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1 year ago

cute cute cute cute cute cute cute


Yoongi x Reader

Summary: Your first morning with Yoongi reminds you of just how soft he is.

Warnings: Suggestive, not proofread

A/N: This is nothing but tooth-rotting fluff, I don't even know where I was going with this, but it is what it is. And yes, I'm daydreaming about foggy October mornings in the middle of July, it's my escapism, leave me alone.


Requests are open


It was one of those quiet, early mornings when everything was still except for the occasional faded leaf drifting lazily past as you stared out the kitchen window, waiting for coffee to brew.

You didn't realize you weren't alone anymore until you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your middle, making you smile instantly as Yoongi pressed his face into your shoulder.

"Morning." He said, voice gravely from sleep.

"Morning, you're warm." You hummed contentedly.

"You're cold." He said as his hands found yours, fingers already chilled by the morning air.

"Come back to bed." He breathed against your neck, pressing a sleepy kiss to your skin as he spoke, lips lingering longer than usual.

"I didn't realize you were so needy in the mornings." You mused.

"Is that a problem?" He asked.

"Nope, I could stay right here quite happily all day." You said, leaning back against him to further your point, making him chuckle.

"That can be arranged." He hummed, digging his fingers into your sides a bit to make you squirm.

It was moments like this with him when you couldn't fathom how some people had the view that Yoongi was a cold or indifferent person, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

When you had first started dating, there had definitely been a level of shyness that almost bordered on standoffish, but you had quickly come to understand that it came from a place caution due to his past, but you'd been more than willing to work through it and wait patiently as he let down those walls one by one.

You remember the first time he invited you to his studio, watching him work, mouth drawn into a pout of concentration as his finger flew across the keyboard.

"You're staring." He said, shooting a side-long glance at you.

"So?" You asked. "You're pretty."

He didn't respond, choosing to keep his eyes on the screen in front of him, but you didn't miss the faint dusting of pink that crept across his face, making you grow more confident, leaning over and planting a kiss on his cheek, making him splutter out a surprised laugh.

"What was that for?" He asked, flustered.

"Nothing, I just wanted to." You shrugged, turning back to your phone leaving him staring at you, bemused.

Little moments had built up over the course of a few weeks, fleeting touches and pecks here and there, with his moves always seeming to be slightly wary, as if you'd run away if he wasn't careful, though you had absolutely no intentions of going anywhere.

The breaking point had finally come last night as you'd sat together as he voiced his frustrations about a current project he was struggling to finish.

"What do you usually do when you can't write?" He'd asked you.

"Drink." You chuckled, gesturing to the glass in your hand, making him snort. "Think about you."

"Noo!" His face scrunched up, making you laugh.

When you quieted though, you noticed his eyes lingering on you. You don't know what it was exactly that you said or did, but as he stared at you, you could see the final wall crumble as he suddenly leaned in to claim your lips.

At first, it was so soft and sweet, you could've cried from the way he held you, like you were made of glass, but when you deepened it, winding a hand into the hair at the nape of his neck, you'd felt a tiny shiver ripple through him as he sucked in a shaky breath before caving entirely, pushing you back against the cushions as he chased after your lips.

"What?" You asked, looking up at him confusion.

Now, as you finally convinced him to venture out for a very late breakfast, you could see the subtle differences in his movements with and around you.

As the two of you walked along, he suddenly grabbed for your wrist, pulling you to a stop.

He just shook his head before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was still more than enough to leave you dazed by the time he pulled away.

"What was that for?" You asked.

He shrugged. "Just wanted to." He said with a smirk before continuing down the road, still holding your hand, you biting back a grin as you trailed after him.

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10 months ago

“Exactly What I Wanted”

Hobi x Reader

Summary: Your plans with Hobi take a slight turn when you wake up sore after a night together.

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: implied smut, slightly suggestive, reader is mentioned being shorter than Hobi, not proofread

A/N: Thanks to @princesspalaka for requesting this! And thank you all for your patience with the slower posting schedule lately.



“Y/n, c’mon, you have to get up if we’re going to go get breakfast before shopping!” Hobi called to you brightly, pulling open the curtains as he quickly gathered his things to get dressed, letting the bright morning light flood into the room.

You however, refused to move from where you were curled in the bed, burrowing further into the covers with a groan, making him chuckle.

You were always much slower to wake up in the mornings than he was, usually requiring some coaxing to leave the sweet sanctuary of your bed.

“What if we just stayed here?” You asked, voice muffled by the duvet.

“But I thought you wanted those special waffles at that cafe we found?” He asked, his lips tipping into a smirk as he glanced over at you.

“They weren't that special.” You grumbled, scrunching further under the covers.

He came over, crouching by your side of the bed and lifting the cover enough to find your face.

“Please, Baby.” He cooed. “We can go to that bookstore you’ve been wanting to check out.”

You perked up at that. “Really?”

“Really.” He grinned, kissing your cheek. “But you have to get up.”

You groaned. “Fine.”

“Thank you!” Hobi pressed another quick kiss to your lips before making his way back over to the closet, trying to decide on which pair of shoes to wear.

Reluctantly, you climbed out of the bed, wobbling slightly as you tried to straighten up, feeling faint pangs of tenderness in your lower half and hips, causing you to let out a small whine as you began to shuffle slowly towards the bathroom.

At your quiet pained sound, Hobi glanced up, immediately noting your awkward stance and gait.

“Are you okay?” He asked, eyeing you cautiously.

“ ‘m fine.” You winced. “Just a lil sore.”

“You’re hurt?!” His eyes widened in concern as he quickly made his way back to your side, scanning your face worriedly. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Because I thought it wouldn’t be so bad once I got up, and I know how you get about stuff like this.”

“Stuff like this?!” He raised his brows at you. “You mean your health and wellbeing?!”

“You know what I meant.” You sighed. Hobi had a history of being somewhat over protective of you, especially whenever you were hurt or not feeling well. And while you loved and appreciated his concern, sometimes he went a little overboard.

The first time you had woken up sore from a night together, he had all but refused to do anything beyond making out with you for almost a month. He absolutely loathed the idea of being the cause of any sort of pain or discomfort to you.

“C’mon.” He said, gently wrapping an arm around your waist and helping lead you towards the bathroom.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m taking care of my baby,” He replied, starting the shower. “And then, I’m putting you back to bed.”

“But I thought you wanted to go shopping?” You said.

“There’s no way I’m making you walk around all day when you’re in pain.” He said seriously, turning to help you undress.

“I’m not in pain,” You argued, trying halfheartedly to fight off his hands, but failing. “I’m just a little sore.”

“Call it what you want, I’m still going to look after you.” He responded, quickly removing his own clothing and stepping under the stream of running water, helping you in after him.

The warm water did help a bit, causing your muscles to slowly relax, your eyes drifting shut as Hobi washed your hair, careful not to let any soap drip into your face. He always handled you with such care and gentleness, like you were some secret treasure that required the utmost care so as not to break.

Your heart swelled almost painfully in your chest. He made you feel so loved and cherished, you didn’t know what you’d done to deserve him.

As he finished rinsing your hair, you surprised him by turning around and grabbing the shampoo bottle, wanting to return the favor and care for him the same as he did for you. It was a slight stretch for you to reach, but neither of you minded, Hobi slouching slightly to make it easier for you, his eyes never leaving your face as you carefully massaged his scalp.

Once you were both clean, he pulled you close to his chest, letting the water cascade over the two of you. The sound of the running water drowned out everything but the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath where your head rested.

“Thank you.” You said quietly.

His arms tightened faintly around you. “I’ve always got you.” He promised, kissing your temple.

After a few more minutes, when the water began to run cold, he helped you out, toweled you dry, dressed you in some pajama bottoms and one of your favorite shirts of his, and tucked you back into bed.

“Hobi?” You mumbled, already feeling drowsiness threatening to overtake you.

“Hmm? What is it, Angel?” He asked softly.

“Just… I love you.”

He beamed.

“I love you too.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Get some rest, Baby.”

You don’t know how long you slept, but when you woke again, the light that was creeping through the open windows now held the yellowish glow of afternoon, painting Hobi in a golden hue as he rested next to you, his fingers softly tracing patterns over your skin.

“Hey sleepy.” He grinned. “How’re you feeling?”

“Better.” You said sleepily. “I’m sorry I spoiled our plans today.”

“You didn’t spoil anything.” He looked at you. “My plan was to spend the day with you, I did exactly what I wanted.” He smiled, bringing your hand up to his lips.

You smiled.

“I ordered food from your favorite place.” He added. “Thought we could catch up on that show you’ve been watching?”

“Remind me to marry you when I’m feeling better.” You grinned, pulling him in for a kiss.

“Will do.”

@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @bo0o0o0ooo

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10 months ago

You Adopt a Cat

Jimin x Reader

Summary: Just a lil blurb/scenario about Jimin coming home and finding out you’ve adopted a calico cat.

Warnings: not proofread

A/N: Thanks to @ygwa for this super cute request! Since you asked for a surprise member, I went with Jimin, cause I couldn’t get him out of my head as I was writing, I hope that’s okay!


Requests are open


It was late as Jimin arrived at your place, trying to let himself in as quietly as possible, so as not to wake you, only to to stop in surprise as he heard your voice drifting through the apartment.

“Y/n?” He called curiously.

“In here.” You called.

He quickly padded through the house in search of you, finding you sat on the living room floor in front of the couch.

“Hey, what are you still doing up?” He asked.

“I have a surprise.” You said, bouncing slightly in excitement.

“What is it?” He asked. As if on cue, a small ball of multi-colored fluff popped out from under the sofa behind you, peeking up at him curiously as he gasped.

“What is that?” He asked, coming closer cautiously, not wanting to spook the tiny creature.

“A kitten.” You said, biting your lip to try and stop from grinning.

“I can see that,” He chuckled, settling on the floor next to you. “What’s it doing here though?”

“I adopted him.” You said.

“I didn’t know you were getting a cat.” He looked up at you in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was kinda sudden, I went to the shelter just to look around and ask some questions, cause I’d been thinking about it, but as soon as I saw him, I knew I had to bring him home.” You explained, smiling as the tiny calico climbed over your lap, mewling for attention.

“Can I hold him?” He asked hesitantly.

