And That's It? - Tumblr Posts
i think what’s on a person’s nightstand is very telling so reblog this and put in the tags the things you have on your nightstand
Side A Round 1

Remember, we're voting for the best bait, not necessarily the best ship
Propaganda under the cut:
Chika/Riko Chika and Riko's romance builds up throughout all of Season 1, culminating in this scene. After this scene, the rest of the season is dedicated to Chika's best friend getting jealous over how close these two are. Then in Season 2, the writers decided they wanted to pander to YohaRiko fans so they just decided to throw ChikaRiko under a bus and forget they had a literal love confession scene.
it's fascinating really the lengths that this series goes to bait and then leave the viewers on read for years. The previous gen in LL were baity but Sunshine was where they really started to lean in on the marketing and going "this is the pairing we will focus on but never confirm". For these two, the first single their group released had them as the center of the show and ended the animated music video with them falling asleep together on the bus. time stamp included. Like ok.. alright. And then the anime airs and within the first episode we got Chika calling Riko a "miracle" and asking her to join their group. And in the next episode, Chika goes through all the trouble of helping Riko get her love of playing the piano back and then they have the AUDACITY to end the episode with them reaching out to touch each others hands from the separate balconies they're on during the middle of the night. Chika nearly falls off her balcony for this. We're on Episode TWO. And then there's the fact that the first event in the gacha for this group had them together and their outfits had rainbows on the skirts and the event title was "The night sky knows all" like...... OK......... And then there's like, a gag that Riko buys yuri doujins and one of the titles is like "chin in hand kiss" and you know what these two are doing in the ending theme for the first season?? Time stamp included. The song is also great but like. Insane. And then there's like all the small moments where Riko is calling Chika a weirdo while smiling at her, and they have this inside joke about pretending to be kaiju to cheer each other up. And then the end of the 10th episode has Riko, looking directly at chika, while holding her hands,, while the sun is rising behind them to say "I love you". AND THEN THEY NEVER ADDRESS THIS SINCE. IT'S MADDENING. THE GACHA DOESN'T HAVE MUCH FOR THEM INTERACTION WISE NOR FOR PAIRED CARDS, THEY DON'T HAVE AN OFFICIAL DUET, NO DIALOGUE AT ALL IN THE THREE GACHA STORIES...... LIKE OK....
havent watched it but theres this seriously mega gay 11 minute video on youtube and its like what the hell. genuinely. wait let me look for it. theres like a fight scene and a dance at the same time while romantic music that says lines like “only look at me” plays. umm they also compliment each other and call themselves rivals. things like that. iconic quote: “maya!” “claudine!” “for heroes there are trials…” “for saints there are temptations…” and in unison, “for me there is you!” as they say this there is less than an inch of distance between their faces. btw. its basically a wedding if you think about it. also according to the comments maya gives her soul to claudine?? so tag. you know
You guys don't understand how pissed of I am at the people in my school like bro they keep on shipping people which on its own is like fine like I do it too but they go so fucking overboard like they like last year I was shipped w/ this like really nice guy who I was friends w/ only cuz we walk w/ each other on the way home and shit and like they'd go out of their way to tell us that like "OMFG" J~~~~ YOU AND M~~~ WOULD look so good w each other" and like they had this "ship paper" thing were they would pass around and write on people they ship together and yknow this was originally meant for like cRacKhEaD ships and let me tell you they were like 'oh the dentist Ken guy w his hair gel' but then people started writing actual ships and guess which ship was the most repeated yup you guessed it me and the M guy and like my friends did it in like a jokingly way but that is the sort of friendship we have unlike these randomass bitches who come out of nowhere and be like hey fuck you like it pissed me off and the only way to get the girl who started the entire I ship you guys together sm was to tell her that I ship her w O~~~~ and that was the only way to get her off of my back and like thanks MA~~~~ me and M~~~~ no longer even talk thanks to you like our friendship started to crumble because of people like you by the start of the last term we barely acknowledged each other and I don't think you understand how hard that hurt me he was one of my closest friend also my *ONLY* guy friend and yknow what I'm too afraid to get one now because of people like you everyday I go to school wishing people would stop this most days I would go home nearly in tears because of them and then even when we stopped talking you still shipped us this is not normal this is not "teasing" this is low key bullying just cause when me and M~~~~ stopped talking I was so sad whenever I walk past him in the hallways I grieve for our lost friendship whenever I see him I wait for him to acknowledge me but no thanks to people like MA~~~ a beautiful friendship was lost people always talk about break ups but never losing friends another thing that happened that made me want to even write this is because a girl burst out to tears today because people kept on shipping her w/ this one dickhead and because of this she nearly lost all her friends I'm not exactly sure why but the entire group has some sort of grudge on him which honestly makes sense as he is as I stated earlier a dickhead
So moral of the story stop shipping people in an obvious way
i know this is not the content this blog was designed for BUT i do not care
To the two other people who sent art requests after my latest posts, I'm gonna repeat it (my bad in someway, I should have pinned the post) my requests are closed since Wednesday :"D
As much as I think the ocs submitted were very beautiful, I am already struggling to getting to draw the two last ones, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna add them to the list.
Please don't think I'm mad or anything, I just want to make it clear now. Again, the ocs are awesome, I'm sorry I have to refuse, but I have my limits <3
@tawogloveeeer and @yanair25, your ocs look awesome but no, sorry-
i should pin posts like this shouldn't I...
@average-art-consumer sorry really
Also, my tablet won't even turn on and I can't figure out why, so even if requests weren't closed I couldn't. Even Angel will have to wait for hers probably-
To the two other people who sent art requests after my latest posts, I'm gonna repeat it (my bad in someway, I should have pinned the post) my requests are closed since Wednesday :"D
As much as I think the ocs submitted were very beautiful, I am already struggling to getting to draw the two last ones, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna add them to the list.
Please don't think I'm mad or anything, I just want to make it clear now. Again, the ocs are awesome, I'm sorry I have to refuse, but I have my limits <3
@tawogloveeeer and @yanair25, your ocs look awesome but no, sorry-
put in the tags how long has it been since you got your first phone and how many phones you’ve changed ever since then
anyway pls reblog for sample size 👀
"whats the point of transitioning if you aren't dysphoric” what’s the point of eating a burger if you’re not starving to death. it looks yummy bitch
I’m also interested hearing what exactly the ship is that you based your answer on, if you’d like to share!
(This was meant to be fandom specific but doesn’t have to be. Be free!)