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9 months ago

Cat gets a shy kiss from adorable puppy

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9 months ago

A bat takes off 🦇

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6 months ago
Behold. Butterfly Ray!
Behold. Butterfly Ray!

Behold. Butterfly ray!

Rory Pros _ •Looks like a tortilla •Flappy •Silly lil dude • Either looks like an adorable little cutie pie or looks like it knows all of your secrets and will blackmail you if you don't give it $50 • They have the coolest fucking skeletons

Rory cons - • Will blackmail you if you don't give it $50 • Literally nothing else this lil guy is so silly and I love it Actually Serious Rory talking abt an animal time - Butterfly Ray! Pretty sure they're Japanese, correct me if I'm wrong in the replies or repost. They don't sting, and they get big as fuck I'm I'm not mistaken (googled it, yea they're like 13 feet wide (3.9624 metres), and they're just chill dudes. they also bury themselves in the sand which I think is cool. like a little tortilla burying itself in the sand is just unnecessarily cute to me and I love it sm. they eat fish, crabs, squid, shrimp. all good shit that i'd eat too tbh, so diet gets Rory approval (everything about this lil guy gets Rory approval what am I on abt). they're critically endangered tho (at least in the southwest Atlantic) because humans suck and fish for them. hopefully they won't go extinct :( Anyways that's the butterfly ray, hope you enjoyed me talking about random silly animals that I found on the interwebs. good day my fellow earth citizens, good day.

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6 months ago
Hydrosaurus. Look Gang If I'm Being Real With You I Think They Missed A Dinosaur. C'mon Asteroid You
Hydrosaurus. Look Gang If I'm Being Real With You I Think They Missed A Dinosaur. C'mon Asteroid You

Hydrosaurus. Look gang if I'm being real with you I think they missed a dinosaur. c'mon asteroid you had one job Rory pros - • Is a Dinosaur and you cannot convince me otherwise • They're so fucking pretty • Look how big they get • Is it a Dragon or a Dinosaur, we will never know. Rory cons - • Could possibly be plotting to kill you in your sleep Actual Rory talking about an animal time - Hydrosaurus! Look at them! not as silly as the butterfly ray but they're still really fucking pretty. They're also known as the Sailfin dragon, which imo is the coolest name any lizard I've seen has had. save some badassery for the rest of us please. The Google states that they're 'omnivorous; devouring whatever animal it can overpower plus consuming a variety of vegetation and fruit.' which only further enhances my theory that they're plotting to kill you in your sleep. 'cause like, if you're awake obviously not, but I feel like maybe if you're asleep, suffocate ya' with them lil grabby hands and the blanket? idk what I'm on about but be warned, murder by Hydrosaurus is quite a serious cause of death my friends. honestly I expected them to be bigger, like wasn't thinking as big as butterfly ray but a bit bigger than their actual size ig. they're like 3ft long, which is still huge for a lizard but I kinda was expecting bigger in my head? probably because I can't envision the ray being bigger than this guy. They're kinda aggressive, and relatively asocial. but for some reason they're buddies with iguanas that are bigger than them? lil confusing to me but whatever floats your boat lil dragon-dino dude. Hope you enjoyed Rory ranting about another animal they thought was cool on the interwebs, until we meet again.

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