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Завораживающая красота косаток. The mesmerizing beauty of killer whales.

Косатки являются самыми крупными представителями семейства дельфиновых. Порой косатки достигают длины в 10 метров и веса в 6-7 тонн. Зубы у косаток вырастают до 11-13 сантиметров в длину. Окраска косатки представлена двумя цветами, то есть черным и белым. Белым цветом у нее окрашено горло и живот, а черным – бока и спина. В северной части Тихого океана можно встретить косаток альбиносов и косаток меланистов (полностью черных), но это уже является следствием генетического отклонения.
Косатки являются хищниками высшего порядка, то есть никто из животных в дикой природе не охотятся на них. Они могут охотиться даже на крупных китов и акул. В сутки взрослой особи требуется 100-150 килограмм пищи. Иногда косаток называют «морскими волками», так как они предпочитают охотиться группами, как стаи волков. У косаток есть свой «язык», а особи из разных групп имеют свой диалект, если можно так назвать спектр звуков, которыми они обмениваются для общения. Косатки — животные социальные. Они предпочитают сосуществовать небольшими группами, связанными семейными узами. Иногда численность групп косаток может доходить до 40-50 особей.
Косатки обитают во всех океанах и в большинстве морей от экватора к полюсам, в разных по температуре водах. И придерживается диапазона в 800м. от берега. А еще косатки могут развивать скорость до 50 километров в час. При этом сердце косатки бьётся под водой вдвое реже, чем на поверхности. Средний период жизни этих удивительных созданий составляет от 50 до 60 лет.
Killer whales are the largest representatives of the dolphin family. Sometimes killer whales reach a length of 10 meters and a weight of 6-7 tons. The teeth of killer whales grow up to 11-13 centimeters in length. The color of the killer whale is represented by two colors, that is, black and white. Her throat and belly are painted white, and her sides and back are black. In the North Pacific Ocean you can find albino killer whales and melanistic (completely black) killer whales, but this is already a consequence of a genetic deviation.
Killer whales are apex predators, meaning they are not hunted by any animal in the wild. They can even hunt large whales and sharks. An adult requires 100-150 kilograms of food per day. Killer whales are sometimes called "sea wolves" because they prefer to hunt in groups, like packs of wolves. Killer whales have their own “language,” and individuals from different groups have their own dialect, if you can call it that, the range of sounds that they exchange to communicate. Killer whales are social animals. They prefer to coexist in small groups connected by family ties. Sometimes the number of killer whale groups can reach 40-50 individuals.
Killer whales live in all oceans and in most seas from the equator to the poles, in waters of different temperatures. And sticks to the 800m range. from the shore. Killer whales can also reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the killer whale’s heart beats half as often underwater as on the surface. The average lifespan of these amazing creatures is from 50 to 60 years.
Источник: https://t.me/+E4YBiErj0A8wOGUy, ://pichold.ru/zhivotnye/morskaya-kosatka-50-foto.html, /pichold.ru/zhivotnye/morskaya-kosatka-50-foto.html, /klike.net/10098-kartinki-kosatki-100-foto.html, dzen.ru/a/YdlVwOvfZmBLhOWs, lookw.net/animals/page,3,28-kasatki-i-kity-80-oboev.html.
Just in case my fellow lotr fans didn't know, there's 2 wild orcas in Iceland called Boromir and Faramir, and since they are often seen travelling closely together its possible they're brothers


Its worth mentioning there's also orcas called ulmo, angmar and aragorn that are seen around Iceland (idk if they were named because of lotr but theyre still technically lotr names so I'm counting it)

i saw orcas while at the beach today and im getting a few books soon. im very happy

“Calls” 2015 Mixed media This was done as an exploration of representing the vastly different ways in which killer whale ecotypes in the eastern north pacific use sound. Their complex and mysterious languages sound very different between cultures, even to the untrained ear. I wanted to visually represent how the southern resident killer whales can fill the underwater world with sound, continuous bands of calls that ring through the waterways and bounce off nearby islands, illuminating the dark with their voices. Biggs’ killer whales on the other hand use their calls sparingly, probably to avoid being detected by their marine mammal prey. When they do call to one another, the sounds are clear, crisp, and decisive, not allowing themselves to belt out the cacophony of sound that resident killer whales sometimes do. That being said, there are times when Bigg’s killer whales call very loudly and rapidly to one another, particularly when they are in multi-family groups socializing. This is a generalization of their call types, ideally these images would be viewed with audio recording layered overtop, projected on a large screen. I have created a youtube version here: https://youtu.be/UX9Ir3jUXj4 And as in all my killer whale related works, I have depicted each whale as accurately as I can. The first image is of the K14 matriline (K14 “Lea”, K36 “Yoda”, K26 “Lobo”, and K42 “Kelp”), and the bottom is T20 “Kwatsi” and T21 “Pandora”.

Dimitri Sirenko, “Faith and Fate”, 2020 Oil on canvas, 60 x 91cm

Carving, wip, a little preview of the next block

The behemoth

making an honest effort to learn how to use gouache, here’s my whale + shark studies
Orcas are just aquatic pandas that are actually smart, and uses those smarts to commit war crimes

Man. here's a rambliNg f\uckin posT about grecking on my eggs on this bitch ass earth. Here goess a motherfucking rambling ass piece of my thicc ass Egg care guide: First off, you gottA mqke sure