Spiritualawareness - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

“We must act in a selfless spirit, Krishna says, without ego-involvement and without getting entangled in whether things work out the way we want; only then will we not fall into the terrible net of karma. We cannot hope to escape karma by refraining from our duties: even to survive in the world, we must act.”

—Bhagavad Gita

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1 year ago

One way to acquire abundance is helping others for free. Every cause has its effect. The actions we take today have a way of coming back to us multiplied.

Volunteering as well as sharing relevant information and tools online via social media that helps people elevate emotionally and mentally, makes a difference.

Unconditional love is the highest frequency

Namaste 🙏

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1 year ago

“Keep the body - or keep the mind, and it will keep the body! - in a constructive manner. That is, think the pleasant things, even when the outlook may be the darkest. Do not allow the little things that are hindrances make for irritating, or to hurt the feelings. For naturally the body is sensitive to feelings of others, through the overflow of those activities in the sympathetic system. But know that God is! Know that He protects those who put their trust in Him; that what is necessary will be supplied thee if ye will keep joyous, keep happy, keep in that way of constructive forces throughout!”

—Edgar Cayce

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1 year ago

“Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.”

—Eckhart Tolle

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4 years ago

My Twin Flame is a passionate person but at the time, this person is someone who runs away from deep connections. They are quite rigid in their ways even though they are very passionate. Its like they have an image they have to display to other people. PDA was definitely a no-no!! They are someone who is expressive under the sheets.

They are not being their true self, most everything gets bottled up. The thing is though, they feel it all under the surface, but they hide it all so well. They just cannot fully express themselves.

They keep their boundaries up to show that they are self reliable and don't need anyone else.

Friendships coast on the surface, with nothing deep there. My Twin Flame believes getting close will mean getting hurt. They are very private when it comes to their emotions. This person keeps people at a distance.

My Twin Flame feels very inadequate, they are never the main person in a social setting even though attention makes them feel good. Its their ego rub. They like attention, they have low self esteem and self worth.

My Twin Flame chipped at my ego, wanted me to feel as low as them. Gave me backhanded compliments, for work too. Wanted me to feel worthless.

They were brutal to me. They had weak boundaries when it came to other people and their opinions about me.

You, your heart, were absent even when we were together. You were careless with my heart. You didn't accept it.

They craved attention, to feel good, to get their ego stroked. They went so far as to deceive and cheated with others. They didn't even understand the severity of what they were doing because to them, they were just using words to build their ego and to get their way (yes, control, control, control). To them, there was no physical betrayal. To them, it was all image, it was all a false mask.

This person ended up doing a cut and run. I haven't seen them since, nor have they initiated any contact with me.

Although My Twin Flame wears a mask, even with friends and family, I believe they are trying to heal. Yes, I believe they are currently in healing mode.

I believe they are trying hard to take off their masks but I know toxic energy keeps grabbing at them again and again.

They want to be inspirational and liked but they don't have that for themselves.

They are starting to heal their heart and feel their heart...they don't want to feel emotions.

I feel My Twin Flame starting to recognise the soul connection, our soul connection. That they are awakening to something 'other'. The more they are tapping into this connection, the more they start to realise this connection is more than this life time.

They like living in the past, but, also wants to run from the past.




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3 years ago

You are reborn!

You are reborn!

Enjoy this new place you are in. It doesn't need a name but if it were to have a brief one, it can be called Balance.



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3 years ago

Take the journey to find the universe within you.

Take The Journey To Find The Universe Within You.

The light within me is the same light within you.

The love that I am is the love that you are, the love that we are.

Allow the expansion of your heart.

Allow all the feelings to move through you.

Allow yourself to feel all the uncomfortable feelings and allow them to move through you. Small feelings and big feelings from deep deep within will start to surface. You may not be able to recognise them or identify them yet, but they will rise to the surface and they will be released.

Feel them and breathe. Let it come and let it go. This is the natural process.



GIF: nasa

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