Im Spiderman - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Well it’s because… I’m spiderman 😞

why can't i be spiderman what the hell this shit rigged

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10 months ago


I lowkey like how Peter kept doing dumb shit even after the whole "with great powers comes great responsibilities" because it's peak teenage behavior. Like he is genuinely trying but the lack of commons sense will get him in trouble you know?

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10 months ago

Like I always say I was born in the wrong generation (I was meant to be a loving mother traveling with my tribe before the colonizers came) but also like… we have spiderman?? What would I do without spiderman?..

I Love Them Sm Your Honor

i love them sm your honor

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10 months ago

Me everyday.

Never been more sleepy in my whole life but I promised I was going out with a friend this afternoon... God please stop giving me your hardest battles.

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10 months ago

Melanie Martinez 🔛🔝






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10 months ago


'whos your favourite Spider-Man?'

All. Of. Them.

When I say I love Spider-Man I mean I fucking LOVE Spider-Man, what about Spider-Woman you ask? I LOVE ALL OF SPIDER-WOMAN TOO!! I LOVE EVERY SPIDER SUPERHERO!! THEY'RE MY SILLIES!!

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9 months ago

People hate on her so much, even though the decisions she made were decided by Miguel. AND SHES LIKE 15!! It’s scary to disobey an adult, especially in a ‘society’ that she is in, she could’ve gotten kicked out. And that’s where she felt accepted, she didn’t wanna get kicked out.

Stop hating my baby Gwen 😡😡

Stop Hating My Baby Gwen

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8 months ago

Giving an example because I saw another reblog from the same lady but it got banned, I am Native American but my white grandpa adopted my mom. We still go to our cultural events and see family, and my grandpa always faces discrimination from my bio family and family friends. My grandma who’s half native and half white faces even more because of the r4p3 her mother went through and they blame it on her. Racism goes all around

”gwiles haters are racist!!”

you can’t be racist to white people. Glad that cleared that up for you🩷 much less a cartoon white woman, she cannot experience prejudice or racism.

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8 months ago

Whoever had the idea for Luis to die deserves nothing good in life.

just want to remind everyone that Krauser threw his knife directly into Luis’s spine. I mean clearly he aimed to kill. (srry for bad quality pic)

Just Want To Remind Everyone That Krauser Threw His Knife Directly Into Luiss Spine. I Mean Clearly He

but what’s more is that very rapidly you lose function of your nerves if that happens, eventually becoming paralyzed (at least partially; ie. everything below the wound) from such damage to the spine.

Just Want To Remind Everyone That Krauser Threw His Knife Directly Into Luiss Spine. I Mean Clearly He

That’s why it’s so devastatingly impressive and powerful that Luis was able to muster up the last of his strength and force his hand to shoot at Krauser-hitting directly at his knife that would have killed Leon.

as he’s shooting, Luis is leaning against something, unable to stand on his own, and after Krauser leaves, and he falls to the ground he sounds very pained. His body looks to be stiff and his arms fall limply. Shooting Krauser to save Leon was not an easy thing to do. But very obviously it meant a lot to Luis to be able to do it. Perhaps even one final concrete good thing. Even if it was right before his life ended.

of course this is also why Luis can’t properly use his lighter and needed Leon to do it for him. after his hand trembles and he drops the lighter, we do not see him move his body for the rest of the scene. (that wasn’t included in the above clip sorry but you can find it)

to me this is why this scene is one of the most potent in RE because holy shit,,when you rlly think about what it meant for Luis to be able to save Leon, and what it meant for Leon to light his cigarette for him,,,capcom when i fucking get you

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7 months ago

I am the other 9.

If Resident Evil 6 Had Only 10 Fans I'm One Of Them

If Resident Evil 6 had only 10 fans I'm one of them

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