“Of course.” You said, passing the kitten to Jimin, your heart swelling as you watched the careful way he cradled the tiny animal.

“He’s so small.” Jimin commented, leaning down to bump the kitten’s nose with his own.

“Yeah, he’s only a few months old. They said they found him on the side of the road last month.” You said softly.

Jimin frowned at your words, looking down at its sweet face.

“Does he have a name yet?” He asked.

“Not exactly. Right now, I’m just calling him Yangi.” You said.

Jimin laughed. “Like ‘cat’ in Korean?”

“What? I thought it was cute!”

“No, it is, I like it.” He giggled, letting the kitten down on the floor, watching as it ran over and tried to tackle your foot.

“You know, he kinda looks like me.” Jimin joked, making you snort.

“I know, he’s even got little legs like you.” You teased.

“Hey!” He shoved you over lightly as you laughed. “Is that any way to talk about the father of your child?”

“Excuse me?! My what?!” You gawked at him, but he ignored you, leaning down to meet the tiny cat’s gaze.

“Don’t worry, Yangi, Appa will teach you how to fight.” He said seriously, stroking it’s head fondly.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup

Tags :
9 months ago

How They Would Propose

Ot7 x Reader

Summary: Headcanons about how each of the members would propose to their S/o

Warnings: none

A/N: Thank you to the lovely @bethanysnow for this request and for helping me brainstorm ideas! I hope you like it!😘




Jin loves making big gestures, like he literally brought his own confetti to an award show, so he would definitely want to go for a more grand, classically romantic proposal.

Like you would come home one evening to the house filled with heart shaped helium balloons floating around. 

Once you make your way through the forest of balloons, you find him waiting for you in the living room or on the balcony, in a suit and tie, surrounded by flowers.

And although he’s so incredibly sure about this, he can’t help but feel nervous, his hands shaking as he pulls out the notecards he prepared.

His speech would be simple, but so full of his love for you and the life you’ve built together, by the time he finishes speaking and drops to one knee, you’re already in tears and saying yes.


Yoongi would propose in a way that’s very quiet and personable to the two of you, just like everything else in your relationship.

I’ve said this in his dating hcs, but I see him half-jokingly asking you to marry him so often that when he finally does say it seriously, you might not take it as such at first.

It would probably happen either first thing in the morning as you’re having breakfast, or last thing at night as you’re getting ready for bed. Those quiet little moments of domesticity show him how much he want this forever

“I wanna marry you.” “I know, baby.” “No, really. I want to marry you.” You turn around and he’s holding out a ring box to you. “I mean, if you’ll have me?”

Once the initial shock wears off, you half-jokingly demand that he asks you properly, which he does, quickly dropping to one knee. Then you say yes.


Hobi would want to make your proposal as lavish and memorable as possible. Like he loves any opportunity to dote on and spoil you.

Like I see him surprising you with a weekend getaway to somewhere coastal so the two of you could just relax together on the beach for a few days.

But then on the final evening, as you’re watching the sunset together, he turns to you and drops down on one knee.

He has a whole speech prepared, but in the moment, he’s so overcome with emotion that he forgets half of it and basically sums it up with “I cannot imagine my life without you. Will you please marry me?”

He manages to keep it together until you say yes and then he breaks down in tears as he slips the ring on your finger.


Despite being a man who’s well known for his ability to weave words together into heartbreakingly beautiful lyrics, I think when it comes to his own proposal, he would be surprisingly simple.

He would bring it up after a normal date night as you're walking together through the park or something, waiting till you’ve stopped to admire the view before he decides to speak.

He would start off talking about some study he read that showed how being married can benefit ones health, extend life expectancy, etc. He would then shift to how much you mean to him, how much you’ve changed him for the better, how much he loves you.

“And so,” He pulls out the ring box, sliding it over to you somewhat shyly, almost afraid to meet your eyes. “If you're willing, would you please marry me?”

Of course you immediately say yes.


Jimin would want to plan something more cozy and classic, like a romantic dinner at home or at one of your favorite restaurants.

He would be so nervous, fidgeting around half the evening until you ask him if he’s alright, and then he just spills it all out.

He would have a somewhat short, but sweet speech, going over how much you mean to him, how thankful he is to have you in his life, and how he hopes for the two of you to spend the rest of your lives together.

By the time he finishes speaking, you're both crying, moving to hug each other tightly as you say yes.

After a few moments, you both manage to compose yourselves enough to separate so that he can slip the ring on your finger, before immediately pulling you close again.


Tae would want to make a grand romantic gesture, similar to Jin, but on a slightly smaller scale, more personalized to the two of you.

He would pick one of your favorite places, asking you to meet him there fro date night instead of him picking you up, which already makes you suspicious that something’s up.

But nothing could quite prepare you for the scene you’re met with as you walk in, candles and your favorite flowers covering every surface, creating an almost dreamlike atmosphere. And in the middle of it all stands Tae, grinning widely at you.

His speech is short, telling you how much he loves you, and promising as he drops to one knee that he will do everything in his power to try and make you as happy in life as you make him.

You can’t even say yes, just nodding as he slips the ring onto your hand.


I see Jungkook going one of two ways with a proposal; either super elaborate, destination proposal with a beautifully planned out speech, or completely impromptu confession when he just blurts it out

He would want to plan an amazing weekend away together, where he would have a whole scene planned out with the flowers and candles and a speech that he's been writing and rewriting for weeks/months.

But it ends up happening very suddenly but naturally, as you’re getting ready for bed one night and he’s just watching you picking out your clothes and setting your alarm for the next day, and it just slips out. “Marry me, please?”

You whip around in shock, but he’s just staring up at you with so much love and sincerity that you don’t don’t even hesitate to say yes.

He’d be kinda embarrassed afterwards, but neither of you really mind, because it was his true feelings in that moment and that made it all the more special to you.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz

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1 year ago

Bts as Doms

Ot7 x Reader

Summary: Headcanons about how the members would be as Doms

Warnings: +18 mdni, smut. Mentions of bondage, oral(f. and m. receiving), degradation, spanking, choking, free use, edging, orgasm denial, one daddy joke(and this is the only time you will ever see it on this blog) not proofread

A/N: Thanks to @a-gayish-unicorn for requesting this! This list is a bit of a mess, but I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging all week without anything. As always, If y’all have any additional thoughts, feel free to add them in the notes!




He’s mainly a soft dom, but he also gives Brat Enabler vibes. Like, he kinda loves when you sass him and act up in the same ways that he does when you’re in charge so that he can punish you.

Loves when you’re good for him tho and let him use you however he wants, holding your hair as he guides your mouth up and down his length, cooing at you whenever you gag around him.

Teases you constantly, making you tell him exactly what it is you want from him before he’ll do anything, letting his hands just ghost over your body and making it increasingly difficult for you to think.

Big fan of restraints and edging, pinning your hands over your head while he pushes into you, slowing his hips just before you both cum. “You can take it for a little longer, right Sweetie?”

Somehow still manages to make everything feel intimate and romantic. Like, he could be absolutely railing you from behind, but he’s whispering the sweetest things in your ear as he is doing so, telling you how good you’re doing for him and how much he loves you.

Tends to only be rough or mark you up when he’s feeling particularly needy or possessive, wanting to make sure that people know you’re taken.


I’ve said it before, but he gives soft pleasure dom vibes. Like, he might get a little rough with you sometimes, but he really doesn’t have it in him to be overly strict or harsh with you.

Has certain petnames that he only uses for you when he’s in these moods. “Kitten, can you come here please?”

Drives him crazy to see you spread out or on your knees for him, so pliant and waiting with that desperate look in your eyes.

Similar to when he’s subbing, he’s not too crazy about degradation, but he really loves to tease you, always mixing in some sweet words so it doesn't sting too much, but still makes you blush and flustered, calling you his needy little baby while you ride his thigh.

Absolutely loves overstimulating you. Man will eat you out for hours till you’re in tears and writhing in his hold, begging for a break.

Super soft aftercare is always a must with him, no matter what kind of scene you just played out. He really enjoys the quiet intimacy of cleaning up and looking after you while you come back down.


Hobi is a hard, but very nurturing dom. Like, he’s super strict and not afraid to be rough with you, but everything he does is accompanied by soft guidance and reassurances in a low voice that makes your mind go a little hazy. “You gonna let me take care of you, Sweetheart?”

Rigger for sure, he loves shibari and thinks you look so pretty tied up in different styles. Would definitely take pictures of you like that if you’re comfortable with it.

Almost every time he doms ends with you face down, ass up, with one of his hands wound into your hair so he can pull you up to hear your moans while he pounds into you.

He’s also a fan of spanking for sure, be it on your ass, your thighs, etc. He has a slight sadism kink that peaks through now and then, but he never takes it very far.

Partially because of that tho, he tends to be extra sweet during aftercare, needing to balance out any harshness or punishments by being as close and soft with you as possible to help ground both of you afterwards.

He gives Sugar Daddy vibes, tbh. He loves spoiling you and buying you pretty things like jewelry or lingerie to wear for him. Also really into non-sexual shows of domination, like resting a hand on your back when you’re out together, it makes him feel like your protector.


Daddy-Sorry what?

But fr tho, although he gives hard dom vibes, I think he actually leans more to the soft side, bordering on pleasure dom energy. He really gets off on your reactions and being the one to take care of you.

Obviously has a thing for dirty talk, as well as a slight humiliation kink. He loves making you tell him exactly what you want/need from him, because 1. Communication is super important and sexy, and 2. He knows it embarrasses you a bit and helps push you further into subspace.

Very big fan of bondage and sensory deprivation. He loves how sensitive and reactive it makes you, the tiniest touches making you twitch and wine.

Big fan of manhandling you into whatever position he wants, his favorites being mating press or having you ride him until he gets impatient and starts thrusting up into you.

Loves edging and orgasm denial, seeing how close he can get you to the edge every time before you finally fall apart. “Hold it. Don’t you dare fucking cum yet.”


Surprisingly stern dom with slight Brat Tamer energy. Like, don’t let the angel eyes fool you, when he gives you an order, he expects you to follow it or face the consequences,

Biggest fucking tease and the teensiest bit of a sadist, he will edge and overstimulate you within a inch of sanity, cooing sickly sweet little remarks in your ear. “Poor baby, can't even handle a couple rounds? We’ll just have to build up your stamina, won’t we?”

