Mtv Movie Awards - Tumblr Posts
Protect him at all costs

Michael B. Jordan Accepts the Award for Best Villain
MTV Movie Awards

Can you hear me sobbing?

#tony stark be all like fuck yeah that’s right bitches bow the fuck down to my awesomeness because y’all know i pay for the cool shit and things when we go into battle

#look at tony looking all fucking smug like yeah bitch i’m tony fucking stark at the mtv movie awards and this lifetime achievement award in my billionaire hands
#look at steve all proud and shit making pretty googly eyes at his superhusband bae like yas ma'am that’s my man right there
#look at clint with that flawless pose of obeisance and rocking that deep purple leather jacket like when will the rest of the team ever
#look at thor casting a shadow on clint’s smiley face as he’s desperately trying to get some of that tasty gilded popcorn in tony’s hands
#look at natasha rocking that awesome pink outfit and not giving two fucks that she’s left her black clothes at home and bowing down to tony winning an mtv generation award
#look at bruce just so fucking happy that his science bro has won something and fuck yeah his sneaker-and-ankle-display game is on fucking point bitch

#but then backstage tony’s all like hahahahaha jkjkjkjk you gaiz ilu sexy superhero fuckers forever and yeah that includes you natasha
#natasha’s all like yeah you better fucking love me tony if you know what’s good for your billionaire balls
#and omfg steve with a beard and that goddamn all-american blindingly white smile ugh jesus fuck just kill me now
#clint taking notes from tony on how to look cocky and hot like shit like yeah son you better work
#thor once again being all touchy feely with his avengers and looking all possessive and shit with the science bros
#bruce man could you be any more obvious with your epic lust face and massive boner for tony like dude calm the hulk down
#but seriously tho like look at this picture tumblr like this is basically friendship goals right here

#look at tony looking all fucking smug like yeah bitch i’m tony fucking stark at the mtv movie awards and this lifetime achievement award in my billionaire hands
#look at steve all proud and shit making pretty googly eyes at his superhusband bae like yas ma'am that’s my man right there
#look at clint with that flawless pose of obeisance and rocking that deep purple leather jacket like when will the rest of the team ever
#look at thor casting a shadow on clint’s smiley face as he’s desperately trying to get some of that tasty gilded popcorn in tony’s hands
#look at natasha rocking that awesome pink outfit and not giving two fucks that she’s left her black clothes at home and bowing down to tony winning an mtv generation award
#look at bruce just so fucking happy that his science bro has won something and fuck yeah his sneaker-and-ankle-display game is on fucking point bitch

Nominations for Mad Max: Fury Road at the 2016 MTV Movie Awards hosted by Kevin Hart and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson:
Best Fight · Imperator Furiosa vs. Max Rockatansky (x) Best Female Performance · Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa (x) Best Villain · Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe (x) Best Hero · Imperator Furiosa (x)

they’re so precious🥺
High achiever, don't you see?

Baby, nothing comes for free

They say I'm a control freak

Driven by a greed to succeed

Nobody can stop me

'Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away

It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway

It's my problem, it's my problem
If I feel the need to hide

And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die