Anders Dragon Age - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Don't Get Him Started, Fenris.
Don't Get Him Started, Fenris.

Don't get him started, Fenris.

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2 years ago

After loosing an important amount of money at Wicked Grace Anders decided he was done loosing at Varric. He started saying all the crazy stuff he did with the HoF, her fears, her weird dreams, and told him about her relationship with King Alistair.

At first Varric was surprised about Anders behavior,but then he was confused and inevitably he asked: why are you telling me this blondie?

And Anders got really close to him when he whispered: because no one would ever believe

Varric: you bastard!!

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2 years ago

Anders tried to understand how Merrill became a blood mage, so he asks her about her people. He regret it as soon as she said I am from Clan Sabrae and... Of course, her stupidity couldn't have come from something else

He stood there grasping that somewhere of Kirkwall lived a bunch of elf who created two of the most reckless and stubborn beings on Thedas.

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Honestly I Still Cant Believe My Most Popular Piece I Ever Did Was This Image Of Anders. By Far The Most
Honestly I Still Cant Believe My Most Popular Piece I Ever Did Was This Image Of Anders. By Far The Most
Honestly I Still Cant Believe My Most Popular Piece I Ever Did Was This Image Of Anders. By Far The Most

Honestly I still can’t believe my most popular piece I ever did was this image of Anders. By far the most cosplayed of my designs too!

and the criticalrole one….well that just went mini viral…

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2 years ago
My Brain Would Not Let Me Rest Until I Made This

my brain would not let me rest until i made this

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2 years ago

Exploring the missed potential of Anders' character

Anders was an interesting character with a backstory and a set of characteristics that would have been amazing if explored further, but I believe his character's potential was tragically squandered by bad narrative choices and poor writing.

Here's a list of how I think his narrative potential hadn't been fully explored:

His name really isn't "Anders" -- it was a name given to him when he arrived at the circle at age 12 and was so traumatized he refused to speak, not even to say his name. BioWare has never revealed Anders' birth name. We also know that he has Anderfels heritage on his father's side, who migrated to Ferelden as a boy. It could have been revealed, through his birth name, that he has some connection to an Anderfels-related plotline: he could be related to the First Warden, or his family could have prominence or influence in the Grey Wardens of Weisshaupt.

Anders is a mage, a Grey Warden, and a host to a Spirit of Justice. This combination of spirit healing (already a rare branch of magic), Blight magic, and a connection to a Spirit of the Fade has never occurred before in known canon. Anders being connected to the mages, the Circle, the Grey Wardens, the darkspawn, and Fade Spirits means that there is a whole world of possibilities to explore with that combination, so many things you could do with his character.

Leveraging off Anders' connection with Justice, a potential key to finding the cure for the Calling could have involved possession by a Fade Spirit. (We already know Fade Spirits are essential to curing Tranquility -- perhaps there's more we could do with that.)

Anders could potentially be a companion to both the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirkwall, depending on your World State. If your HoF didn't die during the Archdemon battle and continued to Amaranthine, Anders (together with Justice) is the only NPC companion who has traveled with both the HoF and Hawke, and is also a potential love interest to Hawke. (Zevran and Isabela also are NPCs acquainted with both the HoF and Hawke, but only Anders has been a party companion for both.)

Anders could potentially be the only known Grey Warden to have met both the Architect and Corypheus.

Anders could have potentially have battled demons in the Fade three times: his Harrrowing, the Blackmarsh sequence in DA Awakening, and the "Night Terrors" Feynriel rescue mission in DA2. Considering these experiences, plus the fact he has his own in-built Spirit GPS in the form of Justice to help him navigate the Fade, Anders has the highest potential to be the one to rescue Hawke/Stroud/Loghain/Alistair from the Fade (if left there in DAI and has the potential to be rescued).

Anders may have political connections to the throne of Ferelden, if Alistair was made King, and was present at and endorsed Anders' conscription into the Wardens.

If your Warden was Mahariel, Anders would have a common connection with Merrill. If your Warden was Amell, Anders could have an extra connection to Hawke, having known their relative. A Warden Amell or Surana could also have an added layer of their relationship with Anders, having grown up in the same Circle together. (Anders just has a lot of connections to famous people and an extensive network that would have made everyone on LinkedIn jealous, is what I'm sayin 😆)

Anders being a prominent figure in the mage rebellion could also have been explored further -- especially in relations to Fiona, who was coincidentally another mage advocating for mage freedom and with a connection to the Grey Wardens and Alistair.