As harsh as he might be with teasing and punishments, he’s equally as generous with rewards when you’re good for him.

Big fan of guided masturbation, having you spread all pretty for him as he tells you exactly how to touch yourself or him.

Definitely likes experimenting with different themes and toys/tools. The type that would have you wear vibrating panties when you go out together so that he can tease you by turning them on randomly and watch you squirm.

Super soft with aftercare tho, handling you with the gentlest touches and sweet words. He always wants to make sure you know just how much he loves and cares for you after every session, holding you til you fall asleep.


Super soft dom, he absolutely loves getting to baby you, kissing and touching you all over until you're a pile of mush in his arms. “Can I make you feel good, Baby? Please?”

He’s very much an aestheticist, he loves roleplay and setting the scene, as well as buying pretty little outfits for you to wear for him.

Praises you constantly, telling you how good you feel, how well you’re doing for him, how much he loves getting to see you like this, etc.

Definitely into taking photos and filming the two of you. Probably has a whole photo album of pictures, ranging from blurry polaroids to more professional shots he took with his film camera or phone.

Torturous levels of teasing. He will finger you for hours, bringing you to the very edge before stopping, kissing you as you cry in frustration.

Really loves the idea of free use, gifting you a special necklace or bracelet for you to wear as a sign to him that he can do whatever he wants with you. The idea of you always being willing to take him makes his ego(and other things) swell with pride.


He has his softer moments, but I think when he doms, he tends to lean more towards hard dom. He really loves being in control and going all out on you.

Big fan of breathplay. He loves the way it makes you shake and clench around him, tattooed hand snaking up to hold your neck and squeezing just enough to make your eyes roll back in your head.

He fucking loves to overstimulate you, making you keep count of how many times you’ve cum before he’s even inside you.

When he’s in a teasing mood tho, he’s so fucking mean, denying and ruining you orgasms, laughing when you get frustrated. “I’m sorry baby, were you gonna cum?”

Loves leaving marks all over on you, be it hickeys/bitemarks, handprints, etc. His favorite tho is probably cumming inside you, watching it leak out before pushing it back in with his fingers(feel like he has an untapped breeding kink, but-)

Also really loves looking after you in non-sexual ways, be it paying for your meal or just helping you get something off a shelf that’s too high for you. It makes him feel needed.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz

Tags :
6 months ago

First Time

Ot7 x Reader

Summary: What the members would be like during their first time with their S/o

Warnings: +18 mdni, smut, swearing, mentions of oral, fingering

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I hope you like it!




I feel like the first time with him would be slightly planned, with flowers and candles waiting when you come home from a lovely date together. But you still make sure to let it happen naturally; if the vibes aren’t right, then he’d happily just kiss you and then call it a night.

If the vibes are right tho, he goes all out.

He can be quite intense at times, but he’d do his best during your first time together to still be gentle with you, with lots of kissing over every bit of your body that he can reach.

I think he would try to keep his own need in check at first, focusing on making sure that you’re completely relaxed and feeling as good as possible.

Once he’s actually inside you though, he would lose all of his composure, rocking into you at such a desperate pace that it takes your breath away.

Afterwards he would be extra soft, and probably a bit shy, hiding his face in your neck as you lay together talking.


I see your first time together happening very naturally, whether it’s after a romantic date night or the result of a studio makeout session that escalated into you both grinding against each other for relief.

There’d definitely be some tongue technology™ happening. He seems very much to feed off others pleasure, so he would make sure you cum at least twice for each time he does.

Lowkey think he’d prefer you to be on top, especially for your first time together. He’d love being able to hold onto your hips while watching you with glazed over eyes as you find the rhythm and pace that has you both moaning.

Once you both get close to cumming tho, he’d take over a bit, gripping onto you tighter and thrusting up into you so hard that it sends you over the edge almost immediately.

Aftercare would be very soft and quiet, with him tending to you so gently and asking how you feel or if you need anything. He’s also definitely a cuddler, keeping you close for a long while after.


I see Hobi being very sweet and caring during your first time together.

Even though it was rather spur of the moment, he would still want to go slow and take his time with you, making sure that you were both fully comfortable with whatever is happening before things progress to the next level.

There would be a lot of experimenting with different things. He wants to learn every little thing that makes you feel the best and then push them that little bit further to make you see stars.

Despite the intensity of it all, I think he would still be quite playful and very ‘Hobi’ about the whole thing, both of you giggling and teasing each other even as you’re chasing after your highs.

I’ve said it before, but he’d be A+ with aftercare, making sure you’re clean and comfy before pulling you close again and telling you how much you mean to him.


I see Joon going one of two ways during your first time together:

1. Super soft and tender with lots of soft touching and praise or…

2. Absolutely just fucking railing you after you both snap because you’re both just super desperate and can’t take the tension anymore.

Either way, he’d be super passionate, touching and kissing you with a bruising intensity.

I feel like he’d be very busy with his hands; one second they’re teasing over your chest, the next they’re slipping between your legs to tease and stretch you out for him(he’s very big on prep and foreplay, argue with the wall)

Once he’s actually inside of you, he’s a bit rougher, snapping his hips into yours hard and fast till you're both dizzy with pleasure.

Afterwards he would be super soft and gentle with you, making sure you have everything you need before you drift off to sleep in his arms.


Jimin would be very sweet and passionate, planning out a cozy evening in together, so that you could take your time together without feeling rushed and pressured.

It would start out innocent enough with just some soft, slow kisses, but his hands and lips have a habit of dancing around and making your head go fuzzy, and suddenly you’re straddling his lap and your top’s gone

I see him being a bit of a tease, wanting to see just how desperate and riled up he can make you for him before he finally sinks into you, teasing you with a hand between your legs while he leaves marks along your neck and chest, whispering tiny praises to you as he goes.

Once he finally feels you around him though, he turns almost as whiny and needy as he made you, thrusting deep and fast, desperately chasing your highs while still mumbling praises into your skin.

He would be so sweet with aftercare, not letting you lift a finger while he makes sure you’re clean and hydrated before cuddling up with you and talking til you both fall asleep.


Tae would want your first time together to be very romantic, tho his perception of ‘romantic’ changes depending on the situation.

Like yes, obviously rose petals and candles are very romantic, but the idea of you both just getting completely lost in the moment and each other while you were supposed to be watching a movie or something is also very beautiful to him.

Either way, he would fucking worship you, tracing over every inch of your body with wide eyed reverence. 

I also see him getting a bit carried away and cumming a little faster than he would’ve preferred, but neither of you would really mind, especially since he’s probably ready to go again almost immediately, lol.

He would be very clingy afterwards, holding you close or laying on your chest, tracing patterns on your skin as you talk until one or both of you fall asleep.


I think the first time with Jk would be very spontaneous and playful.

I see it happening after you’re both just like hanging out at his place and what started out as just a few teasing kisses spiraled into you pressed into the sofa under him as he fumbles with the buttons on your top.

He’s very much a tease, toying with edges of clothing or just ghosting his hands over where you need him most, but his own eagerness and need would keep him from being too mean, giving in almost as soon as he feels how wet and needy you are for him.

He would be soo intense, but would still try to keep you both grounded in some way, holding your hands tightly in his as he pounds relentlessly into you.

Aftercare would be where more of his soft side would come back, holding you close while you both catch your breath and then helping you clean up and making sure you have water or snacks afterwards.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @classicalelephant @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz

Tags :
6 months ago

Slapping/Grabbing Their Ass

Ot7 x Reader

Summary: How the members would react to their S/o slapping or grabbing their booty(i.e. mid hug)

Warnings: crack, lil suggestive,

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! This legit made me laugh to write, so I hope you like it!



Jin: Soo offended(not really), like “How dare you strike the worldwide handsome booty?!” Fr tho, he’d probably be into you grabbing it tho while hugging him, unless you’re around other people or smth.

Yoongi: If you just slap it, he’s gonna start complaining. “Yah! Are you trying to make it hurt for me to sit down?!” If you just grab it while you’re hugging him or smth, he’ll just tease you, claiming you’re trying to start something 👀

Hobi: Very different reactions depending on the situation. If you smack it, he’s gonna start yelling in pain like the dramatic mf he is. If you just grab it while you’re hugging or whatever, he’s just gonna break into giggles.

Namjoon: He’s kinda an ass man, so I could honestly see him being cool with it. Not necessarily the spanking tho, that’s his job. If you do that, he’s gonna either laugh and try to put you in your place(watch your 🍑, just sayin’)

Jimin: He’s spent years living with Jungkook and Tae, so he’s used to it(maknae line’s notorious for being the butt hunters of the group, lol). It might surprise him the first few times, but otherwise he's pretty chill about it.

Taehyung: Loves it ngl, he’ll take any sort of attention from you that he can get. But just beware, whatever you do to him, he’s gonna give right back to you. You spank him, he spanks you, he’s all about equality in your relationship, lol

Jungkook: Honestly? I don’t think he’d really react. He’s constantly smacking everyone else's ass, I think he’d just take it as you accepting one of his more specific love languages and return the gesture.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz

Tags :
1 year ago

Making up with you after a fight

Ot7 x Reader

Summary: How they would apologize/make it up to you after a fight/silent treatment.

Warnings: implied angst

A/N: Thank you for the request! I hadn't really written this kind of topic before, but I hope you like it!


Requests are open


Seokjin: He would show up later the same evening at your door with flowers, looking particularly sheepish as he apologies. Tries to spend as much time as possible with you to make up for it, might plan a special evening out for the two you, if he's feeling particularly guilty.

Yoongi: Would take a bit to reflect and collect his thoughts. You would come home to find him waiting for you, where he says he's sorry, plain and simple. It's one of the few times he actively initiates prolonged eye contact because he needs you to see his sincerity. Would definitely try to be more affectionate for a bit afterwards.

Hoseok: Oh, he absolutely hates fighting, so much so that he moves to make up with you immediately, sometimes even before the fight has even had time to fully end, which might not always be the best move but still. Catches you in a tight hug every chance he gets, reminding you how much you mean to him.

Namjoon: He would take the longest to apologize, but once he does, he'll want to talk everything out with you, which might result in another, smaller argument, but it's necessary to clear everything up. Makes a point to spend extra time with you to make up for his previous distancing.

