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Coming soon.
"Given a second chance at life with no possible way of returning to your old life, would you take it? No matter how different, strange, and improbable the circumstances of a new life?"
So, is there more to 1960s international model, Alice Liddell?
There's a long saga surrounding the cover of 'Alice Dying is Simple'. I won't go into the reasons why, simply to say it was bettered. So here it is! This is the one that will be available on the paperback. The The ebook/kindle version will already have it.

Finally approved publication after checking the proof copy. Paperback should be available from online booksellers within a month. The Kindle ebook is already out and available from Amazon. The paperback can be order direct from the publishers (FeedARead- - now).

Hippie Chic (US). Mack MacKinnon photoshoot. California, July 1968 (MYSTIQUE Magazine) Read her story in the novel ALICE DYING IS SIMPLE.
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