Alternative Subcultures - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago



I think I just solved subcultures

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7 months ago
A straight, dotted, brown line divider with a rainbow in the middle.


[PT: Heresypunk]

Heresypunk, a subculture/punk term referring to the acceptance of any and all spiritual and religious practices. No matter one’s personal religion even if pre-established or new, anyone can be Heresypunk.

the belief that all religions and spiritual practices can coexist

acceptance of both pre-established religions as well as neoreligons.

acceptance of those who are not religious but are spiritual.

acceptance of “contradictory” spiritual/religious practices

acceptance of those who practice multiple religions.

acceptance of those who make their own religious/spiritual practices.

against the harm and pain that religion has caused for victims of it, and to be there for those who are hurt.

against force of religious practices and against the misuse of religious foundations for profit.

against the use of religion to justify bigotry (ie: “being gay is a sin”)

Note: This post does not support people who are bigoted towards those who may be, Queer, Alterhuman, Neurodivergent, Disabled, POC, etc. this isn’t for you, fuck you.

(I tried to make a flag couldn’t think of one, if anyone got any ideas feel free!)

[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @imoga-pride (technically not one but eh @blankqueer )

DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!

A straight, dotted, brown line divider with a rainbow in the middle.

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1 year ago

Gonna be honest, my current crust/battle jacket is much the same as what you just described. Not in design; my jacket has a much more streamlined and put together look than most others I've seen. But it's absolutely an atrocious band mishmash, no doubt about it, and I designed it that way. Since I have a place in my heart for each subculture, I wanted my jacket to reflect that. My goal making that crust item wasn't to make something as punk or metal as possible, it was to make something authentic to myself.

Your battle jacket is an art piece and reflection of yourself in addition to a statement. It's a shred of identity. Thus, I have a rapper on the bottom hem of my rocker jacket. He saved my life years ago. He's part of my history. Is he punk? No. Is there a piece of me in his symbol? Absolutely. Also on the jacket is the band that introduced me to metal and the band that introduced me to rock in general. Right alongside an emo artist group that has helped me fight my addiction. I wanted my jacket to be more than a political conversation piece. I wanted it to tell my story.

However messy and embarrassing, I'm sure your old jacket tells a great story. And I'm also sure your wip is gonna turn out amazing!

Can we talk more about the transitional phase between normie and alternative? Because we all did some corny shiz back then. Very poser behavior. And I think we all need to talk about it. Cleanse our souls.

I feel like the "I call myself emo but I don't even understand what that means" starter pack is a tattoo choker, a pair of black plain cross earrings and a band tee for a wildly popular rock band that isn't even really emo like AC/DC or Misfits or something. Or that Nirvana t-shirt, you know the one I'm talking about. If I see that shirt one more time, I'm gonna puke.

It's like you looked around Walmart for anything at all black so you could fit in with the edgy kids at school. It's like those "emo transformation" TikToks but... but this isn't a game to you, this is normal Tuesday behavior. Who is three or four years deep into alt culture and still wearing this outfit? Cuz I wore this outfit when I was probably thirteen... for about a year... never again. Also had a leather jacket that you could not peel off my body. I ran that thing into the ground.

Don't even get me started on how we all labeled everything "emo" that clearly was not- especially music. Who was gonna tell us emo was not a synonym for edgy and sad?

Anyways, I ended up donating those cross earrings to a nearby blossoming baby bat and burned the tattoo chokers a LOOONG time ago. They no longer have power over me. I'm a free woman.

Got any funny baby bat/puppy punk/poser days stories or thoughts? I need this.

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8 months ago

Let's say, hypothetically, I really wanted to get into visual kei (vkei). Where would one such as me start with both music and clothing?

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7 months ago
Punk Paris, 1977.
Punk Paris, 1977.
Punk Paris, 1977.

Punk à Paris, 1977.

Photos prises au Gibus et au Palace par “Belle Journée En Perspective” collectif de photographes reunissant Alain Bali, David Cosset et Jean-Luc Maby

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