Jimin: It takes him a while to cool down, so by the time he comes home, you're already in bed. He crawls in beside you, reaching out cautiously to see your response. If you let him, he shuffles closer, wrapping himself around you, while murmuring soft apologies into your hair and shoulder till you both fall asleep.

Taehyung: You come home to him trying to cook you dinner as part of an apology, with a whole speech prepared about how sorry he is, which he fumbles over a bit in his rush, but you get the gist of it anyway. Extra clingy for a few days after, wanting you to really feel his love for you.

Jungkook: Almost as soon as he's left, he's calling you, begging to come back and work things out. When you let him in, he's immediately on his knees, giving you the most heartfelt apology of his life. If you accept, he'll cling to you the rest of the evening, telling you again every few minutes how much he loves you.

Tags :
1 year ago

(Requests are open, check guidelines)


About/guidelines/wip list


Spooktober m.list

Songs that remind me of them


Winter/Christmas moments

You give them flowers (request)

How they sleep

There's a bug

You're sick/injured

You can lift/carry them

Them as ND things I do

You're scared of thunderstorms (request)

Comforting you after a bad haircut

Disneyland trips

You have insomnia (request)

Making up with you after a fight (request)


Dating Jin headcanons




Medicine (dad!bts au) (request)


Dating Yoongi headcanons




Promise (request)



Dating Hobi headcanons

Post it

On your period (request)


Dating Namjoon headcanons





After a fight (request)

Dating Jimin headcanons



Helping him learn English (request)

Nice (request)



Dating Taehyung headcanons

Give Yourself A Try - drabble series(coming soon)

'Things I learned in Paris'

Paris drabble


Dating Jungkook headcanons (request)

Taking care of you (request)



Ouija(Serendipity Preview)

Tags :
1 year ago

You Get Hate From The Fans

Jimin x Reader

Summary: After months of harassment from toxic fans, you can't help but wonder whether it would better for you and Jimin to part ways.

Warnings: angst, crying, mentions of harassment, not proofread

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I honestly got a little too in my feels as I was writing this, I always hate making Chim cry, even if things work out in the end.😭


Requests are open


You had been unusually quiet all night, making Jimin increasingly worried. At first he thought maybe you weren’t feeling well, but as the evening pressed on, he could tell there was clearly something bothering you as you seemed to withdraw more and more into yourself.

“Will you please tell me what’s wrong?” He finally asked, coming to sit by you on the couch.

“I don’t know if I wanna say it.” You said, not meeting his eyes.

He took your hand. “It’s okay. You can tell me anything, I won’t judge.”

You shut your eyes, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. God, why did he have to make this so hard?

“What if we… broke up?” Your voice came out barely above a whisper.

You felt him flinch as if you’d slapped him. “What?!” He gasped.

“It’s too much, I-I can’t do it. Everyone keeps saying that you’d be better off without me...”

“Everyone who? What are you saying?” He asked, tears evident in his voice. “Please, look at me, y/n.” He pleaded.

Slowly, you raised your eyes to meet his, your whole body shaking from the effort it took not to fall to pieces.

“Talk to me. What’s happened?” He begged.

And just like that, the dam broke. All the pain and frustration poured out as you began to sob into his chest, the whole story coming out in broken bits and pieces.

For months, you’d borne the brunt of so-called army's hateful comments. At first, you’d tried to just ignore them, aware that it was one of the hazards of dating an idol, but as time went on, they became more and more aggressive and cruel, attacking everything about your appearance and personality. You had tried to cope and keep the comments to yourself, knowing how much it would upset Jimin, but there was only so much you could take.

“I know that they wouldn’t go away completely if we broke up, but… I didn’t know what else to do.” You concluded, leaning weakly against Jimin as he held onto you tightly.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” He asked, crying with you.

“I didn’t wanna make things worse.” You hiccuped. ”You already have so much going on, and I didn’t want to be another weight on your back.”

“Stop that! That’s what they want you to think, but it’s not true, nothing could be further from the truth.” He rocked you both as he spoke. “You give me so much strength, I don’t know what I would do without you. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, I had no idea.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” You whispered, but he shook his head.

“What matters now is we need to stand together against this, okay? I’m not gonna leave you to fight on your own.” He promised you, wiping your tears. “Not ever.”

You nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He said, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, not loosening his hold on you till long after you'd fallen asleep.

He put out a formal statement later that same evening, stating that anyone who was actually a fan or supporter of him would never treat someone he cared about this way, or anyone else for that matter. He said how disappointed he was with the individuals in question, and how any further harassment would be met with legal action.

He also took several days off to stay with you and make sure you were okay. He'd made a vow that night to you and himself that he would do everything in his power to protect you.

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1 year ago

Calling Him Petnames For The First Time

Hobi x Reader

Summary: You call him Baby and find your new favorite game: Fluster the Hobi

Warnings: Teeny bit suggestive, not proofread

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!


Requests are open


“Babe, can you pass me that?” You asked as you were helping him pack up after rehearsal.

The pet name sounded so natural coming from you that Hobi almost didn’t notice, but then it registered in his head, causing him to freeze for a long second, staring at you.


He jumped slightly, shaking out his daze. “Yeah, sorry, here you go.” He said quickly, passing you the item in question, trying to hide the growing grin on his face.

“You okay?” You asked, noticing how he’d suddenly gone quiet.

“Mhm, I’m great.” He said lightly.

“Your face is red, are you sure you’re feeling alright?” You reached to feel his forehead, but he caught your hand in his.

“I’m fine,” He assured you with a chuckle. “You just surprised me.”

“Me? What did I do?” You asked, clueless.



He couldn’t help laughing now. “You called me babe.”

“Oh!” Now it was your turn to have your face heat up, this time in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, was that weird? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No it’s okay, more than okay actually, I’m just not used to hearing you call me things like that.” He explained, coming over and pulling you into a hug.

“Okay.” You said, relaxing into his hold, only to straighten again to look up at him as you realized something. ”You blushed!”


“When I called you baby, you blushed!” You grinned up at him mischievously. “Since when are you that shy?”

“I-I’m not!” He stammered.

“So if I called you that again, nothing would happen?” You asked, tilting your head. “Baby?”

“DoN’t.” He whined, hating the fact that he could feel his face getting warm again.

“Don’t what, Sweetheart? What’s got my handsome Hobi all flustered?” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist, enjoying your newfound power.

“You’re being mean.” He whined, trying weakly to squirm out of your hold.

“I would never be mean to my Baby,” You cooed. “I just want to let him know what a sweet, handsome, cutie-patootie I think he is.”


Both of you jumped apart as your heads whipped around to see Jungkook standing in the doorway, looking thoroughly disgusted by the current display in front of him.

“Why are you here?!” Hobi blurted.

“I forgot my headphones earlier, sorry. I am so, so sorry.” He said, stifling a laugh under a cough before quickly grabbing his things and retreating before anything else could be said.

“I’m never going to hear the end of this.” Hobi said, turning his attention back to you.

“I’m sorry.” You replied.

“Eh, there’s worse things to be made fun of for. Now then,” He suddenly lunged forward, catching you in a similar hold to before. “Let's find out what makes you blush, hm?”

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1 year ago

My One and Only

Hobi x Reader

Summary: You decide to let Hobi eat you out for the first time. That’s is, pwp.

Word Count: 1.4k

Warnings: +18 mdni, smut, oral(f.receiving), hair pulling, protected sex(pls be responsible), so many petnames, mentions of anxiety, not proofread

A/N: Thanks to @ygwa for this request! I hope this lives up to your expectations! Love you💜



Hobi had been many of your firsts; first real boyfriend, first I love you, and that that pattern had continued into the bedroom. He’d always made you feel so safe and cared for, guiding you through anything new experience that you came across together.

But one of the things you had yet to do let him do was go down on you. The first time he asked, you’d actually said no, anxiety suddenly flaring up and getting the best of you, but he’d been nothing understanding and reassuring, reminding you that your comfort was his top priority and that the two of you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to.

But that was the thing, you definitely wanted to, in truth, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since he brought it up, but sometimes your nerves just got the better of you, worried about doing the wrong thing, or not living up to yours or his expectations.

But tonight, after about a week or so, you’d gotten the courage to bring it back up to him, and couldn’t say that you regretted your decision, sat on his lap as you messily made out, arms looped around his neck as he gripped your hips, grinding you against him. He’d wanted to make sure you were turned on enough and ready for him, but after twenty minutes of kissing and teasing from him, you were bordering on desperate for more, painfully aware of the wetness pooling between your legs.

Hobi seemed to catch your shift in mood from the way you started to press harder against him, pulling back to look at you with hooded eyes.

“Are you ready?” He asked breathlessly.

“Mhm.” You nodded, ignoring the faint flutter of nerves that his words stirred.

“Hey,” He cupped your face gently. looking at you with so much adoration, you could cry. “Anytime that you start to feel uncomfortable, we can stop, okay? It’s no big deal.”

You nodded.

“You remember your words?”

“Red for stop, Yellow for slow down, Green for keep going.”

“Good girl.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, laying you back on the bed.

He took his time on his descent, kissing and nipping his way down your chest and tummy, running his hands along your thighs light enough to raise goosebumps as he removed your bottoms, guiding your legs to spread wider so he could settle comfortably between them on his stomach.

You peered down at him as he planted open mouthed kisses along each of your thighs, sucking a small spot on the delicate skin that you’d likely feel for several days.

“Hobi.” You whined, squirming in his hold.

“Oh, now you’re impatient, hmm?” He chuckled, catching your hands as you tried to cover your face in embarrassment.

“It’s alright, Sweetheart,” He said soothingly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’ll quit teasing, okay? Just relax.”

He released your hands in favor of holding onto your hips, placing a kiss just above where you needed him before licking a broad stripe through your wet folds, making you jolt at the sensation.

“Fuck, knew you’d taste good.” He groaned, dipping back in for another taste, lapping up your wetness hungrily.

It felt like nothing you’d ever experienced, his warm tongue moving with careful precision, dipping into your entrance before coming back up to circle your clit, making you let out a whine.

“H-Hobi.” You moaned.

“Hmm? What is it, Love?” He asked sweetly, glancing up at you. “Does it feel good?”

“Yeah.” You sighed.

“You wanna try something?” He asked, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

“Okay.” You said, slightly nervous, but trusting him.

