Angel Number 666 - Tumblr Posts

So who is righteous? The Ten Commandments and Satan/Lucifer!
Satan never worshipped false gods.
Satan need no idols of Himself to be in complete and full POWER!
Satan never murdered anyone.
Satan never stole from anyone.
Satan never beared false witness {lie}.
Satan only covets His Own.
Satan fucks only what is His.
Satan honors His own and includes the young and elders!
Satan keeps birthdays yearly sacred celebrations.
Satan does not say His Name in vain and neither should you!
Who's the Rigtheous One here!?
Hail Satan! Hail Lilith! Hail Me! Hail You!
sonz of Satan unite!
Don't Need To Aplogize For What I Say!
I really make me laugh at a LOT of Satanists when they tell me how they worship Anton LeVey and follow his teachings and call him the Father of Satanism whereas we call him the Father of Modern Satanism and credit is due where credit is due for he did make Satanism more available to the world as one philosophy regardless of his fucked up church. Any way, where was I, oh yeah, I have seen the number of the beast as seen in the book of Revelations as 666. For all these Anton lovers if you ever read some of his other books you will read where he said the 666 of the Christian bible is an INVERSION of Satan's number and Satan's number is 999. Seeing how Christianity inverted a lot we find in Satanism I could not agree with this more! Second the 666 was really a symbol for 661. Now doesn't 9 seem like a better number for Satan seeing how it is the end of all round numbers infinity coming next in sequence. It is like the end of the universe and then the void. Perfect for Satan. Another thing is this, 666 as a trinity is again a Christian symbol as in the Father Son Holy Ghost put in the bible to make Jesus Christ a god which he is not.
Satan arrangement of numbers is 4. For the number 4 represents that which is above the mind which is the number three and the three dimensional world.
Satan resides in the fourth and fifth dimensions, not the third, he rules that realm in the invisible four dimension though he can enter the 3-D world at anytime.
So we use s0s9999 as our honored number for Satan and are not asking you to do the same, we love the uniqueness of it and it is copyrighted by us.
Only the members of the Sonz of Satan can wear it and have the right to wear it to the point that any one not authorized to wear our Honored and Sacred Number of Satan that represents Satan as OUR FATHER in heaven, earth, and heaven is tripled cursed and will be until it it is removed or the person becomes a member of the Sonz of Satan.
I the Prime Mover of the Sonz of Satan use this symbol as a symbol of unity and knowledge that what is written comes from me and Satan/Lucifer. Peace In! Hail Satan! Hail Lucifer! Hail Me! Hail You!
My World
You are the Divine Satan!
I break the ties of mental slavery!
Of unnecessary pain and misery!
I grow in my spirituality! Nothing can stop me!
I am new and original,
I am happy and free!
Satan! You mean the world to me!
Dark God, Dark Lord
Keep me in your
superior energy
and not me not stray!
Hail Satan/Lucifer! Hail Me!
If what you say is true, then who created us? Everything has been created by someone and not everything is capable of evolving in the way that evolution theory suggests humans do. The act of creation is the first thing God was ever known for. So if we were to buy him, then who/what?
Energy was not created it always existed no Creator needed, no God needed. We are eternal energy in human form-not created by some God. God was not capitalized in the original text! Without it god don't seem so big does he? Hail Satan!
Satan is My Higher Power!
“Satan doesn’t actually exist outside the human imagination- just like God, Satan is not a conscious external, independent being, but is the internal personification of a moral code- a construct of our minds to provide character and narrative to a common morality.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are institutions which find power in dictating human morality, regardless of the real-life consequences and without purpose other than increased power and influence. Anarcho-Satanism promotes empowering the individual through the individual’s creative practice of moral judgment, and examining the evident consequences in detail for the purpose of gradual improvements to the overall quality of life. Anarcho-Satanists seek to reclaim the right of moral judgment from God, and entitle the communities and individuals with the self-confidence to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. The God of the monotheistic western religions is evil disguised as good, while Satan is good disguised as evil. As times change and human life evolves, this historic inversion of morality is slowly being corrected.
For hundreds and thousands of years, crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, jihads, imperial colonization, slavery, and all other manner of organized cruelties have been carried out in the name of God. The cover of God provides the justification for the weak-minded and weak-willed to commit the worst atrocities, thinking that they will be forgiven by God rewarded in an afterlife for their mindless devotion.
When Christians Jews and Muslims are no longer able to create an illusion of eternal suffering for those who deny their God, they are no longer able to justify worship of their God as a path to salvation, as there is then nothing to be saved from, except the world which the influence of God has warped and twisted from an ancient paradise into a modern hell on earth.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam would have us believe that God is omnipotent; the source of existence and a benevolent entity, but to be all-powerful and to still allow atrocities to occur could only demonstrate the unjust cruelty of the source of these atrocities. If God had not wanted humans to suffer from rape, murder, disease, starvation, poverty, natural disasters, war, terrorism, torture and genocide, why would God create these conditions? Why would an all-powerful, omnipotent God allow such catastrophes to continually plague humanity? If it is part of God’s plan, then we as individuals must find the inner strength of our ability to reason and rightfully judge the plan as horribly flawed, or as the lack of any plan.
Son of Satan
Only time I can really be free is when I am ALONE! And to this end being alone is premium! I am free! Free to be myself! Don't need your consent or repent, this is what I came here for! Teachers/Preachers blow it out your ass!
Like the Doctor said:

my blood isn't red, he's leopard printed