Anti Gwen Stacy - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Giving an example because I saw another reblog from the same lady but it got banned, I am Native American but my white grandpa adopted my mom. We still go to our cultural events and see family, and my grandpa always faces discrimination from my bio family and family friends. My grandma who’s half native and half white faces even more because of the r4p3 her mother went through and they blame it on her. Racism goes all around

”gwiles haters are racist!!”

you can’t be racist to white people. Glad that cleared that up for you🩷 much less a cartoon white woman, she cannot experience prejudice or racism.

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6 months ago

How do you feel about flowerbyte and ghostflower? (Miles x Margo) and (Miles x Gwen)

Tbh it’s hard for me to be invested in anything to do with Margo because she’s just unfortunately another ATSV character that we see so little of.

Therefore, purely off the fact that I know so little about her, I’m not sure if I can say I actively ship Flowerbyte. In the face of Ghostflower however? I root for Flowerbyte all the way 🫡

As I’ve said before, I’m not here to debate or hurt feelings. With that said, as I’ve also stated before, man oh man I do not like Ghostflower :((

We truly do not see enough of Gwen and Miles in my opinion for romance to be established. Friends? Sure! Absolutely! Give me a main character pair of male female friends where no romance happens cause god we don’t have enough media of that! But romance? I wholeheartedly do not buy it, especially on Gwens end. Miles? Sure, he’s a silly teenage boy, I can see him falling easily, but definitely not Gwen.

Thanks so much for the ask though! I super appreciate it and would love to answer more!💕

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6 months ago

I wanna get into Flowerbyte so baaad!! Their vibes together are so good!! It’s just hard when I know so little about Margo. Perhaps I should look into some fanfic of them to read? 👀

Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf
Flowerbyte Is Better Idgaf

Flowerbyte is better idgaf

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6 months ago

Yeeees yes yes yes to all of this!!! I’m for Gwen being happy but man she doesn’t need a relationship rn 😭

How do you feel about flowerbyte and ghostflower? (Miles x Margo) and (Miles x Gwen)

Tbh it’s hard for me to be invested in anything to do with Margo because she’s just unfortunately another ATSV character that we see so little of.

Therefore, purely off the fact that I know so little about her, I’m not sure if I can say I actively ship Flowerbyte. In the face of Ghostflower however? I root for Flowerbyte all the way 🫡

As I’ve said before, I’m not here to debate or hurt feelings. With that said, as I’ve also stated before, man oh man I do not like Ghostflower :((

We truly do not see enough of Gwen and Miles in my opinion for romance to be established. Friends? Sure! Absolutely! Give me a main character pair of male female friends where no romance happens cause god we don’t have enough media of that! But romance? I wholeheartedly do not buy it, especially on Gwens end. Miles? Sure, he’s a silly teenage boy, I can see him falling easily, but definitely not Gwen.

Thanks so much for the ask though! I super appreciate it and would love to answer more!💕

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6 months ago

I don’t call myself a Gwen Stacy hater. Through everything about her that pisses me off, I can’t find myself able to use the word hate for her. I have my moments when I like her, and even partake in the occasional gwenposting myself from time to time.

With that said however…I do hate some Gwen Stacy defenders, some of them defend her too hard.

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6 months ago

“yOu pEoPLe cAn’T hAnDLe cOmPLeX cHaRaCtErS!”

Or, or, hear me out, we can acknowledge and appreciate that characters are complex and still hate them and be upset about their actions

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6 months ago

Beautifully worded; overall I think they just fumbled Gwens character so hard in ATSV ://

Tbh I think i just realized my biggest issue with Gwen in spiderverse it’s not just because she’s kinda mean but it’s because SHES THE DEUTERAGONIST! and to me making her the deuteragonist was terrible choice that damaged good majority of the movie when other characters like Peter,Miguel and Ben or even Jessica would’ve been more interesting and had a much better impact on the movie as whole but Gwen to me really doesn’t and it’s why the Gwen scenes felt so unnecessary for me because they feel JUST there instead of a part of the movie

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6 months ago

I think the idea of Miles being “betrayed” by Gwen, Peter, and Peni is really interesting to think/talk about

I personally feel that when it comes to betraying someone, there has to be intentionality behind it; if it wasn’t intentional, then I don’t think betray is the appropriate word to use for it (granted I’m no dictionary, that’s just what I think)

What happened with Gwen and the others was unintentional; they were in an incredibly tight and uncomfortable place in regards to Miles and Miguel (being friends with Miles and wanting what’s best for him, and working for Miguel and not wanting to disobey him because they think/thought that he knows best) and I don’t disregard that at all

So did they betray Miles? No, I don’t think so. But, does Miles feel betrayed by them and their actions? And is he valid for feeling so? Absolutely yes to both of those things

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6 months ago

“yeah i just feel the way gwen was towards miles wasnt okay-”


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6 months ago

Serious little add on, I am so sick of being told “get back to me when you’ve been through x, y, z,” as a response to critiquing a fictional character on the internet.

