20gayteen - Tumblr Posts
In case anyone forgot, we only have 3 of 13 songs from Hayley Kiyoko’s first album, and those three songs are:
Sleepover (aka falling in love with your straight best friend and thinking about it all the goddamn time)
Feelings (aka becoming super attached to a girl hella quick and then apologizing for it, but not being able to stop because g i r l s)
Curious (aka seeing a girl you’ve been with with a guy and being like “yeah okay men are trash and you’ll come running back”)
(aka this album already encompasses three main lesbian Moods and I can’t wait to see the rest of her unbelievably relatable content our lesbian messiah has waiting for us)
MTV Movie Awards

Can you hear me sobbing?
It's midnight where I live so...
Happy 20-biteen!

This year was a blast

A little sad

A bit funny

But it was a good year
As a queer Christian, this really struck close to home
So guys…
I’d like to share something that I think would cheer us all up.
There was a Pride Parade that happened on the last day of June in Manila, Philippines (which, considering the flack LGBT people face on a daily basis in a predominantly Christian country, is a very brave thing to do).

And then the best thing happened:

Pictured above are Christians, holding signs, apologizing for the horrible way they’ve treated the LGBT community. They’ve attended four pride parades as part of their “I’m Sorry” campaign. Seeing this just… makes me really emotional in a happy way. Like, imagine if all Christians were as positive and mature and accepting as these folks right here… the world would be a much better place. These people acknowledged just how much damage they’ve done to LGBT people - and they APOLOGIZED FOR IT.
20GAYTEEN did that!
Hayley Kiyoko releases her debut (gaybut) album
A canon lesbian kiss in the Last Of Us 2 trailer
Elena on One Day At A Time gets a canon non binary gf named Syd
Janelle Monae comes out at pansexual and releases a string of gloriously gay music videos
Kehlani and Hayley Kiyoko collaborate on the song What I Need and create a sublime music video in which they have a cinematic kiss
Love, Simon wins the MTV award for Best Kiss
King Princess releases extremely gay and gorgeous music
Demi Lovato gives Kehlani a lap dance on stage at her concert and they kiss
Oceans 8 feeds the wlw community with an impossibly attractive cast that has chemistry on and off screen
An extremely cute video of two women accidentally planning on proposing to each other on the same day goes viral
Amandla Stenberg (who uses They/Them pronouns) comes out as gay
Troye Sivan releases his album - the titular song being a ‘bop about bottoming’
The movie Alex Strangelove comes out on Netflix
The Incredibles 2 brings back two of our first girl crushes - Violet and Elastigirl
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (played by actress Brianna Hildebrand who has an IRL gf) from Deadpool gets a canon girlfriend, Yukio
Rosa Diaz (who is played by openly bisexual actress Stephanie Beatriz) comes out as bisexual on Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is cancelled by Fox and then picked up by NBC within 30 hours due to fan outcry

Gawd save the Queen 👑 @samsmithworld ! Living for this look in @vmagazine #V111, the #DiscoveryIssue. My illustrated version of the photo taken by one of my favs @nicolaformichetti and styled by @annatrevelyan . Sam looks like the prettiest princess in this sparkling “TOO FAST TO DIE YOUNG” Tiara from @nicopanda 🐼. Illustrated by me 🤗. #samsmith #samsmithfans #samsmithfanart #vmagazine #vmagazine2018 #20gayteen #samsmithworld #thethrillofitall #samsmith2018 #samsmiththethrillofitall #samsmithart #femme #queerartist #queermusician #queersingersongwriter #supportqueerartists #supportqueerart #fashionmagazine #mensfashion #toofasttodieyoung #nicolaformichetti #nicopanda #queerstyle #queerfashion #yasqueen #queen #femmefashion #crown #fashionillustration #fashionillustrator #digitalart #portraitillustration #christiancimoroni

I’m just curious, Is it serious? It’s 20gayteen and the queer hits are already giving me life this year. My sister got me hooked on @hayleykiyoko and I’m currently obsessed with her newest single “Curious” ! Here’s a lil’ illustration I did while boppin’ along to @hayleykiyoko s songs! #supportqueerartists #20gayteen #hayleykiyoko #curious #wcw #bisexualartist #bisexualartists #hayleykiyokomusic #girlslikegirls #imjustcurious #supportqueermusic #supportqueermusicians #queerart #queerartists

The soundtrack to Pride 20gayteen has been mostly @kimpetras songs. So many of my friends got to see her perform this PRIDE season. I wish I could’ve , so I made this illustration instead to celebrate Kim’s music. This lil’ gif illustration is an homage to her iconic logo and all of the different colors for each one of her iconic bops. If you haven’t listened to this new Queen of queer bops please go listen of Spotify, watch her videos and give her a follow! 💕🌈 #kimpetras #cantdobetter #slowitdown #idontwantitatall #hearttobreak #hillsideboys #faded #hills #kimpetrasfans #kimpetrasfanart #supportlgbtartists #supportlgbtqmusic #supportlgbtmusicians #lgbtart #lgbtqiapride #pride2018 #20gayteen #pride #queerart #queermusic #lgbtmusic #lgbtmusician #gifillustration #rainbow #pridemonth

I have been a big fan of @lukeaustinphoto ’s work for a few years now . His newest and last installment of his mini beau book series “FLOW” is just gorgeous and features beautiful portraits of trans men. I love this photo Luke took of @laith_ashley so I made an illustration to celebrate this beautiful book. Please consider ordering a copy for yourself! $5 of each book purchased goes directly towards surgery costs for two of the men featured in the book. Checkout @lukeaustinphoto ‘s work and give him a follow if you don’t already! Also give @laith_ashley A follow too if you don’t already , he’s beautiful 😍! #laithashley #lukeaustin #lukeaustinphoto #minibeaubook #beaubooks #lukeaustinphotography #lgbtqia #lgbtart #lgbtphotographer #lgbtphotography #supportqueerartists #supportqueerart #supportqueerphotography #lgbtart #queerportrait #queerportraits #pride2018 #pride #20gayteen
It’s pride month, you know what that means…this is the only song I will listen to for the entirety of June
20-Gayteen is going great, unless you’re in the Voltron fandom