I just think it's tragic that Anders had so much potential -- arguably one of the characters with the most potential in the overall plot -- and yet BioWare squandered all that potential to push their brand of "grey morality".

The narrative and writing could have framed Anders as a heroic character -- it would have been so easy, the chances were right there -- which would have opened up the chance to explore the potential of his character further in subsequent works, but instead in DAI, BioWare doubled down on slandering his character to drive the point home that he was a villain, and closing off further exploration of his character post DA2.

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2 years ago
Sewer Mage Romance
Sewer Mage Romance
Sewer Mage Romance

Sewer mage romance

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1 year ago

me looking for any blogs that post stuff about Anders or Dorian.

Me Looking For Any Blogs That Post Stuff About Anders Or Dorian.

like or reblog so I can follow

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7 months ago

My husband is getting all the best men in RPGs! At first he nearly romanced Gale in BG3, now he said Anders tried to flirt with him in DA2! While I'm desperately trying to flirt with this mage, and he says he cannot, cause reasons. The scandal! XD

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7 months ago
Hawke's Facepalm. Aedre Hawke Is A Rogue And Worked With Mercenaries, But Miner's Jokes Are Too Much

Hawke's facepalm. Aedre Hawke is a rogue and worked with mercenaries, but miner's jokes are too much even for her. Anders' face is 😐

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7 months ago

After playing BG3, DA: Origins and a half of DA2 I have two wizard husbands and an adorably awkward knight.

And of course I think about them the normal amount (Persuasion critical fail roll).

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5 months ago

Dragon Age II is like a Dostoevsky's novel in the form of a videogame. There's a corrupt and rotting city with desperate heroes clutching at their ideas and hopes. Half of your friends are the among the most oppressed. The stakes are getting higher and higher, but there is no way out.

Maybe gamers in 2011 wanted to see some kind of "Game of Thrones" narrative (and a bit more varied experience considering the dungeons), so they didn't see this narrative diamond. It is the best game in the Dragon Age series for me now. And mind you, I've played the whole trilogy this summer for the first time.

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5 months ago
The First Is Gale Dekarios From Baldur's Gate 3, And The Second One Is Anders From Dragon Age II. The

The first is Gale Dekarios from Baldur's Gate 3, and the second one is Anders from Dragon Age II. The meme is based on my totally subjective point of view and does not intend to diminish the beauty of DA2.

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4 months ago

Here's the thing. You're playing an RPG and encounter a wizard. You flirt with the wizard. Yet it is difficult for him to be with you. But if you start flirting with someone else the wizard gets jealous and tells you about it.

Here's The Thing. You're Playing An RPG And Encounter A Wizard. You Flirt With The Wizard. Yet It Is

It happened twice to me, and I find it endearing. Gale of Waterdeep and Anders the Apostate. They are my sexy wizards, and I'm even more drawn to them when they are a little jealous. (but how can I flirt with anyone else?!)

Here's The Thing. You're Playing An RPG And Encounter A Wizard. You Flirt With The Wizard. Yet It Is

Inspired by @dekariosclan's post about Gale being jealous.

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4 months ago
My Dash Tells You Everything About Me. Only I Started DA2 To Kiss This Wizard, Because I Can't Kiss Him

My dash tells you everything about me. Only I started DA2 to kiss this wizard, because I can't kiss him him in Awakening.

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1 year ago
A Little Bit Of Happy Fugitives. Isaac Hawke And The Love Of His Life, Anders

A little bit of happy fugitives. Isaac Hawke and the love of his life, Anders <3

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1 year ago
Blood Mage And Abomination, What A Lovely Couple

Blood mage and abomination, what a lovely couple

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1 year ago
possessedopossum - Possessed Opossum

There is no way Hawke would leave Anders alone. If Hawke is stupid enough to show up at Skyhold while being Thedas most wanted apostate #2, he is also stupid enough to pull something like this.

The most fun part happened when inquisitor met warden Loghain and actual Carver.

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