You do not know me and you do not know what I have been through, and I feel that is such an incredibly rude internet norm. Idk, I might just be cranky and sleep deprived :/

“yeah i just feel the way gwen was towards miles wasnt okay-”


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5 months ago

Hate when the Gwen Stacy stans are like “i stand with my canceled wife shes just a girl” NO SHE IS NOT she is a deeply hurt and traumatized individual who severely needs help and therapy so that she can stop unintentionally hurting and getting unhealthily attached to the people she cares about in her life

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5 months ago

I’ve expressed this before in my pinned post, but I wanna make its own post for this;

It’s so disappointing for Gwens character that she “falls in love” with the first guy she befriends after swearing off friends. Genuinely hoping to see her heal and evolve from her unhealthy attachment to Miles in btsv

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5 months ago

lmao is there a problem with me starting to follow you and being a ghostflower stan?? i agree with some of the things you say, and I find it interesting to see what you post!!

btw idk how to speak proper english i am using google translate grrahahhbyee

Hiii this was such a nice ask of you to send and I really appreciate it! I’m so happy that you like my think pieces. As long as you’re respectful and don’t start inflammatory/heated debates or arguments with me, you’re more than welcomed on my page! Though asking questions and having genuine discussion is not only welcomed but highly encouraged

Sometimes I might be silly and be like “I hate Gwen/Ghostflower shippers they are so so dumb” just as a way to vent my frustrations in the little safe-space I’m carving out for myself, but really, I don’t want to hate/am not prideful in the fact that I do. I just enjoy critiquing and really analyzing the negative traits of her and the ship when few other people seem to

Thanks again for the ask and welcome aboard my stupid blog! And don’t worry about your English, you’re doing great👍

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5 months ago

i could make some very inflammatory statements comparing these two characters and how one, despite coming from a different time, was a much better representation of a traumatized teenage girl…but i think i will not, ill be well-behaved today

I Could Make Some Very Inflammatory Statements Comparing These Two Characters And How One, Despite Coming
I Could Make Some Very Inflammatory Statements Comparing These Two Characters And How One, Despite Coming

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5 months ago

Should Gwen be with Miles in the end? If not, then please state your reasons. (I don't think she should honestly.)

Hi! Thank you so much for the ask, and on one of my very favorite subjects!! For this, I’ll be focusing specifically on the in-story reasoning I have, and not talking about how I feel narratively they weren’t set up correctly (I definitely have posts on that as well lol)

My two biggest points are as follows (in no particular order)

1. Gwen is not mentally well right now and one of the last things she needs is a romantic relationship. She has a lot of work she needs to do on herself before she could ideally get into a healthy one, especially with Miles, as during their time apart they both idealized and put one another onto pedestals that neither could really nor should live up to. Rose-tinted glasses and all that.

2. Miles trust in Gwen has been undoubtedly broken by the events that unfolded at the Spider-society. Yes, it wasn’t entirely Gwens fault, and yes she didn’t actively betray him, but Miles still reaped the consequences of her actions against him and I’m tired of people not recognizing that.

And a 3rd point for funsies, I just personally don’t buy them working as a couple. Friends? Yes absolutely! I love friends! But their personalties as a couple? Eh :/ and that’s not even getting into Gwens lack of boundaries.

Thank you so much for the ask, and I hope you have a lovely October day!

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5 months ago

those gwen stans scare me fr; doing all that for a mid/forced ship? insane 😭

No because i do not get why Gwen stans of all people hate Margo😭I mean i KNOW why(misogynoir)but it makes zero sense because Margo wasn't even mean to Gwen when she pulled that leash shit on Miles and makin' her a bitch is crazy because if anything she's TOO nice.Every day i wish biblically accurate angel Gwen(lightskin biracial afrolatina Gwen)was canon so snowbunnies and picks mes wouldn't stan her and then i could be a Gwen kinnie in peace and see more Ghostbyte/Pink Emulator(/sisterly name i gave them).On a lighter note i have some Margo hcs:She's from bronx,a bookworm,has pink as a special interest,is transmasc genderfluid but so femme she dosen't wanna physically transition and uses she/he/they/sparkle/pix/strawb pronouns,she's fat,know as 'the loser girl' at school and her favorite food is loaded chili fries!!

YESS OMG like I was so mad when people would be sitting there making jokes about Gwen killing Margo cause “she was all up on her man” like yo, get a grip, Margo was just being nice and they was havin a lil cute cute moment then Gwen had to come and make it a problem 😭 like biblically accurate gwen would fix so many problems oml but her and margie would be besties <3

I hate Gwen’s stans so much because they literally want gwen to hurt margo for no reason and act like gwen is a better choice for miles with no evidence like just say you hate black love and move enough cause miles and Margo is more interesting to me than romantic Gwen and miles, they just friends besides how you gonna date somebody you hardly know fr? 🤔

but anyway, those hcs are so cute, I personally hc her to be from my state, virginia cause a lotta haitians move here n yeah besides it’s so beautiful hehe ^_^

she games while watching the go home thingy? and I love this one hc I saw of where they was like she makes copies of herself to avoid meetings, it’s priceless! I hc her gender identity to be genderfluid cause yes yes, I honestly really felt so happy when I saw Margo cause of her tooth gap, everybody wanna talk about gwen’s but margo’s is super !!! I love drawing her gap even though it’s been a good minute since I’ve drawn her, but that’s literally my wife y’all !!!! fat Margo makes the world go around because black women do n like yes >:)

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5 months ago

It’s giving unhealthy attachment that she needs to heal from…👀

Can we all agree that Gwen was jealous in that scene?

Can We All Agree That Gwen Was Jealous In That Scene?

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5 months ago

God im hoping they’ll be better than that 😕

There’s only 3 things that’ll make me like btsv

1. Miles not accepting anyone’s apologies

2. Tiana Toomes introduction

3. FlowerByte canon canon canon confirmed

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