He leaned back in, laving over your clit with his tongue a few times before closing his lips around the soft bud and sucking, causing your back to arch off the bed as you let out an embarrassingly loud moan, pleasure shooting through you the lightning.

He pulled away with a wet noise, scanning your face attentively.

“Color?” He asked.

“G-Green.” You staggered.

He dove back in, repeating the action a few more times, turning you into a writhing mess, your hands finding his hair as you scrambled for something to hold onto, tugging hard enough to earn a low groan from him.

“Sorry.” You immediately released your hold, but he caught your hands again, placing them back on his head.

“Do it again.” He nearly growled, looking up at you with an expression that had your stomach and cunt clenching.

You gave another sharp tug, making his eyes fall shut as he hissed, diving back into your heat with renewed intensity, doubling the pace of his ministrations and sending you rushing head-long towards your release.

“H-hobi, I’m-” You couldn’t finish the sentence, but he understood.

“Let go Baby, make a mess on my face.” He said, feeling your muscles twitching around him as you got closer.

Your high hit you like a freight train, a choked cry leaving you as your thighs clamped down around Hobi’s head, blocking his breathing, but he couldn’t care less at that moment. He’s sole focus was on working you through your orgasm, catching every last drop of your release, not stopping till you slumped against the bed, flinching from sensitivity.

Grinning proudly, he climbed back up the bed, your essence shining on his mouth and chin.

“Are you okay?” He asked softly, stroking your face.

“Mhm.” You hummed, too blissed out to think properly.

“Does that mean we can do that again sometime?” He asked with a grin.

“You can do that whenever you want.” You said, making him laugh.

“I’ll bear that in mind.” He kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. As you shifted closer, you became very aware of his hard cock pressed against your leg, stirring the heat in your lower belly again.

“Hobi.” You breathed against his lips. “Need you.”

“Already? Aren’t you tired?” He chuckled, but you shook your head, tugging him closer.

“Alright, my sweet baby.” He said, climbing off the bed to slip out his bottoms and grab a condom from the bedside drawer. You followed his movements closely, eyeing his bobbing cock with almost hungry eyes.

“You’re making me shy.” He giggled, catching your attention as he rolled the rubber down his length.

“Sorry.” You said, your cheeks heating up as you averted your eyes, feeling the mattress dip as he climbed back into the bed.

“I didn’t say you had to stop.“ He commented with a smirk, moving to hover over you as he kissed you softly. “Ready?”

“Very.” You replied, earning another chuckle from him that turned into a moan as he slipped inside you, filling you up slowly.

Your head fell back at the feeling of him stretching you out, leaving you throat exposed to Hobi to latch onto, kissing over the faint pink marks he’d left earlier as he waited for you to adjust to his length.

“Hobi.” You breathed after a moment.



You didn’t have to tell him twice, pulling all the way out before plunging back into you, setting a pace that quickly turned you both into moaning messes. You wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him even deeper and helping him hit that spot that had your toes curling.

“Hobi,” You panted. “Please, ‘m close.”

“I am too, Baby, cum with me.” He groaned, slipping a hand down to circle your clit, immediately sending you over the edge, making your clench around him tightly as he pounded into you even faster.

“Fuck, that’s-, I’m cumming!” He groaned, burying his face in your neck as his hips faltered, thrusting into you once, twice more before stilling as his cocked pulsed inside you, spilling into the condom.

You ran your hands along his back as you both caught your breath, causing him to nearly doze off on top of you before pulling back to look at you dreamily.

“Are you alright?” He asked softly.

“Yeah, are you?” You asked, amused by his dazed expression.

“I’m great.” He grinned. “I could even go again, if you want?”

You laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

“You’re amazing.” He said, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Alright, we should get cleaned up. Wanna join me in the shower?”

“So long as it’s just a shower.” You gave him a look.

“I’ll behave.” He promised, pulling away and helping you up. “But I’m not responsible if you start something.”

You showered in relative silence, leaning into each other’s touch as you washed away the sweat and cum before toweling off and climbing back into bed together, feeling sleep threatening to overtake you as soon as you laid your head on his chest.

“I love you.” You mumbled drowsily.

“I love you too, my sweetheart,” His whispered reply was the last thing you heard before falling asleep in his arms. “My one and only.”

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan

Tags :
1 year ago

Bts As Subs

Sub!Ot7 x Dom!Reader

Summary: Headcanons about how the members would be as Subs

Warnings: +18 mdni, smut. Swearing. Mentions of dom/sub dynamics, bdsm, oral(f. and m. receiving), handjobs, edging, overstimulation, degradation, thigh riding, pegging, petplay, dacryphilia, marking, slapping, scratching, aftercare. Not proofread.

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Working on this actually helped a lot with my writers block and gave me waay too many ideas for fics👀 But I hope you like ‘em!




Is either the sweetest, best behaved baby boy or an absolute brat, depending on his mood.

Loves to run his mouth just to get a rise out of you, whining and complaining about your teasing, but turns into absolutely mush once you get him under you.

Likes when you tie him to the headboard and jerk him off while sitting on his lap, close enough to still kiss him but not letting him touch yet, letting him cry into your neck when he finally cums all over your hand.

He’s so loud and whiny, it almost sounds like he’s singing until his voice cracks.

Someone mentioned this on his nsfw list, and I had to mention it here, he has a slight oral fixation and needs access to your chest while you ride him, sucking and biting hard enough to leave marks(which he says he’s sorry for, but you know he isn’t really)

Lowkey masochistic and enjoys punishments, loving when you mark and scratch him up, or edge him till he cries.

But what he really loves when you just ride him soft and slow, moving just fast enough to make him needy, but not letting him cum, edging you both till he’s desperate and pleading to cum.


Turns into the sweetest, vulnerable little kitten. You can always tell when he’s feeling subby from the way he buries his face in your chest or your neck, in both sexual and nonsexual situations. He's just so soft and just wants to be taken care of(pls protect him🥺)

So fucking whiny, but he tries to muffle them, biting his lip and scrunching his face up so hard, he almost looks in pain(until you bite/suck the sweet spot on his neck and he just starts wailing).

Prefers things to be half kinky, half vanilla(the vanilla stuff is always what makes him cum tho)

Like, he enjoys when you’re mean and tease him, but he really can’t handle much degradation, so it needs to be combined with a lot of sweet words and kisses.

Cries so prettily when you peg/breed him.

Is slightly embarrassed at how quickly he cums from thigh riding, hiding his face in your neck as his hips stutter against you.

Needs a fair bit of aftercare to ground him and help him come back down, mainly just sitting and holding each other.


Ooh the range of this boy😍, he's always so bright and eager, and tries so hard to be a good boy it’s almost painful, how could you not reward him?🥺

Loves it when you’re rough with him, wanting you to slap, scratch, mark, and degrade him, etc. He’ll take it all with a smile.

Tie him up and and tease him by making him watch while you touch yourself, his poor cock twitching and leaking with every noise you make(he may have broken a chair from pulling so hard on his restraints)

Absolutely melts tho when you’re soft with him, holding his hands while you ride him, caressing his arms and chest while leaving kisses all over his face.

Loves it when you edge and overstimulate him.

Needs lots of cuddles and praise afterwards, usually falls asleep on your chest.

He's just so cute and needy, literally everything you do turns him on. You’re cuddling? He’s hard. Dancing around the kitchen? Hard. Folding laundry? Hard.

Loves when you do extra little things to take care him or buy him lil gifts, it makes him feel special and appreciated!


Honestly, it takes so much work for him to let go and fall into a sub headspace, but once he does, he turns into such a clingy baby.

Like normally he looks kinda intimidating, but deep down he’s just a giant teddy bear.

You’re gonna need the cuffs for this one, for multiple reasons.

He gets so impatient sometimes and almost involuntarily tries to take over, bucking up into you or gripping your hands/hips to guide your movements.

He literally has to have his hands on you at all times, whether that grasping at your waist hips, groping your chest, or just holding your hands(not letting him touch you in one the biggest punishments for him)

Will actually beg to taste you or for you to ride his face, like he needs to be between your thighs, however brief it may be, or he’ll sulk.

As vocal as he is when he doms, he goes almost non-verbal when he’s really in sub-space, only letting out little whimpers and whines of your name.

Actually prefers looking after you during aftercare to help him come down, needs a fair bit of reassurance afterwards. “Did I do good?”(of course you did, you djehfksjdkwjf)


The best behaved boy. Choke him, cuff him, blindfold him, he’ll take whatever you give him and say thank you🥺

Not exactly a brat, but he can’t resist making sassy little comments to rile you up sometimes when he wants to be punished.

On the flip side, he’s very much a people pleaser and has a massive praise kink, so he needs to hear that he’s doing good and making you happy.(could probably cum untouched from just you petting and praising him)

Lets out the prettiest whines and moans when you ride or peg him

Loves dressing up for you, whether in pretty little lingerie pieces, or a shirt/outfit in your favorite color for date night.

Lowkey sugarbaby vibes. He gets so blushy and smiley when you buy him lil gifts like jewelry or accessories and always makes sure to wear them for you cause he’s your pretty little baby.

Has a slight oral fixation and tends to fall asleep while sucking on your chest, fingers, or even your neck.


Puppy. Just an absolute puppy, like actually call him that pls, he will dissolve.

He is slightly into petplay, but nothing too extreme, mainly just a pretty collar for you to pull him around by or to hold onto while he rides your strap-on.

Definitely has his bratty moments every now and then, but he really can’t handle a lot of punishment, so he’s always super apologetic.

Lowkey voyeuristic, loves the idea of someone seeing or overhearing the two of you together and just how much of a mess you make him.

Dresses up for you, whether that’s lingerie or just a sweater you really like on him(tho he will come to you wearing nothing but that, like a reverse of the ‘wearing their shirt’ thing)

He's surprisingly good at keeping edged and overstimulated, so he can handle and actually really likes long, drawn out handjobs.

Really likes non-sexual shows of dominance from you. Like when you treat him to meals/drinks, or hold onto him to guide him around, it makes him feel cared for.😊


Right on the line between good boy and brat. He likes to run his mouth and challenge you, but once you start doling out punishments, he turns into the softest baby. “I’m sorry Jagi, I’ll be good, I promise. Please still let me cum!”🥺

Super unsubtle and touchy when he’s in a subby mood(tho, he’s exactly subtle the rest of the time either, so), kneading your hips as he grinds against you, pleading softly for you to please come help take care of his ‘problem’.

