Angry Cat - Tumblr Posts
I moved the remote she was sleeping on, so I got the 'How dare you wake me?' look. Sorry, I just thought it wasn't a comfortable thing to sleep on. My bad
Meeeeow ..... Why are you bothering us .....
convince me there is a difference 😭😭
El cantinero del hotel
Husk es un hombre gato gruñón y que odia la mentira y lo falso , se ve más viejo de lo que realmente es
Simpre se lo encontrá bebiendo
Es agresivo pero más con alastor que lo odia
Odia a alastor
No le cae bien nifty
Es algo depresivo a causa del alcohol
Odia las mentiras
Le cuesta hacer amigos pero le puedes caer bien alguien con el tiempo
Adicto a apostar
Su alma le pertenece a alastor
Primer diseño :
Husk 🍾
The hotel bartender
Husk is a grumpy cat man who hates lies and falsehood, he looks older than he really is.
You can always find him drinking
It's aggressive but more with alastor
hates alastor
Nifty doesn't like him
It is somewhat depressive because of alcohol
hate the lies
It's hard for him to make friends but you can like someone over time
addicted to gambling
His soul belongs to Alastor
First design:
Noom: “Leave me alone, you bastard!”