. Even in his state, even after devouring you five minutes ago and giving you a Richter's scale 10 orgasm, he was pleading you, still needing to make sure you were ok.

You took his face between your hands and looked at him. His eyebrows were almost touching, knotted with worry and his eyes glistening. He was in agony, so close to you and yet not allowing himself to lose control.

-Y/n… please- His voice was hoarse, barely a whisper.. You could hear him all day calling your name like that. But today was not that day. -Yes, Loki… I'm yours.

He positioned himself and started entering you, inch by inch, streaching you like you've never been before in an agonizing slow pace until he was buried inside you. You cried at the sensation, overwhelming and intense as he made you feel completely full. The pleasure was mixed with a little pain and you were gasping, trying to take everything he was giving you. His forehead was against your shoulder, as if he was trying to hide his pleasure from you. Both of you remained still, Loki trying really hard to give you time. By the way he was breathing you were sure he was at the brink of snapping and fucking you with his full force. Your cunt was gripping him hard and as the pain subsided your hips started moving of their own volition.

-Fuck y/n.. you are so tight… I can't…

With that he started moving. He proceeded to remove himself entirely to rapidly thrust inside you hard. At first his rhythm was languid, relishing on the raw sensation of his member teasing your narrow slit, entering you slowly making you whimper. But his need for you was getting more desperate, the overwhealming feeling of your naked form pressed against him, your hands gripping his shoulders, your moans filling his ears, it was all too much. And by the sounds he was making, and how he whispered your name like a prayer against your neck, you knew he needed release. Gripping your knees, he opened your legs completely wide and started pounding deeper, frantically, reaching a spot inside you that made your head spin. You felt the familiar coil in your lower belly building again fast. Your hips started rolling against his, looking for even more friction, to reach your release that was burning your nerves in the most exquisite and tortuous way. You felt his cock twitching and you knew he was close too.

-Y/n… I'm not gonna last, I need you to come now- He was struggling to talk, plunging into you with so much force you could hardly realize what he was telling you. One of his hands reached down, barely rubbing your clit, once, twice before making you scream his name. -Loki I'm coming, ImcommingImcommingImcommingImcomming… GOD!

Your back arched as you felt your body combust. Your core was clenching hard in your release, making Loki come hard, thrusting into you mercilessly prolonging your orgasm. You felt him spilling inside you while he kept moving in long strokes without slowing down. That brought another devastating wave of pleasure that ripped you apart. You felt all the nerves in your body going on overdrive. And then your brain was suddenly filled with white noise.

When you returned to earth the first thing you noticed was that Loki was heavy. Not that you were complaining, his weight covering you was something you found comforting. His forehead pressed against your collarbone, you noticed his breathing going back to normal. You felt lightheaded and in a weird state of bliss. Both of you were silent, recovering your breaths and you found yourself starting to worry. Now that he got the toxin out of his system, would he regret it? What if he thought you took advantage of his vulnerable situation? All the things he said before… was that the pollen? Was it him? Both?

-I can hear you thinking from here. - At some point between your musings he lifted his head so he could look at you. His eyes drifted to your mouth and his finger brushed the lower lip that you unconsciously were biting.

And then the silence crept again. He was looking for you, waiting for you to say something. Were you supposed to say something? What was supposed to be said in this situation? You've never had life or death poisonous flower induced sex before.

-Did I hurt you? - His eyes were darting across your features, as if he could fathom what were you feeling.

You shook your head, your voiced trapped in your throat. He looked at you, sadness covering his features and you started to panic.

-You regret it, is that it? - It was more an affirmation than a question, and you felt his body trying to move away from you. Now that you have discovered how amazing his body felt pressed to yours, how amazing he smelled even after all the sweating and… No. You were not having any of that.

So before he could move you wrapped your legs around his hips. A long sigh escaped his lips as his eyes were again on you.

-I don't regret it Loki… it's just… -He looked somewhat confused and hopeful while you searched for the right words. How he could look so adorable after fucking you senseless was a gift from the ancient Gods of Asgard, you were sure of it. -What? You didn't like it?

That took you by surprised and you supressed a laugh. "Like it" could not cover the mind-blowing ecstasy he had given you. You took a long breath, trying to gather your thoughts. He needed answers. You needed answers. And it was truly distracting how beautiful he looked, head against your chest with big blue puppy eyes.

-I think I was quite clear in showing how much I was enjoying myself-His chuckle vibrated through your chest and you smiled, because how dare he doubt anything after what he did to you. -So what is it then? -Well… lets say this is not how I pictured our first kiss to be like. Or the first time we slept together. Or our first anything really. If anyone this morning would have told me that by the end of the day I'll be having crazy-monkey-flower-induced sex with you in one of the isolation chambers I would have called security.

His whole body relaxed against you as he propped himself with his elbows, hovering over you, noses brushing and you could see his smile wide and with a hint of mischief.

-Oh, but you have pictured me seducing you? - It was impossible not to blush as he smirked at you playfully. -Erm…

You turned your head, unable to meet his gaze, feeling a rush of shyness. One thing was being fucked into oblivion to safe his life, and the other was to confess that you have been harboring feelings for him for weeks, daydreaming about his small smiles and light touches. He grabbed your chin making you face him again, his thumb brushing under your jaw.

-I imagined fucking you on your desk every day for the last two weeks. I was hoping to ask you on a date after we arrived from our mission. But then… -His thumb released your lower lip again from your teeth and you smiled at him.

So at the end you both were idiots falling for the other. For weeks.

-Was it as good as you imagined? - Your arms embraced him, a wide smile spreading across your face. It was weird how much you were enjoying this new intimacy. -So, so much better. - This time he kissed you gently, taking his time as his fingers brushed against your cheeks. -Would you allow me to court you properly?- You sighed blissfully. Who would have thought that the God of Mischief was so soft. -I'd love to. But I'm afraid that we can't keep working together. -Why is that? - His eyebrows almost touched his hairline as he looked at you confused. -Well…for starts, I could never concentrate working on my desk next to you ever again.

And with a big smile he kissed you again.


People asked me to tag them WHAT: @andromedaa-tonks @donaweasley @mochie85 @sarahscribbles