So fucking squirmy, he can’t keep still even if he tried, hips bucking and twitching involuntarily with every little touch.

He’s just soo sensitive and cums super fast whenever he subs.

He’s very middle ground on kinks and everything. He likes a lot of the harder stuff like bondage and degradation, but he needs some softer treatment mixed in and a lot of aftercare to balance out or else he’ll feel bad.

He actually really loves it tho when you make him cry from teasing and overstimulation.

Lowkey loves when you look after him in non sexual ways, making sure he’s alright and letting your protective side show through.

Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz

Tags :
7 months ago

“Miss You”

Jin x Reader

Summary: You and Jin had always been close, but following his enlistment, you realize that there might be much more between you than just friendship

Word Count: 4.0k(wtf?!)

Warnings: angst, pining, swearing, lil suggestive at the end, not proofread

A/N: A massive thank you to @coffeedepressionsoup for this request and for being so patient with me while I worked on it! This really got away from me, lol, but I really love how it turned out and hope you will too!



"Why am I so fucking nervous?” You wondered to yourself as you sat waiting in your car, glancing around the parking lot of the restaurant in search of the familiar figure of your best friend. “This man has seen me at my worst, he’s not gonna care about my outfit."

But still your fingers found their way back to your sleeve, fidgeting with the fabric anxiously, finding it impossible to get it to sit to your satisfaction.

Dinners with Jin had once been such a common occurrence for the two of you that you would naturally show up at each others places without notice, oftentimes still in work or rehearsal clothes and messy hair.

You and Jin had been friends for years, meeting not long after you first moved to Seoul, and in essence, your relationship boiled down to that you irritated the shit out of each other, but that was why you loved each other. It wasn’t uncommon for you to greet each other with nicknames like “jackass” and “idiot”, or to treat each other to things like ice cream topped with fish sauce instead of chocolate syrup.

Some in your friend group found your dynamic a little peculiar to say the least, but they didn't question it much. The two of you were simply comfortable enough to be your true ridiculous selves together.

For all of your more childish behaviors though, you both knew you could count on the other for anything, whether that was being a shoulder to cry on when you got dumped by your first real boyfriend, or comforting him as he poured out his fears of keeping up with the demands of Idol life. You trusted each other with every version of yourselves, which was quite different from almost every other friendship you had.

Indeed, the only thing you had truly kept hidden from him was the not so small crush you had developed for him over the years.

It wasn’t exactly a shocking development; neither of you had particularly fulfilling dating lives, and you tended to spend most your nights off at each other's places because that just felt easier, more comfortable. You two had even joked together that you might as well date, but it of course never went beyond jokes.

Part of you wanted to be honest with him about your feelings, but it didn’t feel right to dump that kind of information on him when he was already dealing with so much.

What if he didn’t feel the same? Were you really willing to risk one of the most important friendships in your life on a maybe? And even if he did feel the same, which you very much doubted, what would you be able to do about it now that he was going away for over a year?

No, it was much better, much kinder, to just keep things the way they were, and to love and support him solely as a friend.

As the time for Jin to enlist drew closer, your hangouts had taken on a slightly more bittersweet tone, realizing more and more how much you were going to miss seeing each other.

Neither of you spoke about it though, playing it off with jokes about how grateful you’d be to have the other out your hair.

“At least once you’ve left, I’ll be able to watch good tv again.” You’d teased one evening after losing another round of rock, paper, scissors for what show to watch.

“Ha, as if! I bet you won’t make it two weeks before you’re back to watching my picks.” He’d retorted, flopping back against your couch. “Face it, you’re gonna be totally lost without me.”

You’d rolled your eyes, but a tiny voice in the back of your mind feared that he was right.  

But then, the time came for him to leave, and reality hit much harder than either of you had anticipated.

You had thought that perhaps the distance and time apart might help you get over your lingering feelings for your friend, but instead, his sudden absence had just left a painfully obvious hole in your life and left you feeling terribly alone. You hadn’t realized just how much space he took up in your day to day life until he was gone.

Everything felt off balance. Evenings at home, which had once been your favorite, were now dark and dull, dinners quiet and lonely. Your favorite cafes and shops were now far too loud and crowded on your own.

You could tell that he wasn’t dealing with the separation well either, though he tried to keep up his normal cheery disposition whenever you called. But each time, you noticed the way his smiles didn’t always reach his eyes, or that his laughs were just a little more forced.

You tried to keep in touch through text, sending each other your usual memes and updates, but as time went on, the frequency began to slowly lessen more and more.

It was better when you were able to see each other in person, able to pretend for those few hours that almost nothing had changed, but it seemed more and more like the universe was against you having even that. On the days that Jin managed to get leave, something always seemed to interfere with you seeing each other, whether it was work schedules, family emergencies, or random stomach flus. Last time, you’d only managed to meet up for a quick coffee before he had to leave again.

To your credit though, the two of you never forgot a single holiday or special occasion for the other, sending gifts and trying your hardest to meet around the time of your birthdays.

This was one of those such days, just a week or so past your birthday, that you were currently sat waiting for him to show up.

He had promised to treat you to a meal for your birthday, just like he did every year, so you had picked a place close to his base that you knew you both loved. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a little locally owned barbeque place, but it was where the two of you had met several times before, and it had come to feel like ‘your place’.

Finally, you spotted his familiar figure appear, leaning up against the side of the building as he glanced around for you, looking gorgeous as ever in the golden evening light.

Exiting your car, you half ran across the parking lot, tackling him in a tight bear hug.

“Oof! Hi, Bug.” He greeted you breathlessly, steading the two of you before returning your embrace.

“Wassup, dork.” You said, grinning up at him.

“Yah! I’m a military man now, you should speak to me with some respect.” He scolded you.

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” You snickered, earning an eye roll from him.

“Alright, menace,” He shoved you off playfully. “Let's go eat, I’m starving.”

The two of you fell back into your usual rhythm with each other, swapping stories about work, family, his new friends from the base, the new coffee place near your apartment that you hated, anything that crossed your minds. But throughout the evening, you couldn’t help but notice the strange shift in the air.

Maybe it was the fact that this was the most time that you’d spent together in ages, but the whole evening had a nervous energy to it, almost like a first date.

You caught yourself admiring little things about Jin that you had only fleetingly paid mind to before, if at all.

The way he gripped his chopsticks or spoke with his hands, bringing to mind the numerous times he’d gripped tight onto your hand to keep you from getting separated in busy crowds. You wondered if they felt the same, or had the past year of work made them rough?


You blinked, Jin eyeing you mild amusement.

“You okay? Or am I boring you already?” He asked with faux indignation. 

“No no, sorry.” You shook your head, trying to ignore the sudden heat in your face. Had you been staring at him the whole time? You desperately hoped not.

Then again, it wasn’t just you acting strangely either.

More than once through the evening, you could have sworn you caught Jin staring at your mouth as you’d spoke, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt, drawing your attention to his outfit, noting that he seemed to have dressed up a bit more than usual, just like you had. 

The perceived change in both your demeanors lead to several weighted silences, but there was also an nervous undercurrent of excitement to them, both of you fleetingly meeting the others eye, only to then be caught and left temporarily unable to look away. It was as if you were both waiting, daring the other to address it, but neither of you did.

Inevitably though, it grew too late to ignore, the restaurant around you now nearly empty, the sky outside long turned black.

As you exited the restaurant, a cloud of silence fell over the two of you again, this time though it was more mournful, sensing the impending goodbye, not knowing when you would get to see each other like this again. 

“You’re sure you’ll be okay getting home?” Jin asked softly. “It’s a bit of a drive.”

“Yes Mom, I’ll be fine.” You tried to tease, but the words came out without any real edge to them.

The two of you stared at each other for a long moment, Jin chewing his lip nervously, as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t.

Suddenly, he wordlessly pulled you into a tight hug, something he had done a thousand times before, but something in the way he held you this time made your heart ache, holding onto him a little tighter this time, savoring the warmth of him around you for just a little longer.

"I miss you." The words slipped out before you realized, so small and heavy with heartbreak, drifting away in the night air as you kept your face pressed against the material of his jacket, hoping that maybe he hadn’t heard you.

You felt him freeze for the smallest fraction of a second before his arms tightened around you, hugging you closer.

“Me too.” He breathed, barely audible.

You bit your lip, trying desperately to will away the sudden stinging wetness in your eyes.

After a long moment, you both became of aware of how you were holding onto each other, parting awkwardly as you cleared your throat, looking anywhere but him.

“G-goodnight, Jin.” You muttered hurriedly. 

“Night.” He replied, taking a small step back before giving an awkward half bow. “Stay safe and eat well, yeah?” His eyes were similarly misted over, matching your own.

“Mhm, you too.” You nodded quickly, looking away again.

Feeling your already wavering facade threatening to crack, you nodded and turned away, walking quickly to your car without looking back at him.

The next few months passed relatively quickly, but following that night there had been a palpable shift between the two of you.

Calls began to lessen. Then texts. You claimed work was just really hectic and you were just busy, but it wasn't the whole truth. 

The truth was you were terrified.

Memories of that evening plagued you constantly, as did your accidental confession.

It was just three words, a simple and perfectly innocent statement given the context of your situation, but they had held more meaning than you intended them to, and you could tell that Jin had picked up on their meaning as well, based on his recent, equally awkward behavior. 

Staring down at your phone, you cursed yourself silently, seeing no new messages from him yet again. If the earlier distance between you had been painful to cope with, the new silence was agony.

Why had you said anything at all?! You were sure you must have freaked him out. 

You considered just being completely honest with him and telling him how you felt, more than once you had written out several long-winded texts in an attempt to explain everything, but each time you’d lost your nerve and deleted it.

At a loss, you did the only thing you could think of, which was nothing.

You stepped back, giving him whatever space he wanted or needed, letting him choose how things would move forward between the two of you.

If he wanted to move on and act like nothing had happened, you’d go right along with him. And if he wanted to talk about it… then you’d face that and accept whatever he had to say.

That decision however, had resulted in Jin overthinking things as well.

