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It also feeds into Amara learning to live the world and their places begin to switch. Because now Chuck wants to break the toys while all Amara wants is to protect this beautiful thing she has just discovered. And it would basically how chuck let the darkness consume him while Amara finally stepped into the light and realized that that the darkness isn’t all that she is. But that makes to much sense for supernatural.
amara should have become god
the power that would have, the feminine divine, the reclaiming of energy, transformation, cruel patriarchal puppetry becoming the triumph of overcoming darkness and subjugation and imprisonment
but amara would never have let dean die so instead they grossly absorbed/erased her 🙃
An interesting fallback that the supernatural writers like to use is the "Oh they were siblings" which could be lazy but is also kind of interesting because it unintentionally creates family units that the writers are never interested in exploring but are endlessly fascinating.
And it also creates a situation were Chuck (the in universe writer of almost everything) himself as a twin has never actually been alone, he came into existence and there was already someone else there. He doesn't really understand what it means to be one of a kind in the way something like Jack as the only archnepilm in existence would and you can see it in his work, with everything he creates there is always an accompaniment. Always a sibling. Always part of a set.
They touched on it briefly with the every set of siblings is just a mirror of Chuck and Amara thing. But it’s really interesting to think about because every story Chuck writes seems to be about two siblings and betrayal. Michael and Lucifer his eldest boys locked in an endless finger pointing match of who betrayed who first, destined for one to eventually kill the other, their relationship is practically unmendable but it is undeniable that love was there and in some ways it still is, but it is not enough to save them from their faith. Cain and Abel the first human brothers whose betrayal both stemmed from love but ultimately ended the same. And there’s something to be said about it always being the older sibling doing the killing.
Chuck many different ways through many different siblings plays out his relationship with his own sister. His most dearest twin, who betrayed him by continuously destroying the things he loved and who he is scared to admit he betrayed by locking her away. He writes these stories as if he is trying to understand, trying to convince himself that there was no other way that their story could have ended. And so it is endlessly fascinating that his most favorite story is one about the Winchester brothers. Sam and Dean who despite many perceived betrayals always seem to find their own way back to each other.
And as he watched their story unfold he had to grapple with the fact that maybe that is what siblinghood is. Maybe there is away to co-exist with the being you literally came into existence with. Maybe there will be betrayal but there can also be forgiveness. And that is endlessly fascinating
But that’s just the good supernatural that exists in my head.
Do you think there’s a song that only Michael knows? Like a song so old that even with his perfect memory he can’t remember the entire melody or where exactly he heard it, but he hums it to himself all the time at his most loneliest. And it should bother him this hole in his memory but it doesn’t matter cause Michael’s so hurt and the song brings so much comfort.
Like Michael is the first thing God made that stuck, that wasn’t swallowed whole by his ever loving sister. And there was a moment, just a second, where it was just the two of them. When Michael wasn’t a brother and God was just a father, maybe God would hold him close and hum an unfinished song of creation to soothe him. The only sources of light in overwhelming darkness.
His first son, his greatest weapon.
Neither God or Michael remember this; Michael’s got siblings that need taking care of and It’s been a long time since God was a father.
But maybe in their umpteenth year in the cage, when they’ve huddled together after a particularly bad day, Michael starts humming a half remembered melody and when Adam asks him where it came from as goes the game they play, for the first time Michael confesses he doesn’t know.
And just maybe, on the other side of the plane, when Chuck’s writing a new chapter of his latest novel, deep in thought contemplating the relationships of fathers and sons; he starts humming a half remembered song in response and wonders where he heard it.
Supernatural and First Sons. Something about duty and how it is enforced with violence, and love and it being dispensed as anger.
And how the second child is a victim to it all.
Something about how Chuck at the beginning of it all was a second child, victim to his older sisters love and anger. Imprisoned by the wants and desires she had about his life and the way he was allowed to live it.
The First Child is always right in the end, the second child should have listened, but they are weak corruptible and wrong. Chuck destroys the world, how could he think he could ever build it.
This is the story he has always written. It’s the only one he knows.
Supernatural and First Sons. Something about duty and how it is enforced with violence, and love and it being dispensed as anger.
And how the second child is a victim to it all.
Something about how Chuck at the beginning of it all was a second child, victim to his older sisters love and anger. Imprisoned by the wants and desires she had about his life and the way he was allowed to live it.
The First Child is always right in the end, the second child should have listened, but they are weak corruptible and wrong. Chuck destroys the world, how could he think he could ever build it.
This is the story he has always written. It’s the only one he knows.
nah because wheres the au where after Crowley dies and Rowena gets monologued at not to bring him back Amara walks into hell one day with Crowley in tow complaining about how mean her brother's being and it's just Rowena on the throne staring at them like