After Rain - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

August 2022

🌳We have two old-timers in our garden: an apple tree and this pear. My grandmother planted them when she was young. They have their own therapeutic help for me. Now, when everything is changing very much and sometimes it's not clear what will happen tomorrow, it's nice to come to my parents and see these two trees. They become a "constant" of my world🌳

🌳У нас в саду есть два дерева-старожила: яблоня и эта груша. Их посадила в молодости моя бабушка. Они имеют свою терапевтическую помощь для меня. Сейчас, когда все вокруг очень сильно меняется и порой непонятно, что будет завтра, приятно приехать к родителям и увидеть эти два дерева. Они становятся "константой" моего мира🌳

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2 years ago

Dear stranger,

have you ever cried so hard that you couldn't recognize your voice afterwards? Have you ever cried so hard that you couldn't breathe and was afraid you'd die?

If you have, remember that you have made it another day, week, month and year. You're still here. You're here for a reason. Don't give up. Keep going.

When it's hard, you feel like you want to give up, but what if instead when you want to hide from the world all that could save you would be a hug, a cup of tea and a sweet word?

As I'm writing this, I can't help but wonder what the future holds. We may have a lot of dark days ahead, but the sun always comes up after the storm.

Have you ever noticed how quickly and peacefully the sky pulls herself together after it rains? How the next day the sun comes up and it shines even more beautiful than before?

Each one of us cry, some harder, some much more often than others. Crying is good. I know you think to yourself, that you're weak when you cry, but you're strong. You're strong because after you stop crying, you get up and have to go on with your daily life. Even washing your face and drinking some water afterwards can be a big effort, but it means that you take care of yourself, as you should. It means you're on the right way.

So next time you cry, cry long and hard. After you finish, listen to some healing music, get up from your bed and go to work, to school, take a walk...etc. Tell yourself it'll get better. Because it always will.

If you feel like nothing makes sense anymore, believe me it does. Everything is for a reason, and everything that's broken, has got a cure, a healing. Speak to someone, there are so many people that feel exactly like you do.

You will get through it. I believe in you.

- from a stranger, that feels just like you

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