He had also been replaying that last dinner with you, his mind drifting back to how pretty you had looked, the nervous flush that had crept over your cheeks as you’d talked, the shape of your lips, how tempting it had been to lean in and-

He shook his head, glancing around quickly as he tried to clear his mind, hoping no one had noticed his lack of focus.

“I miss you…” Those three little words had echoed in Jin’s head for days. They were simple enough, but it was something that neither of you had said in the nearly year and half that he’d been gone. Your quiet confession had caused all the feelings that he had been trying to stifle for ages to rise back to the forefront.

Over the course of your friendship, he’d become increasingly infatuated with you, but he’d always pushed those feelings to the side, fearing that you wouldn’t feel the same, or even if you did, that the complications of dating as an Idol would be too much and drive you apart. 

He had thought he was doing the right thing by keeping his feelings to himself, but your words had made him reconsider.

Unsure how to proceed, he had pulled back slightly as he mentally battled with himself.

But then you had started to pull away as well.

Your shorter messages, the sudden lack of interaction, it all made his stomach sink lower and lower with every passing day. 

He shook his head again.

No. He couldn’t take this.

He decided one of the first things he would do following his discharge was tell you the truth about how he felt, and whatever your response was, he would accept. If you rejected him, he would go back to being just your friend and pretend nothing had happened.

And if you reciprocated his feelings-? He wouldn’t let himself think about that, not yet.

Above all else, you were one of his best friends, and he was not prepared to lose you.

Finally, after what felt like the longest and shortest year and half of his life, Jin received his discharge.

The first few days after coming home were a frenzied blur for Jin.

Between meeting up with family and friends, photoshoots, hosting a fanmeet for Army, and various other schedules, he was absolutely exhausted.

In a way, it was wonderful to be getting back into his chaotic, but familiar routine, but the sudden shift back into ‘civilian life’, if one could call it that, was taking its toll on him all the same.

Everything was so loud and happening so fast, all he really wanted was just to find somewhere quiet to lay low for a few days and do nothing.

Wait no, that wasn't quite true.

He wanted to see you.

Since he’d gotten back, you had sent a few texts, welcoming him home and the like, but he’d yet to get to actually see you, a fact that was beginning to make him increasingly uneasy.

He needed to see you, needed to hear your voice, to tell all the thoughts and feelings that he had realized over the past few months. He could almost feel them, pressing in against his ribcage, squeezing the air from his lungs. He didn’t think he would be able to breathe properly again until he told you how he truly felt.

Luckily, he knew he would have a chance tonight at the party his friends were throwing for him.

It wasn’t anything elaborate, just a get together with some of his friends, with food and drinks, as a way to welcome him home.

Despite the fatigue of the past few weeks, Jin was looking forward to it, if only for the chance to see you again.

But as he scanned around the crowded room, he failed to spot your face.

“Something wrong, Hyung?” One of his friends asked, noting his deflated expression.

“Have you seen Y/n?” He asked, still looking around hopefully. “I thought they’d be here.” 

“Maybe they’re just running late or something?” He offered.

Jin nodded distractedly, ducking off to the side and fishing his phone out of his pocket.

He called your number, but was sent directly to your voicemail. He hung up and tried again, with the same result.

“Everything okay? I really wanted to see you tonight…” He typed out quickly, pressing send as someone else’s conversation caught his attention.

"Y/n? Didn’t they say they had a date tonight or something?"

His head whipped around at their words.

"What date?" He asked, slightly more sharply than he intended.

"I dunno, some blind date that Y/n said their work friend set up.” They shrugged.

“Oh.” Jin felt all the energy in his body slip away, like water down the drain.

Everyone's voices faded into static as Jin stood there motionless, feeling as if the ground below him was slowly swallowing him up.

He was too late. 

In all the months of imagining and planning and hoping, he hadn’t accounted for the fact that he might not be given an opportunity to confess, that you would move on before he had a chance. Because why wouldn’t you? He hadn’t given you any reason not to, if anything quite the opposite. He’d stupidly shied away from you in an attempt to spare himself the awkwardness of having to explain himself to you before he was ready, and now it was too late. He’d fucked up… 

In reality, however, you were not on any such date. You had actually spent the evening curled into a sniffly ball in bed, completely unaware of Jin’s numerous attempts to call you as you faded in and out of a cold meds-induced sleep.

It was true that your friend had tried to set you up with one of their guy friends, and while they had sounded very nice, you had politely declined, telling her you appreciated the offer, but you weren’t looking to date anyone at the moment.

You didn’t mention that it was mainly because you were still hung up on your best friend, but no one needed to know that, including the best friend in question.

You’d had every intention of going to his welcome home party, and to hopefully clear up the awkwardness between the two of you, but fate had decided to screw you over once more by having you come down with a cold that day, leaving you an achy, feverish mess in bed.

When you woke up the next morning, or early afternoon to be more precise, your head still slightly wobbly as you checked your phone, you felt your stomach drop as you scrolled through the multiple missed calls and messages from Jin.

You quickly called him back, praying that he wasn’t too upset with you for ignoring his calls, as well as missing his party.

It rang several times, making you worry that he wouldn’t pick up, until you finally heard his voice.

“Hello?” He answered, his tone flat and detached.

“Jin, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see your messages til this morning-” You tried to explain.

“It’s fine.” He stopped you, but you thought you heard a faint sniffle from his end of the line.

“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly.

“M’fine.” He answered flatly, but you thought you recognized that sour tone.

“Are you sure? You sound a little stuffy, you’re not sick too, are you-?” You tried.

“I said I’m fine, Y/n.” He cut you off. “Look, uh, now’s not really a great time to talk, I’ll call you back later, okay?”

“Okay.” You said quietly, heart sinking as the line went dead.

He’d said that he was fine, but his short tone with you had said otherwise. You’d known him long enough to know he was either sick or sulking, and neither of those options sat well with you at the moment.

Before you had fully thought out what you were going to say to him, you were standing outside his door.

He was equally slow in answering the door as he had been on the phone, cracking the door open slowly.

"I was the one who was sick, why do you look like you’ve been through the plague?" You asked wryly, trying to get him to crack a smile, but no such thing happened.

“What are you doing here?” He asked in the same monotone from earlier.

“I came to see if you were okay-”

"I’m fine." He said flatly. 

Oh, he was definitely sulking. It was gonna take a bit more work than you’d initially thought to get him to talk to you then.

"Alright then, what if we-.” You started.

"How was your date?" He asked suddenly, catching you off guard.

"What date?" You asked in confusion.

"The one your friend from work set up.” He said, the distaste clear in his voice.

"Who told you about that?".

"What does it matter? How was it?" He said sharply.

You blinked, staring up at him.

Was that why he was upset about? Not that you missed the party or his calls, but because he thought you’d done so in favor of a date?

"I wouldn’t know, I told them no." You admitted, shrugging indifferently.

He straightened slightly, looking up at you in surprise. "What? Why?"

You hesitated.

You could just say because you weren’t interested, or you could just tell him the whole truth, right here and now. If he rejected you, at least then you would know and you could both move on, rather than slowly ruining your friendship the way you had the past few weeks.

Your hesitation made him suddenly anxious, seeing the conflict in your eyes, afraid to get his hopes up.

"Why didn't you go, Y/n?" He asked again, his voice suddenly low and soft.

It was the same voice that had brought you comfort more times than you could count, the voice that had accompanied numerous midnight conversations. That safe, familiar tone that felt like home.

You realized it was now or never. 

You met his gaze. “They weren’t you.”

His eyes went wide, and for a split second you feared you had made the choice.

But then he was crushing you to his chest, holding you tightly and yet so achingly gently, as if you might shatter in his hands as he pressed his lips to yours.

“I thought I was too late.” He breathed, drawing back just enough to gaze at you.

You shook your head. “I wanted you.”

“Thank fuck-” He closed the gap between you again, kissing you much more firmly this time.

Everything else seemed to fade away, all you could, hear, smell, and feel was Jin. The lingering scent of his cologne, the faint roughness on his hands as they drifted up to cup your cheek.

You hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him and pressing him closer to you.

His hands drifted lower, caressing your waist as his tongue glossed over your lower lip, making you let out a soft whine.

“Is this okay?” He rasped.

“God, yes.” You nodded quickly.

“Jin’s just fine, you don’t have to give me any special names.” He smirked at you.

You shoved him away weakly. “You’re the worst.”

He just laughed, pulling you to connect your lips again.

The sound of voices in the distance suddenly reminded you both that you were still stood on his doorstep.

“Do you wanna take this inside?” He asked “Or am I still the worst?”

“Inside.” You said quickly, giving him another shove, this time propelling you both inside and slamming the door behind you.

@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @classicalelephant @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol @seleneacyoflove

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1 year ago

Accidental Announcement

Taehyung x Idol Reader

Summary: You and Tae’s relationship is revealed to his members in an unplanned, slightly awkward way.

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: suggestive, like one swear, Tae refers to reader as his girlfriend,

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anons who sent both of these requests! I decided to combine them into the same piece, I hope that’s okay. Idk why, but it’s funny to me that I went from not really knowing much about Idol AUs, to having several ongoing series’ of them on this blog!


Requests are open


The backstage area of the music show was always so crowded and noisy that it made it easy for Tae to slip up beside you without anyone really paying attention, catching your hand in his before leaning in closer than nessary to mumble lowly in your ear.

“I’ve got a room to myself tonight, do you want to come over?”

“What exactly are you suggesting?” You asked, casting a sidelong glance at him, a smirk playing at the corners of your mouth.

“Whatever you want.” He replied, slipping a keycard into your hand smoothly before going back to find his members.

You were a bit surprised by his brazeness of the action, the past few weeks apart while traveling with your respective groups having apparently made him a little more needy than usual, though you couldn’t say you minded.

It wasn’t uncommon for you and Tae to slip off to each others rooms when you found out you were staying at the same hotel, but it was usually brief since there was the constant risk of one of the members walking in on you, due to having to share rooms all the time. But having a solo room meant there was no such threat for once.

You slipped down to his room after he texted that the coast was clear, spending a relatively quiet evening together before getting ready for bed, borrowing one of his t-shirts to sleep in, having conveniently ‘forgotten’ to bring your own pj’s with you.

As you wandered back out of the bathroom, you noticed Tae very engrosed in whatever it was that he was watching on his phone.

