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recent adventures

I found two new cats :3
The grey cat's name is luna and the dark brown/black one doesn't have an a name
So now I know three local cats.
What if we went and caught moths together and gave them funny little names???
I love moths where would we go tho cause around my house there's only small ones with the occasional gigantic bat looking moth

I don’t know who will read this little caption down here but I know that someone out there is probably comparing themselves to others right. Comparison is the thief of joy. So stop comparing yourself, your art, your music whatever, and go create or do something that makes you happy. You have already come so far from where you have started, give yourself some love.
This is also an Io moth, I love the creatures.
OMG, they're such a silly creaturs!! ( > w<)
What are in your opinion some top most interesting moths? :0
Here’s what’s in my opinion the top 3 weirdest looking moths
The long legged boy

The derby boy 

The goth boy

Bonus chip boy

Portrait- I might turn this into stickers!!

This is Rosa. She is a pug moth larvae. I'm not sure what exact species of pug moth she is. She's my pretty baby ❤️

My re-design of Titanus Mosura/ Mothra for my rewrite/reimagining of the monsterverse Godzilla series, i will talk more indeepth abt her in another post
I… I literally have no explanation. I think I need to go to bed.

Fluffiest moth on the damn planet
{lifts open Chris' lip}

damn canines

also here's a silly gift of moth Chris sketch lol