Varric Tethras - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Replaying A Little Game From 10 Years Ago

replaying a little game from 10 years ago

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1 year ago

Varric Tethras as a character is wild. He calls everyone by a nickname. He writes trashy romance novels. He’s a prolific liar. His family got them kicked out of the dwarf kingdom for rigging dwarven Wrestlemania matches. He has fingers in literally every crime ring in Kirkwall. He lives in a pub. He named his weapon after his absent girlfriend with whom he has a restraining order. He denies his involvement in keeping the wizard police away from his friend’s illegal magic Urgent Care. He’s the mom of the friend group. And he does this all while being four feet tall

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1 year ago
Let Cass Have Her Moment, Varric.

Let Cass have her moment, Varric.

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7 months ago

bioware when we ask them to make varric romanceable:

Bioware When We Ask Them To Make Varric Romanceable:

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9 months ago

This sounded like fun so I thought I'd play.

@rat-pissed, @melodyboffkey, @daemons-main, @boufsy, @saltwaterflower

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2 years ago

After loosing an important amount of money at Wicked Grace Anders decided he was done loosing at Varric. He started saying all the crazy stuff he did with the HoF, her fears, her weird dreams, and told him about her relationship with King Alistair.

At first Varric was surprised about Anders behavior,but then he was confused and inevitably he asked: why are you telling me this blondie?

And Anders got really close to him when he whispered: because no one would ever believe

Varric: you bastard!!

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9 months ago

Honestly something that really affected my view of Varric (and again, I say this with great love for the character) was playing my Terrible Hawke, Emilia, who ends the game an absolute anti-mage fanatic who believes that magic is a curse and it was a blessing that the Maker called Bethany back to His side before she could fall to demons. She is a Hawke who is mainly diplomatic, well-spoken, respected, and absolutely unhinged in her views on magic. She is the Viscount of Kirkwall, and by the time she comes to the Inquisition she's also taken Chantry vows and become an actual templar (after having practiced the discipline off the books for years). She singlehanded kept Kirkwall under Chantry control after Meredith's death. She slaughtered every mage to a one, even the ones who surrendered.

She's Varric's best friend. And he's just as starry-eyed about her in Inquisition as he is about any other Hawke. I love what a deeply unsettling side of Varric that is to see.

She's the best. She's a hero. She saved his city.

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6 months ago

Dragon Age II is like a Dostoevsky's novel in the form of a videogame. There's a corrupt and rotting city with desperate heroes clutching at their ideas and hopes. Half of your friends are the among the most oppressed. The stakes are getting higher and higher, but there is no way out.

Maybe gamers in 2011 wanted to see some kind of "Game of Thrones" narrative (and a bit more varied experience considering the dungeons), so they didn't see this narrative diamond. It is the best game in the Dragon Age series for me now. And mind you, I've played the whole trilogy this summer for the first time.

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1 year ago
Please Let My Dear Old Man Go On A Vacation

please let my dear old man go on a vacation

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9 months ago

The idea that Varric is trying so hard to stop Solas because he didn't try to stop Anders is making me so feral. He didn't try. He just watched as Anders spiraled further and further until it was too late. His attempts were jokes, lighthearted things that didn't reach how far Anders already was

He can't do nothing again.

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8 months ago
Dorian: You know, Varric, I went to Kirkwall once.
Varric: Yeah?
Dorian: Bit of a shithole.
Varric: (in a nostalgic sigh) Yeah…

im not exaggerating when i say i've thought about this dialogue at least once a day since the veilguard trailer dropped

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7 months ago
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years
Finally Doubled-down And Finished The Hot Romancible Varric AU Comic That Won The Poll A Gazillion Years

Finally doubled-down and finished the Hot Romancible Varric AU comic that won the poll a gazillion years ago.

Don’t mind the cheesy narration and dialogue plz, just wanted to finish it once and for all ;A;

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