Out of curiosity, you snuck up behind him and peeked over his shoulder to catch a glimpse at his phone, surprised to see yourself, winking at the camera as you danced earlier that night during the music show.

“Are you watching fan edits of me?!” You squealed, making him jump and drop his phone, which you were quick to snatch up to get a better look.

“Ya! That was just in my recomendations! Give it back!” He jumped to his feet, chasing you round the bed, but you were too quick, darting across the mattress to save yourself from a full body tackle. You tried to make a dash for the bathroom, but were to slow, as he managed to grab hold of your arm and spin you so you were pinned between him and the front door.

“Give me that!” He giggled breathlessly as he wrangled his phone out of your grip.

“I can’t believe it, you’re such a fanboy!” You laughed, equally out breath, choosing to wrap your arms around his neck both for support and to pull him down to your eye level.

“Only because you’re so cute.” He cooed, catching your lips in a teasing kiss, trailing his hands up your sides slowly and making you squirm against him, momentarily lost in the feel of each other that you didn’t hear the sound of his door knob turning.

“Taehyung, do you know where- Yi-ash!” Before either of you could react, the door had opened, resulting in you and Tae falling out into the hallway, landing squarely at Jin’s feet in pile of limbs.

For a moment, you all froze, staring wide-eyed at each other in shock.

“Hyung, I-” Tae started.

“What was tha- whoa.” The door to the room next to Tae’s opened, revealing Jungkook and Jimin now peering out, equally shocked. “Y/n?”

“Hi, guys.” You said awkwardly, hyper aware of how compromising your current position looked. “Uh, Tae, can I get up?” You whispered, snapping you boyfriend out of his daze.

“Yeah, sorry!”

“What’s going on?” Jin asked as Tae scrambled to his feet and helped you up.

“Nothing! We were just-”

“Does Namjoon know about this?” Jungkook asked.

“Know about what?”

“Oh, for shit’s sake!” Tae whipped around to face the leader and Hobi, who had just exited the elevator, trying to hide you behind his back, as if that was going to help anything at this point.

“What is with all the noise?” Yoongi opened his door, blinking tiredly at the sight of everyone standing in the hall for several long seconds before wordlessly closing the door again, deciding against involving himself in whatever scene was unfolding right now.

“What’s going on?” Joon asked, glancing around at his members, eyes widening slightly as he spotted you, wearing one of Tae’s t-shirts and wishing to dissolve into the wallpaper. “Y/n?-”

“Y/n’s my girlfriend.” Tae blurted out loudly, causing everyone’s attention to whip to him, including yours. ”We’re dating, but I haven’t told the company yet.”

There was another pause as that information sank in, before Junkook spoke again, breaking the silence.

“Way to go, hyung.” He grinned at you and Tae.

“Yeah, good for you guys.” Jimin agreed, shooting you both a thumbs up.

“You’re not mad?” Tae asked, glancing at everyone nervously.

“Why would we be mad? So long as you’re careful, It’s your life.” Hobi said encourangingly.

“Yeah, I mean, I would’ve rather not have found out by catching you two doing that-” Jin said.

“We weren’t doing anything!” Tae exclaimed.

“Tell that to the hickey on you neck.” Jimin chirpped, dissolving into giggles as Tae clapped a hand to his neck in alarm.

“Okay, um, we can talk about this later, can everyone just please go back to your rooms before one of the staff shows up?” Joon said quickly, herding the two younger members back into their room.

“Be safe, you two!” Jungkook called, closing the door before Tae could snap back at him.

“Thank you, hyung.” Tae said to Namjoon.

“Don’t worry about it, man, we’ll talk later.” Joon replied, patting Tae on the shoulder before nodding to you. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.” You said, catching Tae’s hand before making your way back to his room.

“Oh, hyung?” Tae leaned back out into the hall to address Jin. “What was it you came to ask me?”

The eldest member blinked for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t even remember.”

Tae nodded. “Alright then, goodnight.” He closed the door firmly, making sure both locks were engaged before slumping against it with a groan.

“Well, that’s not how I planned for that to go.” He said, rubbing his face tiredly.

“What? Telling you bandmates about us, or asking me to be your girlfriend?” You asked, leaning against the dresser as you studied him.

“Both.” He admitted, looking at you apologetically. “I am so, so sorry.”

You shrugged. “At least it was just them and not your manager.”

He nodded before slowly straightening and coming to stand in front of you. “Will you let me fix one of my missteps from tonight?”

“Depends which one it is.” You said, smirking up at him.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked you, staring down at you solomly.

“Hmm.” You pretended to mull it over. “I guess.”

“You guess?!” He balked, making you laugh.

“Yes, you goof, I will.” You relented, wraping your arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss.

“Good, I don’t think my heart could take any more surprises tonight.” He mumbled against your mouth.

“Plus, the guys would be upset.”

“The guys?” He raised a brow at you before hoisting you up and dropping you on the bed. “I don’t want to hear about ‘the guys’ again for the rest of the night.” He grumbled, climbing to hover over you.

“Are you possesive now?” You asked, grinning up at him.

“You’re gonna find out.”

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1 year ago

"I'd make a great boyfriend!"

Jungkook x Reader

Summary: A typically chaotic evening with your best friend leads to a slightly unexpected conversation.

Warnings: swearing, a few suggestive jokes, not proofread

A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I don't quite know where this was going, it kinda feels like the setup for a F2L, but idk, I hope you like it anyway.


Requests are open


Friday nights with Jungkook were one of your favorite things, no more stress about work or school, just you and your best friend trying to beat each other’s high scores at video games or karaoke and marathoning whatever film or shows you were both obsessed with at the moment.

Tonight was no different, you and Jungkook were three rounds into a Smash bros tournament when he slumped back on the sofa next to you after losing to you yet again.

“Agh, screw this, I’m hungry.” Jungkook whined.

“How is that my problem?” You asked.

“You distracted me and I forgot to eat.” He said, pouting at you.

“Your adhd is not my fault.” You replied, getting up anyway with a groan. “What do you want to eat?”

“Hmm,” He thought for a moment before smirking up at you. “You wanna have ramen?”

You shot him an unamused look. “If this is like when you asked me about meeting your cat, I will kick your ass.”

“I’ll just stick with the ramen then.” He replied, also getting to his feet.

Which is how you ended up in your current predicament of cooking ramen at twelve thirty at night, which wouldn’t be that bad if you didn’t have Jungkook who insisted on trying to teach you one of his ‘famous’ ramen recipes.

“This is way too many steps! I thought the whole point of ramen was that it’s easy!” You complained, watching as he chopped veggies for the soup.

“That’s cause you don’t have the creative vision I have.” He insisted, nodding to the pantry. “Can you grab one of the spicy noodle packs for me?”

“Fine.” You responded, familiar enough with his kitchen at this point that you could find them almost without looking.

When you turned back around, he had removed his hoodie, leaving him in a t-shirt that showed off his impressive collection of tattoos.

“Stop staring.” He remarked, catching your eyes on him.

“You should get a tattoo of the Buldak bird.” You suggested, poking his arm as you rejoined him at the stove.

“First of all, his name is Hochi, and secondly, no.” He responded, taking the packet from you.

“Why not? Think of the brand deal, we could get so much free ramen!” You said.

“That’s not how brand deals work. Also who is ‘we’?!” He asked, struggling to open the sauce packet.

“Well, it was my idea, so I should get a percentage of the royalties.” You explained, leaning over to help at the exact moment he finally managed to tear it open with slightly too much force, resulting in a small splatter of the bright red mix to land on your shirt.


“Shit, I’m sorry!” He apologized, scrambling to clean you up. “Here, if I put it in the wash quickly, it shouldn’t stain, let me get you something else to wear.” He said, grabbing his previously discarded hoodie and offering it to you.

You thanked him and quickly ducked into the bathroom to change, tossing your sweater out the door to him before pulling the dark material of his hoodie over yourself, the fabric absolutely swamping you, the lingering scent of his cologne mildly comforting.

By the time he returned to the kitchen, you were already dividing the food out into bowls.

He paused, studying you for a moment before coming to slump against your back in what almost resembled a hug, looping his arms loosely around your middle.

“What are you doing?” You asked, bumping your elbow back against him.

“Giving you affection?” He replied, propping his chin on your shoulder.

“Eww, why?”

“I dunno, you just look cute in my clothes and I wanted to.” He shrugged.

“I didn’t look cute before?” You questioned, side eyeing him.

He groaned. “Will you let me have my moment, I’m trying to like you.”

“Excuse me?!” You asked incredulously.

“I was just testing it out.” He muttered, following you as you moved about the kitchen, tightening his grip to ensure no separation between the two of you.

“Why though?”

“I wanted to see what it felt like.”


“I think you ask too many questions. Ack!” He teased, earning a pinch that made him jump back, releasing his hold on you.

“Just eat your food and leave me out of your weird little fantasies.” You remarked, handing him a bowl before moving to sit at the counter.

“They’re not weird!”

“Sure.” You said sarcastically.

“They’re not! What, you never thought about what it would be like to date me?” He asked.



“Why would I lie about that?” You exclaimed.

“Because Jimin told me you used to think I was cute.”

“That motherf-'' You gritted your teeth.

“So?” He tilted his head at you.

“So what? Thinking you’re cute is different than considering dating you.” You pointed out.

“I’d make a great boyfriend though!” He insisted.

“I’m sure you would be, but not for me!” You said sharply.

“Okay, fine!” He said, copying your tone.

For a few minutes, that seemed to be the end of it as you both ate in silence.

“How’re the noodles?” He asked quietly.

“Really good, actually.” You admitted.

“Imagine having a boyfriend who’s a good cook.” He mumbled, making you drop your fork in the dish with a loud clang.

“Would you stop?!” You whined, making him snicker.

“Oh c’mon, that was a little funny.” He said between laughs.

“When are you gonna let this go?”

“Probably never.” He said with a smug grin.

You rolled your eyes. “Then I’ll just have to start using some of the dirt Jimin told me about you.”

His laughter stopped almost instantly, eyes going wide. “Why, what’d he tell you?”

“I think it’s more fun if I keep you in suspense.” You smirked.


In truth, you didn’t have anything on him, but he didn’t need to know that.

Not yet anyway.

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