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5 months ago

You, me and our gross homemade porn collection

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5 months ago
rivrsin - ⋆⋅ ⋅⋆

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2 years ago

you have to understand; complaining won’t get you anywhere but to misery. THE PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION, and you have the power to connect to that solution. make that happen! go, tiger.

i believe in you

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3 years ago


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2 years ago

Angelic Tunes

Some common angel numbers and their meaning

Did you know that Angel numbers have meanings? They are more than just number sequences that we can commonly see. And all of them have different meanings when they pop up in our lives.

This is meant to explain some of the more common ones that may show up in your life or ones that you may see people talk about.


👼111/1111- This one commonly talks about our thoughts/ manifestations of thoughts. When this number sequence frequently pops up in our life is just a sign that we should take a look at our thoughts. Whatever they may be, they are affecting or will be soon affecting our reality. It is also a sign that if we are manifesting something it could be coming into our life really soon. Regardless, our thoughts are playing a key part in what is currently going on and we should be mindful of them. (This shouldn’t be twisted into a toxic positivity take and say “think happy thoughts and avoid everything else” because 111/1111 could also be saying your mindset is also actively avoiding what’s happening in front of you.)This number adds up to 3 which is typically associated with our mental state.

👼222/2222- This one refers to union with others, typically romantic/partnership. It can also be a better union with oneself if one is doing work to better understand themselves. When it appears it can refer to moving in direction towards some sort of union (in one of the things I mentioned). If one has especially been asking about these types of things they might be getting numerical confirmation around them now. Also 2+2+2 adds up to 6 which is the number of union with others.

👼333/3333- This one refers to mind, body and soul. Piggy backing off of the point made in the last part this is about you and union with self. However this is more about paying attention to how your mind, body and soul are connected. This is more how these are connected with each other and if one of them is struggling. If one of them is having a harder time or blocked, the other two are also going to have a hard time. Seeing this frequently means that something is either currently happening that you need to work on or something could be coming up that you need to work on with one or more of the systems I mentioned. Again you need all three in flow with each other to have a healthy connection with your guides and overall, healthy you. (Mind= mental health/state; body= physical health/state; soul= spiritual health/state and yes your spiritual health can be bad, and you do get warnings about it prior to it getting there.) This does sum up to 9 which is the end of cycles.


👼444/4444- This refers to protection/ presence of your guides and Angels. Seeing this one frequently means your guides/ Angels are nearby and letting you know through this method. They might let you know through other methods, if that is the type of connection you all have, and this number method is one they typically use. It also means they are currently supporting you on the path you are on, and you have their encouragement to keep doing what you are doing (of course that does mean you have to take in consideration other numbers being present or not). They are currently present around you and actively protecting you, and letting you know if you asked for a sign or just letting you know so you don’t have to worry.

👼555/5555- This refers to changes and rapid growth. Seeing 555 means that something will change for you and it will change soon. Seeing this number means roughly the same as 111/1111 expected that your manifestation has less to do with thoughts at this stage now and that it's already in your life now and you either have to make space for it, or that space is being made for it. This almost has Tower energy to it because those things are being cleared out to make space for new things in your life.

👼666/6666- Now I already know this number scares people. There’s kind of a valid reason behind besides the whole Satan association. This number is associated with lack of paying attention to the warning being given with 333. This is the actual telling of “Something is very wrong and you need to take care of it” from your guides/ Angels. More times than not this number will appear when you need to pay attention to various red flags in your life when it comes to your health (mind,body and soul). Another message is you need to sit back and reflect because there is something big you are either ignoring or unaware of that can harm you. The last association with the number is less likely because there is another number for this, there is a divine union/ high (long lasting) one in your life coming in. It’s more likely to be one of the first two reasons that this number is shown to you, and of course use your own intuition and contact your guides to figure it out.


👼777/7777- Wow lucky you. Seeing this number is good luck. This frequently means your luck is about to change for the better. Your Angels/guides are trying to pass the message about spiritual enlightenment as well good fortune on to you. This is seen as the most spiritual number and seeing it means you are doing things right and going to get a reward for doing so.

👼888/8888- Seeing this frequently is a sign of being in a loop. The number 8 already looks like an infinity sign when turned sideways so seeing this number is a sign of cycles and cycling. This could be a warning that you are about to repeat a cycle with someone that you have just gotten out of and shouldn’t go down that path. It could be a reminder that you are repeating the same behaviors over and over again and expecting different results. Another message you could be getting is that things are falling into alignment. Whatever work you are doing is starting to work. So if you are starting to do different things you are starting to get different results. Also a trust the process (the universe/ God/ *insert higher power*) to have your back because all things are working in your favor.

👼999/9999- Cycles have ended. If they haven’t ended yet they are going to end soon. This is a highly favorable one to see, especially if you have been doing the work. Seeing this means you are again on the right path if you have been trying to end things and even if you have been working on releasing things. It means that you have been doing the work right and your guides just wanted to let you know that whatever end you have been working on is coming to a close soon. You could also be seeing this if you haven’t started the work yet to end things or close cycles.


Other commonly seen sequences

👼911- You really need to pay attention to the red flags. I don’t know how much more transparent they can get. They are literally using the hotline to tell you something is wrong (for non Americans this is the hotline for when you call in a crime). You also need to stop whatever you are doing that is actively harming you or others. This is literally the biggest warning you are going to get this way.

👼123/234/345 etc- Numbers going up in numerical value means you are headed in the right direction and are supported on your path. Of course what the numbers add up to does give different meaning to what exactly you are supported in. Overall a positive message and one of encouragement and support. (Add up the numbers example below)

👼543/432/321 etc- Numbers going down in numerical value aren’t bad per say, just more a peek into what you should focus more on. You should add them up and see exactly what it is they are saying is the area of life they are saying is a bit lackluster. (Example 5+4= 9 +3= 11 then you add 1+1 [ do this because you always want a single digit number between 1-9] and you get 2, if you look back at what 222 means its partnership with others, meaning your relationship with others might be suffering right now and they want you to examine how you and others are interacting at the moment)

👼212/313/414 etc- 1 is the number of self and a master number, the other numbers are also considered master numbers however they are separated by the 1. You can take in consideration the fact that the first part of the numbers mean something (such as 21/31/41 etc but those are not master numbers, 2+1, 3+1 etc). And what you could also see is if this implies if something is more lackluster like the decreasing value numbers or if it implies things are going well. That does take more context clues and intuition work on your part. At the end of the day it would need you to see what other numbers come up with these because these are harder to infer the meaning of as well, and if they remind you of something that does make it easier for you.


Angel numbers can pop up in our life anywhere and in any shape honestly. Numerology is a very old practice and while many people are just now finding out about it, it’s been around for millennia and many religions have used it as well as many cultures. Regardless of one believing in Angel numbers or not, people have for a very, very long time. The name may have changed and even the mainstream face of it, it's still around and it’s still kicking.

(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button 🧸)

*PS this might be the last post like this for a while. I'm sick and dealing with some health issues, so I'm taking time to focus more on my physical wellbeing.*

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Angel numbers & meanings. 🪽4️⃣4️⃣4️⃣

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